Theory of the day, structure beyond universe pulling matter

Kid the reason for this new theory is that no dark matter is needed, the attractive force is coming from outside the universe. Please try to keep up, I know it's hard but you might just get left back or sent to peel potatoes.

You keep looking thru the telescope, the market dropped today and new buys just opened up.

Really, funny how all the astronomers are still paying off their PHD and Bill Gates is a dropout

Still don't think telescopes can track objects in the sky?
The funny thing is that fools like you see this and know that

God is not real
The age of the universe (changes yearly by a billion years or so)
It's all a computer simulation because
85 percent of it is missing
unless the big magnets outside this universe are pulling stuff

Yo, if you see something and do not know what it is, then take a photo of it...……….

Drumroll, you still do not know what it is but at least you can show the photo to other people who also will not know what it is.

You keep avoiding the question. Why is that?

It's very simple. Have you figured out how telescopes work yet?

Frannie... telling the top brains on our literal planet that brought us cell phones, sattellites, aviation technology, GPS, the cures for thousands of previously deadly diseases...

that they're making shit up...

And frannie...proves she doesnt even know what 2nd graders know about telescopes...believes in the magical invisible sky pixie

All makes sense, to be honest! lol!!

Put all the top brains on planet Earth in one place and ask them to agree on something...…………………

The fact is that not one or all of them know where humans came from, what the universe is in fact their answers to this would be as factual as if you ask a down syndrome individual.

The sad thing is that you do not understand the words theoretical physics. Do you really think the krap in the cripples books are fact

This is why all you morons voted for Hillary

Faith and science are not exclusive. Quit making faith look stupid. Learn something instead of closing your eyes, it will strengthen your faith.
The funny thing is that fools like you see this and know that

God is not real
The age of the universe (changes yearly by a billion years or so)
It's all a computer simulation because
85 percent of it is missing
unless the big magnets outside this universe are pulling stuff

Yo, if you see something and do not know what it is, then take a photo of it...……….

Drumroll, you still do not know what it is but at least you can show the photo to other people who also will not know what it is.

You keep avoiding the question. Why is that?

It's very simple. Have you figured out how telescopes work yet?

Frannie... telling the top brains on our literal planet that brought us cell phones, sattellites, aviation technology, GPS, the cures for thousands of previously deadly diseases...

that they're making shit up...

And frannie...proves she doesnt even know what 2nd graders know about telescopes...believes in the magical invisible sky pixie

All makes sense, to be honest! lol!!

Put all the top brains on planet Earth in one place and ask them to agree on something...…………………

The fact is that not one or all of them know where humans came from, what the universe is in fact their answers to this would be as factual as if you ask a down syndrome individual.

The sad thing is that you do not understand the words theoretical physics. Do you really think the krap in the cripples books are fact

This is why all you morons voted for Hillary
I think youre on a device invented by the folks youre mocking and meanwhile you dont even know how a basic telescope works and also believe in a magical sky fairy because youre susceptible(gullible) to religuous propaganda.

And i find it FFFFfffffFFFfFFucking hilarious!!! Keep bangin'

Dude the device I am on is not theoretical, like the forces pulling the computer generated matrix universe that your great professors now believe, except for the ones now claiming that there is a great big magnet filling in for the 85 percent of the universe they lost, and bye the way I built this machine, my son builds them too.

Yawn, play on little one

You didn't build it, you put parts together that were built by someone else.
You keep avoiding the question. Why is that?

It's very simple. Have you figured out how telescopes work yet?

Frannie... telling the top brains on our literal planet that brought us cell phones, sattellites, aviation technology, GPS, the cures for thousands of previously deadly diseases...

that they're making shit up...

And frannie...proves she doesnt even know what 2nd graders know about telescopes...believes in the magical invisible sky pixie

All makes sense, to be honest! lol!!

Put all the top brains on planet Earth in one place and ask them to agree on something...…………………

The fact is that not one or all of them know where humans came from, what the universe is in fact their answers to this would be as factual as if you ask a down syndrome individual.

