The Worst President in history has been reelected

Obama's a socialist; a marxist; death panels; he's a Kenyan; not one of us; wants to raise taxes on the middle class, etc.

I'll stop there. You get the message.

You want me to list legitimate criticisms of Obama?

Wow, you almost sound like you're getting PAID to talk him down.

If that's true, I want to know who is paying you?

-- Paravani
No one has to be paid to disagree with Obama. :lol:

True that! Unlike his constituency, some of us don't need to be bribed or bought off.
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You think you won something, Shit for Brains. You are running out of road. We all lost, and that is the truth of it. Great misinformation and smear campaign though. I'm sure Mao and Lenin approve.

No chance. Mao and Lenin would be horrified that Comrade President Obama didn't murder all his oponents, put all registered Republicans in the FEMA work camps and outlaw the Republican party all together. But do keep slugging away with the obvious and ridiculous lies. 2016 is on the way and we need as many lies as the Republicans can dream up.

Hey, Oblamer has four more years. Mao and Stalin may not be disappointed yet. But, unlike in Mao's and Stalin's case, Oblamer can TRY to murder his opponents, put all registered Republicans in FEMA work camps and outlaw the Republican party all together. Doubt he'll succeed...though.

Nope. If those were his plans he wouldn't sweat out an election, his Brown-shirts would have been out murdering the next day.

Nice try.
It still makes me chuckle to think about how flabbergasted republicans continue to be that Obama, the worst president ever in their eyes, was able to achieve such dominant support across the geographic landscape to give him an electoral college victory of that magnitude. The republican message didn't resonate... and more importantly, the electorate has changed and gotten more colorful, and that just doesn't bode well for the GOP's future... unless they ditch the wackos and try to actually come back to the table and participate in governance. Personally, I hope they don't.
It still makes me chuckle to think about how flabbergasted republicans continue to be that Obama, the worst president ever in their eyes, was able to achieve such dominant support across the geographic landscape to give him an electoral college victory of that magnitude. The republican message didn't resonate... and more importantly, the electorate has changed and gotten more colorful, and that just doesn't bode well for the GOP's future... unless they ditch the wackos and try to actually come back to the table and participate in governance. Personally, I hope they don't.

It really highlights how out of touch they are

They have heard nothing but FAIL, worst president ever, socialist, unqualified for the last four years. So much that they not only believe it without question, but they think the rest of America believes it

That is why they were so shocked last Tuesday
No chance. Mao and Lenin would be horrified that Comrade President Obama didn't murder all his oponents, put all registered Republicans in the FEMA work camps and outlaw the Republican party all together. But do keep slugging away with the obvious and ridiculous lies. 2016 is on the way and we need as many lies as the Republicans can dream up.

Hey, Oblamer has four more years. Mao and Stalin may not be disappointed yet. But, unlike in Mao's and Stalin's case, Oblamer can TRY to murder his opponents, put all registered Republicans in FEMA work camps and outlaw the Republican party all together. Doubt he'll succeed...though.

Nope. If those were his plans he wouldn't sweat out an election, his Brown-shirts would have been out murdering the next day.

Nice try.

Nope. He needed to be re-elected. Can't get re-elected if you're having your brownshirts murdering people. They were too busy setting up the election. Now that they've got some free time...who knows?
Hey, Oblamer has four more years. Mao and Stalin may not be disappointed yet. But, unlike in Mao's and Stalin's case, Oblamer can TRY to murder his opponents, put all registered Republicans in FEMA work camps and outlaw the Republican party all together. Doubt he'll succeed...though.

Nope. If those were his plans he wouldn't sweat out an election, his Brown-shirts would have been out murdering the next day.

Nice try.

Nope. He needed to be re-elected. Can't get re-elected if you're having your brownshirts murdering people. They were too busy setting up the election. Now that they've got some free time...who knows?

No way. He should have abolished Congress and the Supremes. Ruled by decree. No need for another vote. The people spoke. If you don't like it, it's off to the FEMA Camps with thee. Wheee....

But I am glad to see someone with a sense of humor on the right. :eusa_clap:
It still makes me chuckle to think about how flabbergasted republicans continue to be that Obama, the worst president ever in their eyes, was able to achieve such dominant support across the geographic landscape to give him an electoral college victory of that magnitude. The republican message didn't resonate... and more importantly, the electorate has changed and gotten more colorful, and that just doesn't bode well for the GOP's future... unless they ditch the wackos and try to actually come back to the table and participate in governance. Personally, I hope they don't.

