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CDZ There are TWO Genders: Change My Mind

Seriously, the hysteria of the left right now is absolutely insane.

Okay, we know of the two biological sexes, male and female. While there are genetic disorders that give people traits of both, those genetic disorders are extremely rare, and even when they do happen the person exhibits the traits of one sex much more predominantly than the other. The idea of a “hermaphrodite” is almost a myth, there really is no genetic disorder that allows for fully functional sex organs of both sexes. Besides, according to these “trans” advocates, gender is different than biological sex.

So we aren’t talking about people with some rare genetic disorder, as some have now started to move the goalposts and have been bringing them up. This is about “gender”.

These trans activists are claiming that a male can “be a woman” just by self identifying as one. Sure, they have the right to self identify all they want, but that doesn’t make their fantasy a reality, nor does or should society have to accept it.

For example, a male that pretends to be a female is still a man. He’s a cross dressing man.

A male that undergoes some “sex change” surgery is still a man and a male. His chromosomes do not change, they are still XY.

Same of course goes with females pretending to be men. Their biological sex does not change, so neither does their gender.

For those screaming in horror about the simple statement “there are TWO genders, men and women”, what are the other genders? Please provide specific examples.

This is Clean Debate Zone. Please keep the childish insults to yourself, and provide a clear and concise response.
What is your motive for all that? Are you proposing new laws to prevent people from having a right to sex changes?
Prevent children from having a right to sex changes, if their parents haven't objected?

Are you about to summon up religious superstitious beliefs as a means of preventing a man from calling him/herself a 'she'?

Fascism has in the past summoned up religious superstitious beliefs as a method to impress their agenda on free people. The Catholic church lost the war along with Mussolini and Hitler.

But somehow the church escaped having to pay for taking the wrong side.

And so what is it that you intend to gain out of your fight?

We're not going to discuss this issue on the terms you've tried to dictate to us.

First off, there's no such thing as a sex change; there's only body mutilation.

Some less dramatic, but very common, body mutilations include pierced ears and tattoos. Children cannot get either without their parent's approval even though, especially in the case of the pierced ear, there's little life-effecting damage from routine procedures.

Yet you're suggesting that a child can make the decision to cut off their sex organs and other body parts, even if it's with the parent's permission? What if a child wants to cut off their ear? Ok of the parent's agree? Or their left hand? In many Muslim communities, especially in Africa, female children are having their clitoris cut off with parental permission - and, most likely, many or most of the little girls agree because they don't know better than to trust their parents.

What should happen when parents agree to the mutilation of their children is that the children should be removed from the home for safety. If the mutilation occurs, the parents should be imprisoned.
Fascism under a different name is taking away people's freedoms to do what they choose with their bodies and with issues that are their own business. It can only be pretending to protect reglious principles.
There is no f-ng god but don't let that stop you from addressing the big issue for Americas.

I'm agnostic. So can you prove there's not a god?

Can Biden stop the turn to fascism by giving enough free gifts and money to them to tide them over until the income inequality hold of the very wealthy has been broken.

No president is allowed to mess with those who control the supply and the value of money. Nor are they allowed to control those with the most.

Are you ready to cut through all the b.s. and get to the short strokes before it's too late to save your country.

I'm assuming everybody on this board understands what fascism is now and the only way to stop it.

Maybe it's time now to lay all the Trump nonsense aside and get down to some real business?

Tell me something big boy, what exactly is your plan to over take the government and force all the fascist out of government.

To vote? HA HA HA HA.. Let me know how that works out for you.
I seen something funny once on social media. I don't remember the whole thing. But the jist of it was something like this:

A boy in school is caught sitting down to pee, in the school restroom. The other boys make fun of him and call him a girl.
If a grown man get's caught sitting down to pee, other men call him a woman.

But another man get's all dressed up in women's clothes and tries use the women's restroom (sitting to pee) and the whole nation calls him a man.

What a crock. How would anyone know why any person sat at the toilet? Your whole story gets 5 Pinocchios.

Dude, did you not read what I posted? I said it was something I seen on social media. Do you take things you see on social media seriously?

