There are so many reasons to be un-American these days

It's like a play on the old Jeff Foxworthy bit "how do you know if you are a redneck". How do you know if you are anti-American...#1 If you are in the U.S. illegally and are evading arrest. #2 if you are an agent of a foreign government #3 if you are afflicted with TDS. #4 if you sat in front of a preacher for 20 years who hated America.
3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

That isn't even true! Everyone knows that it was Obama that was putting kids in cages.


House Dems use Obama-era photos to promote ‘kids in cages’ hearing


Obama's DHS secretary: Migrant cages weren't invented when Trump became president
the income of 97 percent of americans has not budged the whole time i've been alive and beyond. its not just trump, its BOTH PARTIES
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.
1) Great president so far.

2) Fake hate crimes. Ask Jussie how much it costs to get assaulted by two black guys these days.

3) they’re here illegally. Commit a crime and see where you sit until the process is finished. Hint: it’s not home or with your family.

4) we may have something to discuss there if you can unretard yourself.

5) Not true.

6) You’re a democrat and that’s what embarrassment is to you?

7) Not true. And you’re an idiot for even thinking so.

8) Best in the world despite your efforts to fuck it up. But you’re making it worse for sure.

9) Not true. You can be rich tomorrow if you get off your ass and go do something.

10) Not believing in a scam is thought to be a good thing by rational people.
1) You’re basing that on none of his actual policies he has put in place

2) Just because Smollet was a pussy leftie faker, it doesn’t somehow mean the rest of them are fake. You do get that right? The amount of RW violence in comparison to LW violence is staggering

3) You’re such a pussy. If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

4) I’m glad you can admit it

5) Yes, true

6) What?

7) Very true

8) You’re basing that on no facts as usual

9) Wow you are delusional

10) The ONLY reason you think it is a scam is because the GOP decided it was. That’s it. From there, bullshit like Fox took off with it because of course it would

If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

Why would my kid try to illegally enter another country?
I don’
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination)

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.

So what are you doing to fix these problems?
Not voting republican and voting for the right democrats.

Wow, don’t work too hard! I personally think you’re doing too much!
Yeah? What authority do I have in eliminating these systematic problems?

What state do you live in?
Colorado. Okay lay it on me.
How do you try to reason with someone who is clearly full of irrational hate for Trump and all things conservative? Yes, you bet we "deny" man-made climate change--because it's pure-T bunk.
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination)

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.
Your efforts to turn the US into a socialist shithole will continue to fail miserably, Comrade Billy, and in my experience haters like you don't really need reasons to be un-American but invariably y'all seem to have an endless supply. In the matter of your mental & emotional health and lifetime happiness I do suggest you find someplace to live that you like with people you don't hate.
1) Great president so far.

2) Fake hate crimes. Ask Jussie how much it costs to get assaulted by two black guys these days.

3) they’re here illegally. Commit a crime and see where you sit until the process is finished. Hint: it’s not home or with your family.

4) we may have something to discuss there if you can unretard yourself.

5) Not true.

6) You’re a democrat and that’s what embarrassment is to you?

7) Not true. And you’re an idiot for even thinking so.

8) Best in the world despite your efforts to fuck it up. But you’re making it worse for sure.

9) Not true. You can be rich tomorrow if you get off your ass and go do something.

10) Not believing in a scam is thought to be a good thing by rational people.
1) You’re basing that on none of his actual policies he has put in place

2) Just because Smollet was a pussy leftie faker, it doesn’t somehow mean the rest of them are fake. You do get that right? The amount of RW violence in comparison to LW violence is staggering

3) You’re such a pussy. If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

4) I’m glad you can admit it

5) Yes, true

6) What?

7) Very true

8) You’re basing that on no facts as usual

9) Wow you are delusional

10) The ONLY reason you think it is a scam is because the GOP decided it was. That’s it. From there, bullshit like Fox took off with it because of course it would

If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

Why would my kid try to illegally enter another country?
I don’
So what are you doing to fix these problems?
Not voting republican and voting for the right democrats.

Wow, don’t work too hard! I personally think you’re doing too much!
Yeah? What authority do I have in eliminating these systematic problems?

What state do you live in?
Colorado. Okay lay it on me.

Swing state. So vote your heart out, but I still don’t think you’re going above and beyond in making this country a better place. If you think voting democrat is the answer (which it isn’t) work for a campaign. If you can’t do that then donate your money or spare time.
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.
1) Great president so far.

2) Fake hate crimes. Ask Jussie how much it costs to get assaulted by two black guys these days.

