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There are a lot of people who like Sarah Palin...

Retard and dog. Next time do the right thing, abort.

It takes a total asshole to make a post like this.
I know, honesty offends you, as does the fact than 9 of 10 women with a Downs fetus abort. Welcome the real world instead of your Jesusland.

Don't paint me with a broad brush in a futile attempt to excuse your utter asshoe-ness.
Stop avoiding reality, little Jesusfreak,
Retard and dog. Next time do the right thing, abort.

It takes a total asshole to make a post like this.
I know, honesty offends you, as does the fact than 9 of 10 women with a Downs fetus abort. Welcome the real world instead of your Jesusland.

Don't paint me with a broad brush in a futile attempt to excuse your utter asshoe-ness.
Stop avoiding reality, little Jesusfreak,

You think your shit don't stink....
Holy jesus. Idiocracy is not at all about inevitable progression of Socialism. It's a fucking comedy about intelligence being bred out of the gene pool.

Holy SHIT! For Socialism to exist... intelligence must be bred out of the socialist.




OH! You're a socialists... aren't ya?

Well, I apologize because there's no way you could have known that.

And yes, I understand, you like money.

Now, to help you through this I'd like to offer you an intellectual exercise.

Harriet has a bag with 4 balls. 2 Wooden balls, each weighing 6.125 grams and one glass ball weighing 21 grams. The Wooden Balls are 9cm in diameter. The glass ball 7.675cm in diameter.

Lisa has a box. Inside the box is a bag with 9 cookies, 6 tarts and a danish.

How many bags are there?
Oh I see...you're an idiot. Carry on

OH! No... That is not correct.

The answer is: 2 Bags.

Let the record reflect that the above cited socialist is unable to deduce that the answer to the above '2 bags'. What's more... it was unable to recognize that the scenario failed to provide the description of the 4th ball.

And THAT is how you, the reader, can rest assured that the "Idiocracy" is the logical extension of Socialism... which requires as the minimal price of admission, the abandonment of reason.
I'm about as conservative as you can get but I'm not one of Palin's fans. I find her somewhat obnoxious and I don't detect a high IQ when I hear her speak. Her voice is almost as annoying as Obama's voice is. I pay little attention to either.
Two points for you, she's a fucking idiot who can't keep a job, among other bad traits.
Her IQ is double yours, what's that make you? Clue: You're a flaming idiot of the highest order.
Retard and dog. Next time do the right thing, abort.

It takes a total asshole to make a post like this.
I know, honesty offends you, as does the fact than 9 of 10 women with a Downs fetus abort. Welcome the real world instead of your Jesusland.

Don't paint me with a broad brush in a futile attempt to excuse your utter asshoe-ness.
Stop avoiding reality, little Jesusfreak,
Lucky for you, your Mom decided not to abort her retarded fetus.
Retard and dog. Next time do the right thing, abort.

It takes a total asshole to make a post like this.
I know, honesty offends you, as does the fact than 9 of 10 women with a Downs fetus abort. Welcome the real world instead of your Jesusland.

Don't paint me with a broad brush in a futile attempt to excuse your utter asshoe-ness.
Stop avoiding reality, little Jesusfreak,

most people on the planet believe that Jesus existed even muslims and jews. However, not all believe he was the messiah. Now that you know you are a minority how about you shut the fuck up. You don't like your staus in life or life in general IMPROVE it. You don't like other people suffering, quit sitting on you ass on a computer being the biggest criminal dick a poster could possibly be and help them. You aren't need here and you add nothing of substance, but rather nothing but personal hate. You aren't even political. You just hate people. Go fuck yourself. useless ass. You should have been banned decades ago. You are exactly the type of poster that is usually banned. You wont last much longer.
October 3, 2008

There's been a noticeable trajectory of Republican emotion over the last five weeks when it comes to Sarah Palin. After the introduction, the right swooned.

Then she started talking. After the Charlie Gibson interview, conservatives were concerned. After the Couric interviews, Republicans started to panic.

In the wake of Palin's odd and disjointed performance in last night's debate, I guess they're back to swooning again. Take this embarrassing item from the National Review's Rich Lowry:

"I'm sure I'm not the only male in America who, when Palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, "Hey, I think she just winked at me." And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America."

