There goes Donald Trump’s Nobel peace prize (37 dead as US Jerusalem embassy opens)

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You're a Liberal Zionist.
I'm not liberal, and "Zionist" is a word bigots use to refer to Jews.

Liberals are for less government regulations.

You are indeed a Liberal.

Zionism was invented by a Jew named Theodor Herzl.

Maybe on mars they are. Libs love regulations in America. More regs is never enough.

You are Liberals, both parties in America are Liberals.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Economic liberalism is an economic system organized on individual lines, which means the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by individualsor households rather than by collective institutions or organizations.[1] It includes a spectrum of different economic policies, such as freedom of movement, but its basis is on strong support for a market economy and private property in the means of production. Although economic liberals can also be supportive of government regulation to a certain degree, they tend to oppose government intervention in the free market when it inhibits free trade and open competition.

Liberalism - Wikipedia


The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page. (May 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
Part of a series on

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Liberalism is a political view based on liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality, internationalism and the freedoms of speech, the press, religion and markets.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Liberalism became a distinct movement in the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among Western philosophers and economists. Liberalism sought to replace the norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, the divine right of kings and traditional conservatism with representative democracy and the rule of law. Liberals also ended mercantilist policies, royal monopolies and other barriers to trade, instead promoting free markets.[11] Philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct tradition, arguing that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[12] adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. While the British liberal tradition has emphasised expanding democracy, French liberalism has emphasised rejecting authoritarianism and is linked to nation-building.[13]

That's only true in Europe. Here a liberal is indistinguishable from a European socialist.

It was true everywhere, until Anglo negs, and dregs couldn't understand the definitions.
I'm not liberal, and "Zionist" is a word bigots use to refer to Jews.

Liberals are for less government regulations.

You are indeed a Liberal.

Zionism was invented by a Jew named Theodor Herzl.

Maybe on mars they are. Libs love regulations in America. More regs is never enough.

You are Liberals, both parties in America are Liberals.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Economic liberalism is an economic system organized on individual lines, which means the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by individualsor households rather than by collective institutions or organizations.[1] It includes a spectrum of different economic policies, such as freedom of movement, but its basis is on strong support for a market economy and private property in the means of production. Although economic liberals can also be supportive of government regulation to a certain degree, they tend to oppose government intervention in the free market when it inhibits free trade and open competition.

Liberalism - Wikipedia


The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page. (May 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
Part of a series on

Regional variants[show]
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Liberalism is a political view based on liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality, internationalism and the freedoms of speech, the press, religion and markets.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Liberalism became a distinct movement in the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among Western philosophers and economists. Liberalism sought to replace the norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, the divine right of kings and traditional conservatism with representative democracy and the rule of law. Liberals also ended mercantilist policies, royal monopolies and other barriers to trade, instead promoting free markets.[11] Philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct tradition, arguing that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[12] adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. While the British liberal tradition has emphasised expanding democracy, French liberalism has emphasised rejecting authoritarianism and is linked to nation-building.[13]

That's only true in Europe. Here a liberal is indistinguishable from a European socialist.

It was true everywhere, until Anglo negs, and dregs couldn't understand the definitions.
However it happened, nevertheless, it happened.
Liberals are for less government regulations.

You are indeed a Liberal.

Zionism was invented by a Jew named Theodor Herzl.

Maybe on mars they are. Libs love regulations in America. More regs is never enough.

You are Liberals, both parties in America are Liberals.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Economic liberalism is an economic system organized on individual lines, which means the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by individualsor households rather than by collective institutions or organizations.[1] It includes a spectrum of different economic policies, such as freedom of movement, but its basis is on strong support for a market economy and private property in the means of production. Although economic liberals can also be supportive of government regulation to a certain degree, they tend to oppose government intervention in the free market when it inhibits free trade and open competition.