If so, then I have a help for you. "DON'T"
Ah.. so you're openly admitting that you don't believe a freaking word you have been spouting. What if said "woman" had an ingrown toe nail fixed? Maybe had a broken leg surgically repaired? Or any other list of surgeries to fix problems with "her" body? Why would trust be in question if "she" didn't tell you about any of those - they just never come up? Because, according to you and the left, the "woman" was already a woman and the body mutilation simply fixes broken body parts.

No big deal and no reason in the world why she would tell you - except, now, we know that, to you, it is a big deal. You're a hypocrite and you are as disgusted by the idea of kissing a man pretending to be a woman as am I. I'm glad it disgusts you; it should.

So let's alter the scenario. You meet a woman at an office event and hit it off. You and she go out for dinner and that goes well. You start dating for a few weeks and then "she" tells you that "she" was born a he. Is the dating over? And any answer other than "yes" is a flat out lie.

Actually there's this thing called a "dick." (You may have heard of them) But, as bad as it might sound, some men, most men actually, don't want one in their butts or their mouths. When they touch a woman between the crotch, they wanna feel a puss. A wet warm puss. And the thought of sticking their dicks were poop comes out, is a big turn off.

I know, it just sounds so 1970's. But that's just the way some of us men are.
LMAO.. 37 pages of people trying to prove something that's been proven since men and women have been alive.

I'm guessing some of you people never learned how to use their weather rock to predict the weather.
No one who uses that argument actually cares about the children. They are just using them to make an emotional argument. When it is guns, the left says! "Bbbut, what about the school children?" and when it is transgenderism, the right says; "Bbbut... What about your daughter's restroom break?"

I am sick of kids in politics.

Sounds like a legit argument to me.
Personally I don't like the idea of drag queens in our schools reading transgender stories to children. That's a touchy subject to some parents. And parents should have a say so in what their kids are exposed to in a government ran facility like a public school.

Or do you think the government should teach children what ever "THEY" say?
If that man dresses pretty and you meet him, and then you date him, and you fall in love, and you get married, and then he tells you that he's a he, are you still happily married and looking forward to 50+ years of wedded bliss?
You think it would take that long to figure out? :21::21::21:

So, once again, you prove you also do not actually believe in the tripe you pass around. You wouldn't date or marry a transsexual because you are a homophobe, huh? You're a hypocrite.
I seen something funny once on social media. I don't remember the whole thing. But the jist of it was something like this:

A boy in school is caught sitting down to pee, in the school restroom. The other boys make fun of him and call him a girl.
If a grown man get's caught sitting down to pee, other men call him a woman.

But another man get's all dressed up in women's clothes and tries use the women's restroom (sitting to pee) and the whole nation calls him a man.

What a crock. How would anyone know why any person sat at the toilet? Your whole story gets 5 Pinocchios.

Dude, did you not read what I posted? I said it was something I seen on social media. Do you take things you see on social media seriously?

If so, then I have a help for you. "DON'T"
Did I say you said it? I said the story is a crock. I didn't direct it to you at all.
And, I was correcting the deceptive headline posted
And I corrected the deceptive headline and reference you posted. A homosexual man raped a homosexual man in a homosexual bar. Rape should be punished with very long sentences even when it's among homosexuals but you used the story as an example to compare with homosexual men in the places where normal people go. It's not like a mutilated male went into a women's room and a woman raped him. It's not like a mutilated woman went into the men's room and got raped. But, if it happened, the rapist deserves serious punishment.

The problem with leftists, though, is that they pretend more homosexuals get raped by heterosexuals than heterosexuals get raped by heterosexuals and it just ain't so.
I'm sure mothers take little boys into women's restrooms. That is an acceptable action. exploiting little girls for the creep is so unacceptable.

I take my wheelchair-bound wife into women's restrooms all the time. I open the door, call out, and if I get no response, I go in. Sometimes women come in and use other stalls while they know I am there; others politely wait outside. Either way, it's their choice and the separate stalls ensure everyone's privacy is upheld. But for me to simply choose to go in there should result in an ass-whipping by a waiting husband or father when I come out - or even before I get fully in.