The sad thing is that you do not understand the words theoretical physics. Do you really think the krap in the cripples books are fact

This is why all you morons voted for Hillary
I think youre on a device invented by the folks youre mocking and meanwhile you dont even know how a basic telescope works and also believe in a magical sky fairy because youre susceptible(gullible) to religuous propaganda.

And i find it FFFFfffffFFFfFFucking hilarious!!! Keep bangin'

Dude the device I am on is not theoretical, like the forces pulling the computer generated matrix universe that your great professors now believe, except for the ones now claiming that there is a great big magnet filling in for the 85 percent of the universe they lost, and bye the way I built this machine, my son builds them too.

Yawn, play on little one

You didn't build it, you put parts together that were built by someone else.

No I have a wafer chip making machine in my shed, paid 2 billion dollars for it

Duh, you build play dough castles

Frannie... telling the top brains on our literal planet that brought us cell phones, sattellites, aviation technology, GPS, the cures for thousands of previously deadly diseases...

that they're making shit up...

And frannie...proves she doesnt even know what 2nd graders know about telescopes...believes in the magical invisible sky pixie

All makes sense, to be honest! lol!!

Put all the top brains on planet Earth in one place and ask them to agree on something...…………………

The fact is that not one or all of them know where humans came from, what the universe is in fact their answers to this would be as factual as if you ask a down syndrome individual.

The sad thing is that you do not understand the words theoretical physics. Do you really think the krap in the cripples books are fact

This is why all you morons voted for Hillary
I think youre on a device invented by the folks youre mocking and meanwhile you dont even know how a basic telescope works and also believe in a magical sky fairy because youre susceptible(gullible) to religuous propaganda.

And i find it FFFFfffffFFFfFFucking hilarious!!! Keep bangin'

Dude the device I am on is not theoretical, like the forces pulling the computer generated matrix universe that your great professors now believe, except for the ones now claiming that there is a great big magnet filling in for the 85 percent of the universe they lost, and bye the way I built this machine, my son builds them too.

Yawn, play on little one

You didn't build it, you put parts together that were built by someone else.

No I have a wafer chip making machine in my shed, paid 2 billion dollars for it

Duh, you build play dough castles

Why are you ranting on about that when obviously you have it bad for astrophysics?

Maybe you've been shot down too many times and now you're trying desperately to retain a little self-respect.
Last edited:
Put all the top brains on planet Earth in one place and ask them to agree on something...…………………

The fact is that not one or all of them know where humans came from, what the universe is in fact their answers to this would be as factual as if you ask a down syndrome individual.

The sad thing is that you do not understand the words theoretical physics. Do you really think the krap in the cripples books are fact

This is why all you morons voted for Hillary
I think youre on a device invented by the folks youre mocking and meanwhile you dont even know how a basic telescope works and also believe in a magical sky fairy because youre susceptible(gullible) to religuous propaganda.

And i find it FFFFfffffFFFfFFucking hilarious!!! Keep bangin'

Dude the device I am on is not theoretical, like the forces pulling the computer generated matrix universe that your great professors now believe, except for the ones now claiming that there is a great big magnet filling in for the 85 percent of the universe they lost, and bye the way I built this machine, my son builds them too.

Yawn, play on little one

You didn't build it, you put parts together that were built by someone else.

No I have a wafer chip making machine in my shed, paid 2 billion dollars for it

Duh, you build play dough castles

Why are you renting on about that when obviously you have it bad for astrophysics?

Maybe you've been shot down too many times and now you're trying desperately to retain a little self-respect.

People like you that believe that everything or anything that Hawking babbled are facts crack me up
I think youre on a device invented by the folks youre mocking and meanwhile you dont even know how a basic telescope works and also believe in a magical sky fairy because youre susceptible(gullible) to religuous propaganda.

And i find it FFFFfffffFFFfFFucking hilarious!!! Keep bangin'

Dude the device I am on is not theoretical, like the forces pulling the computer generated matrix universe that your great professors now believe, except for the ones now claiming that there is a great big magnet filling in for the 85 percent of the universe they lost, and bye the way I built this machine, my son builds them too.

Yawn, play on little one

You didn't build it, you put parts together that were built by someone else.

No I have a wafer chip making machine in my shed, paid 2 billion dollars for it

Duh, you build play dough castles

Why are you renting on about that when obviously you have it bad for astrophysics?

