There are so many reasons to be un-American these days

You’ll justify any reason to please your cult leader.

LOL. Hilarious given that I believed these things long before this POTUS embraced them and will long after he’s gone. Even more so since I didn’t vote for him in 2016 and I’m not sure I will next year either.
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination)

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.

Yes OP, dem run shitholes are the best...huh.



You did bring up many valid points though OP. Here is the deal about Trump. The dems are so extreme it make someone like Trump possible as a great alternative. As far as warming? The continents used to be connected at one time. Earth changes, irrespective of WV coal.

I got no argument about many of your points. Greed has brought America down. That was how CA was lost to Mehico via labor.

Once Obama proclaimed a man with a penis is a woman, that let Trump be pres. For in a world where anything goes...Trump goes!

Now, Kamala wants to open America to 60 million asylum claims. (Can't put in link) It was on NPR radio.

America as we have known it is gone. Too late to stop the slide down the shidder. Best we can hope for is to slow the slide down.

Dems = fast slide.

Reps = slow slide.

...that is the deal OP.
Last edited:
If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

Why would my kid try to illegally enter another country?
I don’
Wow, don’t work too hard! I personally think you’re doing too much!
Yeah? What authority do I have in eliminating these systematic problems?

What state do you live in?
Colorado. Okay lay it on me.
You’re one of the idiots that voted against hunting and now bitch that the deer eat your flowers, bears ate your poodle and a cougar is creeping on your wife’s morning walks like Biden at a Girl Scout cookie sale.

Colorado was great when I grew up there. Before your kind arrived.

They're like parasites that eventually destroy the host. They wreck a beautiful state with massive taxation and stupid laws so they move away and start the entire process again.

Spreading havoc like a bunch of locusts where ever they move to.i true cancer. The colon cancer of America I’d say.
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination)

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.
Your efforts to turn the US into a socialist shithole will continue to fail miserably, Comrade Billy, and in my experience haters like you don't really need reasons to be un-American but invariably y'all seem to have an endless supply. In the matter of your mental & emotional health and lifetime happiness I do suggest you find someplace to live that you like with people you don't hate.

Canada is a liberal mess go work on them to fix it with Socialism. They’re already primed to be full blown retarded soon.
Apparently Billyn00b believes we should just do away with the system and have a communist dictator?


I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination)

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.
You are never more American than when you're fighting "the other side" about America's problems. Right or left.

1) Dubya was a bigger embarrassment. BTW do you recall how the Chinese treated Obama?

2) are you including hate crimes against whites? Or Jews?

3) started under Obama

4) agree

5) define 'developed' because we have along way to go to catch up with western Europe. Sure, their mass killings were all under the "war" label but they're much more homicidal than we are. End NATO and see how fast they're killing each other.

6) agree

7) agree

8) we hear too many complaints from countries with socialized medicine.

9) it's trendy!

10) I've lived in the same place for 35 years. Back then, it was a big deal if the summer temp reached 100F. Now every day is 100-102F.

The biggest problem is scientists themselves. 1945-1970 we had a cooling trend and they were speculating about another ice age. Yeah I know, "science has a better understanding now" but do they really?

Maybe those of us old enough to remember might want to wait until scientists know even more about wtf they're talking about.

BTW this July was the coolest July in a long time - a decade or two. August forecast for the next 10 days takes us down to 94F. I haven't seen 94 degrees in August in I don't even know how long.
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination)

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.
Well... just leave then...


I've been wanting to see our Representatives do something for years.

Both parties.

Blind partisan thinks everything is peaches and cream when his party rules the roost.

You bitch too damned much.

Stop pissing in your own Cheerios.
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination)

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.
1. No better, no worse than the previous occupants.
2. Note that hate crimes are coming from those who disagree with Trump. Maybe they should stop it?
3. They are free to leave at any time, but they have had due process to the extent that they have been apprehended. Maybe free up some $$ for more judges?
4. Worst offenders keep getting elected, but corporations don't vote. Food for thought, if you happen to think. I have My doubts.
5. Freedom is messy. There are solutions, you just don't want to implement any of them.
6. Overturn it, why? The ruling was a just ruling the kept the wannabe communists from raping our economy. Corporations do not exist to finance your notions of the world.
7. Maybe stop having children when you cannot feed them? BTW, our poor are hundreds of times richer than the rest of the world.
8. Healthcare is just fine. What you mean is it is horrible if you have to pay for it.
9. Income disparity is nothing more than penis envy on your part.
10. Yeah, keeping the standard of living we all enjoy over a climate hoax is so wrong.

