There are 100,000 public schools in the US. If we took the $40BIL we gave to Ukraine, it will fund $200,000 of security for 20 years AT EVERY SCHOOL

The fact is the cult wants these shootings to happen because they want to confiscate guns.

These school shootings can easily be stopped.

$40 billion dollars funds 2 ARMED TRAINED GUARDS AT EVERY ONE OF THE 100,000 public schools in the USA, earning $100,000 each……FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS.

The cult wants universal background checks so they can have a confiscation list.

To put a finer point on it

there are 130,900+ elem schools in the USA. Hiring a full time guard at every one is, I'm sorry, way overdoing it. That guard would either be bored off his rocker within 4 weeks OR would be pressed into duty he did not sign up for--behavior monitor or sub or running copies.

There is truly no way to express the tragedy of these 19 lost lives. I get that. But maybe we could for once not panic and overreact like we did for Covid to our very great detriment. Maybe we could do some sensible things.
Some teachers/coaches could handle it, most not at all.
Do you really want to put a gun in the hands of someone like this & entrust it with your kid's safety?

I'm a teacher. I am pro 2nd amendment. But there is no way--no way--I want to be armed in school. I have enough to worry about.


I work with a military veteran. I 100% want him to have arms in the building.
The fact is the cult wants these shootings to happen because they want to confiscate guns.

These school shootings can easily be stopped.

$40 billion dollars funds 2 ARMED TRAINED GUARDS AT EVERY ONE OF THE 100,000 public schools in the USA, earning $100,000 each……FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS.

The cult wants universal background checks so they can have a confiscation list.
How much do you think these armed guards are going to earn? Might have to do your maths again..

Also there are 130,000 schools in US... - Education Statistics: Facts About American Schools

And if you read three arm guard/police tried to stop this guy in Texas and failed...

This would be a massive subsidy for gun owner, it means they are not paying the real cost of owning a gun... Why do you want to make Gun Owners freeloaders...
To put a finer point on it

there are 130,900+ elem schools in the USA. Hiring a full time guard at every one is, I'm sorry, way overdoing it. That guard would either be bored off his rocker within 4 weeks OR would be pressed into duty he did not sign up for--behavior monitor or sub or running copies.

There is truly no way to express the tragedy of these 19 lost lives. I get that. But maybe we could for once not panic and overreact like we did for Covid to our very great detriment. Maybe we could do some sensible things.
Simple solution...


That Texas Shooting would cost about $57 million in civil damages... Where do I get that figure, ask any of the parents would they want $3 million dollars or the child back? So I think I am being conservative with that figure..

If the legally bought gun had to be insured then they could claim it off the gun insurance... House insurance usually covers public liability up to about $300k, that is not close enough... Even one case of a severed spinal cord could be talking $3-5m in medical bills.

Therefore guns should have to get mandatory insurance as a cost of ownership. The government doesn't buy guns for people and give them out for free... Gun Owners buy guns, the buy gun safes... This is just one of those things you need to get. Responsible gun owners should be encouraging this, the NRA is already one of the leading sellers of gun insurance..

I presume the insurance companies will do great deals if gun owners can show they have done training and secure there weapon when not on them... Different plans for home use or conceal carry..
But the big thing is what kind of insurance company would give cover to a 18yr old kid who wants an AR-15 few days after his birthday? The probably insist on a background check and other paperwork..
Now, after wasting that $40 billion to Ukraine (plus what they allocated prior to this bill), more and more are talking about a settlement of the war.

And now they're talking about rebuilding Ukraine, on our tax dollars of course.
Ukraine is some of the best money US has invested in decades...

Compare that to Iraq or Afghanistan, for $40b Biden is going to achieve what decades of fighting in the cold war achieved without one one US Soldier killed...

US is using what iit is good at... Russia have got there Vietnam and US control over the most dangerous dictator in the world...

Russia will pay for the rebuilding..
Sure, spend $40 billion or $80 billion, for school "security".
Just so retards can walk around like Rambo with AK and AR's.
Because they can't shoot?
Are you obtuse?