Liberalism - Wikipedia


The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page. (May 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
Part of a series on

Regional variants[show]
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Liberalism is a political view based on liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality, internationalism and the freedoms of speech, the press, religion and markets.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Liberalism became a distinct movement in the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among Western philosophers and economists. Liberalism sought to replace the norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, the divine right of kings and traditional conservatism with representative democracy and the rule of law. Liberals also ended mercantilist policies, royal monopolies and other barriers to trade, instead promoting free markets.[11] Philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct tradition, arguing that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[12] adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. While the British liberal tradition has emphasised expanding democracy, French liberalism has emphasised rejecting authoritarianism and is linked to nation-building.[13]

That's only true in Europe. Here a liberal is indistinguishable from a European socialist.

It was true everywhere, until Anglo negs, and dregs couldn't understand the definitions.
However it happened, nevertheless, it happened.

I consider myself more European, anyways.

Down with you retarded Anglo Zionist shits who fill the trailer parks while calling for tax cuts Liberalism, as some kind of Right Wing value.
Please. Donnie Dangerously was never in the running for a peace prize like the Great President Obama.

That was just talk from his butt hurt racist base who can't stand the fact that President Obama received it and glowing praise when he received it.

"Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts."

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release

Of course only time will tell if the Oafs Bull in a China shop works out for the better......

Except....he never resolved anything. He did only what W could ever dream of in terms of war adventures in the ME.

Please note the date he received it. How many invasions and occupations did he order? I mean at that time he hadn't even implemented any of Bushes Bug Out plan yet!

Are you kidding me? Arab spring, libya, syria. Seriously? You cant be this naive.

It was given in 2009.

Yes, and subsequently our adventures escalated in the ME, ie arab spring, libya, syria, etc.
That started with toppling Sadaam.
He's a neo-Nazi, literally.

You're a Liberal Zionist.
I'm not liberal, and "Zionist" is a word bigots use to refer to Jews.

Liberals are for less government regulations.

You are indeed a Liberal.

Zionism was invented by a Jew named Theodor Herzl.

Maybe on mars they are. Libs love regulations in America. More regs is never enough.

You are Liberals, both parties in America are Liberals.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Economic liberalism is an economic system organized on individual lines, which means the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by individualsor households rather than by collective institutions or organizations.[1] It includes a spectrum of different economic policies, such as freedom of movement, but its basis is on strong support for a market economy and private property in the means of production. Although economic liberals can also be supportive of government regulation to a certain degree, they tend to oppose government intervention in the free market when it inhibits free trade and open competition.

Liberalism - Wikipedia


The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page. (May 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
Part of a series on

Regional variants[show]
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Liberalism is a political view based on liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality, internationalism and the freedoms of speech, the press, religion and markets.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Liberalism became a distinct movement in the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among Western philosophers and economists. Liberalism sought to replace the norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, the divine right of kings and traditional conservatism with representative democracy and the rule of law. Liberals also ended mercantilist policies, royal monopolies and other barriers to trade, instead promoting free markets.[11] Philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct tradition, arguing that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[12] adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. While the British liberal tradition has emphasised expanding democracy, French liberalism has emphasised rejecting authoritarianism and is linked to nation-building.[13]

You need to grow up son. There are no "real" Liberals left here, they are now "Progressives".
Please note the date he received it. How many invasions and occupations did he order? I mean at that time he hadn't even implemented any of Bushes Bug Out plan yet!

Are you kidding me? Arab spring, libya, syria. Seriously? You cant be this naive.

It was given in 2009.

Yes, and subsequently our adventures escalated in the ME, ie arab spring, libya, syria, etc.

The tragic results from the strategic blunder of invading and occupying an oil rich Arab nation that did not attack us or pose a serious threat to it's neighbor or the world's remaining superpower.

The arab spring, libya, syria had nothing to do with iraq...which I agree with you on.
It had everything to do with Iraq.
Did the Aztecs invent the Shrimp Po Boy too????
I give up.

I have no idea what your ideology is. It's not American, though, and therefore, my interest is waning..waning...kaput.
He's a neo-Nazi, literally.

You're a Liberal Zionist.
I'm not liberal, and "Zionist" is a word bigots use to refer to Jews.

Liberals are for less government regulations.

You are indeed a Liberal.

Zionism was invented by a Jew named Theodor Herzl.

Maybe on mars they are. Libs love regulations in America. More regs is never enough.
Libs love nazis in the US.

I mean they love real nazis.

