Then here is a school in Los Angeles...and here is what they are teaching

And once again we see the hate and stupidity common to many on the right with their idiotic notion that there's something 'bad' about being a Muslim.
There nothing much 'bad' about being a peaceful Muslim. What's bad (to the point of being totally unacceptable) is being a radical Muslim. In order to be a radical Muslim, one has to be a Muslim first...then become radicalized by some demented ideology from the 7th century that was created by a narcissistic pedophile dog named Mohammed who just happened to think he was a prophet of God and was able to convince his followers that the way to keep a religion alive is to kill all people that do not convert to it.

Watch this video. Even the moderate Muslims want Sharia law.

The Video Moderate Muslims Didn t Want to Get Out - Israel Video Network

All you women better watch out! Sharia law, subjugation of women, child rape and male dominance pervade the Muslim world.

Again, with all due respect....FUCK ISLAM!
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The Insane Jews That Created Common Core Daily Stormer

SHOCKER! I fucking knew it.The chosen ones want dumbed down goyim to control.

Parents around the United States are quickly coming to the realization that the Common Core State Standards Initiative is insane and actually makes it more difficult for a child to learn anything substantive. Take for example the unnecessary and ridiculous processes they want children to use just to subtract numbers. Even theNational Review published an article providing several examples that clearly illustrates the madness that is Common Core. The intent of Common Core is to brainwash children into obsessing over processes and irrelevant details versus solving a problem in the most effective and efficient manner possible. It should be no surprise that this retarded and crazy system was primarily dreamed up by Jews. Many Jews are mentally ill due to years of inbreeding and possess a biological craving to destroy, infiltrate and ruin anything good that exists in the natural world. It is really sad that their insanity is now being used to destroy the minds of children.

The Jewish Daily Forward openly brags in a 2013 article that the primary architect of Common Core is a Jew by the name of David Coleman. Coleman is pictured above. As hard as it is to believe this guy looks more Jewish than current CNN President Jeff Zucker who is arguably one of the most Jewish looking Jews on the planet. Below is an excerpt from the article describing Coleman.

Today, Coleman, a Jewish man with colorful socks who speaks at an urgent clip, is the most influential education figure you’ve never heard of. As president of the College Board, a national education company, he is redesigning the SAT, the standardized test which high school seniors take for college admission, and he is expanding the Advanced Placement program, which offers college-level classes and tests for high school students.

He is perhaps best known as the architect of the Common Core State Standards Initiative, meant to bring divergent state learning goals into alignment. Public schools in 47 states will begin teaching the Core in English Language Arts this fall. But as standardized testing increasingly comes under attack, and as teachers and politicians from both the left and right try to roll back the Common Core, it’s unclear what Coleman’s legacy will be.

Even more telling is the fact that the article suggests that the Common Core State Standards Initiative was inspired by Judaism.

Coleman gleaned many lessons from his bar mitzvah, said Jason Zimba, a Common Core co-writer and lifelong friend who taught mathematics at Bennington College, where Coleman’s mother Elizabeth served as president. “The idea that the child’s serious attention to this venerated, beautiful text is valued by the adults and even the rabbi is to David a beautiful thing,” Zimba said. “I’ve listened to him talk about that.”

The Colemans held David’s bar mitzvah in their home instead of in a fancy hall. It sent Coleman a clear message: What mattered most was his speech on his Torah portion, Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream. “I wondered why Joseph is so often humiliated, why Joseph is thrown down so many times before he interprets the dreams for Pharaoh,” Coleman recalled. “Three times before the interpretation, he’s thrown down. Why? If you read the text carefully what gradually emerges in Joseph is… a kind of achieved humility.”

The experience of conducting a deep exegesis at age 13 framed Coleman’s thinking about education. “The idea that kids can do more than we think they can is one of Judaism’s most beautiful contributions,” he said. Asking 13-year-olds to give a prepared speech in front of people they love is a bold charge, not unlike encouraging disadvantaged kids who don’t see themselves as academically minded to take AP courses. “I wish kids could encounter more stretched opportunities like that in school — all kids,” he said.

