There Are Some Sensible Democrats

I don't believe all people are bad. People have different reasons for joining this cause or that cause. Sometimes they are simply uninformed, misguided. Sometimes they are part of something they want to preserve, despite the attempts of other members of their group, trying to change what was into something a lot worse.

I don't know why Feinstein is a Democrat, I only know that even though she is very partisan at times, she also is capable of displaying some practical sense which is in contrast to someone like Maxine Waters, or Crying Chuck Schummer. The Democrat Party has been off the hinge long before Donald Trump came along. And it's my opinion they were poisoned by people like The Clintons, James Carvelle, and Barak Obama.

If the Democrat Party is ever going to win it's respect back, roll up it's sleeves and pitch in to make America the best possible country it can be, it will be with more people like Feinstein, and less people like The Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, Schummers, and Carvelles of the world.

Feinstein was one of the few people early on that said there was NO Russian Collusion and that the Democrat Party was wasting a lot of Energy on assaulting The President, when they should be tackling issues many Americans face.

I don't like a lot of what Feinstein says.. She's Partisan and very political at times, and sometimes unfair....but she at least doesn't seen unhinged like the rest of her unraveling party.

What I found more interesting than her comments, was the crowd's reaction which shows me, there are a lot of issues that need dealt with by the Dem followers if they are ever going to regain their sanity and regain respect from voters who may oppose them.

Here is her latest thoughts on the current political situation:

Feinstein stuns San Francisco crowd: Trump 'can be a good president'

"The question is whether he can learn and change. If so, I believe he can be a good president.”

- U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., speaking about President Trump

The report said, “the crowd reacted with stunned silence, broken only with scattered “No’s and a few hisses and some nervous laughter.” The article said that kind of talk is “never heard in Democratic circles.”

I can understand your point but I don't consider Feinsten "sensible" for numerous reasons. I could make your argument for someone like Sen. Manchin of West Virginia. The Democrats have essentially filtered out most of their moderates.

I can remember... it doesn't seem that long ago-- I actually campaigned and voted for a Democrat as governor of Georgia, Zell Miller. He and his wife (Shirley) are close personal friends of mine and he was a great governor.
----------------------------------------------------- 'manchin' is a gun controller Boss .

Yes, but he also favors a Balanced Budget Amendment, Keystone Pipeline and punishing Sanctuary Cities.
I don't think we have to agree on everything even with an opponent to get some things done. I think our politicians and our parties have to start rethinking some things.

There are some things that should not be negotiable, like National Security, Defending this Country and it's borders, but we can work together on a lot of things....and I think people aren't seeing the possibilities, when they cannot accept the results of an election and their response is RESIST rather than GET TO WORK.
I don't believe all people are bad. People have different reasons for joining this cause or that cause. Sometimes they are simply uninformed, misguided. Sometimes they are part of something they want to preserve, despite the attempts of other members of their group, trying to change what was into something a lot worse.

I don't know why Feinstein is a Democrat, I only know that even though she is very partisan at times, she also is capable of displaying some practical sense which is in contrast to someone like Maxine Waters, or Crying Chuck Schummer. The Democrat Party has been off the hinge long before Donald Trump came along. And it's my opinion they were poisoned by people like The Clintons, James Carvelle, and Barak Obama.

If the Democrat Party is ever going to win it's respect back, roll up it's sleeves and pitch in to make America the best possible country it can be, it will be with more people like Feinstein, and less people like The Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, Schummers, and Carvelles of the world.

Feinstein was one of the few people early on that said there was NO Russian Collusion and that the Democrat Party was wasting a lot of Energy on assaulting The President, when they should be tackling issues many Americans face.

I don't like a lot of what Feinstein says.. She's Partisan and very political at times, and sometimes unfair....but she at least doesn't seen unhinged like the rest of her unraveling party.

What I found more interesting than her comments, was the crowd's reaction which shows me, there are a lot of issues that need dealt with by the Dem followers if they are ever going to regain their sanity and regain respect from voters who may oppose them.