But they call everybody who actually works against *nazis*, "NAZIS" in order to dilute the meaning. But nobody is fooled.
You're a Liberal Zionist.
I'm not liberal, and "Zionist" is a word bigots use to refer to Jews.

Liberals are for less government regulations.

You are indeed a Liberal.

Zionism was invented by a Jew named Theodor Herzl.

Maybe on mars they are. Libs love regulations in America. More regs is never enough.

You are Liberals, both parties in America are Liberals.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Economic liberalism is an economic system organized on individual lines, which means the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by individualsor households rather than by collective institutions or organizations.[1] It includes a spectrum of different economic policies, such as freedom of movement, but its basis is on strong support for a market economy and private property in the means of production. Although economic liberals can also be supportive of government regulation to a certain degree, they tend to oppose government intervention in the free market when it inhibits free trade and open competition.

Liberalism - Wikipedia


The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page. (May 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
Part of a series on

Regional variants[show]
Related topics[show]

Liberalism is a political view based on liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality, internationalism and the freedoms of speech, the press, religion and markets.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Liberalism became a distinct movement in the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among Western philosophers and economists. Liberalism sought to replace the norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, the divine right of kings and traditional conservatism with representative democracy and the rule of law. Liberals also ended mercantilist policies, royal monopolies and other barriers to trade, instead promoting free markets.[11] Philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct tradition, arguing that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[12] adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. While the British liberal tradition has emphasised expanding democracy, French liberalism has emphasised rejecting authoritarianism and is linked to nation-building.[13]

You need to grow up son. There are no "real" Liberals left here, they are now "Progressives".

You both are Liberal idiots both Democrats, and Republicans.

You both are pro-Israel Zionists.
Just one is kind of Zionist (Democrats) and the other are mega-Zionists itching for WW3 (Republicans)

One are Liberals with slight Paleo-Conservative values (Republicans)

One -are Liberals with slight Social-Democracy values (Democrats)

True right-wingers, or true progressives are rare in America.
Last edited:
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.

What a stunningly stupid summary of events in Israel. Let us all forget that this was a commitment that begun with Bill Clinton and was kicked down the road repeatedly. Let us forget the deadliest days in the Palestinian-terror campaign was under Obama.

Let us forget that Palestine is a country that criminalizes, jails and kills gays. Let us forget that Palestine is a terror state that routinely targets civilian centers and uses their schools as shields while lobbing missiles at the Jews.

You are a simple minded, obsessed and seething with hatred for a president and will look for and celebrate any opportunity to denigrate his successes. You also share a deep and passionate hatred of America and Trump, which ties you in solidarity with Palestinian bigots.

Keep it up though, I love it. You and your ilk in the media are desensitizing the American public to the constant sky-is-falling predictions of doom and gloom that you so desperately want others to believe about the president, and all but ensuring a 2020 Trump White House.
There was no "commitment". Bill Clinton spent 8 years in the White House and did not move the embassy to Jerusalem. Stop making shit up, Trump lover.

That's rather the point. Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, but Bill Clinton was too chickenshit to act on it.
No one acted on it because they wanted to give the ongoing oeace processes a chance to work first.
Are you kidding me? Arab spring, libya, syria. Seriously? You cant be this naive.

It was given in 2009.

Yes, and subsequently our adventures escalated in the ME, ie arab spring, libya, syria, etc.

The tragic results from the strategic blunder of invading and occupying an oil rich Arab nation that did not attack us or pose a serious threat to it's neighbor or the world's remaining superpower.

The arab spring, libya, syria had nothing to do with iraq...which I agree with you on.
It had everything to do with Iraq.

Ah, our mod terrorist sympathizer is on hand to edumuncate us.
It was given in 2009.

Yes, and subsequently our adventures escalated in the ME, ie arab spring, libya, syria, etc.

The tragic results from the strategic blunder of invading and occupying an oil rich Arab nation that did not attack us or pose a serious threat to it's neighbor or the world's remaining superpower.

The arab spring, libya, syria had nothing to do with iraq...which I agree with you on.
It had everything to do with Iraq.

Ah, our mod terrorist sympathizer is on hand to edumuncate us.

In that they support the IDF terrorists, just not as much as you do?
I'm not liberal, and "Zionist" is a word bigots use to refer to Jews.

