The Worst President in history has been reelected

After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

How should Republicans respond?

My guess is they will double down on stupid. Obama did not win because he was black. He did not win because he gives free stuff to people. He won because the states are lined up in his favor. You saw it last night, there was only so much Romney could do with the alignment of states.

The Northeast and West are permanently blue. The rust belt is turning that way. That is a major block of electoral votes. Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

Unless Republicans can appeal to Hispanics and young women they will lose more states. Florida will turn permanently blue, so will Ohio. States with large hispanic populations (Arizona, Texas) will turn to Battleground States

This will mean Republicans will be unable to win the White House or the Senate. Republicans will become a second tier party

How will they respond?

Double down on dumb

I'd agree with that. Republicans came out with a message that just didn't ring with the majority. They spent 4 years trying their damnedest to get a Democrat out of office and failed. Now they sit in a very unenviable position of having to try to cut entitlements, which will cost them seats, or having to vote for a tax hike, which will also cut their funding (those that signed the pledge) and cost them seats (those conservatives who hate tax hikes more than anything). Looks to me like they doubled down on dumb already, but haven't paid the dealer yet.

There is no "unenviable" position of having to try to cut entitlements. Obama would have had to have done so anyway...period. He's already acknowledged he needs to cut spending. Only, he wants to offset that with the revenue of taxes, while Republicans think there are other ways of attaining the revenue. That you try and mislead your minions into believing your chump is against cuts is absurd. He's already said he's willing to make cuts and acknowledges cuts need to be made. So, only a braindead leftist is going to believe it's somehow exclusively Republicans who are responsible for the cuts but, we've lost their vote anyway, as we've never had it in the first place. And, any idiot on the right who would fall for that nonsense is just as brainless as the left is and he/she needs to leave the Republican party post-haste and join his/her fellow brainless chumps on the left.
cool tidbit: Obama got LESS of the white vote than Dukakis did. hmmmmmm.

and I love those red and blue maps... I love how republicans cling to them as if they were some magic security blanket.

You lost. red counties have lots of prairie dogs and not very many people. Blue counties: not a lot of prairie dogs and more people. That big red chunk in the middle: that's america's breadbasket.... it's mile after mile of WHEAT... and CORN... and SOYBEANS... and a couple of redneck farmers. That's IT. If you could get corn and wheat to vote, you'd win all the time.

You can dismiss the map all you want but it shows the Democrat influence diminishing in 2012 from areas of which they previously had a presence. Now, whether or not it means they moved to a different area of the state, the map doesn't depict this. But, as they move to differing areas of the state, even if that's the case, there are also folks of whom replace them and, clearly, they aren't Democrats.

However, if you don't want to take the map seriously? Well...then, we'll go by the percentage of the popular vote. In the 1996 elections, Slick got 49.2% of the vote, while Dole got 40.7%. So, that's almost a split in half between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party. In the 2000 election, Bush received 47.9% of the vote while 48.4% went to Gore. Again, nearly a split in half between the Republican Party and Democrat Party. In the 2004 election, Bush got 50.7% and Lurch got 48.3%. Again, nearly a split in half between the Republican Party and Democrat Party. In the 2008 election, Obamination got 52.9% and McCain got 45.7%. Again, although it's not as big of a split between the Republican Party and Democrat Party, it's still pretty close to half. And, lastly, in the 2012 election, of course, Obamination got 50.6% and Romney got 47.8%. Again, nearly a split in half between the Republican Party and Democrat Party.

Furthermore, whether or not corn can vote is irrelevant as this nation's elections are based on the electoral vote. And, last I heard, those areas of which the population density is greater where the left dominate, their population hasn't increased enough to give them a whole lot of extra electoral votes. Also, between April 2010 and July 2011, the states with the greatest percent increase in population were some of the red states while places of which are dominated by Democrats are amongst the bottom. Places like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Michigan and Rhode Island are at the bottom of the list for population growth. And, since population size dictates how many electoral votes a particular given state will receive? You guys had better stop aborting your children and make sure you have a lot of them and make sure they grow up to be leftists. Amongst some of the red states with the highest population growth are Texas, Utah, North Dakota, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina and South Dakota. In fact, it wasn't really just not too long ago that Utah earned an extra electoral vote, due to a higher population. And, additionally, don't forget. Electoral votes can be removed as a state's population decreases. So, if you've got a lot of pissed off Republicans living in New York, for instance, and they decide they've had enough of that leftist infested state and decide to move? This reduction in that state's population has a negative impact on that state's electoral vote number.

