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Theories on Why Atheists are met with Hostility

The Shroud of Turin failed the carbon dating test too.

Shroud of Turin failed the carbon dating test

Official announcement[edit]
In a well-attended press conference on October 13, Cardinal Ballestrero announced the official results, i.e. that radio-carbon testing dated the shroud to a date of 1260-1390 CE, with 95% confidence. The official and complete report on the experiment was published in Nature.[35] The uncalibrated dates from the individual laboratories, with 1-sigma errors (68% confidence), were as follows:

  • Tucson: 646 ± 31 years;
  • Oxford: 750 ± 30 years;
  • Zürich: 676 ± 24 years old;
  • the weighted mean was 689 ± 16 years, which corresponds to calibrated ages of CE 1273-1288 with 68% confidence, and CE 1262-1384 with 95% confidence.
As reported in Nature, Professor Bray of the Instituto di Metrologia 'G. Colonetti', Turin, "confirmed that the results of the three laboratories were mutually compatible, and that, on the evidence submitted, none of the mean results was questionable."[35]

And if I were you I would not dig any deeper about the carbon dating, because it will only go a long way in destroying your myth about atheism. The evidence is out there, and clear.

(Never mind the fact science can in no way explain the incredible qualities on that cloth that no one can duplicate now, much less have done so in medieval times. Science has proven the divinity of this image.)

Scientists have already demonstrated how it was made using what was readily available in the middle ages.

Shroud of Turin replicated by Italian scientist using ancient techniques may prove the relic a fake - NY Daily News

Note that was a period when "Holy Relics" were prized and high prices were paid for them. Plenty of motive to come up with that "shroud" and make a quick profit off gullible believers like yourself.

Believe whatever you want. I could produce scores of scientific documents that explain the carbon dating matters and why it in no way can be trusted, and also goes into very specific details on why it's an absolute impossibility that a medieval person could in any way produce these 3-D qualities, and other features on that cloth, even less how one could even have thought of all these tricks that only modern day science could even be made aware of.

Your denial is a leap of faith that surpasses Christianity's by light years. IMO

I always find it so ironic that you accuse others of a "leap of faith" when you are the one who is denying the reproducible scientific facts in order to take your own blind "leap of faith" based upon nothing whatsoever but your own demonstrably fallible personal beliefs.

Translation. I can't believe there is no god so that is why I believe. Or I can't imagine there is no creator so that is why I believe.

Not really scientific evidence. Just because "you can't believe it" or "can't imagine there is no god" doesn't mean there is proof.

Doesn't even matter how many believe or how intelligent they are. We know that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalize world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.
You're not challenging. You're sidestepping your lies and falsehoods you were confronted with.

A couple of pages now with you and the other crank making claims you can't defend. And here you are, promoting your lies and falsehoods.

You still haven't produced a witness to De' hey-Zeus rising from the dead. There are none which even your bibles confirm.

What a shame that you hyper- religious types are so dishonest.

You have repeatedly claimed I lied, and never once pointed out an example. I find that incredibly not surprising, given that you have repeatedly accuses me of beliefs I do not have.
This reply reminds me of the person who asks why we reject god. We do not reject god. It'd be like me telling Quantum Windbag to fly to Michigan to meet my God who's a woman, a perfect 10 and will give him mind blowing sex.

If he doesn't come to Michigan, is he rejecting God? No. He's rejecting me and what I say.

So don't say I hate Jesus. Jesus sounded like a great guy. It's you Christians I have a problem with. You, Muslims, Jews, Mormon and every other cult/religion no matter how big or small.

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts

That would make more sense if you had not already attacked religion.
Ok, tell us where Christians are being persecuted. :popcorn:

Seriously? Do you get all your news from the Daily Show?

Christians The world s most persecuted people - Comment - Voices - The Independent
A couple of examples here and there don't make for "Christians are being persecuted". And the "most" persecuted? C'mon seriously? More than Jews? And Muslims?
you mean evidence that something is happening isn't really evidence that its happening?......
Point two, your lack of knowledge does not make you right.

Sealybobo hates Jesus Christ to such an extreme that it's likely he's actually a demon possessed Satanic cultist, who plays the role of an hate-filled atheist.