What makes me chuckle is that there are so many gullible, naive and ignorant morons of which this charlatan can pull the wool over their eyes.

Further, your notions that the electorate has changed to some drastic measure? Give it a rest. The electorate is essentially much the same as it has been since at least 2000. It isn't like your punk-in-chief won by 75% to 25%...goof. Additionally, you forget that electorate which chose not to vote and that electorate who could have registered to vote, but didn't. And, you have no idea as to how much it has changed. But, you can keep trying to make more of this than it really is and keep dreaming but, that's all you've got.

See, if we take a look at the following county-by-county maps? One can clearly see things really haven't changed that much and that, in fact, Democrats lost ground in this election compared to the 2008 election. Look at the big chunks of California you lost as compared to 2008. Looks like you even lost some ground in New York and, lost ground in several areas of Texas. You clearly lost ground in Utah. So, I don't know where it is you're getting your fantasies.

1996 Election


2000 Election


2004 Election


2008 Election


2012 Election


And, lastly? Once your Obamination is gone? Who ya' got? I don't see any rising stars in the Democrat party which rise to the level of your high and mightyness you've got now. And, after the incident concerning Benghazi? I think your chances that Hildabeast is going to be very popular are quite slim. By then, much more is going to be revealed about the Benghazi attack and I think you might just as well shelve any hopes you have she'll get elected if she decides to run.
cool tidbit: Obama got LESS of the white vote than Dukakis did. hmmmmmm.

and I love those red and blue maps... I love how republicans cling to them as if they were some magic security blanket.

You lost. red counties have lots of prairie dogs and not very many people. Blue counties: not a lot of prairie dogs and more people. That big red chunk in the middle: that's america's breadbasket.... it's mile after mile of WHEAT... and CORN... and SOYBEANS... and a couple of redneck farmers. That's IT. If you could get corn and wheat to vote, you'd win all the time.

Regarding 2016... I'm not worried about who we have coming down the pipe... I know that, according to GOP talking points, this was the very worst president in the history of the universe... you should have been able to run a cardboard cutout of a generic man and beat him.... you sent the best and the sharpest and the guy who beat all your other bright lights in a vigorous primary battle... and he got his ASS kicked.... he lost every single battleground state. (but to your credit, he did win most of the corn and wheat producing areas...good for you!) Who you gonna send up next? paul "loser" Ryan? It doesn't matter..... the chances of you guys shooting yourselves in the foot with your next nominee are pretty good, from my perspective... but for now... I get to bask in the glory of waking up every morning and having Barack Obama as my president and knowing that that very thing pisses you off. I'll worry about 2016 when the time comes... for now... my guy won and your guy was a LOSER. That's good enough for today.

It still makes me chuckle to think about how flabbergasted republicans continue to be that Obama, the worst president ever in their eyes, was able to achieve such dominant support across the geographic landscape to give him an electoral college victory of that magnitude. The republican message didn't resonate... and more importantly, the electorate has changed and gotten more colorful, and that just doesn't bode well for the GOP's future... unless they ditch the wackos and try to actually come back to the table and participate in governance. Personally, I hope they don't.

What makes me chuckle is that there are so many gullible, naive and ignorant morons of which this charlatan can pull the wool over their eyes.

Further, your notions that the electorate has changed to some drastic measure? Give it a rest. The electorate is essentially much the same as it has been since at least 2000. It isn't like your punk-in-chief won by 75% to 25%...goof. Additionally, you forget that electorate which chose not to vote and that electorate who could have registered to vote, but didn't. And, you have no idea as to how much it has changed. But, you can keep trying to make more of this than it really is and keep dreaming but, that's all you've got.

See, if we take a look at the following county-by-county maps? One can clearly see things really haven't changed that much and that, in fact, Democrats lost ground in this election compared to the 2008 election. Look at the big chunks of California you lost as compared to 2008. Looks like you even lost some ground in New York and, lost ground in several areas of Texas. You clearly lost ground in Utah. So, I don't know where it is you're getting your fantasies.