Maybe you've been shot down too many times and now you're trying desperately to retain a little self-respect.

People like you that believe that everything or anything that Hawking babbled are facts crack me up
Haha....poor troll...forced to jump from failed point to failed point, like he's Frogger....

Let's leave this poor retard alone for a while.
Dude the device I am on is not theoretical, like the forces pulling the computer generated matrix universe that your great professors now believe, except for the ones now claiming that there is a great big magnet filling in for the 85 percent of the universe they lost, and bye the way I built this machine, my son builds them too.

Yawn, play on little one

You didn't build it, you put parts together that were built by someone else.

No I have a wafer chip making machine in my shed, paid 2 billion dollars for it

Duh, you build play dough castles

Why are you renting on about that when obviously you have it bad for astrophysics?

Maybe you've been shot down too many times and now you're trying desperately to retain a little self-respect.

People like you that believe that everything or anything that Hawking babbled are facts crack me up
Haha....poor troll...forced to jump from failed point to failed point, like he's Frogger....

Let's leave this poor retard alone for a while.
Still you have nothing to add, sadly you are afraid to even try
I think youre on a device invented by the folks youre mocking and meanwhile you dont even know how a basic telescope works and also believe in a magical sky fairy because youre susceptible(gullible) to religuous propaganda.

And i find it FFFFfffffFFFfFFucking hilarious!!! Keep bangin'

Dude the device I am on is not theoretical, like the forces pulling the computer generated matrix universe that your great professors now believe, except for the ones now claiming that there is a great big magnet filling in for the 85 percent of the universe they lost, and bye the way I built this machine, my son builds them too.

Yawn, play on little one

You didn't build it, you put parts together that were built by someone else.

No I have a wafer chip making machine in my shed, paid 2 billion dollars for it

Duh, you build play dough castles

Why are you renting on about that when obviously you have it bad for astrophysics?

Maybe you've been shot down too many times and now you're trying desperately to retain a little self-respect.

People like you that believe that everything or anything that Hawking babbled are facts crack me up

Who said I believe that? That's right, you did, not me.
Dude the device I am on is not theoretical, like the forces pulling the computer generated matrix universe that your great professors now believe, except for the ones now claiming that there is a great big magnet filling in for the 85 percent of the universe they lost, and bye the way I built this machine, my son builds them too.

Yawn, play on little one

You didn't build it, you put parts together that were built by someone else.

No I have a wafer chip making machine in my shed, paid 2 billion dollars for it

Duh, you build play dough castles

Why are you renting on about that when obviously you have it bad for astrophysics?

Maybe you've been shot down too many times and now you're trying desperately to retain a little self-respect.

People like you that believe that everything or anything that Hawking babbled are facts crack me up

Who said I believe that? That's right, you did, not me.
Did you believe Einstein who said the universe was not expanding

Or do you believe that the universe is computer generated

Or do you believe that magnets outside the universe are creating expansion

Do you also believe that DNA created itself in Darwins magical pond

I believe in me, always did, even when no one else did.

They learned
You didn't build it, you put parts together that were built by someone else.

No I have a wafer chip making machine in my shed, paid 2 billion dollars for it

Duh, you build play dough castles

Why are you renting on about that when obviously you have it bad for astrophysics?

Maybe you've been shot down too many times and now you're trying desperately to retain a little self-respect.

People like you that believe that everything or anything that Hawking babbled are facts crack me up

Who said I believe that? That's right, you did, not me.
Did you believe Einstein who said the universe was not expanding

Or do you believe that the universe is computer generated

Or do you believe that magnets outside the universe are creating expansion

Do you also believe that DNA created itself in Darwins magical pond

I believe in me, always did, even when no one else did.

They learned

That's the key, they learned. Scientists propose theories, the theories get tested, some of them survive, some do not. Yet you seem to think that if someone proposes a theory that it is settled fact. You're an odd little duck.
Dude the device I am on is not theoretical, like the forces pulling the computer generated matrix universe that your great professors now believe, except for the ones now claiming that there is a great big magnet filling in for the 85 percent of the universe they lost, and bye the way I built this machine, my son builds them too.