Here is her latest thoughts on the current political situation:

Feinstein stuns San Francisco crowd: Trump 'can be a good president'

"The question is whether he can learn and change. If so, I believe he can be a good president.”

- U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., speaking about President Trump

The report said, “the crowd reacted with stunned silence, broken only with scattered “No’s and a few hisses and some nervous laughter.” The article said that kind of talk is “never heard in Democratic circles.”

The problem is that it's clear at this point that Trump can't learn or change.
/----/ Good. He wasn't elected to learn (meaning Liberalism) or change (meaning Liberalism). He was elected to drain the swamp and fix what DemocRATS have destroyed.

Oh so that's why he managed to get selected with so little support.
Had no support. President is a Russian agent. Is stupid. Hates women. Wants to fill the coffers of the rich. Hates non whites. Can't understand simple concepts. Beat Hillary.

Why can't you people just admit that all Trump is really doing is temporarily keeping a Democrat out of the presidency?
I don't believe all people are bad. People have different reasons for joining this cause or that cause. Sometimes they are simply uninformed, misguided. Sometimes they are part of something they want to preserve, despite the attempts of other members of their group, trying to change what was into something a lot worse.

I don't know why Feinstein is a Democrat, I only know that even though she is very partisan at times, she also is capable of displaying some practical sense which is in contrast to someone like Maxine Waters, or Crying Chuck Schummer. The Democrat Party has been off the hinge long before Donald Trump came along. And it's my opinion they were poisoned by people like The Clintons, James Carvelle, and Barak Obama.

If the Democrat Party is ever going to win it's respect back, roll up it's sleeves and pitch in to make America the best possible country it can be, it will be with more people like Feinstein, and less people like The Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, Schummers, and Carvelles of the world.

Feinstein was one of the few people early on that said there was NO Russian Collusion and that the Democrat Party was wasting a lot of Energy on assaulting The President, when they should be tackling issues many Americans face.

I don't like a lot of what Feinstein says.. She's Partisan and very political at times, and sometimes unfair....but she at least doesn't seen unhinged like the rest of her unraveling party.

What I found more interesting than her comments, was the crowd's reaction which shows me, there are a lot of issues that need dealt with by the Dem followers if they are ever going to regain their sanity and regain respect from voters who may oppose them.

Here is her latest thoughts on the current political situation:

Feinstein stuns San Francisco crowd: Trump 'can be a good president'

"The question is whether he can learn and change. If so, I believe he can be a good president.”

- U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., speaking about President Trump

The report said, “the crowd reacted with stunned silence, broken only with scattered “No’s and a few hisses and some nervous laughter.” The article said that kind of talk is “never heard in Democratic circles.”

I can understand your point but I don't consider Feinsten "sensible" for numerous reasons. I could make your argument for someone like Sen. Manchin of West Virginia. The Democrats have essentially filtered out most of their moderates.

I can remember... it doesn't seem that long ago-- I actually campaigned and voted for a Democrat as governor of Georgia, Zell Miller. He and his wife (Shirley) are close personal friends of mine and he was a great governor.
----------------------------------------------------- 'manchin' is a gun controller Boss .

Yes, but he also favors a Balanced Budget Amendment, Keystone Pipeline and punishing Sanctuary Cities.
I say he lies then. You can't be for Americans and for gun control at the same time.
I don't believe all people are bad. People have different reasons for joining this cause or that cause. Sometimes they are simply uninformed, misguided. Sometimes they are part of something they want to preserve, despite the attempts of other members of their group, trying to change what was into something a lot worse.

I don't know why Feinstein is a Democrat, I only know that even though she is very partisan at times, she also is capable of displaying some practical sense which is in contrast to someone like Maxine Waters, or Crying Chuck Schummer. The Democrat Party has been off the hinge long before Donald Trump came along. And it's my opinion they were poisoned by people like The Clintons, James Carvelle, and Barak Obama.

If the Democrat Party is ever going to win it's respect back, roll up it's sleeves and pitch in to make America the best possible country it can be, it will be with more people like Feinstein, and less people like The Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, Schummers, and Carvelles of the world.

