The worst that could happen, if Biden wins


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
For those who do not agree with the concept of voting for the lesser of 2 evils and believe that kind of thinking got us into the mess we find ourselves in today, I say hogwash. For most of my adult life stretching over 50 years, in most presidential elections we were left with 2 flawed nominees and one of them was going to be our next president. And at the moment there is no 3rd party candidate that has even a remote chance to be elected, so once again for all practical purposes we only have 2 choices. To be honest, a couple of times in the past I did vote for a 3rd party person, a protest vote if you will. I didn't see that either major candidate would be that consequential if elected; in other words the country would pretty much go on as before no matter who got elected. If we made a mistake and elected the wrong man then we could address that by voting in the other party. But this time I do not believe that is the case. I believe the possibility exists for some serious consequences if Biden gets elected and the Dems take the Senate. I am not so sure that if that happens we could recover, at least not for a long time.

If Trump get 4 more years, I don't see it as a big long term problem. Whatever he does, or if his policies are ineffective or misguided, the next president and Congress can change/undo them, assuming the voters want that to happen and vote the Dems into the WH in 2024. That's the beauty of our political system, if you fuck up then the other side will probably replace you and that is as it should be. As deplorable as Trump is, the country will be able to chance course, mainly because I do not believe the GOP will abolish the filibuster in the Senate if they manage to maintain their majority there. I believe at best the GOP will probably have a 51-49 or 50-50 majority where the VP casts the deciding vote. And there are enough repubs around who won't support killing the filibuster, no matter if Trump wants that to happen.

Perhaps not so if Biden gets elected and the Dems also gain a Senate majority, which right now I think is close to a 50-50 chance. Considering that the Far Left is driving that party right now, many people believe the democrats will vote to abolish the filibuster completely, so they can then pretty much do as they please. And that right there is a major change to American politics, mob rule in the Senate instead of keeping the 60 vote threshold that currently exits to begin or end debate on most bills. That 60 vote is there to require debate and compromise between the majority and the minority, take that away and it's Katy bar the door. Have you seen what the dems could/would do if given the chance?

Won't happen if Trump is re-elected, no point in doing so cuz whatever a democrat Senate and House sends to the Trump would likely be vetoed. But Biden? Not that he could stop the Senate from doing that, it ain't his authority to tell the Senate how to do their business. But the fact that he would be the president and Trump isn't means that the Far Left could do their will in dragging this country much farther to the Left than Obama could or did. Way Left. Unless you want to say Biden will stand up to the Far Left and veto whatever bills the dem Congress sends him? I don't think so. What happens if a democrat Congress votes to make DC the 51st state. or maybe Puerto Rico the 52nd? That makes it much harder for the GOP to retake the Senate, with 4 more blue seats that very likely will stay that way. And 6 more blue ballots in the electoral College, making it much harder to elect a repub president. Christmas day every day if you're the dems.

Won't happen you say. Maybe. Could happen? Yeah, I think so, the Senate looks like a tossup to me that could go either way, as could the White House. Won't make any difference you say. Maybe, and maybe it'll make a very big difference. Will the moderate dems provide a roadblock? I think not, have you seen the $3.4 trillion Relief Bill they're fighting for? They already voted to make DC the 51st state, and any moderate democrat who isn't on-board to Far Left agenda will have a very large target on his/her back. They fell in in line in 2010, didn't they? How much confidence should anyone have that enough democrats will stand up and stay that ain't right? Not much, if any in my book.

So - if you don't see any of this as possible and you don't like either candidate and don't vote, well that's your prerogative. If you don't see any difference between what Trump would do and what Biden would, so be it. But what if you're wrong?
It was Republicans in early 2017 that tore a major hole in the filibuster ... during the confirmation of SC Judge Niel Gorsuch ...

Yes, Republicans give Democrats permission to do such dirty tricks ... The Donald took money from the military to build his wall ... Democrats will take money from the military to build solar farms ... The Donald runs the country with EO's ... Democrats will run the country with EO's ... Republicans tear holes in the filibuster ... Democrats will tear holes in the filibuster ...

The only thing we can look forward to is more tax breaks for the Rich ... so not all is lost ...
It was Republicans in early 2017 that tore a major hole in the filibuster ... during the confirmation of SC Judge Niel Gorsuch ...

Yes, Republicans give Democrats permission to do such dirty tricks ... The Donald took money from the military to build his wall ... Democrats will take money from the military to build solar farms ... The Donald runs the country with EO's ... Democrats will run the country with EO's ... Republicans tear holes in the filibuster ... Democrats will tear holes in the filibuster ...