Just do it like the Israelis do. Train-up a Civil Security/Guard Force and install them in the schools along with electrically operated security doors like that are in every prison in America. The tech is as old as dirt but effective.

Every school will have a dedicated security center with a security person to monitor and operate said doors and a small armory. No more of some harried school employee buzzing everyone in. It will be handled by civil security.

The thing I have noticed at schools is while you might need to be buzzed-in at the main entrance the rest of the place is wide open with people headed out through exit doors all over the place.

If you don't control movement your security isn't shit.
Ukraine is some of the best money US has invested in decades...

Compare that to Iraq or Afghanistan, for $40b Biden is going to achieve what decades of fighting in the cold war achieved without one one US Soldier killed...

US is using what iit is good at... Russia have got there Vietnam and US control over the most dangerous dictator in the world...

Russia will pay for the rebuilding..

Nailed it!!!

Since Trump and the Republicans continue to portray Biden as weak and senile, Putin continues to underestimate him, and do stupid things because he thinks he can get away with it.

There is another school of thought that says Putin has cancer and doesn't have long to live. Hence his physical distance from advisors and his paranoia about getting covid. He had to invade now to cement his history and legacy. Time is running out.

When you couple this with the fractures in NATO due to Trump's shabby treatment of your allies, and Biden's failure to consult with the British government during the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Putin had to think that if Trump was "tough on Russia", and Biden was a weakling in comparison, he could like roll into the Ukraine and just take it over. Just like Trump let Turkey roll into Syria and take out the Kurds, leaving the rest of the field to Assad and the Russians.

In his press conference with President Zelensky, prior to his first impeachment, Trump told Zelensky he should settle with Putin. Putin wants to make a deal. Trump could set up the meeting for him. Zelensky was STILL waiting on the promised military aid at that time.

If Trump had been President, he says there would be no war. That's because Trump would have deserted the Ukrainian people just like he did the Kurds.
Are you obtuse?

Just do it like the Israelis do. Train-up a Civil Security/Guard Force and install them in the schools along with electrically operated security doors like that are in every prison in America. The tech is as old as dirt but effective.

Every school will have a dedicated security center with a security person to monitor and operate said doors and a small armory. No more of some harried school employee buzzing everyone in. It will be handled by civil security.

The thing I have noticed at schools is while you might need to be buzzed-in at the main entrance the rest of the place is wide open with people headed out through exit doors all over the place.

If you don't control movement your security isn't shit.

So parents are going to send their kids to a prison with guards and electrically controlled steel doors and a small armory, to keep them safe from school shootings?

The Texas school had locked doors and an armed guard, and two police officers appeared on scene before he could get into the school. The shooter gunned all three down, and still got into the school and killed 19 people.

When will you people understand that the way to secure your public spaces is not to put more guns in them?
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The fact is the cult wants these shootings to happen because they want to confiscate guns.

These school shootings can easily be stopped.

$40 billion dollars funds 2 ARMED TRAINED GUARDS AT EVERY ONE OF THE 100,000 public schools in the USA, earning $100,000 each……FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS.

The cult wants universal background checks so they can have a confiscation list.
The left doesn't care about keeping our children safe. They do care about milking money for their cult leaders in foreign lands
Nailed it!!!

Since Trump and the Republicans continue to portray Biden as weak and senile, Putin continues to underestimate him, and do stupid things because he thinks he can get away with it.

There is another school of thought that says Putin has cancer and doesn't have long to live. Hence his physical distance from advisors and his paranoia about getting covid. He had to invade now to cement his history and legacy. Time is running out.

When you couple this with the fractures in NATO due to Trump's shabby treatment of your allies, and Biden's failure to consult with the British government during the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Putin had to think that if Trump was "tough on Russia", and Biden was a weakling in comparison, he could like roll into the Ukraine and just take it over. Just like Trump let Turkey roll into Syria and take out the Kurds, leaving the rest of the field to Assad and the Russians.

