Theory craft: Let's develop a new voting system, post your own system.

Seems like our current system works fine when everyone is paying attention. To develop something better first you would have to honestly say which of two options you are trying to accomplish. Are you trying to increase turnout or suppress it?
Increasing or supressing vote counts are results. They should not be goals. We should be concerned about having fair and accurate elections, period. That's where everyone's legal vote counts and all illegal votes are denied. It would be easy to do without Democrat obstruction.
Until the right makes some sort of case that fraud is a problem that influences the outcome of any race it's all just solutions to a problem that does not exist that coincidentally make it harder for certain groups in certain places to vote.
That's crazy. Just because a problem hasn't been uncovered doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Democrats have been saying there is no voter fraud for decades but now that it's been proven that there is, they're saying it's only a small amount and that is acceptable. Bullshit. We should try to make our elections 100% fair and accurate or we risk losing the faith in our elections. No irregularities are acceptable when it comes to our elections. None

No fraud has not been proved in any scale that would change any election but vote suppression has been shown in almost every red state....with dozens of barriers set up to stop the young, old and minorities from voting....NOW THAT'S FRAUD!
As far as the Presidency goes:
(1) Dump electoral College​
(2) Hold non-partisan primary in September​
(3) If no candidate gathers a majority in primary, a runoff election between the top 2 finishers in November​
No. I disagree with literacy tests and poll taxes. In theory, literacy tests are a good idea, except they would be very dangerous and I would not want to see them implemented.

You don't think DNA tests would be equally dangerous for the same reason? Fingerprinting, cameras, etc.

What's the purpose? To keep "Those people" from voting, of course. Because they all "Look alike" and we have to make sure we DNA test them.

We should be making it easier to vote, not harder.

We need to be able to verify a person's identity.

You really want the government to have your DNA on file?
We do a census every 10 years. We can't mobilize the same folks to come to people's house? Good idea. That would send republicans over the edge

Who's to say that isn't what happened, and why the Republicans think what they do now?

Start a riot, and get their attention ... Stir the pot and make them look.
Then take 70% of your well-organized and funded 'troops', and put them on a bus to neighborhoods in Detroit, Philadelphia and wherever.
Have them go door to door, campaigning, help people fill out the ballots, and make sure they are signed and in the mail.
In some cases help people that never would have cared enough to exercise their right to vote otherwise.

The Republicans wouldn't know, because they're watching the bouncing ball at the bottom of the television screen.
They don't notice, BLM didn't seriously protest the appointment of Justice Barret.
They were somewhere else, doing something else the last 30 days before the election (most of them anyways).

The Republican's have always done poorly in minority communities, because they don't show up on the ground if nothing else.
Republicans complain when Progressives and left-wing radicals take over and destroy cities, but they weren't there to offer anything better.

It's possible they didn't see that coming ... Even when they were looking dead at it ... :thup:
I don't know ... Just a theory, and one that doesn't involve a bunch cheating, just getting beat on the ground.

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My system:

Rule #1: In person voting only.
Rule #2: 10 years of established residence in district you're voting in.
Rule #3: All voters are allowed by be armed.
Rule #4: All proceedings in the following steps are on taped LIVE and publicly viewable on the web at all times.

Step 1: Every 100 voters, in line, forms a slate.

Step 2: Every voter receives a ballot with a unique serial number, with a tear off containing a replica of the serial number, and a slate number written in by the election worker.

Step 3: All ballots in the slate are placed individually on a projector by a certified election worker, with the presence of both major party observers.

Step 4: The election worker reads off the ballot, and the tally is added manually on a physical chalkboard in public view. If any individual objects and claims they are being counted wrong, that possibly armed citizen will voice their objection and the tally will be adjusted (after the claim is matched against their serial number).

Step 5: After all 100 ballots are tallied, they then added together and transferred to a public viewable whiteboard, with a Slate identifier.

Step 6: After all voting is done, the slates are added together in public view on the white board, with a final total for the precinct.

Step 7: The results are then transmitted on a public frequency, to the district Recorder. The Recorder announces on live tv/air their received count from the precinct.

Step 8: The District Recorder then, on live recording/media, transmits to the State Recorder, who confirms the received count in public also on live record/media.

Step 9: The State Recorder tallies all Districts in public view and announces final statewide count in public view.
FYI, I have a thread on a paperless voting system in the CDZ.
My system would be integrated with the tax system.
First off, every adult who wishes to have a vote is required to pay a flat (not flat rate) tax of, say $1000 per year.
Those funds would be the only income the government derives from citizens.
If you choose to pay nothing, no problem, but you get no say in the government because you have no skin in the game.
If you help fund the monstosity, you get a vote in how it's run.
Implement a mandatory death penalty for voter fraud.
Vote in person with the exception of deployed military and have it in and counted before the 3rd.

State or Fed Picture ID ONLY

Voter rolls completely purged between elections.
Listening to you guys try to come up with solutions to "voter fraud" is like listening to a crazy person describing his "Bigfoot Trap". It would be interesting, if Voter Fraud/Bigfoot were actually a thing.
My system:

Rule #1: In person voting only.
Rule #2: 10 years of established residence in district you're voting in.
Rule #3: All voters are allowed by be armed.
Rule #4: All proceedings in the following steps are on taped LIVE and publicly viewable on the web at all times.