The only thing we can look forward to is more tax breaks for the Rich ... so not all is lost ...
If the dems take both houses of congress and the WH, I really believe we'll see a law at least making it clear that a REAL emergency has to exist b4 a potus can just willy nilly take money out of one pot to do some project congress will not authorize
It was Republicans in early 2017 that tore a major hole in the filibuster ... during the confirmation of SC Judge Niel Gorsuch ...

Yes, Republicans give Democrats permission to do such dirty tricks ... The Donald took money from the military to build his wall ... Democrats will take money from the military to build solar farms ... The Donald runs the country with EO's ... Democrats will run the country with EO's ... Republicans tear holes in the filibuster ... Democrats will tear holes in the filibuster ...

The only thing we can look forward to is more tax breaks for the Rich ... so not all is lost ...

Actually, it was Harry Reid and the democrats who tore the 1st major hole in the filibuster in 2013 when they did away with the 60-vote rule for confirming cabinet positions and federal judges except for Supreme court Justices. So, it was the democrats who gave the republicans permission to do such dirty tricks in the 1st place.

The truth is that the party in power will enact policies according to their politics, nothing new there. My problem, as noted in my OP, is that if the Dems get into power in the WH and the Senate, then they will do quite a lot of damage with no meaningful opposition. First and foremost being the elimination of the filibuster altogether. That means the virtual end of bipartisanship, no point in it if you can keep your own caucus together. And with the power of the far Left in the democratic party these days, they can do a lot of crazy, ridiculous things.
I don’t agree that Trump is a lesser evil, but the argument presented is presented in a reasonable manner. I also don’t believe there is any real threat whatever in this election to corporate capitalist control over society. I do think, however, that a broad Biden/Harris victory will bring new challenges.

Only in the very unlikely event that a new broad minded consensus emerged for a deepened welfare state at home, and political agreements rebuilt international trade organizations successfully, could such a situation continue.

I certainly don’t expect this, but I would love to see a sweeping repudiation of Trump’s presidency, a near death of the Republican Party as it is today constituted. If it were to occur, the period of centrist one-Party domination would almost certainly not last very long. It would not be a catastrophe to my mind (unless Democratic Politicians led us into another war), but it would also not likely constitute another Era of Good Feelings* — that is surely a dream. ; (

*The Era of Good Feelings marked a period in the political history of the United States that reflected a sense of national purpose and a desire for unity among Americans in the aftermath of the War of 1812. The era saw the collapse of the Federalist Party and an end to the bitter partisan disputes between it and the dominant Democratic-Republican Party during the First Party System. President James Monroe strove to downplay partisan affiliation in making his nominations, with the ultimate goal of national unity and eliminating political parties altogether from national politics.

*Era of Good Feelings - Wikipedia
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It was Republicans in early 2017 that tore a major hole in the filibuster ... during the confirmation of SC Judge Niel Gorsuch ...

Yes, Republicans give Democrats permission to do such dirty tricks ... The Donald took money from the military to build his wall ... Democrats will take money from the military to build solar farms ... The Donald runs the country with EO's ... Democrats will run the country with EO's ... Republicans tear holes in the filibuster ... Democrats will tear holes in the filibuster ...

The only thing we can look forward to is more tax breaks for the Rich ... so not all is lost ...
If the dems take both houses of congress and the WH, I really believe we'll see a law at least making it clear that a REAL emergency has to exist b4 a potus can just willy nilly take money out of one pot to do some project congress will not authorize
Lol dems wont give a shit if biden wins. Just like they didnt when obama did it.
It fucking amazes me how people think the duopoly has any real morality or integrity.
If the dems take both houses of congress and the WH, I really believe we'll see a law at least making it clear that a REAL emergency has to exist b4 a potus can just willy nilly take money out of one pot to do some project congress will not authorize

Have we torn up the Constitution? ...

"No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time." --- Article I, Section 9, Clause vii ...

The law says the money must be spent on building a new parking garage at West Point Military Academy ... any other use of this money is illegal ... I understand this principle has been being eroded for several generations now ... and The Donald is just doing what any other President would do ... so the precedent is set in stone now ... The next Democrat President will be borrowing trillions upon trillions of dollars to put solar panels in all the nation's caves ... and Congress won't lift a finger to stop this ...