Liberals are for less government regulations.

You are indeed a Liberal.

Zionism was invented by a Jew named Theodor Herzl.

Maybe on mars they are. Libs love regulations in America. More regs is never enough.

You are Liberals, both parties in America are Liberals.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Economic liberalism is an economic system organized on individual lines, which means the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by individualsor households rather than by collective institutions or organizations.[1] It includes a spectrum of different economic policies, such as freedom of movement, but its basis is on strong support for a market economy and private property in the means of production. Although economic liberals can also be supportive of government regulation to a certain degree, they tend to oppose government intervention in the free market when it inhibits free trade and open competition.

Liberalism - Wikipedia


The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page. (May 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
Part of a series on

Regional variants[show]
Related topics[show]

Liberalism is a political view based on liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality, internationalism and the freedoms of speech, the press, religion and markets.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Liberalism became a distinct movement in the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among Western philosophers and economists. Liberalism sought to replace the norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, the divine right of kings and traditional conservatism with representative democracy and the rule of law. Liberals also ended mercantilist policies, royal monopolies and other barriers to trade, instead promoting free markets.[11] Philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct tradition, arguing that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[12] adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. While the British liberal tradition has emphasised expanding democracy, French liberalism has emphasised rejecting authoritarianism and is linked to nation-building.[13]

You need to grow up son. There are no "real" Liberals left here, they are now "Progressives".

You both are Liberal idiots both Democrats, and Republicans.

You both are pro-Israel Zionists.
Just one is kind of Zionist (Democrats) and the other are mega-Zionists itching for WW3 (Republicans)

One is Liberals with slight Paleo-Conservative values (Republicans)

One is Liberals with slight Social-Democracy values (Democrats)

True right-wingers, or true progressives are rare in America.

Sure thing Sparky.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death. Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
Hey, congratulations. Maybe even more will die. So just so long as Trump doesn't get credit for something good.


There is nothing good about moving the embassy. It was an in your face provokative move. Many Israeli's and jews worldwide will pay with their lives over time for it.

But understand this. Trump is a liar, a coward, and a grifter, soon to be prosecuted as the common criminal that he is. Getting credit for anything good is not in his purview.

Lastly, he will never get the Nobel peace prize, and will go to his grave knowing Obama got one and he didn't .

That seems to be a very frustrating thing for those that have their tongues firmly stuck up his asshole.
Liberals are for less government regulations.

You are indeed a Liberal.

Zionism was invented by a Jew named Theodor Herzl.

Maybe on mars they are. Libs love regulations in America. More regs is never enough.

You are Liberals, both parties in America are Liberals.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Economic liberalism is an economic system organized on individual lines, which means the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by individualsor households rather than by collective institutions or organizations.[1] It includes a spectrum of different economic policies, such as freedom of movement, but its basis is on strong support for a market economy and private property in the means of production. Although economic liberals can also be supportive of government regulation to a certain degree, they tend to oppose government intervention in the free market when it inhibits free trade and open competition.

Liberalism - Wikipedia


The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page. (May 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
Part of a series on

Regional variants[show]
Related topics[show]

Liberalism is a political view based on liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality, internationalism and the freedoms of speech, the press, religion and markets.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Liberalism became a distinct movement in the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among Western philosophers and economists. Liberalism sought to replace the norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, the divine right of kings and traditional conservatism with representative democracy and the rule of law. Liberals also ended mercantilist policies, royal monopolies and other barriers to trade, instead promoting free markets.[11] Philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct tradition, arguing that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[12] adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. While the British liberal tradition has emphasised expanding democracy, French liberalism has emphasised rejecting authoritarianism and is linked to nation-building.[13]

You need to grow up son. There are no "real" Liberals left here, they are now "Progressives".

You both are Liberal idiots both Democrats, and Republicans.

You both are pro-Israel Zionists.
Just one is kind of Zionist (Democrats) and the other are mega-Zionists itching for WW3 (Republicans)

One is Liberals with slight Paleo-Conservative values (Republicans)

One is Liberals with slight Social-Democracy values (Democrats)

True right-wingers, or true progressives are rare in America.

Sure thing Sparky.

