Then here is a school in Los Angeles...and here is what they are teaching

America is a nation of immigrants but until 50 years ago they nearly all were white european christians. Like the americans already here. Diversity never has worked.
America is a nation of immigrants but until 50 years ago they nearly all were white european christians. Like the americans already here. Diversity never has worked.
Especially when some intolerant, religious assholes move in and demand we change our laws. Fuck Sharia!
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And once again we see the hate and stupidity common to many on the right with their idiotic notion that there's something 'bad' about being a Muslim.

And once again we see the bullshit liberals seem to welcome and obviously purvey. Americans travel to the middle east and chances are good they will get their heads removed and displayed on a stick (with photos for us to peruse). In America our schools are teaching OUR grade schoolers how goddamn wonderful allah is. But DO NOT mention GOD or JESUS. You've got to be fucking kidding.
I need a bit more information on this story. What type of course was this? Was this a World Cultures course? If this was anything but a World Cultures course I would completely agree with the parents. If this was a World Cultures course where all the major faiths of the world are studied than I think the parents are being overly dramatic. In my high-school we had a World Cultures course that covered us all the major faiths of the world, their major tenets, their impact on art/literature, and their historical impact on the regions of the world. Never once was one faith set above the others in this course. If you want to be aware of the history of the world and it's people than not discussing the major faiths of the world is foolish. It all depends on how this course is structured and their isn't enough information in the story to make an informed opinion.
That's what you will get when you send your kids to a public school with left loons as educators. Home school or private schools if you care about your child's future
I don't see how this is right whatsoever.. We were forced to take prayer and God out of school but now they are teaching about Islamic faith... Forced to learn about the theory of evolution but not creationism. Now they want to teach about Islamic faith?? What the hell is wrong with this picture? I understand we need to learn about religions so we can make fully informed decisions but not at that age where they cannot fully comprehend the religion.
So, you suddenly find this type instruction public schools acceptable? Amazing! Then I feel certain you won't mind when another public school has students memorize John 3:16

What's 'mind blowing' is the ignorance, hate, and stupidity of most conservatives, such as the OP and those who agree with him.

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