I'm not saying the Iranians are right, but I ain't saying they're wrong either ... if you get my drift ... I'll get back to burning the American Flag just as soon as I'm bored with burning the Oregon Flag ... them bastards ...
Thinking of voting for what you consider to be "the lesser of two evils"?

OK, so you want to vote for evil!

Why waste time going to the polls to vote for a "third party" candidate you know can't win?

Why lick a stamp to post a ballot when there's every possibility Pelosi pre-spat on the stamp?

Nawwwww....just stay home.

OK; you feel compelled to vote for what you consider evil. Will you burn in Hell for promoting evil? Probably not. But you COULD be a viable Democrat candidate for something!
Actually, it was Harry Reid and the democrats who tore the 1st major hole in the filibuster in 2013 when they did away with the 60-vote rule for confirming cabinet positions and federal judges except for Supreme court Justices. So, it was the democrats who gave the republicans permission to do such dirty tricks in the 1st place.

Thank you for this correction ... you're right on this ...

The truth is that the party in power will enact policies according to their politics, nothing new there. My problem, as noted in my OP, is that if the Dems get into power in the WH and the Senate, then they will do quite a lot of damage with no meaningful opposition. First and foremost being the elimination of the filibuster altogether. That means the virtual end of bipartisanship, no point in it if you can keep your own caucus together. And with the power of the far Left in the democratic party these days, they can do a lot of crazy, ridiculous things.

Republicans can just walk away ...

Both of Oregon's legislative houses have over 60% control by the Democrats ... they railroad their agenda through every session ... Republicans simply walked away and left Democrats without a quorum this last session ... we don't have enough police here to have Republicans brought back in chains ...
It was Republicans in early 2017 that tore a major hole in the filibuster ... during the confirmation of SC Judge Niel Gorsuch ...

Yes, Republicans give Democrats permission to do such dirty tricks ... The Donald took money from the military to build his wall ... Democrats will take money from the military to build solar farms ... The Donald runs the country with EO's ... Democrats will run the country with EO's ... Republicans tear holes in the filibuster ... Democrats will tear holes in the filibuster ...

The only thing we can look forward to is more tax breaks for the Rich ... so not all is lost ...
If the dems take both houses of congress and the WH, I really believe we'll see a law at least making it clear that a REAL emergency has to exist b4 a potus can just willy nilly take money out of one pot to do some project congress will not authorize
Lol dems wont give a shit if biden wins. Just like they didnt when obama did it.
It fucking amazes me how people think the duopoly has any real morality or integrity.
Progs need to go in for the kill. They came close but Hillary needed to be elected. The theory would be that there would be no return if they push their agendas far enough. Look what has happened in the last 50 years. Only an economic, disaster, or other catastrophe can forestall their movement. Of course a totalitarian government can remove almost all of the social justice gains in everyway if it feels it needs to.
For those who do not agree with the concept of voting for the lesser of 2 evils and believe that kind of thinking got us into the mess we find ourselves in today, I say hogwash. For most of my adult life stretching over 50 years, in most presidential elections we were left with 2 flawed nominees and one of them was going to be our next president. And at the moment there is no 3rd party candidate that has even a remote chance to be elected, so once again for all practical purposes we only have 2 choices. To be honest, a couple of times in the past I did vote for a 3rd party person, a protest vote if you will. I didn't see that either major candidate would be that consequential if elected; in other words the country would pretty much go on as before no matter who got elected. If we made a mistake and elected the wrong man then we could address that by voting in the other party. But this time I do not believe that is the case. I believe the possibility exists for some serious consequences if Biden gets elected and the Dems take the Senate. I am not so sure that if that happens we could recover, at least not for a long time.

If Trump get 4 more years, I don't see it as a big long term problem. Whatever he does, or if his policies are ineffective or misguided, the next president and Congress can change/undo them, assuming the voters want that to happen and vote the Dems into the WH in 2024. That's the beauty of our political system, if you fuck up then the other side will probably replace you and that is as it should be. As deplorable as Trump is, the country will be able to chance course, mainly because I do not believe the GOP will abolish the filibuster in the Senate if they manage to maintain their majority there. I believe at best the GOP will probably have a 51-49 or 50-50 majority where the VP casts the deciding vote. And there are enough repubs around who won't support killing the filibuster, no matter if Trump wants that to happen.

Perhaps not so if Biden gets elected and the Dems also gain a Senate majority, which right now I think is close to a 50-50 chance. Considering that the Far Left is driving that party right now, many people believe the democrats will vote to abolish the filibuster completely, so they can then pretty much do as they please. And that right there is a major change to American politics, mob rule in the Senate instead of keeping the 60 vote threshold that currently exits to begin or end debate on most bills. That 60 vote is there to require debate and compromise between the majority and the minority, take that away and it's Katy bar the door. Have you seen what the dems could/would do if given the chance?