And, lastly? Once your Obamination is gone? Who ya' got? I don't see any rising stars in the Democrat party which rise to the level of your high and mightyness you've got now. And, after the incident concerning Benghazi? I think your chances that Hildabeast is going to be very popular are quite slim. By then, much more is going to be revealed about the Benghazi attack and I think you might just as well shelve any hopes you have she'll get elected if she decides to run.

Who ya got?

Democrats don't need established politicians to beat the Republicans

In fact, the last three Democratic presidents were relatively unknown prior to the Democratic primaries

Carter, Clinton and Obama all came from obscurity to beat the Republicans.

Republicans have already beaten Benghazi to death. How much did it help Romney?
It still makes me chuckle to think about how flabbergasted republicans continue to be that Obama, the worst president ever in their eyes, was able to achieve such dominant support across the geographic landscape to give him an electoral college victory of that magnitude. The republican message didn't resonate... and more importantly, the electorate has changed and gotten more colorful, and that just doesn't bode well for the GOP's future... unless they ditch the wackos and try to actually come back to the table and participate in governance. Personally, I hope they don't.

What makes me chuckle is that there are so many gullible, naive and ignorant morons of which this charlatan can pull the wool over their eyes.

Further, your notions that the electorate has changed to some drastic measure? Give it a rest. The electorate is essentially much the same as it has been since at least 2000. It isn't like your punk-in-chief won by 75% to 25%...goof. Additionally, you forget that electorate which chose not to vote and that electorate who could have registered to vote, but didn't. And, you have no idea as to how much it has changed. But, you can keep trying to make more of this than it really is and keep dreaming but, that's all you've got.

See, if we take a look at the following county-by-county maps? One can clearly see things really haven't changed that much and that, in fact, Democrats lost ground in this election compared to the 2008 election. Look at the big chunks of California you lost as compared to 2008. Looks like you even lost some ground in New York and, lost ground in several areas of Texas. You clearly lost ground in Utah. So, I don't know where it is you're getting your fantasies.

1996 Election


2000 Election


2004 Election


2008 Election


2012 Election


And, lastly? Once your Obamination is gone? Who ya' got? I don't see any rising stars in the Democrat party which rise to the level of your high and mightyness you've got now. And, after the incident concerning Benghazi? I think your chances that Hildabeast is going to be very popular are quite slim. By then, much more is going to be revealed about the Benghazi attack and I think you might just as well shelve any hopes you have she'll get elected if she decides to run.

Think: Sandra Fluke in 2016.
Nope. If those were his plans he wouldn't sweat out an election, his Brown-shirts would have been out murdering the next day.

Nice try.

Nope. He needed to be re-elected. Can't get re-elected if you're having your brownshirts murdering people. They were too busy setting up the election. Now that they've got some free time...who knows?

No way. He should have abolished Congress and the Supremes. Ruled by decree. No need for another vote. The people spoke. If you don't like it, it's off to the FEMA Camps with thee. Wheee....

But I am glad to see someone with a sense of humor on the right. :eusa_clap:

We're not done yet....
cool tidbit: Obama got LESS of the white vote than Dukakis did. hmmmmmm.

and I love those red and blue maps... I love how republicans cling to them as if they were some magic security blanket.

You lost. red counties have lots of prairie dogs and not very many people. Blue counties: not a lot of prairie dogs and more people. That big red chunk in the middle: that's america's breadbasket.... it's mile after mile of WHEAT... and CORN... and SOYBEANS... and a couple of redneck farmers. That's IT. If you could get corn and wheat to vote, you'd win all the time.

Regarding 2016... I'm not worried about who we have coming down the pipe... I know that, according to GOP talking points, this was the very worst president in the history of the universe... you should have been able to run a cardboard cutout of a generic man and beat him.... you sent the best and the sharpest and the guy who beat all your other bright lights in a vigorous primary battle... and he got his ASS kicked.... he lost every single battleground state. (but to your credit, he did win most of the corn and wheat producing areas...good for you!) Who you gonna send up next? paul "loser" Ryan? It doesn't matter..... the chances of you guys shooting yourselves in the foot with your next nominee are pretty good, from my perspective... but for now... I get to bask in the glory of waking up every morning and having Barack Obama as my president and knowing that that very thing pisses you off. I'll worry about 2016 when the time comes... for now... my guy won and your guy was a LOSER. That's good enough for today.


