There are only a few banned words here

I read stuff on other boards that makes me cringe in embarrassment. Having sex with their mothers, eating feces, all sorts of stuff
Dayum woman!! Where the hell do you post?? No. Wait. Don't tell me, lol.
Why not, I want to know.

This place is dull. . . . :sleeping-smiley-015:

Well, except this thread. It is hilarious. Whining about "front holes?"

OMG, how hilarious. What a riot. :iyfyus.jpg:

Great job Old Lady. Another huge success.
Have you ever checked out the Flame Zone cesspool? Its nasty. Worse than Front Hole. But guess where OldLady usually hangs out in nasty ass threads? Talk about hypocrisy. :cuckoo:
Oh, I'm in the FZ all the time. I'm not sure what the "cesspool" is unless it is the same thing as the taunting arena.

At first I thought that is where she posted this thread. I had to check. I was going to post some serious memes. Then I thought better of it. I couldn't resist that Trump one, I knew she would like that one. Who wouldn't? She has a sense of humor.

That is why I have a hard time believing this is a serious thread.


Pismoe is right, most of the internet is using the term as a gender inclusive term. Only folks that have a funny bone aren't taking them seriously. In this age of post-truth politics, and internet gas lighting, why should anyone take anything too seriously?

I'm sick of talking to you, too.

I understand.

It must be disconcerting to have all your hypocrisy, misandry, authoritarianism and intolerance exposed as it has.
All over one already banned word and a word being used as its substitute. Such feelings I have stirred.

Ummmm, you do know why such feelinhs are stirred but remember you are a wonderful contributor to this board...
No I don't know why such feelings are stirred.
I’m sure you realise it’s your hypocrisy that is stirring ‘feelings’.

For example, you quite regularly use foul language and also refer to ‘dick withering’ when responding to Male posters. Even worse, I recall you laughingly dismissing a poster who advocated the rape and murder of white South African children whilst forcing the parents to watch before being subjected to the same fate.

Yet you get your depends in a wad over a phrase!

Hypocrisy, thy name is Old Lady!!!
All over one already banned word and a word being used as its substitute. Such feelings I have stirred.

I'm pretty sure your topic has to do with a word (or combination of words) that isn't banned, that you think should be banned, because it stirs your own feelings.
I would say the reaction has been pretty strong, though. A lot stronger than mine.
Nope. YOU are trying to have phrases and words you don’t like banned.
Others are pointing out your hypocrisy and laughing at you.
Your attempt to have words banned here is definitely the ‘stronger’ reaction.
Because sometimes you act in such a way that deserves it? It's a message board. It it upsets you, put it down and walk away.


After all, are there any "banned" words that are used to offend or denigrate a white males?

Seems like a power thing to me. Either that or white men are inherently better able to not be offended?

I think you're right it IS a power thing, but I think you're confusing who is exercising the power here.
You exercised power when you had several of my posts removed.
One of these days you will stop whining about that and go ask the mod why; it wasn't me who removed them. If you don't already know, which I believe you know perfectly well you were trolling and off topic.
I wasn't trolling or off topic at all

I used the same argumentative tactics the women used but applied it to words used against men instead of women.
Oh no you didn't.
Oh yes he did.
Dang. I've got to go to a meeting.
Ummmm, you do know why such feelinhs are stirred but remember you are a wonderful contributor to this board...
No I don't know why such feelings are stirred.

Yes you do, so do not play coy with me...

Anyway just remember certain words are banned just like members and some are not just like me even though many wish the latter would happen...
Playing victim is one of the ruses she uses to gain power over others.

To the contrary, OldLady just seems to try to appeal to what she deems should be one's better nature. Unfortunately she is not so keen on understanding some people are perfectly okay with their own nature, and aren't looking for guidance.
We don't have the "right" to offend others. IMO. But like I said I'm thinking. And I do have to go.
Of course we have the right to offend others, otherwise there would be no free speech. You also have the right to be offended, a right you exercise with alarming regularity (considering) and highly selectively.
And one of them refers to the female anatomy, beginning with C and ending with T. People get around the filter all the time by spelling it with a K, but hey, it's the thought that counts and I appreciate it.

Now a few of our more vile posters are using a new term to say exactly the same offensive thing: Front holer. I realize it would be difficult (impossible?) to create a filter for it, because "front" and "hole" are both words that are used in other ways, but could all the mods agree that if they are in a thread and see that term used that they will red - x it same as they would C*NT?
V!agra is one.
I read stuff on other boards that makes me cringe in embarrassment. Having sex with their mothers, eating feces, all sorts of stuff
Dayum woman!! Where the hell do you post?? No. Wait. Don't tell me, lol.
Why not, I want to know.

This place is dull. . . . :sleeping-smiley-015:

Well, except this thread. It is hilarious. Whining about "front holes?"

OMG, how hilarious. What a riot. :iyfyus.jpg:

Great job Old Lady. Another huge success.
Have you ever checked out the Flame Zone cesspool? Its nasty. Worse than Front Hole. But guess where OldLady usually hangs out in nasty ass threads? Talk about hypocrisy. :cuckoo:
Oh, I'm in the FZ all the time. I'm not sure what the "cesspool" is unless it is the same thing as the taunting arena.

