Their pensions go first!


Diamond Member​

I condemned Obumbler and Brandon. I wasn’t as vocal in objecting to Trump’s spending
Yes. I wrote that. I was there when I wrote it. But I notice you truncated the full quote. Tsk tsk. You may be slippery and a bit sleazy, but at least I can call you out on it.

My FULL paragraph was “I condemned Obumbler and Brandon. I wasn’t as vocal in objecting to Trump’s spending. But I agree. His was also worthy of condemnation.

Gee. I wonder why you left that highlighted part off?
Yes. I wrote that. I was there when I wrote it. But I notice you truncated the full quote. Tsk tsk. You may be slippery and a bit sleazy, but at least I can call you out on it.

My FULL paragraph was “I condemned Obumbler and Brandon. I wasn’t as vocal in objecting to Trump’s spending. But I agree. His was also worthy of condemnation.

Gee. I wonder why you left that highlighted part off?

Because what I quoted is what I was discussing with you. If you don't support something, you don't support it across the board equally.
Have a week down in West Palm and suffering sticker shock at even having breakfast at a pub: $16 for an omelet?!

This massive inflation is how the WEF and their American Flying Monkeys intend to liquidate America.

I recall PedoPete saying “their pensions go first” when promising revenge on the bankers who caused the 07 financial collapse. Fair enough. I say it also applies to the Fed, the WEF and all politicians who voted for Bidens massive spending.

The Globalists are counting on us turning into Sri Lanka and begging the government to give us less freedom and more Socialism. It’s far more likely they get another 1776.

For me, I will be like the Who’s who woke up in Whoville presentless on Christmas morning but still walked to the Town center to express their gratitude and thanks to the Creator for making me a human being and giving me another day.

Spending has nothing to do with this. You are perfectly happy in helping the rich get richer.
Because what I quoted is what I was discussing with you. If you don't support something, you don't support it across the board equally.
Then quote the part where I did condemn it. You’re slippery. I thought you were at least honest.
Again. I know. I was there when I wrote what I posted. You see, it’s called being honest. No wonder you’re confused.

Yes you were honest. That is what I was commenting on. I commend you for being honest. I don't commend you for complaining others will not do what you wouldn't do.

But Obumbler didn’t? And Brandon isn’t?

Yes you were honest. That is what I was commenting on. I commend you for being honest. I don't commend you for complaining others will not do what you wouldn't do.
There is almost a seed of coherence in that final sentence.

Not quite there. But dang close.
If it's wrong for one, it is wrong for all. While I gave B.A. a hard time over their hypocrisy, they do have plenty of company.

Bush, Obama, Trump and now Biden has oversaw a lot of damage to this country.
Has overseen.
Have a week down in West Palm and suffering sticker shock at even having breakfast at a pub: $16 for an omelet?!

This massive inflation is how the WEF and their American Flying Monkeys intend to liquidate America.

I recall PedoPete saying “their pensions go first” when promising revenge on the bankers who caused the 07 financial collapse. Fair enough. I say it also applies to the Fed, the WEF and all politicians who voted for Bidens massive spending.

The Globalists are counting on us turning into Sri Lanka and begging the government to give us less freedom and more Socialism. It’s far more likely they get another 1776.

For me, I will be like the Who’s who woke up in Whoville presentless on Christmas morning but still walked to the Town center to express their gratitude and thanks to the Creator for making me a human being and giving me another day.

Why are my tax dollars going to bail out ridiculous union benefits / pensions?

If the unions can not survive the conditions and choices they made for themselves and their workers then they should be allowed to fail / go belly up.

Their leaders ran the Unions poorly - sucks to be them.
Why are my tax dollars going to bail out ridiculous union benefits / pensions?

If the unions can not survive the conditions and choices they made for themselves and their workers then they should be allowed to fail / go belly up.

Their leaders ran the Unions poorly - sucks to be them.
Why bail out Unions but let (insert other interest group) fail?
Do away with mail in voting and demofks don’t win ever again
Mail in voting was expanded from just military and truly out of country or town citizens, to include seniors, by the Republicans, so the Republicans would have a better shot at winning.... It was working well for republicans and they pushed for seniors to be allowed to vote by mail, even if in town, throughout all the states.

Then Trump came along..... and spoiled all of those Republican plans for mail in voting expansion.
Never enough
There are men and women who are not in privileged employment. And in that employment, there are many substandard employees protected. We mostly all fall in a range. However, it sucks when someone gets half in wages and benefits and pensions compared to a moron hired on knowing someone to get hired or cultural equity. The government is now printing fiat currency to fill the coffers of private and public pensions as they are emptying. The teamsters I have read are getting near 400 billion dollars alone if true.

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