Good God, man, show some pride. You're a media professional, for crying out loud. You sat up when Palin winked at the camera? You saw "little starbursts"? And you published this?

I realize political analysis on the right has been in decline, but I didn't appreciate the extent to which it mirrored school-boys with crushes.
Most lefties love Sarah Palin. She's the retarded gift that keeps on giving. Daisy Mae is a functional retard. I give her credit for finally getting a college degree - after five colleges and six years.

Palin Attended 5 Colleges In 6 Years


Thank you for demonstrating the point of my post in utter spades.... As centrist America watches the Rachel Maddows and Lawrence O'donnell's of this world salivate like screaming poodles at a fire hydrant convention they are treated to a real vision of what lefty really is. I am very encouraged to see that there is no lesson being learned nor moral trait being honed...only the continued, doubled down and intensified arrogance that is beginning to bite the entire left wing world in the ass. No worries...lefty will go down in flames believing that everything he says and does is totally justified without so much as making a single, tiny adjustment. It is utterly miraculous!
I'm about as conservative as you can get but I'm not one of Palin's fans. I find her somewhat obnoxious and I don't detect a high IQ when I hear her speak. Her voice is almost as annoying as Obama's voice is. I pay little attention to either.

See here's the point though.....whether you like her or not is irrelevant really... my guess is that you don't spend hours and days dwelling on it despite the fact that you have already made up your mind. For the left though this thing becomes the revealer, not of their political preferences but of their elan moral, their entire self identity that is most often carefully hidden under a modicum of civility and a pretense of caring. The " Palin " dope-o-matic reflex is just too much for them to resist dropping the veil and going on the attack in full on battle dress like the blood thirsty borg that is their real identity. As such it becomes the MVP of political tools for disenfranchising the left because it is something they will never change.


She's a typical American woman... .

Maybe in the movie 'Idiocracy'

Why would Sarah Palin be in a movie about the inevitable progression of Socialism?
Holy jesus. Idiocracy is not at all about inevitable progression of Socialism. It's a fucking comedy about intelligence being bred out of the gene pool.

Which by the way is an excellent defintion of socialism!
The left needs an enemy and Media Matters research has focused on Sara Palin as an easy target. Combine it with the sissie left's ingrained hatred for attractive and successful women, the left's anger over Palin not choosing to abort her Down's Syndrome baby and her political stance and you have the woman the left loves to hate.
Actually she's a stupid ****, a woman good for only two things, three if she'll take it up the ass, and you little morons think she is the Virgin Fucking Mary of politics which offends us to the core. She's the hero bitch MILF of the utterly stupid and dark ages American Christian nutjobs. That's easy to hate.

The fact that she wasn't smart enough to abort just adds to the pile of her unaccomplished life, that you admire.

BRAVO! And the revelation continues! Unable to control those impulses the left continues to vomit forth all of the vituperation and dysfunction that becomes the identifying tattoo of progressivism! This is good for the voters, this is good for the november slaughters, this is good for the education of the masses!


Look ma! We has done found a lefty!

I'm about as conservative as you can get but I'm not one of Palin's fans. I find her somewhat obnoxious and I don't detect a high IQ when I hear her speak. Her voice is almost as annoying as Obama's voice is. I pay little attention to either.

See here's the point though.....whether you like her or not is irrelevant really... my guess is that you don't spend hours and days dwelling on it despite the fact that you have already made up your mind. For the left though this thing becomes the revealer, not of their political preferences but of their elan moral, their entire self identity that is most often carefully hidden under a modicum of civility and a pretense of caring. The " Palin " dope-o-matic reflex is just too much for them to resist dropping the veil and going on the attack in full on battle dress like the blood thirsty borg that is their real identity. As such it becomes the MVP of political tools for disenfranchising the left because it is something they will never change.



The left is renowned for attacking people and personalities instead of actual issues and ideals. Palin has become an easy target because she doesn't know when to shut her mouth. She has SOME pretty good notions but she's sorely immature. She literally reminds me of a 7th Grade cheerleader with a bubblegum fetish. Not only because of her antics but because she lacks the wisdom and knowledge necessary to be taken seriously. She simply needs to fade away and let good, respectable, and intelligent spokesmen do the talking.

