The Worst President in history has been reelected

Maybe he isnt the worst president ever? Seriously your ignorant hate has got to stop. I know you're mad because you lost but America voted overwhelmingly against you.
Oh God. Romney couldnt even get 19.6% of the American ppl to vote for him.

My lord. U'd think if you stopped five ppl on the street half of one would vote Republican on Abortion, a quarter of one on creationism, and another quarter of one on the promise of lower taxes or Mitt being white.

Republicans unbelievably goofed this one up. Why couldn't Mitt do SOME math and come up with an economic plan. Any plan, hell, copy a plan and hope for the best.
The difference between Obama and Romney in the popular vote?


Stop pretending The One has a mandate. It's ludicrous.

Romney lost by 24% of the vote......Mandate
Wow. Leftists SUCK at math.

Candidate Popular vote
Barack Obama 60786442
Mitt Romney 57890964

Romney lost by 2.4% of the vote. Do you need me to walk you through it?

No mandate. Just leftist wishful thinking.
Maybe he isnt the worst president ever? Seriously your ignorant hate has got to stop. I know you're mad because you lost but America voted overwhelmingly against you.


It looks like all the Obamabots have received their orders. :lol:
The difference between Obama and Romney in the popular vote?


Stop pretending The One has a mandate. It's ludicrous.

Romney lost by 24% of the vote......Mandate
Wow. Leftists SUCK at math.

Candidate Popular vote
Barack Obama 60786442
Mitt Romney 57890964

Romney lost by 2.4% of the vote. Do you need me to walk you through it?

No mandate. Just leftist wishful thinking.

God do you ever suck at math

Obama 332 votes
Romney 206 votes

Obama won 62% of the vote

A mandate. Just rightwing wishful thinking
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Romney lost by 24% of the vote......Mandate
Wow. Leftists SUCK at math.

Candidate Popular vote
Barack Obama 60786442
Mitt Romney 57890964

Romney lost by 2.4% of the vote. Do you need me to walk you through it?

No mandate. Just leftist wishful thinking.

God do you ever suck at math

Obama 332 votes
Romney 206 votes

Obama won 62% of the vote

A mandate. Just rightwing wishful thinking
Popular vote, dumbass. That's the voice of the people.

No mandate. Stop dreaming.
Wow. Leftists SUCK at math.

Candidate Popular vote
Barack Obama 60786442
Mitt Romney 57890964

Romney lost by 2.4% of the vote. Do you need me to walk you through it?

No mandate. Just leftist wishful thinking.

God do you ever suck at math

Obama 332 votes
Romney 206 votes

Obama won 62% of the vote

A mandate. Just rightwing wishful thinking
Popular vote, dumbass. That's the voice of the people.

No mandate. Stop dreaming.

You are misinformed

Presidents are not elected by popular vote, they are elected by Electoral Vote

Maybe President Gore can explain it better
Bush II was no great president.. but he was not worse than Obamalama, Carter, Tyler, Harding, Grant, Coolidge, etc

He was worse than ANY president. President Obama has been a good president and that's why he was reelected. How you people still defend Bush is something I'll never understand. You must be severely brainwashed.

You see me defending Bush?? Nope.. but nice try... I never said he was a 'good' or 'great' President... said confidently that he was not the worst

Oh.. and by the way your racist pig woman... Bush II was re-elected too.. I guess by your own criteria, he must have been 'good' too

Idiot bitch

All of you right wing nuts defended Bush. The fact that you are even saying you didn't is laughable. FYI, President Obama was reelected because he is a good president and people like him. Bush was reelected because the Republican party is more crooked than two left shoes. Don't pretend to know my criteria because you'd have to open that small mind of yours first to understand it.

I haven't seen you in these threads very much lately. But you're so pissed about the election that you had to drop in for a little name calling. You sound like a high school boy trying to impress thugs. Why don't you grow up and talk like an adult??
The rightwing talk radio posse is dead wrong in claiming they lost the election because Obama "gives them free stuff"

This is the same line of rhetoric that cost Romney the election. The attack by the rightwing on 47% of Americans as leeches looking for free stuff is insulting to all Americans

Americans are hard working. They want jobs that they can support themselves on. They want to be able to afford their medical bills and pay for their kids education. They want to be able to afford a house. The jobs that 47% of Americans have settled into do not give them that standard of living. It is more a reflection ofour economy than a reflection on the American worker

Americans are not leeches

That doesn't exactly contradict what I said. I agree American's want those things. I just think a lot of them think it's government's job to make that happen. That it is governments job to somehow make a job that pays $12.00/hr into a job that pays $20.00/hr. Government just can't do that. It can't arbitrarily change what the market has established as the value of a certain skill set.