So, you might be wise and start looking at the bigger picture and start learning a little bit about the way things work in this country.

And...oh, lastly, I'll bet you weren't worried about whether or not corn could vote in 1992 and 1996 and, just as a reminder to you, the corn belt is right around where your chump is getting his votes. You might want to think about not being such an uneducated drip and look at a map of where the corn belt is. Tell your leftist friends in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois and Ohio corn doesn't vote.

Regarding 2016... I'm not worried about who we have coming down the pipe... I know that, according to GOP talking points, this was the very worst president in the history of the universe... you should have been able to run a cardboard cutout of a generic man and beat him.... you sent the best and the sharpest and the guy who beat all your other bright lights in a vigorous primary battle... and he got his ASS kicked.... he lost every single battleground state. (but to your credit, he did win most of the corn and wheat producing areas...good for you!) Who you gonna send up next? paul "loser" Ryan? It doesn't matter..... the chances of you guys shooting yourselves in the foot with your next nominee are pretty good, from my perspective... but for now... I get to bask in the glory of waking up every morning and having Barack Obama as my president and knowing that that very thing pisses you off. I'll worry about 2016 when the time comes... for now... my guy won and your guy was a LOSER. That's good enough for today.
And, that's the only reason you elected him...right? To piss Republicans' off? LOL! I suspect, soon, the only one that's going to be pissed off and laughing out the other side of your face, is you. And, remember, Republicans got their asses kicked in 1992 and 1996. You know what happened after that. And, remember, you lost two states this time, which you won in 2008.

A small point, to be sure, but you're not accounting for the shift from small time farmers who are being forced out of the breadbasket by larger corporations or the owners of the businesses which were also foreclosed on when the bubble burst. This has been going on for a lot of years. The thing about those demographics that should worry us all is the fact that as small owners are dispossessed, they tend to collect in larger urban areas for all the things that the right held to be horrible and called sheer laziness. This is enough to shift the balance of power into just a few areas.

There is a lot of truth in the statement that the Republican party just couldn't bring a believable campaign to the most heavily populated areas - regardless of what you think of the people who live there or their motivations.

Coupling that up with the looming "tax and lose the right, slash and lose the moderates" option congress is facing right now, it wouldn't surprise me a bit to see Hillary run - and come damn close, if not take it all again... also depending on what comes out of the Benghazi thing. If not Hillary, then some other no-name with a vision - it probably wouldn't matter.
"I don't often drink beer, but when I do... I get shitfaced"

He's the most interesting worst President in history.

After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

How should Republicans respond?

My guess is they will double down on stupid. Obama did not win because he was black. He did not win because he gives free stuff to people. He won because the states are lined up in his favor. You saw it last night, there was only so much Romney could do with the alignment of states.

The Northeast and West are permanently blue. The rust belt is turning that way. That is a major block of electoral votes. Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

Unless Republicans can appeal to Hispanics and young women they will lose more states. Florida will turn permanently blue, so will Ohio. States with large hispanic populations (Arizona, Texas) will turn to Battleground States

This will mean Republicans will be unable to win the White House or the Senate. Republicans will become a second tier party

How will they respond?

Double down on dumb

"Obama did not win because he was black" :rofl:

Yea, as if the Hussein would of ever even won the Dem Primaries in 2008 if he hadn't been. As if the thousands on blacks in urban districts in the blue states would of showed up in droves to vote for a white man.

It would also help the GOP if they stopped nominating moderates. McCain, Romney...its a joke to think either of these guys are "far right wingers".

Personally, I could care less if I am a minority in my opinions about abortion, illegals, unions, and the corrupt education system we have. I wouldn't change my opinion just because of the outcome of an election. Just because legions of idiots outnumber us slightly doesn't make them right. If women want to vote in liberals who will ruin our country with trillion dollar debts just to protect their "right" of abortion, then so be it, it will be our undoing as a nation.