Yeah, and guess what happens when you stupid, ignorant, racist blue urban swine have taxed and oppressed those redneck farmers out of business? Good luck with that garden, homie. Wheat, corn, and soybeans don't grow themselves, moron.
cool tidbit: Obama got LESS of the white vote than Dukakis did. hmmmmmm.

and I love those red and blue maps... I love how republicans cling to them as if they were some magic security blanket.

You lost. red counties have lots of prairie dogs and not very many people. Blue counties: not a lot of prairie dogs and more people. That big red chunk in the middle: that's america's breadbasket.... it's mile after mile of WHEAT... and CORN... and SOYBEANS... and a couple of redneck farmers. That's IT. If you could get corn and wheat to vote, you'd win all the time.

Regarding 2016... I'm not worried about who we have coming down the pipe... I know that, according to GOP talking points, this was the very worst president in the history of the universe... you should have been able to run a cardboard cutout of a generic man and beat him.... you sent the best and the sharpest and the guy who beat all your other bright lights in a vigorous primary battle... and he got his ASS kicked.... he lost every single battleground state. (but to your credit, he did win most of the corn and wheat producing areas...good for you!) Who you gonna send up next? paul "loser" Ryan? It doesn't matter..... the chances of you guys shooting yourselves in the foot with your next nominee are pretty good, from my perspective... but for now... I get to bask in the glory of waking up every morning and having Barack Obama as my president and knowing that that very thing pisses you off. I'll worry about 2016 when the time comes... for now... my guy won and your guy was a LOSER. That's good enough for today.


Yeah, and guess what happens when you stupid, ignorant, racist blue urban swine have taxed and oppressed those redneck farmers out of business? Good luck with that garden, homie. Wheat, corn, and soybeans don't grow themselves, moron.

In terms of government are worse than welfare queens
cool tidbit: Obama got LESS of the white vote than Dukakis did. hmmmmmm.

and I love those red and blue maps... I love how republicans cling to them as if they were some magic security blanket.

You lost. red counties have lots of prairie dogs and not very many people. Blue counties: not a lot of prairie dogs and more people. That big red chunk in the middle: that's america's breadbasket.... it's mile after mile of WHEAT... and CORN... and SOYBEANS... and a couple of redneck farmers. That's IT. If you could get corn and wheat to vote, you'd win all the time.

You can dismiss the map all you want but it shows the Democrat influence diminishing in 2012 from areas of which they previously had a presence. Now, whether or not it means they moved to a different area of the state, the map doesn't depict this. But, as they move to differing areas of the state, even if that's the case, there are also folks of whom replace them and, clearly, they aren't Democrats.

However, if you don't want to take the map seriously? Well...then, we'll go by the percentage of the popular vote. In the 1996 elections, Slick got 49.2% of the vote, while Dole got 40.7%. So, that's almost a split in half between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party. In the 2000 election, Bush received 47.9% of the vote while 48.4% went to Gore. Again, nearly a split in half between the Republican Party and Democrat Party. In the 2004 election, Bush got 50.7% and Lurch got 48.3%. Again, nearly a split in half between the Republican Party and Democrat Party. In the 2008 election, Obamination got 52.9% and McCain got 45.7%. Again, although it's not as big of a split between the Republican Party and Democrat Party, it's still pretty close to half. And, lastly, in the 2012 election, of course, Obamination got 50.6% and Romney got 47.8%. Again, nearly a split in half between the Republican Party and Democrat Party.

Furthermore, whether or not corn can vote is irrelevant as this nation's elections are based on the electoral vote. And, last I heard, those areas of which the population density is greater where the left dominate, their population hasn't increased enough to give them a whole lot of extra electoral votes. Also, between April 2010 and July 2011, the states with the greatest percent increase in population were some of the red states while places of which are dominated by Democrats are amongst the bottom. Places like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Michigan and Rhode Island are at the bottom of the list for population growth. And, since population size dictates how many electoral votes a particular given state will receive? You guys had better stop aborting your children and make sure you have a lot of them and make sure they grow up to be leftists. Amongst some of the red states with the highest population growth are Texas, Utah, North Dakota, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina and South Dakota. In fact, it wasn't really just not too long ago that Utah earned an extra electoral vote, due to a higher population. And, additionally, don't forget. Electoral votes can be removed as a state's population decreases. So, if you've got a lot of pissed off Republicans living in New York, for instance, and they decide they've had enough of that leftist infested state and decide to move? This reduction in that state's population has a negative impact on that state's electoral vote number.