While most Americans are Liberals who support Israel's existence.

Republicans are actually more Liberal than Democrats.

That's what the Republican Presidential moves tell us.

1.) More illegals / Mexicans came here under Republicans, be it W Bush, or Reagan.

2.) Republicans are more for Liberalism, in that they want more loose, or less regulations of the free market.

3.) That's Liberalism again, because the free market is unpatriotic, and sells out Liberalism

4.) Gun control = Liberalism of guns.

You are mega-Liberal, mega-Zionists looking to start WW3 with Iran.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death. Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
Hey, congratulations. Maybe even more will die. So just so long as Trump doesn't get credit for something good.


There is nothing good about moving the embassy. It was an in your face provokative move. Many Israeli's and jews worldwide will pay with their lives over time for it.

But understand this. Trump is a liar, a coward, and a grifter, soon to be prosecuted as the common criminal that he is. Getting credit for anything good is not in his purview.

Lastly, he will never get the Nobel peace prize, and will go to his grave knowing Obama got one and he didn't .

That seems to be a very frustrating thing for those that have their tongues firmly stuck up his asshole.
Yeah cuz moving our Embassy to the capitol of Israel, instead of leaving it where Israel's enemies want them to have it, is kissing Israel's ass.

I am ready to go to war. I want to kill the anti-American scumbags who think it's cool to threaten Ivanka Trump because we moved our embassy to the FUCKING CAPITOL OF ISRAEL.
Maybe on mars they are. Libs love regulations in America. More regs is never enough.

You are Liberals, both parties in America are Liberals.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Economic liberalism is an economic system organized on individual lines, which means the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by individualsor households rather than by collective institutions or organizations.[1] It includes a spectrum of different economic policies, such as freedom of movement, but its basis is on strong support for a market economy and private property in the means of production. Although economic liberals can also be supportive of government regulation to a certain degree, they tend to oppose government intervention in the free market when it inhibits free trade and open competition.

Liberalism - Wikipedia


The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page. (May 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
Part of a series on

Regional variants[show]
Related topics[show]

Liberalism is a political view based on liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality, internationalism and the freedoms of speech, the press, religion and markets.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Liberalism became a distinct movement in the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among Western philosophers and economists. Liberalism sought to replace the norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, the divine right of kings and traditional conservatism with representative democracy and the rule of law. Liberals also ended mercantilist policies, royal monopolies and other barriers to trade, instead promoting free markets.[11] Philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct tradition, arguing that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[12] adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. While the British liberal tradition has emphasised expanding democracy, French liberalism has emphasised rejecting authoritarianism and is linked to nation-building.[13]

You need to grow up son. There are no "real" Liberals left here, they are now "Progressives".

You both are Liberal idiots both Democrats, and Republicans.

You both are pro-Israel Zionists.
Just one is kind of Zionist (Democrats) and the other are mega-Zionists itching for WW3 (Republicans)

One is Liberals with slight Paleo-Conservative values (Republicans)

One is Liberals with slight Social-Democracy values (Democrats)

True right-wingers, or true progressives are rare in America.

Sure thing Sparky.

While most Americans are Liberals who support Israel's existence.

Republicans are actually more Liberal than Democrats.

That's what the Republican Presidential moves tell us.

1.) More illegals / Mexicans came here under Republicans, be it W Bush, or Reagan.

2.) Republicans are more for Liberalism, in that they want more loose, or less regulations of the free market.

3.) That's Liberalism again, because the free market is unpatriotic, and sells out Liberalism

4.) Gun control = Liberalism of guns.

You are mega-Liberal, mega-Zionists looking to start WW3 with Iran.

You're trapped in that little box that is your mind. Neither "party" is what it used to be. The real truth is that there are not two party's. Just one. There is ONE Political Class furthering the ILLUSION that there are two.
You are Liberals, both parties in America are Liberals.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Economic liberalism is an economic system organized on individual lines, which means the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by individualsor households rather than by collective institutions or organizations.[1] It includes a spectrum of different economic policies, such as freedom of movement, but its basis is on strong support for a market economy and private property in the means of production. Although economic liberals can also be supportive of government regulation to a certain degree, they tend to oppose government intervention in the free market when it inhibits free trade and open competition.