The government cannot magically wave their hands and make $12 jobs into $20 jobs. But what happens when that employee that you pay $12 an hour to gets sick? What happens when that $12 employee can't afford to feed his family? What happens when that $12 employee can't afford the rents where you have your business?

The taxpayer steps in and makes up the difference and the employer gets subsidized for their low wages

How does the employer get subsidized? Losing an employee to illness is a loss for a business. They lose the employees productivity and in a lot of cases end up paying the employees wages anyway (sick days).

What happens to people that can't feed their families or afford whatever neccessity they're short on? Right now, you're right, the taxpayer pays for it some form of government assistance. My point is our policy toward such programs should strongly discourage people to be on them in the first place, not make it easier to be on them. I tend to look at it from psychological behavior modification perspective. And to me the behavior is getting oneself into situation one can't financially afford to be in (i.e. when a single mother of 1 or 2 is trying to raise children on a $12.00/hr job and gets sick. To get that point which is not at all uncommon in our society requires a series of bad choices. The attitudes and behavior that resulted in those choices wont' change if they are left unacknowledged and we instead immediately choose to look at it as 'well it just happened and we just must get government to give them some money'. That doesn't address the problem and can in fact make it worse because it is enabling behavior.

You ask what happens (if we do nothing)? Government assitance is very analogous to a relationship between a parent and a child. You have an adult child living with you who won't move and get on their own. You don't want to kick them out because you say, but I'm worried they'll starve or won't be able to meet their needs on their own. To which I say the best thing you can do is give them the boot. One of two things will happen. Without your help they will either very quickly figure out how to get food on their own, or they'll starve.
He was worse than ANY president. President Obama has been a good president and that's why he was reelected. How you people still defend Bush is something I'll never understand. You must be severely brainwashed.

You see me defending Bush?? Nope.. but nice try... I never said he was a 'good' or 'great' President... said confidently that he was not the worst

Oh.. and by the way your racist pig woman... Bush II was re-elected too.. I guess by your own criteria, he must have been 'good' too

Idiot bitch

All of you right wing nuts defended Bush. The fact that you are even saying you didn't is laughable. FYI, President Obama was reelected because he is a good president and people like him. Bush was reelected because the Republican party is more crooked than two left shoes. Don't pretend to know my criteria because you'd have to open that small mind of yours first to understand it.

I haven't seen you in these threads very much lately. But you're so pissed about the election that you had to drop in for a little name calling. You sound like a high school boy trying to impress thugs. Why don't you grow up and talk like an adult??

What is known about you at the very least, is that your criteria is based on nothing factual. Obama is not a good President. There is nothing he is doing that is measurably making our country better. What we do know are his broken promises. Not only did he not decrease the debt, it went up. Not only did he not decrease unemployment, it went up. He has little to know regard for the constitution being in violation of it on at least two occasions. So unless you're completely delusional no, there is no scenario under which he can be considered a good President. Yes people like him, because admittedly he has a personality that makes him easy to like.
After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

Obama received 60,652,149 votes. The US population is 311,591,917.

So your statement should read "...19.5% of the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans."

Just a little perspective. No charge.

That's really lame, Dave.

It sets the new standard for lameness. So they preferred Romney even less then, right?

He was worse than ANY president. President Obama has been a good president and that's why he was reelected. How you people still defend Bush is something I'll never understand. You must be severely brainwashed.

You see me defending Bush?? Nope.. but nice try... I never said he was a 'good' or 'great' President... said confidently that he was not the worst

Oh.. and by the way your racist pig woman... Bush II was re-elected too.. I guess by your own criteria, he must have been 'good' too

Idiot bitch

All of you right wing nuts defended Bush. The fact that you are even saying you didn't is laughable. FYI, President Obama was reelected because he is a good president and people like him. Bush was reelected because the Republican party is more crooked than two left shoes. Don't pretend to know my criteria because you'd have to open that small mind of yours first to understand it.

I haven't seen you in these threads very much lately. But you're so pissed about the election that you had to drop in for a little name calling. You sound like a high school boy trying to impress thugs. Why don't you grow up and talk like an adult??

No.. absolutely false.. I for one never defended his things such as fiscal policy but did defend things such as the surge... I never and I do mean NEVER proclaimed him as some good or great President...