In his press conference with President Zelensky, prior to his first impeachment, Trump told Zelensky he should settle with Putin. Putin wants to make a deal. Trump could set up the meeting for him. Zelensky was STILL waiting on the promised military aid at that time.

If Trump had been President, he says there would be no war. That's because Trump would have deserted the Ukrainian people just like he did the Kurds.
hahaha yeah Putin underestimates Xiden because of Trump.

you are about as dumb as a box of rocks....well, or maybe Trump is just that strong of a leader, and Xiden that weak. Either way, you are dumb as a box of rocks
So parents are going to send their kids to a prison with guards and electrically controlled steel doors and a small armory, to keep them safe from school shootings?

The Texas school had locked doors and an armed guard, and two police officers appeared on scene before he could get into the school. The shooter gunned all three down, and still got into the school and killed 19 people.

When will you people understand that the way to secure your public spaces is not to put more guns in them?
Just telling you what works for another nation.....Anything else is half-measures and wishful thinking if you are serious about school security.

So go ahead and whistle pass the graveyard with your fingers crossed and see what it gets you.
So parents are going to send their kids to a prison with guards and electrically controlled steel doors and a small armory, to keep them safe from school shootings?

The Texas school had locked doors and an armed guard, and two police officers appeared on scene before he could get into the school. The shooter gunned all three down, and still got into the school and killed 19 people.

When will you people understand that the way to secure your public spaces is not to put more guns in them?
The way to protect our schools is to have the same sort of border security and immigration policies as Canada.
To put a finer point on it

there are 130,900+ elem schools in the USA. Hiring a full time guard at every one is, I'm sorry, way overdoing it. That guard would either be bored off his rocker within 4 weeks OR would be pressed into duty he did not sign up for--behavior monitor or sub or running copies.

There is truly no way to express the tragedy of these 19 lost lives. I get that. But maybe we could for once not panic and overreact like we did for Covid to our very great detriment. Maybe we could do some sensible things.

Sure we can put guards at every school. I see guards at many many many places all the time.

”Bored”? I dont get what you mean. Plenty of people do “boring” jobs all the time.
So parents are going to send their kids to a prison with guards and electrically controlled steel doors and a small armory, to keep them safe from school shootings?

The Texas school had locked doors and an armed guard, and two police officers appeared on scene before he could get into the school. The shooter gunned all three down, and still got into the school and killed 19 people.

When will you people understand that the way to secure your public spaces is not to put more guns in them?
If they had electrically controlled steel doors he could be in there now still killing...

Seriously these people don't think of these things..
The left doesn't care about keeping our children safe. They do care about milking money for their cult leaders in foreign lands

Keep saying that... Tell us what fucking thing the right has done to help...

Simple choice your kids or your guns and you have said take the kids...
Sure we can put guards at every school. I see guards at many many many places all the time.

”Bored”? I dont get what you mean. Plenty of people do “boring” jobs all the time.
Howe many fucking times do we have to say this?

This school had an armed guard and two police officers at the scence and they couldn't stop him getting in... He had full body armour and higher powered weapons...
So Armed guards don't work...

Keep saying that... Tell us what fucking thing the right has done to help...

Simple choice your kids or your guns and you have said take the kids...
the right has fought against the leftist oppressive regime and attempts to strip citizens of the means to defend themselves and their children

if it was up to the dems all 6 years olds would be locked in a govt building all day, unprotected, undefended and opened to folks like Salvador Ramos to gun them down…and it their parents take issue and question the party, at school board meetings they get labeled domestic terrorist by cult leaders like Xiden
Yes, 109 million dollars a day for a year is a lot of money that could be spent better here in America on a lot of things. Or better yet, find the money you need from existing spend. We already spend $560B/yr. on interest. Be nice to put fucking cap on that at least.
If they had electrically controlled steel doors he could be in there now still killing...

Seriously these people don't think of these things..

Looking at the timeline he was locked in that school for nearly an hour before police could get into the building.

While it is definitely way too early for humour here, the Out and Abouter has a valid point.


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