But you're right ... I don't spend time thinking about her or any other politician, for that matter. I don't watch FOX News or any other mainstream outlet who's sole job is to manipulate the public mind. I seek out Statesmen over Politicians. I'm still searching!!
The war on women is real. The struggle continues.

It hasn't been a war on women concerning Sara. It was a war on the Republicans believing they had the right to put someone with her ridiculous qualifications a heat beat from the White House.

Stop insulting the intelligence of the voters and making a mockery of our presidential elections and everything will work out just fine.
The war on women is real. The struggle continues.

It hasn't been a war on women concerning Sara. It was a war on the Republicans believing they had the right to put someone with her ridiculous qualifications a heat beat from the White House.

Stop insulting the intelligence of the voters and making a mockery of our presidential elections and everything will work out just fine.

Man oh man, her qualifications were better than that thug you all put in. that is the frikken INSULT you people PUT ON US.... she was a GOV ERNOR of a state, Obama was a lowly state Senator and a frikken JUNIOR senator in congress with less than a term in our Congress. You hater of Sarah Palin are the people tearing this country apart. your nasty and ugly the way you treat women who you deem unworthy. You all make me SICK. There isn't anything honorable about any of you nasty people in the Democrat party
Last edited:
I'm about as conservative as you can get but I'm not one of Palin's fans. I find her somewhat obnoxious and I don't detect a high IQ when I hear her speak. Her voice is almost as annoying as Obama's voice is. I pay little attention to either.

See here's the point though.....whether you like her or not is irrelevant really... my guess is that you don't spend hours and days dwelling on it despite the fact that you have already made up your mind. For the left though this thing becomes the revealer, not of their political preferences but of their elan moral, their entire self identity that is most often carefully hidden under a modicum of civility and a pretense of caring. The " Palin " dope-o-matic reflex is just too much for them to resist dropping the veil and going on the attack in full on battle dress like the blood thirsty borg that is their real identity. As such it becomes the MVP of political tools for disenfranchising the left because it is something they will never change.



The left is renowned for attacking people and personalities instead of actual issues and ideals. Palin has become an easy target because she doesn't know when to shut her mouth. She has SOME pretty good notions but she's sorely immature. She literally reminds me of a 7th Grade cheerleader with a bubblegum fetish. Not only because of her antics but because she lacks the wisdom and knowledge necessary to be taken seriously. She simply needs to fade away and let good, respectable, and intelligent spokesmen do the talking.

But you're right ... I don't spend time thinking about her or any other politician, for that matter. I don't watch FOX News or any other mainstream outlet who's sole job is to manipulate the public mind. I seek out Statesmen over Politicians. I'm still searching!!

What I find fascinating about all of this is how Palin has become a sort of " Truth Serum " for the left. She not only offends them with every breath she takes but also charges them with the irreversible impulse to come out of their luring little hiding places......it is something to behold.

As for the rest...well I can't say I disagree with you....normally I cringe when she speaks attempting in vain to finish her sentences for her or to correct the grammar syntax .....somehow it never seems to work.


The war on women is real. The struggle continues.

It hasn't been a war on women concerning Sara. It was a war on the Republicans believing they had the right to put someone with her ridiculous qualifications a heat beat from the White House.

Stop insulting the intelligence of the voters and making a mockery of our presidential elections and everything will work out just fine.

Man oh man, her qualifications we better than that thug you all put in. she was a GOV ERNOR of a state. Obama was a lowly state Senator and a frikken JUNIOR senator in congress with less than a term in our Congress. You hater of Sarah Palin are the people tearing this country apart. your nasty and ugly the way you treat a women who you deem unworthy. You all make me SICK. There isn't anything honorable about any of you nasty people in the Democrat party

I didn't vote for president in the last two elections you simpleton.

There was no candidate worth me making that effort.

I don't and didn't hate Sara. She was par for the course in an Alaskan election. Those people are friggin nuts. Doesn't it bother you that here husband was attempting to take a leading role in having Alaska secede from the union? And considering MY view on religion...her paying for an African witch doctor to go to her church to rid it of evil spirits.. Come on Stefunny... THAT is as crazy as crazy gets... Plus she has a very well known penchant for doing drugs...hard drugs,,Cocaine..It makes people CRAZY !!!

