Then-12-year-old rape victim: "Hillary Clinton took me through Hell."

The only reason I'm in this thread at all is because, in my opinion, this doesn't pass the bullshit test. I've seen the lengths that Republicans go to to fabricate nonsense and shovel it down the throats of their base through Fox and talk radio.

It's interesting that the woman chooses to remain anonymous despite potentially being able to single-handedly destroy Hillary's entire political career.

I've listened to the audio. Have you?

It's also EXTREMELY interesting how this story COMPLETELY disappeared off of Drudge so quickly. Almost as if it couldn't possibly hold any water at all :cool:

It's not unusual for victims of rape to want to remain anonymous.

Also, it's pretty unlikely this is in some way fake, if that's what you mean. The case really happened, and this is a real interview with Clinton.

I'd like to hear the rest of the audio. I'd also like to know why Drudge decided this had to so quickly disappear from his site.

And if this anonymous woman truly hates Clinton so badly... well right now she has the chance to completely torpedo Hillary's entire political career. Yet she's choosing not to.

I've grown too accustomed to Republicans being completely full of shit. I don't buy this for a second. :cool:
Lawyers are supposed to get their clients off
Prosecutors are supposed to convict

Sometimes prosecutors win, sometimes the lawyers win
The only reason I'm in this thread at all is because, in my opinion, this doesn't pass the bullshit test. I've seen the lengths that Republicans go to to fabricate nonsense and shovel it down the throats of their base through Fox and talk radio.

It's interesting that the woman chooses to remain anonymous despite potentially being able to single-handedly destroy Hillary's entire political career.

I've listened to the audio. Have you?

It's also EXTREMELY interesting how this story COMPLETELY disappeared off of Drudge so quickly. Almost as if it couldn't possibly hold any water at all :cool:

It's not unusual for victims of rape to want to remain anonymous.

Also, it's pretty unlikely this is in some way fake, if that's what you mean. The case really happened, and this is a real interview with Clinton.

I'd like to hear the rest of the audio. I'd also like to know why Drudge decided this had to so quickly disappear from his site.

And if this anonymous woman truly hates Clinton so badly... well right now she has the chance to completely torpedo Hillary's entire political career. Yet she's choosing not to.

I've grown too accustomed to Republicans being completely full of shit. I don't buy this for a second. :cool:

How do you know this 12-year-old girl is a Republican?
Hillary Clinton is an evil woman, and she threatened Juanita Brodderick into keeping quiet about Bill raping her, so I believe this story.

First Brodderick said she wasn't, then she was, then she couldn't remember the exact date or even year.
And the hits just keep on comin'.

Now the 12-year-old rape victim (in 1975) that Hillary Clinton bragged about getting her attacker off with a light sentence, is a 52-year-old woman. And she is FURIOUS after hearing the tape of Hillary chuckling about getting the rapist set free with time served, despite being convinced he was guilty.

Sounds like Hillary has a lot of practice handling "bimbo eruptions", even when the women weren't bimbos. Including one who was 12 years old.


Rape Victim: Hillary Clinton 'Took Me Through Hell' - Guy Benson

Rape Victim: Hillary Clinton 'Took Me Through Hell'

Guy Benson | Jun 20, 2014


On the tape, Mrs. Clinton recalls a catastrophic error made by the police, who lost DNA evidence implicating her client.

Court documents reveal that Clinton planned to aggressively assail the victim's credibility (the victim was a 12-year-old girl) by asserting that she had a history of making baseless allegations of assault, and by citing the opinion of an expert who argued that adolescent girls from broken homes are prone to "exaggerate" and "romanticize" sexual behavior."

In doing so, Hillary embraced a smear-the-victim legal strategy while calling into question the veracity of an entire class of potential victims of sexual assault. Critics may wonder how these actions coincide with Clinton's carefully-cultivated image as a champion of women and girls. The audio recordings also capture Hillary chuckling about her efforts to exploit the local authorities' mistake, which ultimately allowed the her client to get off with an extremely reduced sentence on lesser charges.

The Free Beacon piece did not quote the victim extensively, saying that the woman (now 52 years old) declined an interview. She did, however, express a "deep and abiding hostility" toward Mrs. Clinton. In the wake of the audio's release, the Daily Beast managed to land an interview with the victim, who comes across as a troubled woman who remains furious with Hillary:

In a long, emotional interview with The Daily Beast, she accused Clinton of intentionally lying about her in court documents, going to extraordinary lengths to discredit evidence of the rape, and later callously acknowledging and laughing about her attackers’ guilt on the recordings.

“Hillary Clinton took me through Hell,” the victim said. The Daily Beast agreed to withhold her name out of concern for her privacy as a victim of sexual assault. The victim said if she saw Clinton today, she would call her out for what she sees as the hypocrisy of Clinton’s current campaign to fight for women’s rights compared to her actions regarding this rape case so long ago.

“I would say [to Clinton], ‘You took a case of mine in ‘75, you lied on me… I realize the truth now, the heart of what you’ve done to me. And you are supposed to be for women? You call that [being] for women, what you done to me? And I hear you on tape laughing.”

The victim, who remains anonymous, says Hillary's claims about her supposed history of unfounded accusations were flat-out lies:

The victim vigorously denied Clinton’s accusations and said there has never been any explanation of what Clinton was referring to in that affidavit. She claims she never accused anyone of attacking her before her rape.

“I’ve never said that about anyone. I don’t know why she said that. I have never made false allegations. I know she was lying,” she said. “I definitely didn’t see older men. I don’t know why Hillary put that in there and it makes me plumb mad.”