This reply reminds me of the person who asks why we reject god. We do not reject god. It'd be like me telling Quantum Windbag to fly to Michigan to meet my God who's a woman, a perfect 10 and will give him mind blowing sex.
lets apply all the arguments atheists have against God to that scenario....

any woman who's a perfect 10 that is not willing to give me mindblowing sex even if I refuse to believe she exists is too immoral for me to believe in.....

it is unreasonable for this woman to expect me to go to Michigan....if she is really a perfect 10 and willing to give me mindblowing sex she would be willing to come to ME and prove she exists......

I could not possibly believe in a beautiful woman who would be willing to give me mindblowing sex......

variation - I could not possibly believe in a beautiful woman who would be willing to give me mindblowing sex unless she was willing to give everyone mindblowing sex.....

This woman is evil because she gave STDs to entire tribes in Canaan....

This woman is evil because some guys in Spain a thousand years ago killed some guys who refused to have mind blowing sex with her.....

Then disregard all of history..........

These accounts are records, not someone standing at the local well saying, "Guess what I saw yesterday." These people testified. The same record was presented to the Roman legal system, and the Temple Priests. The records were given to the very people it quotes.

Holly insists there was no eyewitness. That is incorrect. You say, "don't believe their eyes".
I say, "Just what is it they say they saw"?

Then disregard all of history..........

These accounts are records, not someone standing at the local well saying, "Guess what I saw yesterday." These people testified. The same record was presented to the Roman legal system, and the Temple Priests. The records were given to the very people it quotes.

Holly insists there was no eyewitness. That is incorrect. You say, "don't believe their eyes".
I say, "Just what is it they say they saw"?

These accounts of what jesus did are not historical recorded events. The Roman's don't have any record of Jesus. Even if they did, they didn't see him perform any miracles or rise from the dead.

There were no eye witness' that saw Jesus do miracles or rise from the grave. Whoever made up the part about Mary being a virgin made that stuff up too. What's wrong with you?

It is all these bullshit lies that we reject, not god or Jesus. Somebody made all this stuff up 80 years after Jesus' so called Ressurection.

Then disregard all of history..........

These accounts are records, not someone standing at the local well saying, "Guess what I saw yesterday." These people testified. The same record was presented to the Roman legal system, and the Temple Priests. The records were given to the very people it quotes.

Holly insists there was no eyewitness. That is incorrect. You say, "don't believe their eyes".
I say, "Just what is it they say they saw"?

This isn't history it is pre history. The Roman's kept track of history back then and there is no record of this small cult leader existing. And the jews, if they kept track of history, say he wasn't the Messiah. So what else you got?

Jesus the son of god is not a historical figure. The Jews and Muslims don't even believe his mom was a virgin or that he performed miracles.

Stop acting like Jesus the god is a fact. He is not.

Then disregard all of history..........

These accounts are records, not someone standing at the local well saying, "Guess what I saw yesterday." These people testified. The same record was presented to the Roman legal system, and the Temple Priests. The records were given to the very people it quotes.

Holly insists there was no eyewitness. That is incorrect. You say, "don't believe their eyes".
I say, "Just what is it they say they saw"?

Please show me the official records that Jesus performed miracles and raised from the dead 3 days after he died. Which country holds these records? Was it the Jews who recorded all his miracles or the Romans?

Fact is, 11 people made this story up. Only 11 because Judas supposedly killed himself. Christianity started out a cult.
These accounts of what jesus did are not historical recorded events. The Roman's don't have any record of Jesus. Even if they did, they didn't see him perform any miracles or rise from the dead.

There were no eye witness' that saw Jesus do miracles or rise from the grave. Whoever made up the part about Mary being a virgin made that stuff up too. What's wrong with you?

It is all these bullshit lies that we reject, not god or Jesus. Somebody made all this stuff up 80 years after Jesus' so called Ressurection.

What is you obsession with the Romans about? Do you think they are the only source of history from that time period? Does that mean you think Josephus is myth?
This isn't history it is pre history. The Roman's kept track of history back then and there is no record of this small cult leader existing. And the jews, if they kept track of history, say he wasn't the Messiah. So what else you got?

Jesus the son of god is not a historical figure. The Jews and Muslims don't even believe his mom was a virgin or that he performed miracles.

Stop acting like Jesus the god is a fact. He is not.

The Romans kept track of everything that happened in the entire world? Does the fact that the Romans never mentioned China prove that everything htat is recorded about the Ming dynasty is not true?