Have a nice day.
If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

Why would my kid try to illegally enter another country?
I don’
Wow, don’t work too hard! I personally think you’re doing too much!
Yeah? What authority do I have in eliminating these systematic problems?

What state do you live in?
Colorado. Okay lay it on me.
You’re one of the idiots that voted against hunting and now bitch that the deer eat your flowers, bears ate your poodle and a cougar is creeping on your wife’s morning walks like Biden at a Girl Scout cookie sale.

Colorado was great when I grew up there. Before your kind arrived.

They're like parasites that eventually destroy the host. They wreck a beautiful state with massive taxation and stupid laws so they move away and start the entire process again.

A parasite.

Maryland. The parasites moved in and took over.

Now we have more parasites from across the border moving in.
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination)

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.
Seek immediate medical help for your TDS. Call 1-800 cry-baby
1. 147687-4e24b7ffcaad89980af693f54fcbeb51.jpg

2. Not unique to any president. See cops & Republicans

3.Come here legally

4. Agreed

5. A real issue with no solution in sight.

6. Agreed

7. Parental choices

8. Thanks Democrats

9. Pay attention in school.

10. No worries. Democrats memorialized some melted ice for you!
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.
1) Great president so far.

2) Fake hate crimes. Ask Jussie how much it costs to get assaulted by two black guys these days.

3) they’re here illegally. Commit a crime and see where you sit until the process is finished. Hint: it’s not home or with your family.

4) we may have something to discuss there if you can unretard yourself.

5) Not true.

6) You’re a democrat and that’s what embarrassment is to you?

7) Not true. And you’re an idiot for even thinking so.

8) Best in the world despite your efforts to fuck it up. But you’re making it worse for sure.

9) Not true. You can be rich tomorrow if you get off your ass and go do something.

10) Not believing in a scam is thought to be a good thing by rational people.
1) You’re basing that on none of his actual policies he has put in place

2) Just because Smollet was a pussy leftie faker, it doesn’t somehow mean the rest of them are fake. You do get that right? The amount of RW violence in comparison to LW violence is staggering

3) You’re such a pussy. If you were a kid or were a parent of a kid who got detained, you’d whine like a little bitch.

4) I’m glad you can admit it

5) Yes, true

6) What?

7) Very true

8) You’re basing that on no facts as usual

9) Wow you are delusional

10) The ONLY reason you think it is a scam is because the GOP decided it was. That’s it. From there, bullshit like Fox took off with it because of course it would
Give it a rest pal. You'll get carpal tunnel.
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination)

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.
I am definitely excluding America of old in this. Obviously there are a lot of great things about America and American history is something to be proud of (well mostly).

Today though? Fucking yikes. The Trump era has made this country very embarrassing, but there were still many reasons to be critical of the US before Trump. Obama sure as Hell didn’t have a perfect record. Here’s a list of reasons:

1) Trump himself

2) The skyrocket rise in hate crimes since Trump’s election.

3) Putting children in cages without due process and holding them here apparently indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime

4) Our elected officials bought out by corporate lobbyists (Democrats included)

5) The most mass shootings for a developed country and a congress that won’t do shit about it.

6) Citizen’s United (no one should be forgetting to overturn this abomination)

7) The worst child poverty for a developed nation

8) A horrible healthcare system (ACA or not)

9) The widest income disparity for a 1st world nation

10) A wide denial of climate change. Unbelievably embarrassing.

I know I’ll ge the usual “well, just leave!” In response to this. Even if it mattered what I do, I would rather just fix the problems this country has.

So in great detail and in your own words please provide your ideas that could solve all this in the next two generations?

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