At first I thought that is where she posted this thread. I had to check. I was going to post some serious memes. Then I thought better of it. I couldn't resist that Trump one, I knew she would like that one. Who wouldn't? She has a sense of humor.

That is why I have a hard time believing this is a serious thread.


Pismoe is right, most of the internet is using the term as a gender inclusive term. Only folks that have a funny bone aren't taking them seriously. In this age of post-truth politics, and internet gas lighting, why should anyone take anything too seriously?

The FZ is the Cesspool. That's what I call it anyway. Anyone that posts down there then comes up here having a hissy fit over Front Hole is nothing but a hypocrite. That's what I was saying. And yes..this is a serious thread to her. That's why she started be all indignant. Its kinda like making fun of a fat chick that works in a sweet shop while being a regular customer of that sweet shop and being fatter than the fat chick that works there.
And one of them refers to the female anatomy, beginning with C and ending with T. People get around the filter all the time by spelling it with a K, but hey, it's the thought that counts and I appreciate it.

Now a few of our more vile posters are using a new term to say exactly the same offensive thing: Front holer. I realize it would be difficult (impossible?) to create a filter for it, because "front" and "hole" are both words that are used in other ways, but could all the mods agree that if they are in a thread and see that term used that they will red - x it same as they would C*NT?

You know, I've never really understood how c*nt could be considered one of the most vile words that could be used. Especially when I went overseas and met people from the UK who used that word like we use the word "asshole". And, you didn't have to be female to be a c*nt, it was used on both males and females when they were acting like asses.
The FZ is the Cesspool. That's what I call it anyway. Anyone that posts down there then comes up here having a hissy fit over Front Hole is nothing but a hypocrite. That's what I was saying. And yes..this is a serious thread to her. That's why she started be all indignant. Its kinda like making fun of a fat chick that works in a sweet shop while being a regular customer of that sweet shop and being fatter than the fat chick that works there.

A preacher, a shoe salesman and a baker walk into a bar. The baker and the shoe salesman have a better time for obvious reasons.
The FZ is the Cesspool. That's what I call it anyway. Anyone that posts down there then comes up here having a hissy fit over Front Hole is nothing but a hypocrite. That's what I was saying. And yes..this is a serious thread to her. That's why she started be all indignant. Its kinda like making fun of a fat chick that works in a sweet shop while being a regular customer of that sweet shop and being fatter than the fat chick that works there.

A preacher, a shoe salesman and a baker walk into a bar. The baker and the shoe salesman have a better time for obvious reasons.

Not if the preacher is Irish. They have been known to knock back a pint or two.
I recall you laughingly dismissing a poster who advocated the rape and murder of white South African children whilst forcing the parents to watch before being subjected to the same fate.

I remember that, too. That had to be about the most repulsive view I have ever seen posted here.

It really takes a while observing another poster to be able to really evaluate them, especially when they are trying to hoodwink others by fluttering their eyelashes and claiming they have no idea why people are being such big meanies to them.
Not if the preacher is Irish. They have been known to knock back a pint or two.

Lol, I had "priest" to start with, but quickly changed that on second thought. I could have said Mormon, but I decided to go more generic.
I recall you laughingly dismissing a poster who advocated the rape and murder of white South African children whilst forcing the parents to watch before being subjected to the same fate.

I remember that, too. That had to be about the most repulsive view I have ever seen posted here.

It really takes a while observing another poster to be able to really evaluate them, especially when they are trying to hoodwink others by fluttering their eyelashes and claiming they have no idea why people are being such big meanies to them.
Amazing isn’t it?
Call for the rape and murder of children, no biggie.
Say ‘front hole’ and the sky is falling.
Hey, I've also known priests who were no strangers to strong drink.

Being raised in a different church, the first time I saw a priest with his collar undone, a bottle in one hand, and a glass in the other, I was kind of surprised.
Again..................I will ask the question.......................why are Americans so butt hurt about the "c word"? Especially women? I mean, if you go to the UK, they use that word like we Americans use the word "asshole". It isn't gender specific over there, and it's not that bad of a word either.
I recall you laughingly dismissing a poster who advocated the rape and murder of white South African children whilst forcing the parents to watch before being subjected to the same fate.

I remember that, too. That had to be about the most repulsive view I have ever seen posted here.

It really takes a while observing another poster to be able to really evaluate them, especially when they are trying to hoodwink others by fluttering their eyelashes and claiming they have no idea why people are being such big meanies to them.
Amazing isn’t it?
Call for the rape and murder of children, no biggie.
Say ‘front hole’ and the sky is falling.
I have no idea what you're talking about with the South African thing.
Again..................I will ask the question.......................why are Americans so butt hurt about the "c word"? Especially women? I mean, if you go to the UK, they use that word like we Americans use the word "asshole". It isn't gender specific over there, and it's not that bad of a word either.

Yep the Brits use the C-word all the time... crumpets.

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