Step 1: Every 100 voters, in line, forms a slate.

Step 2: Every voter receives a ballot with a unique serial number, with a tear off containing a replica of the serial number, and a slate number written in by the election worker.

Step 3: All ballots in the slate are placed individually on a projector by a certified election worker, with the presence of both major party observers.

Step 4: The election worker reads off the ballot, and the tally is added manually on a physical chalkboard in public view. If any individual objects and claims they are being counted wrong, that possibly armed citizen will voice their objection and the tally will be adjusted (after the claim is matched against their serial number).

Step 5: After all 100 ballots are tallied, they then added together and transferred to a public viewable whiteboard, with a Slate identifier.

Step 6: After all voting is done, the slates are added together in public view on the white board, with a final total for the precinct.

Step 7: The results are then transmitted on a public frequency, to the district Recorder. The Recorder announces on live tv/air their received count from the precinct.

Step 8: The District Recorder then, on live recording/media, transmits to the State Recorder, who confirms the received count in public also on live record/media.

Step 9: The State Recorder tallies all Districts in public view and announces final statewide count in public view.
There was not a damn thing wrong with our system which stood in its basic intended form for > two centuries. The concept was simple, 1 proven American citizen = valid vote. In this past election the simple fact mail in ballots were accepted & counted by the tens/hundreds of thousands sans any proof of citizenship is unconscionable. Of course I see now that the leftist media is touting those two new COVID vaccines while totally ignoring the funding and development of the same was done with the cooperation and funding the product of the Trump administration. Hell of a political advantage when one political party enjoys the enormus asset of the US media as its de facto mouth lapdog. As far as I can discern this whole COVID pandemic was orchestrated as a component of the master plan to get Trump by wrecking his economy. Newsflash worked & I know you love that. Never mind how many millions of Americans have suffered because of the COVID fable. The goal was to "dump Trump" by any means. The problem the left now faces it how to put Pandora back into the box without exposing their foul hands.
Listening to you guys try to come up with solutions to "voter fraud" is like listening to a crazy person describing his "Bigfoot Trap". It would be interesting, if Voter Fraud/Bigfoot were actually a thing.
The problem with many libs is they lack the ability to reason. Enjoy the next 4 years lib. I will because the direct material cost of goods will go up while the cost of labor stays the same for all accounting purposes.That $15.00 minimum wage u voted for won't mean jack.
The problem with many libs is they lack the ability to reason. Enjoy the next 4 years lib. I will because the direct material cost of goods will go up while the cost of labor stays the same for all accounting purposes.That $15.00 minimum wage u voted for won't mean jack.

I'm going to enjoy the next four years immensely.

Clearly, you understand very little about economics.
Since the Dems are turning our country into a third world cesspool, we should vote the third world way.
One day to vote in person with an ID and then mark a finger with ink after people vote.
voting ink.jpg
Since the Dems are turning our country into a third world cesspool, we should vote the third world way.
One day to vote in person with an ID and then mark a finger with ink after people vote.

Actually, the voting worked out just fine..

You're just upset that you lost.
Here's what I would do.

1) Get rid of the electoral College.
2) Establish a system of National ID, that acts as your right to vote. (Also solves a lot of other problems). National ID will be based on your social security number, and will have your picture on file.
3) If no candidate gets over 50%, you have a runoff of the top two vote getters.
4) Put the Primaries in August, the Conventions in September, and the campaign will be limited to October. No reason for this shit to drag on for over a year.
5) Rotate who gets the first primaries, so that we don't have OH and NH dominating the selection process.

That said, we are talking about a system that worked about as well as it should have. Biden got the most votes and he won. That's how it should work.
My system:

Rule #1: In person voting only.
Rule #2: 10 years of established residence in district you're voting in.
Rule #3: All voters are allowed by be armed.
Rule #4: All proceedings in the following steps are on taped LIVE and publicly viewable on the web at all times.

Step 1: Every 100 voters, in line, forms a slate.

Step 2: Every voter receives a ballot with a unique serial number, with a tear off containing a replica of the serial number, and a slate number written in by the election worker.

Step 3: All ballots in the slate are placed individually on a projector by a certified election worker, with the presence of both major party observers.

Step 4: The election worker reads off the ballot, and the tally is added manually on a physical chalkboard in public view. If any individual objects and claims they are being counted wrong, that possibly armed citizen will voice their objection and the tally will be adjusted (after the claim is matched against their serial number).

Step 5: After all 100 ballots are tallied, they then added together and transferred to a public viewable whiteboard, with a Slate identifier.

Step 6: After all voting is done, the slates are added together in public view on the white board, with a final total for the precinct.

Step 7: The results are then transmitted on a public frequency, to the district Recorder. The Recorder announces on live tv/air their received count from the precinct.

Step 8: The District Recorder then, on live recording/media, transmits to the State Recorder, who confirms the received count in public also on live record/media.

Step 9: The State Recorder tallies all Districts in public view and announces final statewide count in public view.
Leave everything exactly how it is, except for having all the districts redrawn by a disinterested 3rd party.

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