Yawn, play on little one

You didn't build it, you put parts together that were built by someone else.

No I have a wafer chip making machine in my shed, paid 2 billion dollars for it

Duh, you build play dough castles

Why are you renting on about that when obviously you have it bad for astrophysics?

Maybe you've been shot down too many times and now you're trying desperately to retain a little self-respect.

People like you that believe that everything or anything that Hawking babbled are facts crack me up
Haha....poor troll...forced to jump from failed point to failed point, like he's Frogger....

Let's leave this poor retard alone for a while.

Unfortunately, that's usually when they figure out how to take off the helmet and hurt themselves.
No I have a wafer chip making machine in my shed, paid 2 billion dollars for it

Duh, you build play dough castles

Why are you renting on about that when obviously you have it bad for astrophysics?

Maybe you've been shot down too many times and now you're trying desperately to retain a little self-respect.

People like you that believe that everything or anything that Hawking babbled are facts crack me up

Who said I believe that? That's right, you did, not me.
Did you believe Einstein who said the universe was not expanding

Or do you believe that the universe is computer generated

Or do you believe that magnets outside the universe are creating expansion

Do you also believe that DNA created itself in Darwins magical pond

I believe in me, always did, even when no one else did.

They learned

That's the key, they learned. Scientists propose theories, the theories get tested, some of them survive, some do not. Yet you seem to think that if someone proposes a theory that it is settled fact. You're an odd little duck.

Yawn, how does one test for the origin of the universe

Do you believe in Darwins magical DNA writing pond?

Funny how you ignore all the hard stuff
No I have a wafer chip making machine in my shed, paid 2 billion dollars for it

Duh, you build play dough castles

Why are you renting on about that when obviously you have it bad for astrophysics?

Maybe you've been shot down too many times and now you're trying desperately to retain a little self-respect.

People like you that believe that everything or anything that Hawking babbled are facts crack me up

Who said I believe that? That's right, you did, not me.
Did you believe Einstein who said the universe was not expanding

Or do you believe that the universe is computer generated

Or do you believe that magnets outside the universe are creating expansion

Do you also believe that DNA created itself in Darwins magical pond

I believe in me, always did, even when no one else did.

They learned

That's the key, they learned. Scientists propose theories, the theories get tested, some of them survive, some do not. Yet you seem to think that if someone proposes a theory that it is settled fact. You're an odd little duck.
That's not what Frannie said.
Why are you renting on about that when obviously you have it bad for astrophysics?

Maybe you've been shot down too many times and now you're trying desperately to retain a little self-respect.

People like you that believe that everything or anything that Hawking babbled are facts crack me up

Who said I believe that? That's right, you did, not me.
Did you believe Einstein who said the universe was not expanding

Or do you believe that the universe is computer generated

Or do you believe that magnets outside the universe are creating expansion

Do you also believe that DNA created itself in Darwins magical pond

I believe in me, always did, even when no one else did.

They learned

That's the key, they learned. Scientists propose theories, the theories get tested, some of them survive, some do not. Yet you seem to think that if someone proposes a theory that it is settled fact. You're an odd little duck.
That's not what Frannie said.
Ever notice that Fort Funny never actually says anything
People like you that believe that everything or anything that Hawking babbled are facts crack me up

Who said I believe that? That's right, you did, not me.
Did you believe Einstein who said the universe was not expanding

Or do you believe that the universe is computer generated

Or do you believe that magnets outside the universe are creating expansion

Do you also believe that DNA created itself in Darwins magical pond

I believe in me, always did, even when no one else did.

They learned

That's the key, they learned. Scientists propose theories, the theories get tested, some of them survive, some do not. Yet you seem to think that if someone proposes a theory that it is settled fact. You're an odd little duck.
That's not what Frannie said.
Ever notice that Fort Funny never actually says anything
I put that pos hater on Ignore about a year ago.

What they don't get is a theory is not necessarily a fact.
What they don't get is a theory is not necessarily a fact.
False. Not one person has said or implied such a thing. You made that up to feel like you had something important to say.

But, to clarify your somewhat useless comment, scientific theories are attempts to explain facts. Evolution is a fact. The theory of evolution is our best attempt to understand it.

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