The Wrath O' Nancy!

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That's unusual. I run Firefox 78.2 in full privacy mode and have never seen anyone get blocked when I can get through. I'm usually the one bitching. That's why it pays to have more than one browser, for those few things I want to load or run that I can't on Firefox, I copy and paste the URL to Safari and that always works.
Yeah, that thing's chock full of security holes. Firefox is now run by leftists.
I bet you can't string 9 anon proxies together with it.
If you try to, I bet the browser itself goes around it.
I've got no real complaints about Firefox, it serves me pretty well. I like it better than Safari. Half the world (or more) is run by leftists. Main reason why it's in the shape it is, but if you have a suggestion for a better browser that runs on a Mac, I'm all ears.
You can bet democrats (with the cooperation of the media) are going to rally to the (hypocrite) Speaker's side and condemn the poor babes in the salon who are just trying to make an honest buck.
"Let 'em eat cake"....Marie Antionette
I said it the other day in the first thread about the incident. The one with the gotcha moment may have wanted to just use blackmail and not release it to the public.
If this was a set up the biggest one was the Pandemic set up and the riot set up to help Trump lose the election. We will never trust Progs again one way or the other. And if they take control, some of the important jobs in a dictatorship will be given to former deplorables who will spend their time getting back at you by their laws. And they will be given jobs because the new power structure will not have enough jobs for those who got them there. The mistrust will be massive and the elimination of many will occur. Former deplorables will have no problem with that.

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