Obama was re-elected for nothing else but popularity. To ASSume it is because of a 'good job' is absolute rubbish. You can no more state he was elected because of a 'good job' than you can for Bush

I post about as frequently or infrequently as I ever have... And I will continue to call your racist ass racist as I always have, considering your stances and your own statements...
God do you ever suck at math

Obama 332 votes
Romney 206 votes

Obama won 62% of the vote

A mandate. Just rightwing wishful thinking
Popular vote, dumbass. That's the voice of the people.

No mandate. Stop dreaming.

You are misinformed

Presidents are not elected by popular vote, they are elected by Electoral Vote

Maybe President Gore can explain it better
You're just desperately flailing about for justification for your asinine "Mandate!!!" claim.

The simple fact is Obama won by less than 3% of the vote. Period.

"President Gore"? Thanks for confirming you're delusional. :lol:
Popular vote, dumbass. That's the voice of the people.

No mandate. Stop dreaming.

You are misinformed

Presidents are not elected by popular vote, they are elected by Electoral Vote

Maybe President Gore can explain it better
You're just desperately flailing about for justification for your asinine "Mandate!!!" claim.

The simple fact is Obama won by less than 3% of the vote. Period.

"President Gore"? Thanks for confirming you're delusional. :lol:

I've already shown you that Obama won by 24% of the vote

Repeating misinformation does not help your case. Presidents are elected by electoral votes on a State by State basis.

The popular vote is mostly irrelevant to the election of presidents. It is just a statistic that losers cling to
I'm not reading any of this thread, especially not the OP. i just like seeing the thread title there.
Dude, you're full of shit, liberals have the easy going to give you something.....they dont care about the future or how things may turn out....which explains their policies. So how is Obama going to tackle entitlements?

And on social issues, like abortion, maybe you think it's cool, but we'd have a lot more people to bitch with and against if there was no abortion, and maybe some better candidates for President.

We do need to appeal more to women and minorities, but they have to be able to think for themselves instead of fall for virginity commercials and other absolute bullshit

You are misinformed

Presidents are not elected by popular vote, they are elected by Electoral Vote

Maybe President Gore can explain it better
You're just desperately flailing about for justification for your asinine "Mandate!!!" claim.

The simple fact is Obama won by less than 3% of the vote. Period.

"President Gore"? Thanks for confirming you're delusional. :lol:

I've already shown you that Obama won by 24% of the vote

Repeating misinformation does not help your case. Presidents are elected by electoral votes on a State by State basis.

The popular vote is mostly irrelevant to the election of presidents. It is just a statistic that losers cling to

Are you saying you didn't cling to it in 2000? And no the popular vote is not irrelevant. The popular vote determines, at the state level, where the electoral votes go. How much a President wins by from an electoral college standpoint is only dependent on which states happen to go to which President. it is not an accurate assessment of the public's opinion. It could just as easily been a smaller percentage or higher percentage depending on which states went to whom and have the same popular vote count for each.
You're just desperately flailing about for justification for your asinine "Mandate!!!" claim.

The simple fact is Obama won by less than 3% of the vote. Period.

"President Gore"? Thanks for confirming you're delusional. :lol:

I've already shown you that Obama won by 24% of the vote

Repeating misinformation does not help your case. Presidents are elected by electoral votes on a State by State basis. A President campaigns to win electoral votes

The popular vote is mostly irrelevant to the election of presidents. It is just a statistic that losers cling to

Are you saying you didn't cling to it in 2000? And no the popular vote is not irrelevant. The popular vote determines, at the state level, where the electoral votes go. How much a President wins by from an electoral college standpoint is only dependent on which states happen to go to which President. it is not an accurate assessment of the public's opinion. It could just as easily been a smaller percentage or higher percentage depending on which states went to whom and have the same popular vote count for each.

I learned my lesson in 2000. The popular vote is irrelevant.

You don't run for President chasing the most votes nationwide. The Presidency is won in roughly ten Battleground States and that is where the popular vote matters. You can theoretically win the Presidency with less than 25% of the popular vote.

It is an irrelevant statistic for losers
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So in other words.. you are for not enforcing laws.. you are not for a better legal process.. you want a free for all

Typical lib

Laws can be changed to new circumstances. Offering official work visas to those who are already here and a path to legitimacy is the only sensible solution

Hence fucking those who followed the legal process and pandering to the criminals...

Typical liberal

When Raygun offered amnasty we were going to start enforcing our laws. Didn't happen did it?

Obama received 60,652,149 votes. The US population is 311,591,917.

So your statement should read "...19.5% of the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans."

Just a little perspective. No charge.

That's really lame, Dave.

It sets the new standard for lameness. So they preferred Romney even less then, right?

Liberals seem to have a lot of trouble reading.

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