Then FIRE HIM, dumbass, you are the President!!!!

Unfortunately this would send the Trump-Hating extremists into an even deeper craze, calling this even more 'Obstruction' of a Witch Hunt investigating a non-existent crime.
And once again...even tho the GOP controls all three branches of government, you are all in thrall to the Left......:lol:
They can never accept personal responsibility.
You poor poor victims...........always in thrall to the Left. Never can catch a break. Everyone is against you.
That is an exaggerated statement meant to diffuse the importance / severity of the truth and attempt to make the facts seem as a joke.

'Everyone' is against us? No...but, evidence and documented history show OBAMA and his criminal administration DID:

  • Illegally spy on US citizens

  • Illegally spy on and intimidate reporters

  • Illegally spy on the media

  • Illegally spy on members of the U.S. Senate

  • Illegally spy on members of the USSC

  • Illegally spy on the political opposition party candidate as part of their treasonous collaborated Conspiracy to illegally effect the outcome of the 2016 election, preventing the candidate evidence shows (their own text messages / e-mails) they did not want to win the Presidency and were dedicated to doing whatever they had to in order to prevent him from doing so.

  • Illegally weaponized the IRS - only the 2nd President to ever do so (both Democrats) - and using it against American citizens the President was supposed to represent but who he called his 'Enemies', citizens who legally opposed his re-election, which was their RIGHT.

  • Sent out his US AG to intimidate / judicially threaten Americans for exercising their Constitutional Right to Free Speech by speaking out against Islamic Extremism after the terrorist he let into the country murdered 7 Americans in California.

  • Made victims of American citizens through his actions and / or lack of actions, most often when he was aiding / abetting / arming terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels etc.... (At least 4 dead Americans as a result of his gun-running to Mexican Drug cartels...4 needlessly dead in Libya after helping Al Qaeda (who killed 3,000 Americans) take over Libya, abandoning them after every other nation had pulled their people out due to the known danger and occurring growing violence...)

  • Condemned, blamed, and arrested a US citizen for exercising his right to Freedom of Speech, blaming him for the death of the 4 Americans in Libya he and Sect of state Clinton could have prevented.

  • He denied American citizens their right to due process and simply made the decision to kill them - and did so - with his Un-Constitutional private Drone Assassination program.

  • Had a militarized Dept of the Interior besiege a rancher, have snipers point weapons at his wife and daughter's head, stole his cattle and slaughtered them because the Democratic Party Leader wanted to use the same public land the farmer was on for personal profit in a personal deal.

...I could provide more, but why bother?! You get the point....

The previous President did not work FOR the American people. He victimized them. He worked for / with our enemies: Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hezbollah, The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Russia, Iran....

*** BTW, there is enough on the list above to not only to have IMPEACHED Barak Obama...there is enough on the list to not only send Barak Obama to PRISON...there is enough on the list to send Barak Obama to GITMO...along with Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, and a few others for Obstruction, Conspiracy, Sedition, and Treason...yet they are the Left's proud heroes.
You poor poor victims...........always in thrall to the Left. Never can catch a break. Everyone is against you.
That is an exaggerated statement meant to diffuse the importance / severity of the truth and attempt to make the facts seem as a joke.

'Everyone' is against us? No...but, evidence and documented history show OBAMA and his criminal administration DID:

  • Illegally spy on US citizens

  • Illegally spy on and intimidate reporters

  • Illegally spy on the media

  • Illegally spy on members of the U.S. Senate

  • Illegally spy on members of the USSC

  • Illegally spy on the political opposition party candidate as part of their treasonous collaborated Conspiracy to illegally effect the outcome of the 2016 election, preventing the candidate evidence shows (their own text messages / e-mails) they did not want to win the Presidency and were dedicated to doing whatever they had to in order to prevent him from doing so.

  • Illegally weaponized the IRS - only the 2nd President to ever do so (both Democrats) - and using it against American citizens the President was supposed to represent but who he called his 'Enemies', citizens who legally opposed his re-election, which was their RIGHT.

  • Sent out his US AG to intimidate / judicially threaten Americans for exercising their Constitutional Right to Free Speech by speaking out against Islamic Extremism after the terrorist he let into the country murdered 7 Americans in California.

  • Made victims of American citizens through his actions and / or lack of actions, most often when he was aiding / abetting / arming terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels etc.... (At least 4 dead Americans as a result of his gun-running to Mexican Drug cartels...4 needlessly dead in Libya after helping Al Qaeda (who killed 3,000 Americans) take over Libya, abandoning them after every other nation had pulled their people out due to the known danger and occurring growing violence...)

  • Condemned, blamed, and arrested a US citizen for exercising his right to Freedom of Speech, blaming him for the death of the 4 Americans in Libya he and Sect of state Clinton could have prevented.

  • He denied American citizens their right to due process and simply made the decision to kill them - and did so - with his Un-Constitutional private Drone Assassination program.

  • Had a militarized Dept of the Interior besiege a rancher, have snipers point weapons at his wife and daughter's head, stole his cattle and slaughtered them because the Democratic Party Leader wanted to use the same public land the farmer was on for personal profit in a personal deal.

...I could provide more, but why bother?! You get the point....

The previous President did not work FOR the American people. He victimized them. He worked for / with our enemies: Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hezbollah, The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Russia, Iran....

*** BTW, there is enough on the list above to not only to have IMPEACHED Barak Obama...there is enough on the list to not only send Barak Obama to PRISON...there is enough on the list to send Barak Obama to GITMO...along with Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, and a few others for Obstruction, Conspiracy, Sedition, and Treason...yet they are the Left's proud heroes.
You throw a lot of easy "illegally"s in there....where are the indictments and convictions? Oh wait! Everyone's against you.
And once again...even tho the GOP controls all three branches of government, you are all in thrall to the Left......:lol:
SO? Like that is supposed to mean something...

Democrats have all publicly declared that if they should win the House in the mid-term elections they WILL move to Impeach the current democratically elected President DESPITE THE FACT THAT THEY HAVE NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME COMMITTED OR A CRIME INVOLVING THE PRESIDENT.

Doing so would equate to TREASON, a 'political coup' on a grand scale by an entire political party, no matter how you try to justify it.
Of course they have no evidence! What is wrong with you Trumpanzees? Do you think Mueller is going to broadcast his evidence? But then again, given the source of your news and opinions, your attitude makes sense. So sorry for doubting you.

View attachment 195884
just like clockwork!

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump TrumpTrump Trump
“The recusal of Jeff Sessions was an unforced betrayal of the President of the United States.” JOE DIGENOVA, former U.S. Attorney.

Swampy Sessions and Rod the Mossad are protecting The Swamp.

Until both are fired, nobody from The Swamp will ever face charges....

Trump promised to DRAIN THE SWAMP. To keep that promise, Swampy Sessions and Rod the Mossad need to go NOW.... before you get another topic by me next month, that Swampy Sessions' "no hitter" for The Swamp just hit month 16....

Trump is the swamp.
He is under criminal investigation and he knows damn sure that if he did he'd look guilty.

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