3) they’re here illegally. Commit a crime and see where you sit until the process is finished. Hint: it’s not home or with your family.

4) we may have something to discuss there if you can unretard yourself.

5) Not true.

6) You’re a democrat and that’s what embarrassment is to you?

7) Not true. And you’re an idiot for even thinking so.

8) Best in the world despite your efforts to fuck it up. But you’re making it worse for sure.

9) Not true. You can be rich tomorrow if you get off your ass and go do something.

10) Not believing in a scam is thought to be a good thing by rational people.
1) You’re basing that on none of his actual policies he has put in place

2) Just because Smollet was a pussy leftie faker, it doesn’t somehow mean the rest of them are fake. You do get that right? The amount of RW violence in comparison to LW violence is staggering

3) You’re such a pussy. If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

4) I’m glad you can admit it

5) Yes, true

6) What?

7) Very true

8) You’re basing that on no facts as usual

9) Wow you are delusional

10) The ONLY reason you think it is a scam is because the GOP decided it was. That’s it. From there, bullshit like Fox took off with it because of course it would
1) His policies are making life good for all of us. Even you miserable fucks.

2) Not one of your hate crime bullshit has proven true. Not. One.

3) A pussy parent doesn’t shove their kid over another nations border hoping to follow them in. A real parent, man and not a little bitch would fight to fix the country they live in for their kids.

This is getting boring so...

10) I was in grade school when this shit started. We had hit peak oil, there would be no gas for cars in five years, the earth was fucked and we would be in an ice age clear down to the southern US in 10 years. There would be no farm land above ice and all the livestock were going to die.

The only constant with these climatards is...

It gets hot in the summer.
Winters get fucking cold.
It snows in winter.
Floods happen in spring.
Shit drys out in the hot months.
There’s always tornadoes and hurricanes.

The number one constant over living on this planet this long? The weather makes for great conversation. Not a fucking thing you can do about it.
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.
1) Great president so far.

2) Fake hate crimes. Ask Jussie how much it costs to get assaulted by two black guys these days.

3) they’re here illegally. Commit a crime and see where you sit until the process is finished. Hint: it’s not home or with your family.

4) we may have something to discuss there if you can unretard yourself.

5) Not true.

6) You’re a democrat and that’s what embarrassment is to you?

7) Not true. And you’re an idiot for even thinking so.

8) Best in the world despite your efforts to fuck it up. But you’re making it worse for sure.

9) Not true. You can be rich tomorrow if you get off your ass and go do something.

10) Not believing in a scam is thought to be a good thing by rational people.
1) You’re basing that on none of his actual policies he has put in place

2) Just because Smollet was a pussy leftie faker, it doesn’t somehow mean the rest of them are fake. You do get that right? The amount of RW violence in comparison to LW violence is staggering

3) You’re such a pussy. If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

4) I’m glad you can admit it

5) Yes, true

6) What?

7) Very true

8) You’re basing that on no facts as usual

9) Wow you are delusional

10) The ONLY reason you think it is a scam is because the GOP decided it was. That’s it. From there, bullshit like Fox took off with it because of course it would

If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

Why would my kid try to illegally enter another country?
I don’
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination)

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.

So what are you doing to fix these problems?
Not voting republican and voting for the right democrats.

Wow, don’t work too hard! I personally think you’re doing too much!
Yeah? What authority do I have in eliminating these systematic problems?

What state do you live in?
He lives in a state of constant fucking panic and out of control emotions.
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:....

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.

Those are the Top 10 Reasons to LOVE being an American in 2019.
1) Great president so far.

2) Fake hate crimes. Ask Jussie how much it costs to get assaulted by two black guys these days.

3) they’re here illegally. Commit a crime and see where you sit until the process is finished. Hint: it’s not home or with your family.

4) we may have something to discuss there if you can unretard yourself.

5) Not true.

6) You’re a democrat and that’s what embarrassment is to you?

7) Not true. And you’re an idiot for even thinking so.

8) Best in the world despite your efforts to fuck it up. But you’re making it worse for sure.

9) Not true. You can be rich tomorrow if you get off your ass and go do something.

10) Not believing in a scam is thought to be a good thing by rational people.
1) You’re basing that on none of his actual policies he has put in place

2) Just because Smollet was a pussy leftie faker, it doesn’t somehow mean the rest of them are fake. You do get that right? The amount of RW violence in comparison to LW violence is staggering

3) You’re such a pussy. If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

4) I’m glad you can admit it

5) Yes, true

6) What?

