The Worst President in history has been reelected

After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

How should Republicans respond?

My guess is they will double down on stupid. Obama did not win because he was black. He did not win because he gives free stuff to people. He won because the states are lined up in his favor. You saw it last night, there was only so much Romney could do with the alignment of states.

The Northeast and West are permanently blue. The rust belt is turning that way. That is a major block of electoral votes. Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

Unless Republicans can appeal to Hispanics and young women they will lose more states. Florida will turn permanently blue, so will Ohio. States with large hispanic populations (Arizona, Texas) will turn to Battleground States

This will mean Republicans will be unable to win the White House or the Senate. Republicans will become a second tier party

How will they respond?

Double down on dumb
Obama won and AMERICA LOST

So Americans lost when the republicans selected Romney as their best candidate?
We do need to appeal more to women and minorities, but they have to be able to think for themselves instead of fall for virginity commercials and other absolute bullshit

Republicans need to stop offending those who disagree with them

Women, blacks, Hispanics are all capable of thinking for themselves. They disagree with Republicans because Republicans use them as whipping boys to pander to their Rightwing base.

Start showing people that you respect them
So Republicans should lie more?
I am going go get some of that free shit he is offering,free food,free phone,free housing,free money,free medical,and fuck paying taxes, got to love America -its free ride on the gravy train, all aboard !

View attachment 22351

I was just thinking that myself... I've been off work for the entire summer because of an injury and can no longer do the job I was doing. I have made do on my own without assistance ever since... It's high time to go and get what is coming, and join the ever expanding list of people on assistance. I no longer have any reservations about joining their ranks... Might as well get some of the pie well there are a few pieces left. All aboard indeed.
We do need to appeal more to women and minorities, but they have to be able to think for themselves instead of fall for virginity commercials and other absolute bullshit

Republicans need to stop offending those who disagree with them

Women, blacks, Hispanics are all capable of thinking for themselves. They disagree with Republicans because Republicans use them as whipping boys to pander to their Rightwing base.

Start showing people that you respect them
So Republicans should lie more?

They should lie less. The Democrats are simply too good at the lying game for the Republicans to compete.

I'm torn on these "what should the Republicans do now?" discussions. On the one hand "go away and leave us alone" rolls off the tongue, but we do need a strong opposition to the Democrats. And that's what Republicans need to get through their heads.

I think maybe, just maybe, the whole lesser-of-two-evils thing has run its course. Maybe it's time to recognize that people are looking for a real alternative to the horrible direction our country is moving in. You can't inspire passion for hope and change by offering a candidate who is, at best, only slightly better than the opposition - who will offer only minor changes in policy. People who are satisfied with the status quo have no reason to switch for minor differences. Neither do those of us who are dissatisfied with the status quo.
After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

How should Republicans respond?

My guess is they will double down on stupid. Obama did not win because he was black. He did not win because he gives free stuff to people. He won because the states are lined up in his favor. You saw it last night, there was only so much Romney could do with the alignment of states.

The Northeast and West are permanently blue. The rust belt is turning that way. That is a major block of electoral votes. Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

Unless Republicans can appeal to Hispanics and young women they will lose more states. Florida will turn permanently blue, so will Ohio. States with large hispanic populations (Arizona, Texas) will turn to Battleground States

This will mean Republicans will be unable to win the White House or the Senate. Republicans will become a second tier party

How will they respond?

Double down on dumb
You are a sage! The more posts I read from you, the more respect I have for your opinion. But you left out one thing... of the rights' biggest problems with Obama, was making up (and creating) shit to criticize Obama about. There are a lot of legitimate criticisms to make against Obama, but the right chose to create mythical criticisms, which turned off the majority of the country.
The American people have simply voted for their share of the trillion plus we spend in welfare.

Stop pulling big numbers out of your ass.... it's embarrassing to watch. (what else has been up there?)
Thats DiaperFire for you.
I am going go get some of that free shit he is offering,free food,free phone,free housing,free money,free medical,and fuck paying taxes, got to love America -its free ride on the gravy train, all aboard !

View attachment 22351

I was just thinking that myself... I've been off work for the entire summer because of an injury and can no longer do the job I was doing. I have made do on my own without assistance ever since... It's high time to go and get what is coming, and join the ever expanding list of people on assistance. I no longer have any reservations about joining their ranks... Might as well get some of the pie well there are a few pieces left. All aboard indeed.

asswipe says what? Get off your high horse boy :eusa_boohoo:
Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

The above is a very astute observation about the flaw of the GOP's current POV.