Feinstein was one of the few people early on that said there was NO Russian Collusion and that the Democrat Party was wasting a lot of Energy on assaulting The President, when they should be tackling issues many Americans face.

I don't like a lot of what Feinstein says.. She's Partisan and very political at times, and sometimes unfair....but she at least doesn't seen unhinged like the rest of her unraveling party.

What I found more interesting than her comments, was the crowd's reaction which shows me, there are a lot of issues that need dealt with by the Dem followers if they are ever going to regain their sanity and regain respect from voters who may oppose them.

Here is her latest thoughts on the current political situation:

Feinstein stuns San Francisco crowd: Trump 'can be a good president'

"The question is whether he can learn and change. If so, I believe he can be a good president.”

- U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., speaking about President Trump

The report said, “the crowd reacted with stunned silence, broken only with scattered “No’s and a few hisses and some nervous laughter.” The article said that kind of talk is “never heard in Democratic circles.”

The problem is that it's clear at this point that Trump can't learn or change.
/----/ Good. He wasn't elected to learn (meaning Liberalism) or change (meaning Liberalism). He was elected to drain the swamp and fix what DemocRATS have destroyed.

Oh so that's why he managed to get selected with so little support.
Had no support. President is a Russian agent. Is stupid. Hates women. Wants to fill the coffers of the rich. Hates non whites. Can't understand simple concepts. Beat Hillary.

Why can't you people just admit that all Trump is really doing is temporarily keeping a Democrat out of the presidency?
Because that would be lying.
I don't believe all people are bad. People have different reasons for joining this cause or that cause. Sometimes they are simply uninformed, misguided. Sometimes they are part of something they want to preserve, despite the attempts of other members of their group, trying to change what was into something a lot worse.

I don't know why Feinstein is a Democrat, I only know that even though she is very partisan at times, she also is capable of displaying some practical sense which is in contrast to someone like Maxine Waters, or Crying Chuck Schummer. The Democrat Party has been off the hinge long before Donald Trump came along. And it's my opinion they were poisoned by people like The Clintons, James Carvelle, and Barak Obama.

If the Democrat Party is ever going to win it's respect back, roll up it's sleeves and pitch in to make America the best possible country it can be, it will be with more people like Feinstein, and less people like The Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, Schummers, and Carvelles of the world.

Feinstein was one of the few people early on that said there was NO Russian Collusion and that the Democrat Party was wasting a lot of Energy on assaulting The President, when they should be tackling issues many Americans face.

I don't like a lot of what Feinstein says.. She's Partisan and very political at times, and sometimes unfair....but she at least doesn't seen unhinged like the rest of her unraveling party.

What I found more interesting than her comments, was the crowd's reaction which shows me, there are a lot of issues that need dealt with by the Dem followers if they are ever going to regain their sanity and regain respect from voters who may oppose them.

Here is her latest thoughts on the current political situation:

Feinstein stuns San Francisco crowd: Trump 'can be a good president'

"The question is whether he can learn and change. If so, I believe he can be a good president.”

- U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., speaking about President Trump

The report said, “the crowd reacted with stunned silence, broken only with scattered “No’s and a few hisses and some nervous laughter.” The article said that kind of talk is “never heard in Democratic circles.”

I can understand your point but I don't consider Feinsten "sensible" for numerous reasons. I could make your argument for someone like Sen. Manchin of West Virginia. The Democrats have essentially filtered out most of their moderates.

I can remember... it doesn't seem that long ago-- I actually campaigned and voted for a Democrat as governor of Georgia, Zell Miller. He and his wife (Shirley) are close personal friends of mine and he was a great governor.
----------------------------------------------------- 'manchin' is a gun controller Boss .