7) Very true

8) You’re basing that on no facts as usual

9) Wow you are delusional

10) The ONLY reason you think it is a scam is because the GOP decided it was. That’s it. From there, bullshit like Fox took off with it because of course it would

If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

Why would my kid try to illegally enter another country?
I don’
So what are you doing to fix these problems?
Not voting republican and voting for the right democrats.

Wow, don’t work too hard! I personally think you’re doing too much!
Yeah? What authority do I have in eliminating these systematic problems?

What state do you live in?
Colorado. Okay lay it on me.
You’re one of the idiots that voted against hunting and now bitch that the deer eat your flowers, bears ate your poodle and a cougar is creeping on your wife’s morning walks like Biden at a Girl Scout cookie sale.

Colorado was great when I grew up there. Before your kind arrived.
1) You’re basing that on none of his actual policies he has put in place

2) Just because Smollet was a pussy leftie faker, it doesn’t somehow mean the rest of them are fake. You do get that right? The amount of RW violence in comparison to LW violence is staggering

3) You’re such a pussy. If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

4) I’m glad you can admit it

5) Yes, true

6) What?

7) Very true

8) You’re basing that on no facts as usual

9) Wow you are delusional

10) The ONLY reason you think it is a scam is because the GOP decided it was. That’s it. From there, bullshit like Fox took off with it because of course it would

If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

Why would my kid try to illegally enter another country?
I don’
Not voting republican and voting for the right democrats.

Wow, don’t work too hard! I personally think you’re doing too much!
Yeah? What authority do I have in eliminating these systematic problems?

What state do you live in?
Colorado. Okay lay it on me.
You’re one of the idiots that voted against hunting and now bitch that the deer eat your flowers, bears ate your poodle and a cougar is creeping on your wife’s morning walks like Biden at a Girl Scout cookie sale.

Colorado was great when I grew up there. Before your kind arrived.
If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

Why would my kid try to illegally enter another country?
I don’
Wow, don’t work too hard! I personally think you’re doing too much!
Yeah? What authority do I have in eliminating these systematic problems?

What state do you live in?
Colorado. Okay lay it on me.
You’re one of the idiots that voted against hunting and now bitch that the deer eat your flowers, bears ate your poodle and a cougar is creeping on your wife’s morning walks like Biden at a Girl Scout cookie sale.

Colorado was great when I grew up there. Before your kind arrived.
Too many words?
I don’
Yeah? What authority do I have in eliminating these systematic problems?

What state do you live in?
Colorado. Okay lay it on me.
You’re one of the idiots that voted against hunting and now bitch that the deer eat your flowers, bears ate your poodle and a cougar is creeping on your wife’s morning walks like Biden at a Girl Scout cookie sale.

Colorado was great when I grew up there. Before your kind arrived.
Too many words?
Lol yeah that’s a good way to summarize my feelings on it.
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination)

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.
Take your snowflake ass out of America then commie.
Get the fuck out big boy. Always talking the talk, but not walking the walk. I bet that’s a weakness of yours. You’re couldn’t survive in ANY other country because you’re spoiled here. Go to that liberal shot hole next store you’ll love it in Canada. Life’s to short to always be as miserable as you.
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:....

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.

Those are the Top 10 Reasons to LOVE being an American in 2019.
You’ll justify any reason to please your cult leader.
1) You’re basing that on none of his actual policies he has put in place

2) Just because Smollet was a pussy leftie faker, it doesn’t somehow mean the rest of them are fake. You do get that right? The amount of RW violence in comparison to LW violence is staggering

3) You’re such a pussy. If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

4) I’m glad you can admit it

5) Yes, true

6) What?

7) Very true

8) You’re basing that on no facts as usual

9) Wow you are delusional

10) The ONLY reason you think it is a scam is because the GOP decided it was. That’s it. From there, bullshit like Fox took off with it because of course it would

If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

Why would my kid try to illegally enter another country?
I don’
Not voting republican and voting for the right democrats.

Wow, don’t work too hard! I personally think you’re doing too much!
Yeah? What authority do I have in eliminating these systematic problems?

What state do you live in?
Colorado. Okay lay it on me.
You’re one of the idiots that voted against hunting and now bitch that the deer eat your flowers, bears ate your poodle and a cougar is creeping on your wife’s morning walks like Biden at a Girl Scout cookie sale.

Colorado was great when I grew up there. Before your kind arrived.

They're like parasites that eventually destroy the host. They wreck a beautiful state with massive taxation and stupid laws so they move away and start the entire process again.

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