So, you might be wise and start looking at the bigger picture and start learning a little bit about the way things work in this country.

And...oh, lastly, I'll bet you weren't worried about whether or not corn could vote in 1992 and 1996 and, just as a reminder to you, the corn belt is right around where your chump is getting his votes. You might want to think about not being such an uneducated drip and look at a map of where the corn belt is. Tell your leftist friends in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois and Ohio corn doesn't vote.

Regarding 2016... I'm not worried about who we have coming down the pipe... I know that, according to GOP talking points, this was the very worst president in the history of the universe... you should have been able to run a cardboard cutout of a generic man and beat him.... you sent the best and the sharpest and the guy who beat all your other bright lights in a vigorous primary battle... and he got his ASS kicked.... he lost every single battleground state. (but to your credit, he did win most of the corn and wheat producing areas...good for you!) Who you gonna send up next? paul "loser" Ryan? It doesn't matter..... the chances of you guys shooting yourselves in the foot with your next nominee are pretty good, from my perspective... but for now... I get to bask in the glory of waking up every morning and having Barack Obama as my president and knowing that that very thing pisses you off. I'll worry about 2016 when the time comes... for now... my guy won and your guy was a LOSER. That's good enough for today.
And, that's the only reason you elected him...right? To piss Republicans' off? LOL! I suspect, soon, the only one that's going to be pissed off and laughing out the other side of your face, is you. And, remember, Republicans got their asses kicked in 1992 and 1996. You know what happened after that. And, remember, you lost two states this time, which you won in 2008.
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Nope. If those were his plans he wouldn't sweat out an election, his Brown-shirts would have been out murdering the next day.

Nice try.

Nope. He needed to be re-elected. Can't get re-elected if you're having your brownshirts murdering people. They were too busy setting up the election. Now that they've got some free time...who knows?

No way. He should have abolished Congress and the Supremes. Ruled by decree. No need for another vote. The people spoke. If you don't like it, it's off to the FEMA Camps with thee. Wheee....

But I am glad to see someone with a sense of humor on the right. :eusa_clap:

He didn't want to make it that obvious. It's a slow and steady process, like Hitler did it. Hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933 and it took him until 1939 before he had the full power he needed to get his minions to do his bidding for him and his people to support him in enormous numbers without question. He has to try to indoctrinate more people in order to reduce opposition. He hasn't quite achieved that task...yet. If he can get significantly less than half opposing him? That's when you look for it.
It still makes me chuckle to think about how flabbergasted republicans continue to be that Obama, the worst president ever in their eyes, was able to achieve such dominant support across the geographic landscape to give him an electoral college victory of that magnitude. The republican message didn't resonate... and more importantly, the electorate has changed and gotten more colorful, and that just doesn't bode well for the GOP's future... unless they ditch the wackos and try to actually come back to the table and participate in governance. Personally, I hope they don't.

What makes me chuckle is that there are so many gullible, naive and ignorant morons of which this charlatan can pull the wool over their eyes.

Further, your notions that the electorate has changed to some drastic measure? Give it a rest. The electorate is essentially much the same as it has been since at least 2000. It isn't like your punk-in-chief won by 75% to 25%...goof. Additionally, you forget that electorate which chose not to vote and that electorate who could have registered to vote, but didn't. And, you have no idea as to how much it has changed. But, you can keep trying to make more of this than it really is and keep dreaming but, that's all you've got.

See, if we take a look at the following county-by-county maps? One can clearly see things really haven't changed that much and that, in fact, Democrats lost ground in this election compared to the 2008 election. Look at the big chunks of California you lost as compared to 2008. Looks like you even lost some ground in New York and, lost ground in several areas of Texas. You clearly lost ground in Utah. So, I don't know where it is you're getting your fantasies.

And, lastly? Once your Obamination is gone? Who ya' got? I don't see any rising stars in the Democrat party which rise to the level of your high and mightyness you've got now. And, after the incident concerning Benghazi? I think your chances that Hildabeast is going to be very popular are quite slim. By then, much more is going to be revealed about the Benghazi attack and I think you might just as well shelve any hopes you have she'll get elected if she decides to run.