I live here in Seattle and our state is very closely linked to theirs. MANY of my friends go up there to fish. Many people from Seattle go up there to work the oil fields.

We already knew about crazy Sara long before you all did.

Stop trying to paint me as a liberal. I just don't appreciate what the crazy Christians did to my republican party.
The war on women is real. The struggle continues.

It hasn't been a war on women concerning Sara. It was a war on the Republicans believing they had the right to put someone with her ridiculous qualifications a heat beat from the White House.

Stop insulting the intelligence of the voters and making a mockery of our presidential elections and everything will work out just fine.

Man oh man, her qualifications we better than that thug you all put in. she was a GOV ERNOR of a state. Obama was a lowly state Senator and a frikken JUNIOR senator in congress with less than a term in our Congress. You hater of Sarah Palin are the people tearing this country apart. your nasty and ugly the way you treat a women who you deem unworthy. You all make me SICK. There isn't anything honorable about any of you nasty people in the Democrat party

I didn't vote for president in the last two elections you simpleton.

There was no candidate worth me making that effort.

I don't and didn't hate Sara. She was par for the course in an Alaskan election. Those people are friggin nuts. Doesn't it bother you that here husband was attempting to take a leading role in having Alaska secede from the union? And considering MY view on religion...her paying for an African witch doctor to go to her church to rid it of evil spirits.. Come on Stefunny... THAT is as crazy as crazy gets... Plus she has a very well known penchant for doing drugs...hard drugs,,Cocaine..It makes people CRAZY !!!

I live here in Seattle and our state is very closely linked to theirs. MANY of my friends go up there to fish. Many people from Seattle go up there to work the oil fields.

We already knew about crazy Sara long before you all did.

Stop trying to paint me as a liberal. I just don't appreciate what the crazy Christians did to my republican party.

IF you didn't vote then sit up with your nastiness. that's all you spew on here. and you're a woman hater to boot unless of course they have a D next to their names.
Wait for it.......here it comes..... WHO CARES??
"A lot of people like Sara Palin"...pheh...a LOT of people don't care one way or another.
Sara Palin is yet another meaningless distraction used by one side to keep the division going.
Both parties benefit greatly from the political division in America. In fact, they cannot exist without it. As long as each side is always looking at what the other side is doing wrong - they fail to see the pounding they are getting from their own.
The war on women is real. The struggle continues.

It hasn't been a war on women concerning Sara. It was a war on the Republicans believing they had the right to put someone with her ridiculous qualifications a heat beat from the White House.

Stop insulting the intelligence of the voters and making a mockery of our presidential elections and everything will work out just fine.

Man oh man, her qualifications we better than that thug you all put in. she was a GOV ERNOR of a state. Obama was a lowly state Senator and a frikken JUNIOR senator in congress with less than a term in our Congress. You hater of Sarah Palin are the people tearing this country apart. your nasty and ugly the way you treat a women who you deem unworthy. You all make me SICK. There isn't anything honorable about any of you nasty people in the Democrat party

I didn't vote for president in the last two elections you simpleton.

There was no candidate worth me making that effort.

I don't and didn't hate Sara. She was par for the course in an Alaskan election. Those people are friggin nuts. Doesn't it bother you that here husband was attempting to take a leading role in having Alaska secede from the union? And considering MY view on religion...her paying for an African witch doctor to go to her church to rid it of evil spirits.. Come on Stefunny... THAT is as crazy as crazy gets... Plus she has a very well known penchant for doing drugs...hard drugs,,Cocaine..It makes people CRAZY !!!

I live here in Seattle and our state is very closely linked to theirs. MANY of my friends go up there to fish. Many people from Seattle go up there to work the oil fields.

We already knew about crazy Sara long before you all did.

Stop trying to paint me as a liberal. I just don't appreciate what the crazy Christians did to my republican party.

IF you didn't vote then sit up with your nastiness. that's all you spew on here. and you're a woman hater to boot unless of course they have a D next to their names.

Wrong again...apparently that isn't a problem for you.

In fact I love certain parts of a woman very much.

Democratic gals usually have their heads full of silly ideas.

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