That said, there are mentions of the c ult started by Christus in Roman history, and Nero had no trouble blaming Christians for the problems he caused. Every fucking time you post your nonsense you are digging the hole of your ignorance deeper.

For your amusement I present the fact that the Roman historian commonly known as Josephus mentioned Jesus. Then there is the fact that Tacitus, another Roman historian, mentions Christ and his execution by Pontius Pilate in while discussing the Great Fire in Rome. You know about aht don't you? It occurred in 65 AD, and Nero blamed it on Christians, which is why Tacitus went to the trouble of documenting the origin of the cult that burned Rome 50 years later.

You, of course, will dismiss the fact that multiple Roman sources are quite content to blame Christians for something that happened 30 years after the death of a guy who never existed.
These accounts of what jesus did are not historical recorded events. The Roman's don't have any record of Jesus. Even if they did, they didn't see him perform any miracles or rise from the dead.

There were no eye witness' that saw Jesus do miracles or rise from the grave. Whoever made up the part about Mary being a virgin made that stuff up too. What's wrong with you?

It is all these bullshit lies that we reject, not god or Jesus. Somebody made all this stuff up 80 years after Jesus' so called Ressurection.

What is you obsession with the Romans about? Do you think they are the only source of history from that time period? Does that mean you think Josephus is myth?

Jesus may have been a person who lived on earth at one time sure.

three passages in non-Christian works have been used to support the historicity of Jesus. These are two passages in the writings of the Jewish historian Josephus, and one from the Roman historian Tacitus. Although the authenticity of all three passages has been disputed to varying degrees, most scholars believe that all three are at least partially authentic.

And I don't know for sure. All I know is I'm not going to believe all the unbelievable stories you guys are telling just because some Jew named Josephus wrote about him.

The manuscripts of Josephus written around 93–94 AD.

94 years after the fact??

The more I read, the more I do think this Josephus too is a myth. Sounds good but doesn't prove anything to me.

Josephus on Jesus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
How Archaeology Disproves Biblical History

The Exodus
The second foundational tale is that of the Exodus, where God chose Moses to liberate 600,000 men from enslavement in Egypt, and they proceeded to wander around the desert for 40 years.

However, there was no record of any Israelites being in Egypt at that time, and hundreds of thousands of people trekking the desert would likely not have been allowed by Egypt, which tightly controlled the area. There are records of small bands passing through, yet none indicating a mass movement of people. There is also no evidence such a group camped for extended periods – including in the places mentioned in the Bible.

That's cause they were trekking around in Saudi Arabia not Egypt. If you look in the wrong place you won't find anything. Best advice, don't follow what Constantine's Mommy said. ;)

And yes they have found overwhelming evidence for the Red Sea Crossing. No, it isn't the one shown in the back of your Bible either. ;)

They even found the pillars set up by King Shlomo indicating the crossing point.

As for Jericho, they didn't find any fortified walls standing because the Bible says they fell over. Once again, if you look for the wrong thing, chances are you won't find it. Oh wait, they did find the walls. Oh, yeah, that is because they found them "tumbled over" just as the Bible said.

Believers Score in Battle Over the Battle of Jericho - New York Times

Guess what? They also found aborted babies in pots buried in the walls. Warning for America perhaps?
Atheists that proselytize.... :blahblah:

Exactly. If you don't believe in something - fine - more power to you. But you don't have to be a dick about it and go on rants about people who do.

A concept not mentioned in the video but happens to be the major source of hostility towards atheists.

You people do not get how annoying your nonsense can be. It is not unreasonable to be frustrated communicating with people that expect what they take on faith to be understood as fact. 2 plus 2 is 4. It is not 5. When you insist it is 5 an impass has been reached. When you present a thousand math problems with clearly erroneous solutions the communication is rediculous. The "hatred" you think is unjustified is a result of the make believe world view you overlay on reality.

Stop saying rediculous things and we will get along just fine.
Ok, tell us where Christians are being persecuted. :popcorn:

Seriously? Do you get all your news from the Daily Show?

Christians The world s most persecuted people - Comment - Voices - The Independent
A couple of examples here and there don't make for "Christians are being persecuted". And the "most" persecuted? C'mon seriously? More than Jews? And Muslims?
you mean evidence that something is happening isn't really evidence that its happening?......
Just because a small branch falls on your head doesn't mean the sky is falling.