Won't happen if Trump is re-elected, no point in doing so cuz whatever a democrat Senate and House sends to the Trump would likely be vetoed. But Biden? Not that he could stop the Senate from doing that, it ain't his authority to tell the Senate how to do their business. But the fact that he would be the president and Trump isn't means that the Far Left could do their will in dragging this country much farther to the Left than Obama could or did. Way Left. Unless you want to say Biden will stand up to the Far Left and veto whatever bills the dem Congress sends him? I don't think so. What happens if a democrat Congress votes to make DC the 51st state. or maybe Puerto Rico the 52nd? That makes it much harder for the GOP to retake the Senate, with 4 more blue seats that very likely will stay that way. And 6 more blue ballots in the electoral College, making it much harder to elect a repub president. Christmas day every day if you're the dems.

Won't happen you say. Maybe. Could happen? Yeah, I think so, the Senate looks like a tossup to me that could go either way, as could the White House. Won't make any difference you say. Maybe, and maybe it'll make a very big difference. Will the moderate dems provide a roadblock? I think not, have you seen the $3.4 trillion Relief Bill they're fighting for? They already voted to make DC the 51st state, and any moderate democrat who isn't on-board to Far Left agenda will have a very large target on his/her back. They fell in in line in 2010, didn't they? How much confidence should anyone have that enough democrats will stand up and stay that ain't right? Not much, if any in my book.

So - if you don't see any of this as possible and you don't like either candidate and don't vote, well that's your prerogative. If you don't see any difference between what Trump would do and what Biden would, so be it. But what if you're wrong?
If Biden wins, we lose the First and Second Amendments. Taxes will rocket up to pay for the madness of free stuff and once he steps down, as planned, prison population will explode.
It was Republicans in early 2017 that tore a major hole in the filibuster ... during the confirmation of SC Judge Niel Gorsuch ...

Yes, Republicans give Democrats permission to do such dirty tricks ... The Donald took money from the military to build his wall ... Democrats will take money from the military to build solar farms ... The Donald runs the country with EO's ... Democrats will run the country with EO's ... Republicans tear holes in the filibuster ... Democrats will tear holes in the filibuster ...

The only thing we can look forward to is more tax breaks for the Rich ... so not all is lost ...

It is interesting to see how Democrats use (invalid) moral equivalence arguments to justify their perfidious actions. Given the outrageous and dishonest smear campaign against Neil Gorsuch, it is clear that extending the Democrats' filibuster exception to include SCOTUS nominees was not only warranted but necessary to fulfill the Senate's legitimate constitutional duties.

Republicans need to realize that playing by the rules is a fool's game when dealing with a Democratic Party whose only rule is to win at all costs. If by some chance the GOP should control 2/3 of state legislatures after this election, they should immediately call for a Constitutional Convention to clearly prohibit the abuses that have become standard procedure for the Democrats and their accomplices.
If that asshole Biden wins (unlikely) he will continue the destruction of this country that was advanced when that turd brain Obama was President. A real disaster.

The country probably won't achieve the Democrat agenda of becoming a socialist shithole but Biden will take a giant leap towards that goal.
I don't think so. What happens if a democrat Congress votes to make DC the 51st state. or maybe Puerto Rico the 52nd? That makes it much harder for the GOP to retake the Senate, with 4 more blue seats that very likely will stay that way. And 6 more blue ballots in the electoral College, making it much harder to elect a repub president. Christmas day every day if you're the dems.

Okay, not sure, why is this a bad thing again? First, these people deserve representation. Secondly, you can't admit them by simple majority. Both houses of Congress have to approve it by a two-thirds majority, and then the legislatures have to approve. (Since DC has territory from both VA and MD, both of their legislatures would have to approve as well.) Then the President has to sign it. it's actually a complicated process that would require a national concensus.
Is Biden really who we want in charge while were trying to overcome Coronavirus? Trump already has experience with this, so we should keep Trump.
If the dems take both houses of congress and the WH, I really believe we'll see a law at least making it clear that a REAL emergency has to exist b4 a potus can just willy nilly take money out of one pot to do some project congress will not authorize

Have we torn up the Constitution? ...

"No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time." --- Article I, Section 9, Clause vii ...