She also says that listening to the clip of Hillary discussing her case reduced her to tears and compelled her to speak out at greater length.

Ladies and Gents, THIS is what vetting is about.

And what Obama never fully experienced in 2008 or 2012 or since.

And for Hillary, here's a bumper sticker for her.
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Isn't that how the criminal justice system is supposed to work?

Sure, by letting rapists go free via a loophole. Yeah, she was obligated to defend the man, but she is bragging about it on an interview. This belies the entire liberal narrative that they support women, women's rights or children.

How can the left claim they care for women and children when A) Hillary, their prime candidate, brags about letting a child rapist off the hook, and B) when they advocate for the wanton slaughter of children in the womb while fighting for their welfare out of the womb?

Can anyone explain this to me?
The only reason I'm in this thread at all is because, in my opinion, this doesn't pass the bullshit test. I've seen the lengths that Republicans go to to fabricate nonsense and shovel it down the throats of their base through Fox and talk radio.

It's interesting that the woman chooses to remain anonymous despite potentially being able to single-handedly destroy Hillary's entire political career.

I've listened to the audio. Have you?

It's also EXTREMELY interesting how this story COMPLETELY disappeared off of Drudge so quickly. Almost as if it couldn't possibly hold any water at all :cool:

It's not unusual for victims of rape to want to remain anonymous.

Also, it's pretty unlikely this is in some way fake, if that's what you mean. The case really happened, and this is a real interview with Clinton.

I'd like to hear the rest of the audio. I'd also like to know why Drudge decided this had to so quickly disappear from his site.

And if this anonymous woman truly hates Clinton so badly... well right now she has the chance to completely torpedo Hillary's entire political career. Yet she's choosing not to.

I've grown too accustomed to Republicans being completely full of shit. I don't buy this for a second. :cool:

It did what it was placed to do, incite the low thinkers.
Isn't that how the criminal justice system is supposed to work?

Sure, by letting rapists go free via a loophole. Yeah, she was obligated to defend the man, but she is bragging about it on an interview. This belies the entire liberal narrative that they support women, women's rights or children.

How can the left claim they care for women and children when A) Hillary, their prime candidate, brags about letting a child rapist off the hook, and B) when they advocate for the wanton slaughter of children in the womb while fighting for their welfare out of the womb?

Can anyone explain this to me?

Lack of evidence is a 'loophole?'
Isn't that how the criminal justice system is supposed to work?

Sure, by letting rapists go free via a loophole. Yeah, she was obligated to defend the man, but she is bragging about it on an interview. This belies the entire liberal narrative that they support women, women's rights or children.

How can the left claim they care for women and children when A) Hillary, their prime candidate, brags about letting a child rapist off the hook, and B) when they advocate for the wanton slaughter of children in the womb while fighting for their welfare out of the womb?

Can anyone explain this to me?

Lack of evidence is a 'loophole?'

I bet you believe Tawana Brawley and the Fake Duke Rape victim.
It's not unusual for victims of rape to want to remain anonymous.

Also, it's pretty unlikely this is in some way fake, if that's what you mean. The case really happened, and this is a real interview with Clinton.

I'd like to hear the rest of the audio. I'd also like to know why Drudge decided this had to so quickly disappear from his site.

And if this anonymous woman truly hates Clinton so badly... well right now she has the chance to completely torpedo Hillary's entire political career. Yet she's choosing not to.

I've grown too accustomed to Republicans being completely full of shit. I don't buy this for a second. :cool:

How do you know this 12-year-old girl is a Republican?

go fuck yourself.
Lawyers are supposed to get their clients off
Prosecutors are supposed to convict

Sometimes prosecutors win, sometimes the lawyers win

If the story were just "Hillary wins case" it'd be easy to dismiss. I can even forgive her tone - it's not like I expect doctors to speak only in solemn tones about their work every day of their lives.

What makes me queasy is that Hillary clearly believed the guy was guilty, yet chose to impugn the victim's character anyway. Sure, she was young and wanted to win, and yeah, this was years before the anti-slut-shaming movement. But still, she didn't have to go that way with it.
There are a lot of questions that have to asked here.

1. We know she was kicked out of the Watergate investigation because of ethics violations. So why in the world would the press not know about this when Bill was running for President?

2. Why did the press not reveal this when she ran for the Senate?

3. How did she manage her first presidential campaign without this coming out?

4. How did congress ever approve her for Sec. of State with this hanging over her head?

It is crap like this that makes all politicians look sleazy and the press incompetent or totally bias. :mad:
You people get outraged over a 30+-year-old rape case that you'd never heard of until last week?

Emotional responses are always the best to use to whip the stupid masses into a frenzy.
I think it's hilarious that people still claim they don't believe any of the bad news about the Clintons, despite the dozens of scandals they've been through.
Isn't that how the criminal justice system is supposed to work?

Sure, by letting rapists go free via a loophole. Yeah, she was obligated to defend the man, but she is bragging about it on an interview. This belies the entire liberal narrative that they support women, women's rights or children.

How can the left claim they care for women and children when A) Hillary, their prime candidate, brags about letting a child rapist off the hook, and B) when they advocate for the wanton slaughter of children in the womb while fighting for their welfare out of the womb?

Can anyone explain this to me?

Prosecutors botched their evidence. Any defense attorney who doesn't take advantage of a broken evidence trail is guilty of misconduct

How, exactly, do you think our justice system works?

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