Who ya got?

Democrats don't need established politicians to beat the Republicans

In fact, the last three Democratic presidents were relatively unknown prior to the Democratic primaries

Carter, Clinton and Obama all came from obscurity to beat the Republicans.

So in other words you're admitting you vote for rock stars, rather than leaders with experience and leadership skills. LOL! Must be that "Beatle-mania" type mindset.

Republicans have already beaten Benghazi to death. How much did it help Romney?

Oh, not hardly. Republicans haven't even begun to beat Benghazi to death. Keep dreaming. Further, that you act so blasé with respect to the Benghazi issue? Disgusting.
What makes me chuckle is that there are so many gullible, naive and ignorant morons of which this charlatan can pull the wool over their eyes.

Further, your notions that the electorate has changed to some drastic measure? Give it a rest. The electorate is essentially much the same as it has been since at least 2000. It isn't like your punk-in-chief won by 75% to 25%...goof. Additionally, you forget that electorate which chose not to vote and that electorate who could have registered to vote, but didn't. And, you have no idea as to how much it has changed. But, you can keep trying to make more of this than it really is and keep dreaming but, that's all you've got.

See, if we take a look at the following county-by-county maps? One can clearly see things really haven't changed that much and that, in fact, Democrats lost ground in this election compared to the 2008 election. Look at the big chunks of California you lost as compared to 2008. Looks like you even lost some ground in New York and, lost ground in several areas of Texas. You clearly lost ground in Utah. So, I don't know where it is you're getting your fantasies.

And, lastly? Once your Obamination is gone? Who ya' got? I don't see any rising stars in the Democrat party which rise to the level of your high and mightyness you've got now. And, after the incident concerning Benghazi? I think your chances that Hildabeast is going to be very popular are quite slim. By then, much more is going to be revealed about the Benghazi attack and I think you might just as well shelve any hopes you have she'll get elected if she decides to run.

Who ya got?

Democrats don't need established politicians to beat the Republicans

In fact, the last three Democratic presidents were relatively unknown prior to the Democratic primaries

Carter, Clinton and Obama all came from obscurity to beat the Republicans.

So in other words you're admitting you vote for rock stars, rather than leaders with experience and leadership skills. LOL! Must be that "Beatle-mania" type mindset.

Republicans have already beaten Benghazi to death. How much did it help Romney?

Oh, not hardly. Republicans haven't even begun to beat Benghazi to death. Keep dreaming. Further, that you act so blasé with respect to the Benghazi issue? Disgusting.

Conservative Republicans vote for old tried and true. Well, he came in second last time so we will let him have a turn this time. Result, Goldwater, Nixon,Reagan, Dole, McCain, Romney. Candidates who are burnt out and past their prime

Democrats go for the up and coming candidates like JFK, Carter, Dukakis,Clinton, Obama.

The fact that Democrats do not have a candidate at the ready is not surprising.
cool tidbit: Obama got LESS of the white vote than Dukakis did. hmmmmmm.

and I love those red and blue maps... I love how republicans cling to them as if they were some magic security blanket.

You lost. red counties have lots of prairie dogs and not very many people. Blue counties: not a lot of prairie dogs and more people. That big red chunk in the middle: that's america's breadbasket.... it's mile after mile of WHEAT... and CORN... and SOYBEANS... and a couple of redneck farmers. That's IT. If you could get corn and wheat to vote, you'd win all the time.

You can dismiss the map all you want but it shows the Democrat influence diminishing in 2012 from areas of which they previously had a presence. Now, whether or not it means they moved to a different area of the state, the map doesn't depict this. But, as they move to differing areas of the state, even if that's the case, there are also folks of whom replace them and, clearly, they aren't Democrats.

However, if you don't want to take the map seriously? Well...then, we'll go by the percentage of the popular vote. In the 1996 elections, Slick got 49.2% of the vote, while Dole got 40.7%. So, that's almost a split in half between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party. In the 2000 election, Bush received 47.9% of the vote while 48.4% went to Gore. Again, nearly a split in half between the Republican Party and Democrat Party. In the 2004 election, Bush got 50.7% and Lurch got 48.3%. Again, nearly a split in half between the Republican Party and Democrat Party. In the 2008 election, Obamination got 52.9% and McCain got 45.7%. Again, although it's not as big of a split between the Republican Party and Democrat Party, it's still pretty close to half. And, lastly, in the 2012 election, of course, Obamination got 50.6% and Romney got 47.8%. Again, nearly a split in half between the Republican Party and Democrat Party.