Further on in the article it once again suggests that Coleman’s Jewish roots were an inspiration for Common Core.

While working on the Grow Network, Coleman tried to “fill the promise that assessment results could actually improve kids’ lives,” he said. But he found that educational problems run deeper: The standards the tests were trying to measure “were so vast and vague, it’s hard to make high-quality assessments.” Coleman sold the Grow Network to McGraw-Hill, and formed Student Achievement Partners, a not-for-profit that now helps states implement the Common Core standards. In 2008, he and Zimba co-wrote a seminal paper calling for “math and science standards that are fewer, clearer, higher.”

These ideas, Sherman speculated, stem from Coleman’s religious background. “He grew up in a family that extremely prioritized the value and importance of a deep, broad education,” Sherman said. “Those Jewish values toward education have a lot to do with his belief system: Every child should be a smart thinker, a deep thinker, someone who’s analytical and probing.” Coleman also believes that religious texts have a place in the public school curriculum.

Of course Coleman isn’t the only Jew that has been involved in the creation of Common Core. Another Jew by the name of Michael Cohen the President of Achieve has also helped to corrupt young minds with these evil standards. Achieve was formed in the 1990s in order to help standardize what children get taught in all 50 states so naturally the organization played a key role in Common Core.

The fact that Jews played a major role in creating Common Core is reason enough to reject it. These standards have been implemented with the sole purpose of turning our children into drooling retards who are incapable of solving problems efficiently. If you have children and they attend the public brainwashing system you are out of your mind. Please remove your children from these Jewish brainwashing facilities immediately for their own mental health and sanity.
You people are dumb and paranoid.

This is a world history class. Islamic countries have a place in world history.

Please find a single legit source that supports the claim of the propaganda link you've posted.

Grade Seven History-Social Science Content Standards

According to me, that is a "legit" source. You see, the drive-by media doesn't touch that bullshit. So you can go looking for one. It won't be mentioned ANYWHERE.
I don't see how this is right whatsoever.. We were forced to take prayer and God out of school but now they are teaching about Islamic faith... Forced to learn about the theory of evolution but not creationism. Now they want to teach about Islamic faith?? What the hell is wrong with this picture? I understand we need to learn about religions so we can make fully informed decisions but not at that age where they cannot fully comprehend the religion.
The study of world religions should be left to churches, schools and colleges not run by, regulated by or influenced by the government, federal or local. This is a fundamental requirement for of the 1st Amendment. While it says, "Congress shall make no law...", it applies by adoption to state and local governments. That means government (including elected public school boards) cannot require by statute or regulation that religion be taught at all, much less that one religion is favored over another even in a voluntary course intended to teach tolerance of all religions.

In 1779, Thomas Jefferson was concerned about the power of the Church of England within Virginia. He felt a guarantee of religious freedom was the best guarantee that America would avoid the religious intolerance and religiously inspired bloodshed that had marked much of the history of Europe. He wrote an Act for Establishing Religious Freedom; after a long battle, it became law in Virginia on 1786-JAN-16. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was based in part on that act.

Introduction to the principle of separation of church and state
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LA Public School Teaching Kids Allah is the One True God - Israel Video Network

This is really mind blowing...but I guess it's OK with a Muslim president.

Well I see a lot of christians saying we need to teach creationism in school. I guess it would be ok if he was teaching christian theology. That's my whole point..... If they teach this stuff In public schools it will open the door to whatever religion is the majority in the community or whatever the religion is of the instructor

Leave religion out of the schools and let the parents do it with a church f their choosing....but christian parents want to be lazy and have the schools teach what they it's funny you guys are getting what you asked for!
And once again we see the hate and stupidity common to many on the right with their idiotic notion that there's something 'bad' about being a Muslim.
Unless you like a choice on what religion you prefer. Unless you don't like women's rights. Even abortion would be illegal. Is that what you support?
And once again we see the hate and stupidity common to many on the right with their idiotic notion that there's something 'bad' about being a Muslim.
Unless you like a choice on what religion you prefer. Unless you don't like women's rights. Even abortion would be illegal. Is that what you support?
I read the section on Islam takes 3 weeks of instruction. This is a social history class.

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