As the woman on the other end of that equation, you are correct and I appreciate that consideration. I will also say that I really appreciated when many public venues started installing a separate bathroom for handicapped people who needed assistance, both because it alleviated awkwardness for everyone involved, and because they're much easier for people like you and your wife to manage in.
Don't think gender matters?
Go buy a rooster for eggs and a bull for milk.
You will soon learn that God knew what He was doing.
Ah, God. Speaking of things that don't exist, eh? :21:

The point I was making was that what gender an individual happened to be born into is not essential to who they as an individual are. One should always and only judge individuals based on their values and actions and not by their internal body chemistry or physical traits.

Interesting. On one hand, you arbitrarily and unilaterally declare that God does not exist, and therefore presumably is disqualified from consideration by people who believe in him. And then in the next paragraph, you suddenly start spouting hippy-dippy New Age superstition. I'm confused.
What exactly is "my side"? You are clearly a very tribalistic person who can only think in terms of "Rep or Dem" and if anyone disagrees with you on anything, you automatically put them in the opposite team.

I am not on the left.
Ah, God. Speaking of things that don't exist, eh?
You deny science, and you deny God.
Where and in what post did I "deny science"? And of course I deny God, I do not confuse mysticism and superstistion for facts and reality.

And you openly take the side of sick sexual degenerates.
Are you done making false accusations and package deals now?

These positions certainly put you much closer to the left wrong than to the right.
As far as the traditional spectrum goes, I am in an entirely different dimension as none of the two sides stand for anything that I support.

Actually, I can tell you which post you denied science in, and confused mysticism and superstition for facts and reality in. It was this one:

The point I was making was that what gender an individual happened to be born into is not essential to who they as an individual are. One should always and only judge individuals based on their values and actions and not by their internal body chemistry or physical traits.

Please explain to us the "science, facts, and reality" involved in this whole "your body is not essential to who you are" concept. Scientifically speaking, who at what is this "essential self" separate from the body, and what scientific test did you use to discover and measure it, and to determine that it is of paramount importance, rendering the body irrelevant?
Don't think gender matters?
Go buy a rooster for eggs and a bull for milk.
You will soon learn that God knew what He was doing.
Ah, God. Speaking of things that don't exist, eh? :21:

The point I was making was that what gender an individual happened to be born into is not essential to who they as an individual are. One should always and only judge individuals based on their values and actions and not by their internal body chemistry or physical traits.

Interesting. On one hand, you arbitrarily and unilaterally declare that God does not exist, and therefore presumably is disqualified from consideration by people who believe in him. And then in the next paragraph, you suddenly start spouting hippy-dippy New Age superstition. I'm confused.
Interesting, you call 300 year old Enlightenment ideas "hippy-dippy New Age superstition" yet you are proabably one of those CoNsErVaTiVeS who always bring up the Co-co-co-co-Constitution to make political points.

You are fraud, homie. A fraud.
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What exactly is "my side"? You are clearly a very tribalistic person who can only think in terms of "Rep or Dem" and if anyone disagrees with you on anything, you automatically put them in the opposite team.

I am not on the left.
Ah, God. Speaking of things that don't exist, eh?
You deny science, and you deny God.
Where and in what post did I "deny science"? And of course I deny God, I do not confuse mysticism and superstistion for facts and reality.

And you openly take the side of sick sexual degenerates.
Are you done making false accusations and package deals now?

These positions certainly put you much closer to the left wrong than to the right.
As far as the traditional spectrum goes, I am in an entirely different dimension as none of the two sides stand for anything that I support.

Actually, I can tell you which post you denied science in, and confused mysticism and superstition for facts and reality in. It was this one:

The point I was making was that what gender an individual happened to be born into is not essential to who they as an individual are. One should always and only judge individuals based on their values and actions and not by their internal body chemistry or physical traits.

Please explain to us the "science, facts, and reality" involved in this whole "your body is not essential to who you are" concept. Scientifically speaking, who at what is this "essential self" separate from the body, and what scientific test did you use to discover and measure it, and to determine that it is of paramount importance, rendering the body irrelevant?
You are an absolute idiot. Sorry, but wow. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
What exactly is "my side"? You are clearly a very tribalistic person who can only think in terms of "Rep or Dem" and if anyone disagrees with you on anything, you automatically put them in the opposite team.