Yes, but he also favors a Balanced Budget Amendment, Keystone Pipeline and punishing Sanctuary Cities.
----------------------------------------------------- guns are physical property and are in a persons hands . Promises on 'sanctuary cities' , keystone and 'balanced budget are simply promises , lies , hopes or talk , imo .
I don't believe all people are bad. People have different reasons for joining this cause or that cause. Sometimes they are simply uninformed, misguided. Sometimes they are part of something they want to preserve, despite the attempts of other members of their group, trying to change what was into something a lot worse.

I don't know why Feinstein is a Democrat, I only know that even though she is very partisan at times, she also is capable of displaying some practical sense which is in contrast to someone like Maxine Waters, or Crying Chuck Schummer. The Democrat Party has been off the hinge long before Donald Trump came along. And it's my opinion they were poisoned by people like The Clintons, James Carvelle, and Barak Obama.

If the Democrat Party is ever going to win it's respect back, roll up it's sleeves and pitch in to make America the best possible country it can be, it will be with more people like Feinstein, and less people like The Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, Schummers, and Carvelles of the world.

Feinstein was one of the few people early on that said there was NO Russian Collusion and that the Democrat Party was wasting a lot of Energy on assaulting The President, when they should be tackling issues many Americans face.

I don't like a lot of what Feinstein says.. She's Partisan and very political at times, and sometimes unfair....but she at least doesn't seen unhinged like the rest of her unraveling party.

What I found more interesting than her comments, was the crowd's reaction which shows me, there are a lot of issues that need dealt with by the Dem followers if they are ever going to regain their sanity and regain respect from voters who may oppose them.

Here is her latest thoughts on the current political situation:

Feinstein stuns San Francisco crowd: Trump 'can be a good president'

"The question is whether he can learn and change. If so, I believe he can be a good president.”

- U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., speaking about President Trump

The report said, “the crowd reacted with stunned silence, broken only with scattered “No’s and a few hisses and some nervous laughter.” The article said that kind of talk is “never heard in Democratic circles.”

The problem is that it's clear at this point that Trump can't learn or change.
/----/ Good. He wasn't elected to learn (meaning Liberalism) or change (meaning Liberalism). He was elected to drain the swamp and fix what DemocRATS have destroyed.

Oh so that's why he managed to get selected with so little support.
Had no support. President is a Russian agent. Is stupid. Hates women. Wants to fill the coffers of the rich. Hates non whites. Can't understand simple concepts. Beat Hillary.

Why can't you people just admit that all Trump is really doing is temporarily keeping a Democrat out of the presidency?
------------------------------------------- maybe eh Carbineer . I;m mostly interested in keeping a democrat out forever but in the end keeping a democrat out of the WHITEHOUSE for my lifetime is good enough for me .
I don't believe all people are bad. People have different reasons for joining this cause or that cause. Sometimes they are simply uninformed, misguided. Sometimes they are part of something they want to preserve, despite the attempts of other members of their group, trying to change what was into something a lot worse.

I don't know why Feinstein is a Democrat, I only know that even though she is very partisan at times, she also is capable of displaying some practical sense which is in contrast to someone like Maxine Waters, or Crying Chuck Schummer. The Democrat Party has been off the hinge long before Donald Trump came along. And it's my opinion they were poisoned by people like The Clintons, James Carvelle, and Barak Obama.

If the Democrat Party is ever going to win it's respect back, roll up it's sleeves and pitch in to make America the best possible country it can be, it will be with more people like Feinstein, and less people like The Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, Schummers, and Carvelles of the world.

Feinstein was one of the few people early on that said there was NO Russian Collusion and that the Democrat Party was wasting a lot of Energy on assaulting The President, when they should be tackling issues many Americans face.

I don't like a lot of what Feinstein says.. She's Partisan and very political at times, and sometimes unfair....but she at least doesn't seen unhinged like the rest of her unraveling party.

What I found more interesting than her comments, was the crowd's reaction which shows me, there are a lot of issues that need dealt with by the Dem followers if they are ever going to regain their sanity and regain respect from voters who may oppose them.

Here is her latest thoughts on the current political situation:

Feinstein stuns San Francisco crowd: Trump 'can be a good president'

"The question is whether he can learn and change. If so, I believe he can be a good president.”

