Their hands don't lie: Republican candidates trash the trial by jury

There still exists an equal chance that justice won't be served Tom.

Maybe you just need to think it through to when Trump declares the 2020 election to be stolen, from the comfort of the Whitehouse?

Or you can seek comfort in believing that it can never happen?
I’m not getting into childish arguments about what can or will happen, or how the court cases will develop, or whether “Justice will be served.” I have no idea why you ask me these questions and what purpose motivates you to pose them. Like I said, I think you are trying to be provocative. Often you seem to be arguing contradictory positions … and doing it on purpose.
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I’m not getting into childish arguments about what can or will happen, or how the court cases will develop, or whether “Justice will be served.” I have no idea why you ask me these questions and what purpose motivates you to pose them. Like I said, I think you are trying to be provocative. Often you seem to be arguing contradictory positions … and doing it on purpose.

Ahhhh, so you finally figured out the duck, eh?
I’m not getting into childish arguments about what can or will happen, or how the court cases will develop, or whether “Justice will be served.” I have no idea why you ask me these questions and what purpose motivates you to pose them. Like I said, I think you are trying to be provocative. Often you seem to be arguing contradictory positions … and doing it on purpose.
I ask you those questions because I consider you worthy of being asked. Few others are!

Yes, I am trying to be provocative and that's why I've asked you to think ahead to the eventuality of Trump succeeding.

It's your option to address any contradictory positions I'm taking.

Fwiw, being a Canadian allows me the option of either being supportive of Trump or being opposed to him. I support his chances because he's the lesser of two evils on America starting a nuclear war against Russia. I have very little feelings for America's fate due to Trump's domestic success or failure.
No, those supposed Trump “opponents” who raised their hands for Trump were not saying they will accept “the will of the people,” they were confessing they weren’t serious leaders, and pledging they would put the criminal “Trump Party” before the nation. Fuck, they were pledging support to a man who wasn‘t even there — and who not only refused to sign a similar pledge but threatened to take his supporters and destroy the GOP entirely if he wasn’t chosen!

You are right that there is nothing criminal about the general “precepts” of MAGA, but there is without doubt a cult centered around the demagogue Donald Trump, whose domination of the GOP is all too clear.
You are so wrong. But I doubt you can be convinced of that. There is no MAGA cult. If there was we would be party to the same groupthink and groupspeak that posts things like you posted here. We are all different. We agree on some things and disagree strongly on others. We don't all appreciate Donald Trump as a person.

But we sure all agree that what he accomplished as President was awesome and good and productive and what America should be about and the complete opposite of the current government we have now. His vision is what we want not only from those who agree with it which is most of those Republicans running for President but we want somebody who can and will actually accomplish it.

So far Donald Trump is the only one who has.

MAGAs mostly don't vote for personality. They vote for results. For a vision of a strong, free, secure, prosperous America where citizens can lawfully live their lives as they choose and not as some demogogue government that is promoting its own self serving interests and ambitions instead of a government of, by and for the people.

If I was voting for an idol or personality I sure as hell would not vote for Donald Trump. He offends me as much as he impresses me. But he shares my vision for America and has demonstrated he has both the will and capability to accomplish it more than any President or other leader in my lifetime. He has earned my vote.
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You are right that there is nothing criminal about the general “precepts” of MAGA,

Well. That’s a minor concession. It’s obviously the truth.
but there is without doubt a cult centered around the demagogue Donald Trump,
Wrong. There is massive doubt about that. And Donald Trump, himself, getting some devotion isn’t the same thing as a MAGA “cult.” All you guys who make that empty claim look silly.
whose domination of the GOP is all too clear.
Nothing wrong with having one candidate dominate a political party. Not counting a loser like Potato, most Presidents have a better prospect of dominating their Party.
Trial by jury is a bedrock of American jurisprudence.

If the polls are correct, Trump supporters have a right to worry that he will be roughly handled by juries, because 60% of Americans believe he acted immorally and illegally.
Not exactly.

Trump's claim of a stolen election is the continuation of his attempted coup.
Whether the coup succeeded or failed is still to be established.

Is the coup justified? We've heard many talking points to say that it is!

I tend to agree that most are quite valid.

No stolen election can ever go unanswered by an attempted coup to uphold government.

No attempted coup attempt must ever survive unanswered by patriots with immediate and final force of arms.
Claiming an election was stolen is a coup now?
Americans may be trying to find comfort in arguing whether they are a democracy or a republic.

There is little comfort to be found for those among you that need to come to terms with supporting an active and ongoing coup attempt.

Was the election of 2020 stolen?

Is the coup justifiable on the pretense that it was stolen?

The talking points of Trump's supporters are convincing!
Odd you think elections are coups…well maybe not that odd to a demafacist
Claiming an election was stolen is a coup now?
In all of our history there are people who have questions the outcome of this or that election. Certainly Democrats have done so very recently. Almost none would admit that Trump was a legitimately elected President for instance.

Hillary Clinton asked electors to ignore the vote and cast their votes for her. she was strongly criticized for that but nobody suggested she should be indicted and arrested for it.

Stacy Abrams in George still hasn't admitted she lost her election but only Donald Trump is a criminal for questioning the outcome of his. To prosecute him for that is not only criminal in itself, it is a true threat to our 'democracy' as the Democrats would say.
Trying to overturn an election is a criminal act.

Anybody can ask questions even after being told their questions have been asnwered.

Except for those told by a Judge, "No, that's over for you."
60% of America, including a huge part of those who think America is going in the wrong direction because of the GOP, will not vote for Trump.
60% of America, including a huge part of those who think America is going in the wrong direction because of the GOP, will not vote for Trump.
Why is it terrifying for democrats that republicans pledge to support the republican nominee? What's far more terrifying is a doddering old fool who compared a minor kitchen fire to the conflagration that may have taken 800 lives.

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