So tell us, Christians MORE persecuted than Jews? And Muslims (by other factions of Muslims)?
Ok, tell us where Christians are being persecuted. :popcorn:

Seriously? Do you get all your news from the Daily Show?

Christians The world s most persecuted people - Comment - Voices - The Independent
A couple of examples here and there don't make for "Christians are being persecuted". And the "most" persecuted? C'mon seriously? More than Jews? And Muslims?
you mean evidence that something is happening isn't really evidence that its happening?......
Just because a small branch falls on your head doesn't mean the sky is falling.

So tell us, Christians MORE persecuted than Jews? And Muslims (by other factions of Muslims)?
I rather expect that to the Christian who gets his head cut off or to the young girl kidnapped from her school and sold as a wife to a jihadist, the question of "more" has no significance......
Atheists that proselytize.... :blahblah:

Exactly. If you don't believe in something - fine - more power to you. But you don't have to be a dick about it and go on rants about people who do.

A concept not mentioned in the video but happens to be the major source of hostility towards atheists.

You people do not get how annoying your nonsense can be. It is not unreasonable to be frustrated communicating with people that expect what they take on faith to be understood as fact. 2 plus 2 is 4. It is not 5. When you insist it is 5 an impass has been reached. When you present a thousand math problems with clearly erroneous solutions the communication is rediculous. The "hatred" you think is unjustified is a result of the make believe world view you overlay on reality.

Stop saying rediculous things and we will get along just fine.

And yet I've never said those things. Hmmmm....
Ok, tell us where Christians are being persecuted. :popcorn:

Seriously? Do you get all your news from the Daily Show?

Christians The world s most persecuted people - Comment - Voices - The Independent
A couple of examples here and there don't make for "Christians are being persecuted". And the "most" persecuted? C'mon seriously? More than Jews? And Muslims?
you mean evidence that something is happening isn't really evidence that its happening?......
Just because a small branch falls on your head doesn't mean the sky is falling.

So tell us, Christians MORE persecuted than Jews? And Muslims (by other factions of Muslims)?
I rather expect that to the Christian who gets his head cut off or to the young girl kidnapped from her school and sold as a wife to a jihadist, the question of "more" has no significance......
If you're talking about the journalists who recently got beheaded, they weren't whacked because they were Christians, but Americans. And the girls kidnapped by Procol Haram in Africa werent kidnapped because they were Christians. And your link says Christians are the MOST persecuted. Which even you know isn't true. Got anything else that's not full of shit?
Please show me the official records that Jesus performed miracles and raised from the dead 3 days after he died. Which country holds these records? Was it the Jews who recorded all his miracles or the Romans?

Fact is, 11 people made this story up. Only 11 because Judas supposedly killed himself. Christianity started out a cult.

I have shown it here, over and over. And if I thought it would do any good, I'd post it again, but I'm tired of wasting my time in the ridicule religion forum.

BTW, Funny, that you think Judas supposedly killed himself. You wouldn't recognize the name if it wasn't in the Bible.
In fact 10 out of the 11 were murdered not long after Christ was killed. Must have caught on for some other reason.
Here's hoping that you all find favor with the Lord.
Please show me the official records that Jesus performed miracles and raised from the dead 3 days after he died. Which country holds these records? Was it the Jews who recorded all his miracles or the Romans?

Fact is, 11 people made this story up. Only 11 because Judas supposedly killed himself. Christianity started out a cult.

I have shown it here, over and over. And if I thought it would do any good, I'd post it again, but I'm tired of wasting my time in the ridicule religion forum.

BTW, Funny, that you think Judas supposedly killed himself. You wouldn't recognize the name if it wasn't in the Bible.
In fact 10 out of the 11 were murdered not long after Christ was killed. Must have caught on for some other reason.
Here's hoping that you all find favor with the Lord.

I must have asked a question you couldn't answer so you're leaving?

What about the Jews and Muslims and what about wha the Mormon's have to say about your sect of Christianity? Do you even know? How come they all aren't swallowing it? Don't single out us atheists. We aren't the only ones calling bullshit on the whole Jesus myth.

Chistianity started out a small cult. It spread across Europe onto the ignorant gullible and superstitious. Same as Mohammad did in the arab world. My grandmother from greece with a 5th grade education believed all the stories to be literal. So did everyone else. And they passed it onto us. Time to wake up.

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