There are 100,000 public schools in the US. If we took the $40BIL we gave to Ukraine, it will fund $200,000 of security for 20 years AT EVERY SCHOOL

Now, after wasting that $40 billion to Ukraine (plus what they allocated prior to this bill), more and more are talking about a settlement of the war.

And now they're talking about rebuilding Ukraine, on our tax dollars of course.
The fact is the cult wants these shootings to happen because they want to confiscate guns.

These school shootings can easily be stopped.

$40 billion dollars funds 2 ARMED TRAINED GUARDS AT EVERY ONE OF THE 100,000 public schools in the USA, earning $100,000 each……FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS.

The cult wants universal background checks so they can have a confiscation list.
But could the Corrupt Democrat Politicians get kick-backs from the schools like they do from the Ukrainians?
The majority of teachers (I am pretty sure) would refuse.

Maybe, but that is totally their right. No one needs to be coerced, there are plenty of gun owners now who can and would do it. Let's let them protect the rest
Maybe, but that is totally their right. No one needs to be coerced, there are plenty of gun owners now who can and would do it. Let's let them protect the rest
Fine by me, but I think you are overlooking many unanticipated complications.
Great angle from which to approach this issue and I agree up to a point. However, as an American parent I also don't want to drive my kid to school and see a fucking Bradley Fighting Vehicle rotating its 25mm turret around the grounds, using its thermal sight to scan for would be school shooters. Americans always prided themselves on freedom, and differentiated their country from Third World hellholes where heavily armed troops patrolled every public space. I for one don't want to see public school grounds become fortress enclaves. Give all teachers CCW licenses and train them to defend their classrooms. That should do it.

Just 2 armed guards at every school….consider them like private security for the kids.

We can even make them strictly minority trans people.
What laws that the cult want to pass would have stopped this?

Isnt it illegal to murder?

Mexico has very strong gun laws. They do not work.

Chicago has very strong gun laws. They do not work.

The cult wants a list for confiscation.

We have had the following ethniticies commit mass shootings recently.


Fuck you opportunitistic cultists. You are not confiscating the ability of the public to defend itself.
In this racist country with such White Supremacy, the racist cult wants to take guns away from black people.

Dont NY and California already have strict gun laws?

Didnt we have shootings in Cali and NY?

Whats wrong in those states?


Banning assault weapons just doesn't work.

America tried that for a full decade under the Clinton Regime's Draconian Gun Control Law if you'll remember.

Doubling down on stupidity won't work.

What will work are simple searches, xrays and body cavity searches for whomever wants to go into a school.

We do that in our Federal Courthouses and Penitentiaries already, so of course its doable.

What does it say about a society when we value our government bureaucrats and child molesters serving time more than we care about the children?

Instituting such a system will help the children their whole lives, particularly if they get jobs in the government or get sentenced to prison as an adult.
The unfortunate thing is that we are losing more and more unalienable rights due to insane political agendas. This nation is moving to be on a lockdown status permanently.
The shooter was in the school for 30 minutes before he was shot?

How long would it have taken for 2 armed guards to respond?

We all know the solution….the cult wants a confiscation list.
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Before you talk about aide to Ukraine how about explaining where the unspent educational earmarked for Covid went? How about applying that toward securing schools from nut cases?
Before you talk about aide to Ukraine how about explaining where the unspent educational earmarked for Covid went? How about applying that toward securing schools from nut cases?

The Fed has a $5 trillion budget. How can we not find money to secure the schools.

Cult, pretend every school is the Capitol.
Great angle from which to approach this issue and I agree up to a point. However, as an American parent I also don't want to drive my kid to school and see a fucking Bradley Fighting Vehicle rotating its 25mm turret around the grounds, using its thermal sight to scan for would be school shooters. Americans always prided themselves on freedom, and differentiated their country from Third World hellholes where heavily armed troops patrolled every public space. I for one don't want to see public school grounds become fortress enclaves. Give all teachers CCW licenses and train them to defend their classrooms. That should do it.

You had me right up to the point where you started arming teachers. That’s no better or different than having tanks on the playground.

The solution to unchecked gun violence isn’t more guns in your public spaces, it’s fewer guns everywhere.
The Fed has a $5 trillion budget. How can we not find money to secure the schools.

Cult, pretend every school is the Capitol.

There is no security that will stop it. Not armed guards or securing schools.

No public space is safe anymore. Grocery stores, churches, malls, schools. They’re shooting galleries for psychopaths
Sure, spend $40 billion or $80 billion, for school "security".
Just so retards can walk around like Rambo with AK and AR's.
Because they can't shoot?
The Fed has a $5 trillion budget. How can we not find money to secure the schools.

Cult, pretend every school is the Capitol.
So, teabaggers can spend $600 to $800 for a rifle, $70 for bullets and cant spend $100 to $200 for shooting lessons?

Evidently they cant.

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