- U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., speaking about President Trump

The report said, “the crowd reacted with stunned silence, broken only with scattered “No’s and a few hisses and some nervous laughter.” The article said that kind of talk is “never heard in Democratic circles.”

I can understand your point but I don't consider Feinsten "sensible" for numerous reasons. I could make your argument for someone like Sen. Manchin of West Virginia. The Democrats have essentially filtered out most of their moderates.

I can remember... it doesn't seem that long ago-- I actually campaigned and voted for a Democrat as governor of Georgia, Zell Miller. He and his wife (Shirley) are close personal friends of mine and he was a great governor.
----------------------------------------------------- 'manchin' is a gun controller Boss .

Yes, but he also favors a Balanced Budget Amendment, Keystone Pipeline and punishing Sanctuary Cities.
----------------------------------------------------- guns are physical property that serve a purpose and are in a persons hands . 'manchin' doesn't like the purpose that guns are supposed to serve . Promises on 'sanctuary cities' , keystone and 'balanced budget are simply promises , lies , hopes or talk , imo .
I don't think we have to agree on everything even with an opponent to get some things done. I think our politicians and our parties have to start rethinking some things.

There are some things that should not be negotiable, like National Security, Defending this Country and it's borders, but we can work together on a lot of things....and I think people aren't seeing the possibilities, when they cannot accept the results of an election and their response is RESIST rather than GET TO WORK.

I think what you are missing is the transition of the Democrats left over the past 10~12 years or so. They are not your father's Democratic Party. These people are Alinskyite radicals who are on a serious mission to destroy America as we know it. You can think that's hyperbole and "over the top" rhetoric, but listen to what they support and advocate.

I think one of the main reasons Trump won is because America started to realize these people pose a real threat to Western civilization. We can't afford to make the mistake of thinking we can reach some kind of compromise with them... that, somehow, we are going to find common ground and work together to make the country better. They want to destroy the country. They can't come out and say that... obviously.
Yes, but he also favors a Balanced Budget Amendment, Keystone Pipeline and punishing Sanctuary Cities.
I say he lies then. You can't be for Americans and for gun control at the same time.

What I said wasn't based on his talk but on his actual voting record. Not saying he is perfect or even acceptable, but I can give him credit where credit is due. Speaking of gun laws, why isn't Trump and the Republicans pushing for National Reciprocity? We have full control of Congress and the White House.... now is the time!
Feinstein campaigned for a Balanced Budget Amendment, then promptly voted against it after the election. Sensible Democrat?
I don't believe all people are bad. People have different reasons for joining this cause or that cause. Sometimes they are simply uninformed, misguided. Sometimes they are part of something they want to preserve, despite the attempts of other members of their group, trying to change what was into something a lot worse.

I don't know why Feinstein is a Democrat, I only know that even though she is very partisan at times, she also is capable of displaying some practical sense which is in contrast to someone like Maxine Waters, or Crying Chuck Schummer. The Democrat Party has been off the hinge long before Donald Trump came along. And it's my opinion they were poisoned by people like The Clintons, James Carvelle, and Barak Obama.

If the Democrat Party is ever going to win it's respect back, roll up it's sleeves and pitch in to make America the best possible country it can be, it will be with more people like Feinstein, and less people like The Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, Schummers, and Carvelles of the world.

Feinstein was one of the few people early on that said there was NO Russian Collusion and that the Democrat Party was wasting a lot of Energy on assaulting The President, when they should be tackling issues many Americans face.

I don't like a lot of what Feinstein says.. She's Partisan and very political at times, and sometimes unfair....but she at least doesn't seen unhinged like the rest of her unraveling party when she made the comment she did.

What I found more interesting than her sensible comment, was the crowd's reaction which shows me, there are a lot of issues that need dealt with by the Dem followers if they are ever going to regain their sanity and regain respect from voters who may oppose them.

Here is her latest thoughts on the current political situation:

Feinstein stuns San Francisco crowd: Trump 'can be a good president'

"The question is whether he can learn and change. If so, I believe he can be a good president.”