If we as a nation are going to prioritize welfare, high taxes, trillion dollar deficits, abortion, high unemployment and weak foreign policy, then we aren't going to last long.

There is little question that Obama would have won in 2008 if he were a young, charismatic WHITE man. America was on a rampage against all Republicans at every political level. A grumpy, worn down John McCain with Sarah Palin as his running mate was not going to beat anyone

As to nominating moderates, you conservatives cannot even get one of your candidates through the Republican primary process, how do you think you can win a general election?
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After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

How should Republicans respond?

My guess is they will double down on stupid. Obama did not win because he was black. He did not win because he gives free stuff to people. He won because the states are lined up in his favor. You saw it last night, there was only so much Romney could do with the alignment of states.

The Northeast and West are permanently blue. The rust belt is turning that way. That is a major block of electoral votes. Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

Unless Republicans can appeal to Hispanics and young women they will lose more states. Florida will turn permanently blue, so will Ohio. States with large hispanic populations (Arizona, Texas) will turn to Battleground States

This will mean Republicans will be unable to win the White House or the Senate. Republicans will become a second tier party

How will they respond?

Double down on dumb

"Obama did not win because he was black" :rofl:

Yea, as if the Hussein would of ever even won the Dem Primaries in 2008 if he hadn't been. As if the thousands on blacks in urban districts in the blue states would of showed up in droves to vote for a white man.

It would also help the GOP if they stopped nominating moderates. McCain, Romney...its a joke to think either of these guys are "far right wingers".

Personally, I could care less if I am a minority in my opinions about abortion, illegals, unions, and the corrupt education system we have. I wouldn't change my opinion just because of the outcome of an election. Just because legions of idiots outnumber us slightly doesn't make them right. If women want to vote in liberals who will ruin our country with trillion dollar debts just to protect their "right" of abortion, then so be it, it will be our undoing as a nation.

If we as a nation are going to prioritize welfare, high taxes, trillion dollar deficits, abortion, high unemployment and weak foreign policy, then we aren't going to last long.

Well, the thing is, they THINK they outnumber us. They forget there are probably about 76.1 people who are between the age of 0-17. This nation has a population of approximately 311.6 people in the United States. The number of those who voted in this election was about 121.7 million. Subtract 76.1 million from the population of this country and you get about 235.5 million people who are 18 or over; old enough to vote. Subtract 121.7 million from the 235.5 million people who are old enough to vote and you get about 113.8 million people who didn't vote. And, since we can only guess as to how this 113.8 million people would have voted if they would have chosen to vote? I don't know as if anyone has a legitimate claim to say anyone outnumbers anyone else. We have no idea how that 113.8 million people who didn't vote would have voted if they would have voted and, we have no idea as to what their ideals are. We can only guess. However, since I think a good number out of that 113.8 million people who didn't vote, didn't do so because they weren't necessarily satisfied with the Republicans' choice for a presidential candidate (whether it be he is a Mormon, too moderate, whatever)? I think I can feel somewhat confident in presuming that a majority of them likely lean more towards the policies of conservatives. I mean, really, out of that 113.8 million people who didn't vote, how many were leftists who chose not to vote for Obama? I highly doubt very many.

The people who do not vote, do not exist...PERIOD

By not voting they forfeit their right to affect the political process. HOW they would have voted is irrelevant
Well, maybe hispanics and young people should have been able to see obama for what he is and what he has failed doing for us in the past 4 yrs. I can not believe that people are so blind and can't grasp reality or what is going on, but obviously there are thousands of people like that. The "mind" is everything. Over all the years, i have seen people's thinking and minds going down the tube. We live in a new generation and world then what we once had and its because of "people" and "minds" unfortunately we all suffer the consequences of the voters that don't vote right. In the next 4 yrs you are going to see major hardships that you just can't fathom in your minds yet.
It was a sad day for this country that obama was reelected and we are all going to pay the price, including the ones who voted this bunch back in.
Well, maybe hispanics and young people should have been able to see obama for what he is and what he has failed doing for us in the past 4 yrs. I can not believe that people are so blind and can't grasp reality or what is going on, but obviously there are thousands of people like that. The "mind" is everything. Over all the years, i have seen people's thinking and minds going down the tube. We live in a new generation and world then what we once had and its because of "people" and "minds" unfortunately we all suffer the consequences of the voters that don't vote right. In the next 4 yrs you are going to see major hardships that you just can't fathom in your minds yet.
It was a sad day for this country that obama was reelected and we are all going to pay the price, including the ones who voted this bunch back in.