The GOP is pandering to a very large (but still a minority) of White uber-religious aging Americans. These Americans are so hateful of so many other (also mostly) minorities, but there's so many of these groups that they hate that by pandering to the Bible Belt they lose far more votes than they gain.

I mean if the GOP cannot beat Obama when he's been dealing with THIS economy?

The GOP has made a tragic mistake and I THINK you just NAILED IT.
Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

The above is a very astute observation about the flaw of the GOP's current POV.

The GOP is pandering to a very large (but still a minority) of White uber-religious aging Americans. These Americans are so hateful of so many other (also mostly) minorities, but there's so many of these groups that they hate that by pandering to the Bible Belt they lose far more votes than they gain.

I mean if the GOP cannot beat Obama when he's been dealing with THIS economy?

The GOP has made a tragic mistake and I THINK you just NAILED IT.

No shit.
I am going go get some of that free shit he is offering,free food,free phone,free housing,free money,free medical,and fuck paying taxes, got to love America -its free ride on the gravy train, all aboard !

View attachment 22351

YOu really ought to try to get some.

Then you'll soon realize what a load of malarkey your GOP masters have been handing you.
I am going go get some of that free shit he is offering,free food,free phone,free housing,free money,free medical,and fuck paying taxes, got to love America -its free ride on the gravy train, all aboard !

View attachment 22351

I was just thinking that myself... I've been off work for the entire summer because of an injury and can no longer do the job I was doing. I have made do on my own without assistance ever since... It's high time to go and get what is coming, and join the ever expanding list of people on assistance. I no longer have any reservations about joining their ranks... Might as well get some of the pie well there are a few pieces left. All aboard indeed.

Easy way to bring this ass wipe to his knees is play his game ,and take more from the system than you give, pump out babies like gerbils and you get even more free shit,work under the radar,after all thats what obama is offering,and I say go for it. Get a laywer and gets some SS disability while your at it....all aboard the fuck train-choo-choo


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The Worst President in history has been reelected

I'd say that's pretty accurate, yes.
After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

How should Republicans respond?

My guess is they will double down on stupid. Obama did not win because he was black. He did not win because he gives free stuff to people. He won because the states are lined up in his favor. You saw it last night, there was only so much Romney could do with the alignment of states.

The Northeast and West are permanently blue. The rust belt is turning that way. That is a major block of electoral votes. Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

Unless Republicans can appeal to Hispanics and young women they will lose more states. Florida will turn permanently blue, so will Ohio. States with large hispanic populations (Arizona, Texas) will turn to Battleground States

This will mean Republicans will be unable to win the White House or the Senate. Republicans will become a second tier party

How will they respond?

Double down on dumb
You are a sage! The more posts I read from you, the more respect I have for your opinion. But you left out one thing... of the rights' biggest problems with Obama, was making up (and creating) shit to criticize Obama about. There are a lot of legitimate criticisms to make against Obama, but the right chose to create mythical criticisms, which turned off the majority of the country.

You know, it comes down to more than that

When the respected portion of your party condemns EVERY action that Obama takes, you lose credibility with the public. Saving the auto companies was good, killing bin Laden was good, helping hurricane victims was good. Screaming FAIL after every Obama move does not enhance your credibility.

You are just the boy who cried wolf
After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

How should Republicans respond?

My guess is they will double down on stupid. Obama did not win because he was black. He did not win because he gives free stuff to people. He won because the states are lined up in his favor. You saw it last night, there was only so much Romney could do with the alignment of states.

The Northeast and West are permanently blue. The rust belt is turning that way. That is a major block of electoral votes. Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

Unless Republicans can appeal to Hispanics and young women they will lose more states. Florida will turn permanently blue, so will Ohio. States with large hispanic populations (Arizona, Texas) will turn to Battleground States

This will mean Republicans will be unable to win the White House or the Senate. Republicans will become a second tier party

How will they respond?

Double down on dumb

Democrats take a good long look at the popular vote and take a good look at some of the senate race and how close those were....When mid-term comes round, Obama has plenty to worry about.

Meanwhile, the Republican house has to do their job by squashing certain sections of Obamacare still trying to be ironed out. They were put in their seat to work for their people.