I am not on the left.
Ah, God. Speaking of things that don't exist, eh?
You deny science, and you deny God.
Where and in what post did I "deny science"? And of course I deny God, I do not confuse mysticism and superstistion for facts and reality.

And you openly take the side of sick sexual degenerates.
Are you done making false accusations and package deals now?

These positions certainly put you much closer to the left wrong than to the right.
As far as the traditional spectrum goes, I am in an entirely different dimension as none of the two sides stand for anything that I support.

Actually, I can tell you which post you denied science in, and confused mysticism and superstition for facts and reality in. It was this one:

The point I was making was that what gender an individual happened to be born into is not essential to who they as an individual are. One should always and only judge individuals based on their values and actions and not by their internal body chemistry or physical traits.

Please explain to us the "science, facts, and reality" involved in this whole "your body is not essential to who you are" concept. Scientifically speaking, who at what is this "essential self" separate from the body, and what scientific test did you use to discover and measure it, and to determine that it is of paramount importance, rendering the body irrelevant?
You are an absolute idiot. Sorry, but wow. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Triggered. Simply because people don't believe the same as you?

There are only two genders. Post op trans people are just pretending at an extreme level. And it doesn't matter how they feel or what they like or want. They were born one gender and choose to change to another.

You don't seen them trying to change to one of the other 1,000 supposed genders. But from one to the ONLY other one.
What exactly is "my side"? You are clearly a very tribalistic person who can only think in terms of "Rep or Dem" and if anyone disagrees with you on anything, you automatically put them in the opposite team.

I am not on the left.
Ah, God. Speaking of things that don't exist, eh?
You deny science, and you deny God.
Where and in what post did I "deny science"? And of course I deny God, I do not confuse mysticism and superstistion for facts and reality.

And you openly take the side of sick sexual degenerates.
Are you done making false accusations and package deals now?

These positions certainly put you much closer to the left wrong than to the right.
As far as the traditional spectrum goes, I am in an entirely different dimension as none of the two sides stand for anything that I support.

Actually, I can tell you which post you denied science in, and confused mysticism and superstition for facts and reality in. It was this one:

The point I was making was that what gender an individual happened to be born into is not essential to who they as an individual are. One should always and only judge individuals based on their values and actions and not by their internal body chemistry or physical traits.

Please explain to us the "science, facts, and reality" involved in this whole "your body is not essential to who you are" concept. Scientifically speaking, who at what is this "essential self" separate from the body, and what scientific test did you use to discover and measure it, and to determine that it is of paramount importance, rendering the body irrelevant?
You are an absolute idiot. Sorry, but wow. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Triggered. Simply because people don't believe the same as you?
No, I am not triggered because this is a subject I do not care about and it is mind-boggling how people get so invested in it.

There are only two genders. Post op trans people are just pretending at an extreme level. And it doesn't matter how they feel or what they like or want. They were born one gender and choose to change to another.

You don't seen them trying to change to one of the other 1,000 supposed genders. But from one to the ONLY other one.
Why are you making a package deal out of trans-sexuals and gender theory?
I'm agnostic. So can you prove there's not a god?

No better than Richard Dawkins has already

No president is allowed to mess with those who control the supply and the value of money. Nor are they allowed to control those with the most.

I won't be joining in with your silly spamming but I'll talk about the real world with you if you so choose. Biden and his handlers appear to be very aware of the situation with 'income inequality' and the rip-off of the American people having advanced to a dangerous level. So although the Jan. 6th. riot was laughable for a revolution, it was definitely a hint of trouble coming. Trump started a process of bringing the American people, the left and the right, together against 'government' being the common enemy. This is exactly how fascism gets a foot in the door. And so my comments on Biden being able to shower gifts on the working class are because of the urgency of the moment.
Can Biden shower enough 'relief' on the people quick enough now?

Tell me something big boy, what exactly is your plan to over take the government and force all the fascist out of government.

It's not really there in government yet and I've explained my theory on how it can be held at bay. But there's little doubt that America is much closer to a turn to fascism now than any other established democracy.

For an example, allowing Chauvin to walk will be a huge indication that democracy in America has lost the fight.

Now you should be able to understand what I've been saying. Whether you can handle talking about it or not is up to only you.

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