I don't think you are going to get any more votes if your narrative is that everyone that didn't vote your way is stupid...and yet that is the narrative the RW is going with. Yeah, that will serve ya'll well. :lol:
Well, maybe hispanics and young people should have been able to see obama for what he is and what he has failed doing for us in the past 4 yrs. I can not believe that people are so blind and can't grasp reality or what is going on, but obviously there are thousands of people like that. The "mind" is everything. Over all the years, i have seen people's thinking and minds going down the tube. We live in a new generation and world then what we once had and its because of "people" and "minds" unfortunately we all suffer the consequences of the voters that don't vote right. In the next 4 yrs you are going to see major hardships that you just can't fathom in your minds yet.
It was a sad day for this country that obama was reelected and we are all going to pay the price, including the ones who voted this bunch back in.

I don't think you are going to get any more votes if your narrative is that everyone that didn't vote your way is stupid...and yet that is the narrative the RW is going with. Yeah, that will serve ya'll well. :lol:

you are exactly right. ask a rightie why blacks vote for democrats all the time, and their answer is that blacks are too stupid to realize that the nasty old democrats keep them penned up in the urban plantation by giving them free stuff.... and when you point out to them that that message is not really having the desired effect, they act like stupid American tourists I see all the time here in Mexico who ask a local any question, and when they get a quizzical look because they are speaking english, their response is to repeat the same question - in english - ONLY LOUDER!!!!
Well, maybe hispanics and young people should have been able to see obama for what he is and what he has failed doing for us in the past 4 yrs. I can not believe that people are so blind and can't grasp reality or what is going on, but obviously there are thousands of people like that. The "mind" is everything. Over all the years, i have seen people's thinking and minds going down the tube. We live in a new generation and world then what we once had and its because of "people" and "minds" unfortunately we all suffer the consequences of the voters that don't vote right. In the next 4 yrs you are going to see major hardships that you just can't fathom in your minds yet.
It was a sad day for this country that obama was reelected and we are all going to pay the price, including the ones who voted this bunch back in.

I don't think you are going to get any more votes if your narrative is that everyone that didn't vote your way is stupid...and yet that is the narrative the RW is going with. Yeah, that will serve ya'll well. :lol:

It is the same old 47% argument that doomed Romneys presidential ambitions. The general disdain of Republicans for those who are less fortunate. They are lazy, they are stupid, they are looking for handouts
Well, maybe hispanics and young people should have been able to see obama for what he is and what he has failed doing for us in the past 4 yrs. I can not believe that people are so blind and can't grasp reality or what is going on, but obviously there are thousands of people like that. The "mind" is everything. Over all the years, i have seen people's thinking and minds going down the tube. We live in a new generation and world then what we once had and its because of "people" and "minds" unfortunately we all suffer the consequences of the voters that don't vote right. In the next 4 yrs you are going to see major hardships that you just can't fathom in your minds yet.
It was a sad day for this country that obama was reelected and we are all going to pay the price, including the ones who voted this bunch back in.

I don't think you are going to get any more votes if your narrative is that everyone that didn't vote your way is stupid...and yet that is the narrative the RW is going with. Yeah, that will serve ya'll well. :lol:

It is the same old 47% argument that doomed Romneys presidential ambitions. The general disdain of Republicans for those who are less fortunate. They are lazy, they are stupid, they are looking for handouts

and the funny thing is... in many of those dead red states, the folks who routinely vote republican ARE less fortunate... and lazy and stupid and routinely getting handouts themselves. :lol:
Well, maybe hispanics and young people should have been able to see obama for what he is and what he has failed doing for us in the past 4 yrs. I can not believe that people are so blind and can't grasp reality or what is going on, but obviously there are thousands of people like that. The "mind" is everything. Over all the years, i have seen people's thinking and minds going down the tube. We live in a new generation and world then what we once had and its because of "people" and "minds" unfortunately we all suffer the consequences of the voters that don't vote right. In the next 4 yrs you are going to see major hardships that you just can't fathom in your minds yet.
It was a sad day for this country that obama was reelected and we are all going to pay the price, including the ones who voted this bunch back in.