Liberalism - Wikipedia


The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page. (May 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
Part of a series on

Regional variants[show]
Related topics[show]

Liberalism is a political view based on liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality, internationalism and the freedoms of speech, the press, religion and markets.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Liberalism became a distinct movement in the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among Western philosophers and economists. Liberalism sought to replace the norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, the divine right of kings and traditional conservatism with representative democracy and the rule of law. Liberals also ended mercantilist policies, royal monopolies and other barriers to trade, instead promoting free markets.[11] Philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct tradition, arguing that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[12] adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. While the British liberal tradition has emphasised expanding democracy, French liberalism has emphasised rejecting authoritarianism and is linked to nation-building.[13]

You need to grow up son. There are no "real" Liberals left here, they are now "Progressives".

You both are Liberal idiots both Democrats, and Republicans.

You both are pro-Israel Zionists.
Just one is kind of Zionist (Democrats) and the other are mega-Zionists itching for WW3 (Republicans)

One is Liberals with slight Paleo-Conservative values (Republicans)

One is Liberals with slight Social-Democracy values (Democrats)

True right-wingers, or true progressives are rare in America.

Sure thing Sparky.

While most Americans are Liberals who support Israel's existence.

Republicans are actually more Liberal than Democrats.

That's what the Republican Presidential moves tell us.

1.) More illegals / Mexicans came here under Republicans, be it W Bush, or Reagan.

2.) Republicans are more for Liberalism, in that they want more loose, or less regulations of the free market.

3.) That's Liberalism again, because the free market is unpatriotic, and sells out Liberalism

4.) Gun control = Liberalism of guns.

You are mega-Liberal, mega-Zionists looking to start WW3 with Iran.

You're trapped in that little box that is your mind. Neither "party" is what it used to be. The real truth is that there are not two party's. Just one. There is ONE Political Class furthering the ILLUSION that there are two.

But, this Political Class in the U.S.A that messes up the U.S.A is definitely anti-Zionist?

Which is why they support Israel over, and over again?
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death. Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
Hey, congratulations. Maybe even more will die. So just so long as Trump doesn't get credit for something good.


There is nothing good about moving the embassy. It was an in your face provokative move. Many Israeli's and jews worldwide will pay with their lives over time for it.

But understand this. Trump is a liar, a coward, and a grifter, soon to be prosecuted as the common criminal that he is. Getting credit for anything good is not in his purview.

Lastly, he will never get the Nobel peace prize, and will go to his grave knowing Obama got one and he didn't .

That seems to be a very frustrating thing for those that have their tongues firmly stuck up his asshole.

You still slurping your Magic Negroe's ass? I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a shit about the "Nobel Prize".
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
Just brown people. It's all good: :thup:
You need to grow up son. There are no "real" Liberals left here, they are now "Progressives".

You both are Liberal idiots both Democrats, and Republicans.

You both are pro-Israel Zionists.
Just one is kind of Zionist (Democrats) and the other are mega-Zionists itching for WW3 (Republicans)

One is Liberals with slight Paleo-Conservative values (Republicans)

One is Liberals with slight Social-Democracy values (Democrats)

True right-wingers, or true progressives are rare in America.

Sure thing Sparky.

While most Americans are Liberals who support Israel's existence.

Republicans are actually more Liberal than Democrats.

That's what the Republican Presidential moves tell us.

1.) More illegals / Mexicans came here under Republicans, be it W Bush, or Reagan.

2.) Republicans are more for Liberalism, in that they want more loose, or less regulations of the free market.

3.) That's Liberalism again, because the free market is unpatriotic, and sells out Liberalism

4.) Gun control = Liberalism of guns.

You are mega-Liberal, mega-Zionists looking to start WW3 with Iran.

You're trapped in that little box that is your mind. Neither "party" is what it used to be. The real truth is that there are not two party's. Just one. There is ONE Political Class furthering the ILLUSION that there are two.

But, this Political Class in the U.S.A that messes up the U.S.A is definitely anti-Zionist?

Which is why they support Israel over, and over again?

Depends on where you want to quit thinking. The rabbit hole is deeper than you think and it ALWAYS involves money.
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