The law says the money must be spent on building a new parking garage at West Point Military Academy ... any other use of this money is illegal ... I understand this principle has been being eroded for several generations now ... and The Donald is just doing what any other President would do ... so the precedent is set in stone now ... The next Democrat President will be borrowing trillions upon trillions of dollars to put solar panels in all the nation's caves ... and Congress won't lift a finger to stop this ...

I'm not saying the Iranians are right, but I ain't saying they're wrong either ... if you get my drift ... I'll get back to burning the American Flag just as soon as I'm bored with burning the Oregon Flag ... them bastards ...
Congress passed a law allowing a potus to define his own emergencies and take what he wants.

In retrospect, most of those idiots prolly realize their mistake.

note the federalist is now pisscolorhairfellatioist
I don't think so. What happens if a democrat Congress votes to make DC the 51st state. or maybe Puerto Rico the 52nd? That makes it much harder for the GOP to retake the Senate, with 4 more blue seats that very likely will stay that way. And 6 more blue ballots in the electoral College, making it much harder to elect a repub president. Christmas day every day if you're the dems.

Okay, not sure, why is this a bad thing again? First, these people deserve representation. Secondly, you can't admit them by simple majority. Both houses of Congress have to approve it by a two-thirds majority, and then the legislatures have to approve. (Since DC has territory from both VA and MD, both of their legislatures would have to approve as well.) Then the President has to sign it. it's actually a complicated process that would require a national concensus.

Actually, I believe you are mistaken. Show me where in the Constitution it says that a two-thirds majority in both Houses of Congress is required to admit a state. The 67 vote requirement in the Senate was changed to 60 in 1975, and the democrats could change it again to a simple majority in 2021, true? Where's the law that says it has to be 67? I don't believe such a law exists, but even if it did, the Congress can speedily change that. And I do not believe a national consensus would be required either. Maryland and Virginia are blue states, I don't think it would be a problem for them to approve statehood for DC. And Puerto Rico would be easy peasy, they could accomplish whatever needs to be done before the 2022 elections.

Do they deserve representation? I'll bet your opinion would be different if they were republican leaning, no? In Puerto Rico's case, they'd be getting a lot of benefits for being a part of the United States that they don't get now, like federal money for schools roads, etc. without paying a lot of the taxes that states pay now, cuz PR doesn't have the revenue. And it's kind of a disorganized mess down there, isn't it? It'd be an increase in governmental responsibility with no real return. Except for the Dems.

DC is a little different. Could Congress sidestep the Constitutional questions and get it done? They must think so since they passed a bill in the House to make DC our 51st state. And whose to say the Dems would stop there? What if they also try to bring in American Samoa and Guam? And God knows who else?
Actually, I believe you are mistaken. Show me where in the Constitution it says that a two-thirds majority in both Houses of Congress is required to admit a state. The 67 vote requirement in the Senate was changed to 60 in 1975, and the democrats could change it again to a simple majority in 2021, true? Where's the law that says it has to be 67? I don't believe such a law exists, but even if it did, the Congress can speedily change that. And I do not believe a national consensus would be required either. Maryland and Virginia are blue states, I don't think it would be a problem for them to approve statehood for DC. And Puerto Rico would be easy peasy, they could accomplish whatever needs to be done before the 2022 elections.

Well, you have me convinced. They could force that through.

SO tell me why it would be a bad idea? I mean other than 'It means the Democrats get more seats".

Do they deserve representation? I'll bet your opinion would be different if they were republican leaning, no? In Puerto Rico's case, they'd be getting a lot of benefits for being a part of the United States that they don't get now, like federal money for schools roads, etc. without paying a lot of the taxes that states pay now, cuz PR doesn't have the revenue. And it's kind of a disorganized mess down there, isn't it? It'd be an increase in governmental responsibility with no real return. Except for the Dems.

If they leaned Republican, they'd be a state if they wanted to or not. Actually, we've seen the main reason why they need statehood, and that was the response to Hurricane Maria, where the aid just wasn't coming like it would have if they were a state. Puerto Rico has 3 million people on it, more than 19 other states do. So the good question is, why isn't it a state?


DC is a little different. Could Congress sidestep the Constitutional questions and get it done? They must think so since they passed a bill in the House to make DC our 51st state. And whose to say the Dems would stop there? What if they also try to bring in American Samoa and Guam? And God knows who else?

Well to start with, American Samoa only has 55,000 people and Guam only has 158,000.

DC has 750,000 people, which is more than Wyoming or Vermont.

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