I don't think you are going to get any more votes if your narrative is that everyone that didn't vote your way is stupid...and yet that is the narrative the RW is going with. Yeah, that will serve ya'll well. :lol:

It is the same old 47% argument that doomed Romneys presidential ambitions. The general disdain of Republicans for those who are less fortunate. They are lazy, they are stupid, they are looking for handouts

The irony is that Romney was quite correct when he made that statement. Liberals love hearing what they want to hear and don't like being told what they need to hear.
I don't think you are going to get any more votes if your narrative is that everyone that didn't vote your way is stupid...and yet that is the narrative the RW is going with. Yeah, that will serve ya'll well. :lol:

It is the same old 47% argument that doomed Romneys presidential ambitions. The general disdain of Republicans for those who are less fortunate. They are lazy, they are stupid, they are looking for handouts

The irony is that Romney was quite correct when he made that statement. Liberals love hearing what they want to hear and don't like being told what they need to hear.

Actually he was far from correct. To call the working poor, retirees and veterans a bunch of leeches looking for a handout and having no personal responsibility was insulting and inaccurate
After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

How should Republicans respond?

My guess is they will double down on stupid. Obama did not win because he was black. He did not win because he gives free stuff to people. He won because the states are lined up in his favor. You saw it last night, there was only so much Romney could do with the alignment of states.

The Northeast and West are permanently blue. The rust belt is turning that way. That is a major block of electoral votes. Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

Unless Republicans can appeal to Hispanics and young women they will lose more states. Florida will turn permanently blue, so will Ohio. States with large hispanic populations (Arizona, Texas) will turn to Battleground States

This will mean Republicans will be unable to win the White House or the Senate. Republicans will become a second tier party

How will they respond?

Double down on dumb

"Obama did not win because he was black" :rofl:

Yea, as if the Hussein would of ever even won the Dem Primaries in 2008 if he hadn't been. As if the thousands on blacks in urban districts in the blue states would of showed up in droves to vote for a white man.

It would also help the GOP if they stopped nominating moderates. McCain, Romney...its a joke to think either of these guys are "far right wingers".

Personally, I could care less if I am a minority in my opinions about abortion, illegals, unions, and the corrupt education system we have. I wouldn't change my opinion just because of the outcome of an election. Just because legions of idiots outnumber us slightly doesn't make them right. If women want to vote in liberals who will ruin our country with trillion dollar debts just to protect their "right" of abortion, then so be it, it will be our undoing as a nation.

If we as a nation are going to prioritize welfare, high taxes, trillion dollar deficits, abortion, high unemployment and weak foreign policy, then we aren't going to last long.

There is little question that Obama would have won in 2008 if he were a young, charismatic WHITE man. America was on a rampage against all Republicans at every political level. A grumpy, worn down John McCain with Sarah Palin as his running mate was not going to beat anyone

As to nominating moderates, you conservatives cannot even get one of your candidates through the Republican primary process, how do you think you can win a general election?

LOL, if Obama was white his name would be John Edwards. There is no way a white guy trying to sound like Martin Luther King Jr when he gives speeches would of been acceptable by anybody. Hillary would of won that primary and she's still be President to this day.

As for the Republican Primaries, I think they need to make changes in it. First, don't let non-registered Republicans vote in the Republican Primaries. Second, stop splitting the conservative vote among multiple candidates versus one moderate. Everyone knows the Republicans had terrible candidates this last year. If they would ever just nominate a leader who is a conservative they'd have a very good chance at winning. I would've taken Christie, Rubio, Jindal, or even Jeb Bush over any of the candidates of the 2012 primaries.
Nope. He needed to be re-elected. Can't get re-elected if you're having your brownshirts murdering people. They were too busy setting up the election. Now that they've got some free time...who knows?

No way. He should have abolished Congress and the Supremes. Ruled by decree. No need for another vote. The people spoke. If you don't like it, it's off to the FEMA Camps with thee. Wheee....