The Republican house has to stand firm and not let any more social issues or agendas get through.
Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

The above is a very astute observation about the flaw of the GOP's current POV.

The GOP is pandering to a very large (but still a minority) of White uber-religious aging Americans. These Americans are so hateful of so many other (also mostly) minorities, but there's so many of these groups that they hate that by pandering to the Bible Belt they lose far more votes than they gain.

I mean if the GOP cannot beat Obama when he's been dealing with THIS economy?

The GOP has made a tragic mistake and I THINK you just NAILED IT.

No shit.

Very true

Obama was vulnerable in this election. Bad economy, people scared about their future, rising fuel costs.

The Republicans blew it. Romney was your only credible candidate to defeat Obama and you made sure he had to kiss the ass of every right wing nut job before you gave him the nomination
After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

How should Republicans respond?

My guess is they will double down on stupid. Obama did not win because he was black. He did not win because he gives free stuff to people. He won because the states are lined up in his favor. You saw it last night, there was only so much Romney could do with the alignment of states.

The Northeast and West are permanently blue. The rust belt is turning that way. That is a major block of electoral votes. Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

Unless Republicans can appeal to Hispanics and young women they will lose more states. Florida will turn permanently blue, so will Ohio. States with large hispanic populations (Arizona, Texas) will turn to Battleground States

This will mean Republicans will be unable to win the White House or the Senate. Republicans will become a second tier party

How will they respond?

Double down on dumb
You are a sage! The more posts I read from you, the more respect I have for your opinion. But you left out one thing... of the rights' biggest problems with Obama, was making up (and creating) shit to criticize Obama about.
There are a lot of legitimate criticisms to make against Obama, but the right chose to create mythical criticisms, which turned off the majority of the country.

Please list all these "mythical" criticisms.....
The people are sovereign; it does not mean they’re infallible.
Normally a reelected president expands his margin of support,
Papa Obama's went down. While Papa Obama and the
left can 'savor the moment', in no way did
he win anything approaching a mandate.

Papa Obama first term hasn't really happened yet, in the conventional sense.
Normally, a President's policies operate in his first term,
the public sees the changes, and the reelection campaign
is a referendum on these changes.

In Obama’s case, to hide their effects and help in securing reelection,
he has back loaded most of his controversial changes into a second term.

Papa Obama’s next term will start to see the effects of his 'bag of goods'....
health-care reform, Dodd-Frank, etc
....barely known to the public

Indeed, one should always be careful what they wish for....
In the words of Papa Obama's ex pastor of 20 years
"The chickens are coming home to roost"

Considering the fiscal issues coming up soon and the Left's only solutions to be
more of the same failed growth constraining types..... A similar path followed
by the failed socialist economics in Europe, like Greece.

As they say hindsight is always "20-20"....

The Left has done a favor for the right by being the ones in charge when
the economic calamities and falseness of promised "goods", start to bear

This time, four years from now,
Papa Obama and the Left will have an impossible time avoiding
accountability for our economic stagnation and failures.

Lord Macaulay predicted Papa Obama disaster in 1857

Perhaps, Macaulay was right....
"I seriously apprehend that you will, in some such
season of adversity as I have described, do things which will prevent prosperity
from returning; that you will act like people who should in a year of scarcity,
devour all the seed corn, and thus make the next year, not of scarcity,
but of absolute famine.There will be, I fear, spoliation.
The spoliation will increase the distress.
The distress will produce fresh spoliation."

Either some Caesar or Napoleon will seize the reins of government
with a strong hand, or your republic will be as
fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the twentieth
century as the Roman Empire was in the fifth;–with this difference,
that the Huns and Vandals who ravaged the Roman Empire came from without,
and that your Huns and Vandals will have been engendered
within your own country by your own institutions.

Sadly, it was said Rome was too big to fail, as well
The US is worth saving; but it will not be saved by the Left's continue
use of division and class envy that will only consume it, in the long run.
Forward, indeed !

[ame=]Forward- The Obama Way - YouTube[/ame]
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Please list all these "mythical" criticisms.....
Obama's a socialist; a marxist; death panels; he's a Kenyan; not one of us; wants to raise taxes on the middle class, etc.

I'll stop there. You get the message.

You want me to list legitimate criticisms of Obama?

Jeez... not all of them. You'd break my scroll wheel!

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