Furthermore, whether or not corn can vote is irrelevant as this nation's elections are based on the electoral vote. And, last I heard, those areas of which the population density is greater where the left dominate, their population hasn't increased enough to give them a whole lot of extra electoral votes. Also, between April 2010 and July 2011, the states with the greatest percent increase in population were some of the red states while places of which are dominated by Democrats are amongst the bottom. Places like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Michigan and Rhode Island are at the bottom of the list for population growth. And, since population size dictates how many electoral votes a particular given state will receive? You guys had better stop aborting your children and make sure you have a lot of them and make sure they grow up to be leftists. Amongst some of the red states with the highest population growth are Texas, Utah, North Dakota, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina and South Dakota. In fact, it wasn't really just not too long ago that Utah earned an extra electoral vote, due to a higher population. And, additionally, don't forget. Electoral votes can be removed as a state's population decreases. So, if you've got a lot of pissed off Republicans living in New York, for instance, and they decide they've had enough of that leftist infested state and decide to move? This reduction in that state's population has a negative impact on that state's electoral vote number.

So, you might be wise and start looking at the bigger picture and start learning a little bit about the way things work in this country.

And...oh, lastly, I'll bet you weren't worried about whether or not corn could vote in 1992 and 1996 and, just as a reminder to you, the corn belt is right around where your chump is getting his votes. You might want to think about not being such an uneducated drip and look at a map of where the corn belt is. Tell your leftist friends in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois and Ohio corn doesn't vote.

Regarding 2016... I'm not worried about who we have coming down the pipe... I know that, according to GOP talking points, this was the very worst president in the history of the universe... you should have been able to run a cardboard cutout of a generic man and beat him.... you sent the best and the sharpest and the guy who beat all your other bright lights in a vigorous primary battle... and he got his ASS kicked.... he lost every single battleground state. (but to your credit, he did win most of the corn and wheat producing areas...good for you!) Who you gonna send up next? paul "loser" Ryan? It doesn't matter..... the chances of you guys shooting yourselves in the foot with your next nominee are pretty good, from my perspective... but for now... I get to bask in the glory of waking up every morning and having Barack Obama as my president and knowing that that very thing pisses you off. I'll worry about 2016 when the time comes... for now... my guy won and your guy was a LOSER. That's good enough for today.
And, that's the only reason you elected him...right? To piss Republicans' off? LOL! I suspect, soon, the only one that's going to be pissed off and laughing out the other side of your face, is you. And, remember, Republicans got their asses kicked in 1992 and 1996. You know what happened after that. And, remember, you lost two states this time, which you won in 2008.

I don't care how red the map is... that's acres and prairie dogs. I care where the people live... and I find it interesting that the demographics of those people is changing. You can scoff about the fact that Dukakis won more of the white vote than Obama did and STILL got his ass kicked, when Obama kicked ass. That means that America is no longer a country of old angry white folks anymore. Your party has hitched its future to folks using walkers or who will be using walkers anytime soon. Latinos and Asians and Blacks are the emerging demographics in this country and democrats won all of those groups. We even won hispanic CUBANS who have ALWAYS been in the GOP's pocket. Oh... I am sure you'll put somebody up in some election in the future who will beat the democratic candidate. I don't think you are dead yet... but I DO think that, unless you figure out how to deal with immigration and to tell the religious wackos in your party who want to make presidential elections about abortion and homosexuality to stfu.... you will continue to garner the lion's share of the white vote, and little else. And listen... I was born and raised in the Land of Lincoln. I understand corn country better than you do. And the reason that Ohio and Illinois and Michigan and Iowa not only grow corn but vote democratic is because there is a strong manufacturing (labor) base there that is not as pronounced as in Kansas and Nebraska and many of the other redneck cornbelt states.... that, and they just raise them smarter in the Land of Lincoln than they do everywhere else ;). And don't worry about me... I will keep laughing about this election for a long time regardless of how toxic the atmosphere in the states becomes. My life will go on pretty much unchanged no matter what goofy stuff you all do up there.
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