Their hands don't lie: Republican candidates trash the trial by jury

Welcome to your failure.

Now we see what the outcome will be.
Not only have the 2024 Republican presidential candidates surrendered to Trump, most Republicans have surrendered to Trump – Republicans who like their candidates would vote for Trump, a convicted felon; Republicans who like their candidates and Trump are enemies of democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution.

A self-coup, also called an autocoup (from the Spanish: autogolpe), or coup from the top, is a form of coup d'état in which a nation's head, having come to power through legal means, tries to stay in power through illegal means.

The only coup that happened was the one launched 17 minutes after Trump was sworn in.

THAT was a coup.

Your idiotic claims are pure unadulterated bullshit.
Not only have the 2024 Republican presidential candidates surrendered to Trump, most Republicans have surrendered to Trump – Republicans who like their candidates would vote for Trump, a convicted felon; Republicans who like their candidates and Trump are enemies of democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution.

Fuck you and your pissant claims. The FBI has broken the law for FISA warrants 200,000 fucking times.

You assholes wipe your ass with the law.

The Republican candidates are demonstrating their contempt for the will of the people – the will of the people of the jury who in good faith and in accordance with the law, based on the facts and evidence presented, convicted Trump of the crimes he committed.

DO you know what the difference between a Trial jury and a Grand jury is? do you realize one indicts and one convicts?

Grand juries are part of the process but they do not determine guilt or innocence.... so what the hell are you talking about the will of the people ??? ....and your statement is flat wrong.
Fuck you and your pissant claims. The FBI has broken the law for FISA warrants 200,000 fucking times.

You assholes wipe your ass with the law.
And that has WHAT to do with Trump's actions and crimes?

You simply can not handle the truth and reality, so you bring out your inner toddler, with your tantrum like any three year old, "Mommy, mommy, Mikey did it too!"

That doesn't cut it, in Adult World.
And that has WHAT to do with Trump's actions and crimes?

You simply can not handle the truth and reality, so you bring out your inner toddler, with your tantrum like any three year old, "Mommy, mommy, Mikey did it too!"

That doesn't cut it, in Adult World.

No, stupid. Your claims don't cut it in the real world. YOUR assholes are the only people involved in a coup. And we have the evidence for it.

Basically, EVERYTHING you have accused Trump of, YOUR assholes have actually done it.

Not Trump.

And we have proof of YOUR assholes crimes.
No, stupid. Your claims don't cut it in the real world. YOUR assholes are the only people involved in a coup. And we have the evidence for it.

Basically, EVERYTHING you have accused Trump of, YOUR assholes have actually done it.

Not Trump.

And we have proof of YOUR assholes crimes.
Every witness against Trump is a Republican Trump supporter.

Every bit of tangible evidence gathered against Trump comes from a Republican Trump voter.... Via document, tape, video, text, voice mail or email....

Time for YOU to stop living in this made up world of make believe that you've chosen....
DO you know what the difference between a Trial jury and a Grand jury is? do you realize one indicts and one convicts?

Grand juries are part of the process but they do not determine guilt or innocence.... so what the hell are you talking about the will of the people ??? ....and your statement is flat wrong.
A grand jury is one expression of the will of the people, and a full jury decision completes it.

Those indictments are very, very compelling.
A grand jury is one expression of the will of the people, and a full jury decision completes it.

Those indictments are very, very compelling.

READ C.Jones post again...he said the jury CONVICTED Trump of his crimes. It's absoulutely not what happened , plus a grand jury is selected differently that a trial jury and in some cases be manipulated by a prosecutor.. a Grand jury doesn't get all the facts in a case the same way a trial jury does.
when the will of the people has taken place, I expect Trump will walk.
READ C.Jones post again...he said the jury CONVICTED Trump of his crimes. It's absoulutely not what happened , plus a grand jury is selected differently that a trial jury and in some cases be manipulated by a prosecutor.. a Grand jury doesn't get all the facts in a case the same way a trial jury does.
when the will of the people has taken place, I expect Trump will walk.
You have silly expectations.
There was no coup, attempted or otherwise, duck. STFU
Yes, an attempted coup and it's still in progress. Americans with guns didn't use them to protect government domestic enemies, my friend.

Will it finally succeed? Would it be better for the rest of the world if it does? I think so if it takes a coup to stop Biden.
Every witness against Trump is a Republican Trump supporter.

Every bit of tangible evidence gathered against Trump comes from a Republican Trump voter.... Via document, tape, video, text, voice mail or email....

Time for YOU to stop living in this made up world of make believe that you've chosen....

Every witness is a POLITICAL CLASS whore.

Fuck you are stupid.
No coup, stupid. Run along duck.
Yes, an attempted coup … still in progress. Americans with guns didn't use them to protect government domestic enemies, my friend.

Will it finally succeed? Would it be better for the rest of the world if it does? I think so if it takes a coup to stop Biden.
How dumb, Donald H . You’re not “throwing pearls before swine.” More like throwing brain farts and imagining they are verbal hand grenades. This is just stupid trolling … “told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
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How dumb, Donald H . You’re not “throwing pearls before swine.” More like throwing brain farts and imaging they are verbal hand grenades. This is just stupid trolling … “told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
Verbal hand grenades Tom?

Roughly half of Americans are with me at any one time. It's not for me to decide which side were the cowards and which side were the patriots. Where were you on Jan.6th? Were you on the side of right?

Which side was the side of right?
“There were two surrenders this week — one by Donald Trump, and one to Donald Trump.

The second, by almost every Republican presidential candidate, was more important, more predictable and far more terrifying.

The signature moment of Wednesday’s debate was the raising of hands to pledge fealty to Trump over the rule of law, and if the ritual has become unsurprising at this point in Trump’s reign over the GOP, this particular manifestation bears noting.

Because the formulation put to the candidates — would you support Trump even if he were convicted by a jury? — was so stark, and the response so appalling. Every candidate on the stage — with the exception of former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson and, depending on how you interpret his hand gestures, former New Jersey governor Chris Christie — effectively declared that a trial by jury is just another American institution that must yield to the demands of Trump.”

It was a declaration by the Republican presidential candidates that they not only have contempt for trial by jury but contempt for the rule of law itself.
They also have contempt for voters. In Georgia, they are passing a law that would allow the governor to remove an elected district attorney.
Did those people at the Capitol visitor entrance that were let in, smash windows and doors and pepper spray and beat cops up too?
Assuming your point is that some folks did engage in criminal conduct, I agree. Focus on them. But stop overgeneralizing their behavior as if it were conduct engaged in by all protestors.
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Yes, an attempted coup and it's still in progress. Americans with guns didn't use them to protect government domestic enemies, my friend.

Will it finally succeed? Would it be better for the rest of the world if it does? I think so if it takes a coup to stop Biden.
STFU, duck. You are ignorant of the subject and you have no standing. Americans are not in the habit of taking advice from marxists or commies. Please respect our choices.
STFU, duck. You are ignorant of the subject and you have no standing. Americans are not in the habit of taking advice from marxists or commies. Please respect our choices.
We agree that Biden must be stopped my friend.
But agreement only brings you discomfort!

We're going to keep working on it!
We agree that Biden must be stopped my friend.
But agreement only brings you discomfort!

We're going to keep working on it!
I don't agree with a fucking word you post. I don't cotton to marxists and communists. You've already had a hand along with Turdeau in ruining Canada. Stay the fuck away from the US.

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