But I am glad to see someone with a sense of humor on the right. :eusa_clap:

He didn't want to make it that obvious. It's a slow and steady process, like Hitler did it. Hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933 and it took him until 1939 before he had the full power he needed to get his minions to do his bidding for him and his people to support him in enormous numbers without question. He has to try to indoctrinate more people in order to reduce opposition. He hasn't quite achieved that task...yet. If he can get significantly less than half opposing him? That's when you look for it.

Not a big fan of history I see. FYI Hitler was made Dictator of Germany in 1933 soon after the his appointment as Chancellor.

The History Place - Rise of Hitler: The Reichstag Burns

The History Place - Rise of Hitler: Hitler Becomes Dictator of Germany

Nothing slow and steady about it.
"Obama did not win because he was black" :rofl:

Yea, as if the Hussein would of ever even won the Dem Primaries in 2008 if he hadn't been. As if the thousands on blacks in urban districts in the blue states would of showed up in droves to vote for a white man.

It would also help the GOP if they stopped nominating moderates. McCain, Romney...its a joke to think either of these guys are "far right wingers".

Personally, I could care less if I am a minority in my opinions about abortion, illegals, unions, and the corrupt education system we have. I wouldn't change my opinion just because of the outcome of an election. Just because legions of idiots outnumber us slightly doesn't make them right. If women want to vote in liberals who will ruin our country with trillion dollar debts just to protect their "right" of abortion, then so be it, it will be our undoing as a nation.

If we as a nation are going to prioritize welfare, high taxes, trillion dollar deficits, abortion, high unemployment and weak foreign policy, then we aren't going to last long.

There is little question that Obama would have won in 2008 if he were a young, charismatic WHITE man. America was on a rampage against all Republicans at every political level. A grumpy, worn down John McCain with Sarah Palin as his running mate was not going to beat anyone

As to nominating moderates, you conservatives cannot even get one of your candidates through the Republican primary process, how do you think you can win a general election?

LOL, if Obama was white his name would be John Edwards. There is no way a white guy trying to sound like Martin Luther King Jr when he gives speeches would of been acceptable by anybody. Hillary would of won that primary and she's still be President to this day.

As for the Republican Primaries, I think they need to make changes in it. First, don't let non-registered Republicans vote in the Republican Primaries. Second, stop splitting the conservative vote among multiple candidates versus one moderate. Everyone knows the Republicans had terrible candidates this last year. If they would ever just nominate a leader who is a conservative they'd have a very good chance at winning. I would've taken Christie, Rubio, Jindal, or even Jeb Bush over any of the candidates of the 2012 primaries.

Christie, Jindal and Bush are moderates
Well, maybe hispanics and young people should have been able to see obama for what he is and what he has failed doing for us in the past 4 yrs. I can not believe that people are so blind and can't grasp reality or what is going on, but obviously there are thousands of people like that. The "mind" is everything. Over all the years, i have seen people's thinking and minds going down the tube. We live in a new generation and world then what we once had and its because of "people" and "minds" unfortunately we all suffer the consequences of the voters that don't vote right. In the next 4 yrs you are going to see major hardships that you just can't fathom in your minds yet.
It was a sad day for this country that obama was reelected and we are all going to pay the price, including the ones who voted this bunch back in.

I don't think you are going to get any more votes if your narrative is that everyone that didn't vote your way is stupid...and yet that is the narrative the RW is going with. Yeah, that will serve ya'll well. :lol:

It is the same old 47% argument that doomed Romneys presidential ambitions. The general disdain of Republicans for those who are less fortunate. They are lazy, they are stupid, they are looking for handouts

The irony is that Romney was quite correct when he made that statement. Liberals love hearing what they want to hear and don't like being told what they need to hear.

Actually he was far from correct. To call the working poor, retirees and veterans a bunch of leeches looking for a handout and having no personal responsibility was insulting and inaccurate

Funny, I didn't hear Romney calling out those groups. But I do read and hear constantly how the leftist/progressives like to identify specific groups, cutting them out from the herd like cattle and trying to convince them how bad they have it. Some of them buy into those lies, many do not.
The irony is that Romney was quite correct when he made that statement. Liberals love hearing what they want to hear and don't like being told what they need to hear.