- U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., speaking about President Trump

The report said, “the crowd reacted with stunned silence, broken only with scattered “No’s and a few hisses and some nervous laughter.” The article said that kind of talk is “never heard in Democratic circles.”

I would like to see the specifics on what Feinstein considers to be a "good president"
I don't believe all people are bad. People have different reasons for joining this cause or that cause. Sometimes they are simply uninformed, misguided. Sometimes they are part of something they want to preserve, despite the attempts of other members of their group, trying to change what was into something a lot worse.

I don't know why Feinstein is a Democrat, I only know that even though she is very partisan at times, she also is capable of displaying some practical sense which is in contrast to someone like Maxine Waters, or Crying Chuck Schummer. The Democrat Party has been off the hinge long before Donald Trump came along. And it's my opinion they were poisoned by people like The Clintons, James Carvelle, and Barak Obama.

If the Democrat Party is ever going to win it's respect back, roll up it's sleeves and pitch in to make America the best possible country it can be, it will be with more people like Feinstein, and less people like The Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, Schummers, and Carvelles of the world.

Feinstein was one of the few people early on that said there was NO Russian Collusion and that the Democrat Party was wasting a lot of Energy on assaulting The President, when they should be tackling issues many Americans face.

I don't like a lot of what Feinstein says.. She's Partisan and very political at times, and sometimes unfair....but she at least doesn't seen unhinged like the rest of her unraveling party.

What I found more interesting than her comments, was the crowd's reaction which shows me, there are a lot of issues that need dealt with by the Dem followers if they are ever going to regain their sanity and regain respect from voters who may oppose them.

Here is her latest thoughts on the current political situation:

Feinstein stuns San Francisco crowd: Trump 'can be a good president'

"The question is whether he can learn and change. If so, I believe he can be a good president.”

- U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., speaking about President Trump

The report said, “the crowd reacted with stunned silence, broken only with scattered “No’s and a few hisses and some nervous laughter.” The article said that kind of talk is “never heard in Democratic circles.”

The problem is that it's clear at this point that Trump can't learn or change.
thank god. Trump....drain that swamp
I don't believe all people are bad. People have different reasons for joining this cause or that cause. Sometimes they are simply uninformed, misguided. Sometimes they are part of something they want to preserve, despite the attempts of other members of their group, trying to change what was into something a lot worse.

I don't know why Feinstein is a Democrat, I only know that even though she is very partisan at times, she also is capable of displaying some practical sense which is in contrast to someone like Maxine Waters, or Crying Chuck Schummer. The Democrat Party has been off the hinge long before Donald Trump came along. And it's my opinion they were poisoned by people like The Clintons, James Carvelle, and Barak Obama.

If the Democrat Party is ever going to win it's respect back, roll up it's sleeves and pitch in to make America the best possible country it can be, it will be with more people like Feinstein, and less people like The Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, Schummers, and Carvelles of the world.

Feinstein was one of the few people early on that said there was NO Russian Collusion and that the Democrat Party was wasting a lot of Energy on assaulting The President, when they should be tackling issues many Americans face.

I don't like a lot of what Feinstein says.. She's Partisan and very political at times, and sometimes unfair....but she at least doesn't seen unhinged like the rest of her unraveling party when she made the comment she did.

What I found more interesting than her sensible comment, was the crowd's reaction which shows me, there are a lot of issues that need dealt with by the Dem followers if they are ever going to regain their sanity and regain respect from voters who may oppose them.

Here is her latest thoughts on the current political situation:

Feinstein stuns San Francisco crowd: Trump 'can be a good president'

"The question is whether he can learn and change. If so, I believe he can be a good president.”

- U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., speaking about President Trump

The report said, “the crowd reacted with stunned silence, broken only with scattered “No’s and a few hisses and some nervous laughter.” The article said that kind of talk is “never heard in Democratic circles.”

I would like to see the specifics on what Feinstein considers to be a "good president"
/----/ Oh that's easy. A good president would be a blend of Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and Obozo.

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