Actually he was far from correct. To call the working poor, retirees and veterans a bunch of leeches looking for a handout and having no personal responsibility was insulting and inaccurate

Funny, I didn't hear Romney calling out those groups. But I do read and hear constantly how the leftist/progressives like to identify specific groups, cutting them out from the herd like cattle and trying to convince them how bad they have it. Some of them buy into those lies, many do not.

I did

Romney called out those 47% who do not pay federal taxes. Most of that 47% do work and includes soldiers, retirees and the working poor

For Romney to call them deadbeats looking for Government handouts was repulsive
After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

How should Republicans respond?

My guess is they will double down on stupid. Obama did not win because he was black. He did not win because he gives free stuff to people. He won because the states are lined up in his favor. You saw it last night, there was only so much Romney could do with the alignment of states.

The Northeast and West are permanently blue. The rust belt is turning that way. That is a major block of electoral votes. Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

Unless Republicans can appeal to Hispanics and young women they will lose more states. Florida will turn permanently blue, so will Ohio. States with large hispanic populations (Arizona, Texas) will turn to Battleground States

This will mean Republicans will be unable to win the White House or the Senate. Republicans will become a second tier party

How will they respond?

Double down on dumb

I'd agree with that. Republicans came out with a message that just didn't ring with the majority. They spent 4 years trying their damnedest to get a Democrat out of office and failed. Now they sit in a very unenviable position of having to try to cut entitlements, which will cost them seats, or having to vote for a tax hike, which will also cut their funding (those that signed the pledge) and cost them seats (those conservatives who hate tax hikes more than anything). Looks to me like they doubled down on dumb already, but haven't paid the dealer yet.

There is no "unenviable" position of having to try to cut entitlements. Obama would have had to have done so anyway...period. He's already acknowledged he needs to cut spending. Only, he wants to offset that with the revenue of taxes, while Republicans think there are other ways of attaining the revenue. That you try and mislead your minions into believing your chump is against cuts is absurd. He's already said he's willing to make cuts and acknowledges cuts need to be made. So, only a braindead leftist is going to believe it's somehow exclusively Republicans who are responsible for the cuts but, we've lost their vote anyway, as we've never had it in the first place. And, any idiot on the right who would fall for that nonsense is just as brainless as the left is and he/she needs to leave the Republican party post-haste and join his/her fellow brainless chumps on the left.

Actually, no. Cutting spending doesn't necessarily equate to cutting entitlements. He did manage to move $716 billion in "waste" out of Medicare to fund most of his health care bill. He did find a way to eliminate the middle man to help fund education grants. And he did it to improve the system rather than tear it all down. That seems to me to make the most sense - see if there's a way to make the system work better before cutting off your nose to spite your face. As an engineer, I can appreciate the approach.

Taxes are inevitable though. If the government were to shut down completely (except for the IRS), it would still take 7 years or so just to pay down the debt at our current revenue levels. That includes Social Security, unemployment, all entitlements AND the military (which is a little over a third of the entire budget by itself). The point I was making was that tax hikes are immensely unpopular - so much so that any president who has ever attempted one in his first term has never enjoyed a second. Obama, and the Democratic party is now safe. That leaves the Republicans with their asses in the breeze - and due to their filibustering and stall tactics that didn't let Obama get to this part of our economy until his 2nd term. Boehner and McConnell gave him a gift that could cost them seats in both houses.
Well, maybe hispanics and young people should have been able to see obama for what he is and what he has failed doing for us in the past 4 yrs. I can not believe that people are so blind and can't grasp reality or what is going on, but obviously there are thousands of people like that. The "mind" is everything. Over all the years, i have seen people's thinking and minds going down the tube. We live in a new generation and world then what we once had and its because of "people" and "minds" unfortunately we all suffer the consequences of the voters that don't vote right. In the next 4 yrs you are going to see major hardships that you just can't fathom in your minds yet.
It was a sad day for this country that obama was reelected and we are all going to pay the price, including the ones who voted this bunch back in.

I don't think you are going to get any more votes if your narrative is that everyone that didn't vote your way is stupid...and yet that is the narrative the RW is going with. Yeah, that will serve ya'll well. :lol:

That's only if you don't like the truth.

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