There goes Donald Trump’s Nobel peace prize (37 dead as US Jerusalem embassy opens)

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Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.

There's probably 30-40% who actually believe stupidity like this.

Of course they are forced to fight for their homes.

Or do you believe they should just hand over their country?

I'll bet you think the same thing about Americans whose land, homes, businesses trump has said he will steal.

Palestinian homes were demolished to build an embassy? :itsok: Palestinians have a country? :auiqs.jpg:

Typical Colonist argument.

Of course Palestinians are a people, but they are oppressed by Zionists without a country.

That's the problem.
Liberals are for less government regulations.

You are indeed a Liberal.

Zionism was invented by a Jew named Theodor Herzl.
Modern liberals are for more government regulation. The 18th Century liberal is extinct.

That's bogus, your Anglosphere doesn't understand political orientation,m or political dynamics.

Liberalism = Loose regulations.

That's the definition, that;'s what it is.

We know it, just Liberals calling themselves as Republicans don't know it.

That's Europe, not here in the USA.

Anglos don't understand politics, that's why in European countries they MOSTLY understand that Right-Wing is traditional values, and pro-culture, be it anti-Abortion, anti-Gay, anti-Immigrant, anti-Refugee etc. etc.

Anglos think that Right-Wing is some kind of tax cut thing.

Cutting taxes = Liberalism.

You Anglos are the Negroes that Europeans didn't want.

Cato say's it best.

Cato's Mission

Today, those who subscribe to the principles of the American Revolution — individual liberty, limited government, the free market, and the rule of law — call themselves by a variety of terms, including conservative, libertarian, classical liberal, and liberal. We see problems with all of those terms. "Conservative" smacks of an unwillingness to change, of a desire to preserve the status quo. Only in America do people seem to refer to free-market capitalism — the most progressive, dynamic, and ever-changing system the world has ever known — as conservative. Additionally, many contemporary American conservatives favor state intervention in some areas, most notably in trade and into our private lives.

"Classical liberal" is a bit closer to the mark, but the word "classical" fails to capture the contemporary vibrancy of the ideas of freedom.

"Liberal" may well be the perfect word in most of the world — the liberals in societies from China to Iran to South Africa to Argentina tend to be supporters of human rights and free markets — but its meaning has clearly been altered in the contemporary United States.

The Jeffersonian philosophy that animates Cato's work has increasingly come to be called "libertarianism" or "market liberalism." It combines an appreciation for entrepreneurship, the market process, and lower taxes with strict respect for civil liberties and skepticism about the benefits of both the welfare state and foreign military adventurism.

This vision brings the wisdom of the American Founders to bear on the problems of today. As did the Founders, it looks to the future with optimism and excitement, eager to discover what great things women and men will do in the coming century. Market liberals appreciate the complexity of a great society, recognizing that socialism and government planning are just too clumsy for the modern world. It is — or used to be — the conventional wisdom that a more complex society needs more government, but the truth is just the opposite. The simpler the society, the less damage government planning does. Planning is cumbersome in an agricultural society, costly in an industrial economy, and impossible in the information age. Today collectivism and planning are outmoded and backward, a drag on social progress.

Libertarians have a cosmopolitan, inclusive vision for society. We applaud the progressive extension of the promises of the Declaration of Independence to more people, especially to women, African-Americans, religious minorities, and gay and lesbian people. Our greatest challenge today is to continue to extend the promise of political freedom and economic opportunity to those who are still denied it, in our own country and around the world.

Americans clearly don't understand political orientation, nor do they understand political dynamics.

A.) Israel is Liberal, and has Nukes, while Iran is Right Wing, and does not have Nukes.

B.) The Founding Fathers had Corporation charters, the Corporations were at the mercy of government to get their charters.

C.) Thus the Founding Father's weren't Capitalists.

D.) Capitalism is actually loosening of regulations, thus they are Liberalism.

E.) Capitalism actually sells out to the Liberal agenda, look at Illegals standing in front of Capitalist Home Depot waiting for work by Contractor Capitalists, and then Home Depot sells out to Liberalism by allowing for Spanish signs to pander to the Illegals.

A + B + C + D + E = Americans are Liberal, Capitalist, Zionists who don't know shit about political orientation, nor political dynamics.
Modern liberals are for more government regulation. The 18th Century liberal is extinct.

That's bogus, your Anglosphere doesn't understand political orientation,m or political dynamics.

Liberalism = Loose regulations.

That's the definition, that;'s what it is.

We know it, just Liberals calling themselves as Republicans don't know it.

That's Europe, not here in the USA.

Anglos don't understand politics, that's why in European countries they MOSTLY understand that Right-Wing is traditional values, and pro-culture, be it anti-Abortion, anti-Gay, anti-Immigrant, anti-Refugee etc. etc.

Anglos think that Right-Wing is some kind of tax cut thing.

Cutting taxes = Liberalism.

You Anglos are the Negroes that Europeans didn't want.

Cato say's it best.

Cato's Mission

Today, those who subscribe to the principles of the American Revolution — individual liberty, limited government, the free market, and the rule of law — call themselves by a variety of terms, including conservative, libertarian, classical liberal, and liberal. We see problems with all of those terms. "Conservative" smacks of an unwillingness to change, of a desire to preserve the status quo. Only in America do people seem to refer to free-market capitalism — the most progressive, dynamic, and ever-changing system the world has ever known — as conservative. Additionally, many contemporary American conservatives favor state intervention in some areas, most notably in trade and into our private lives.

"Classical liberal" is a bit closer to the mark, but the word "classical" fails to capture the contemporary vibrancy of the ideas of freedom.

"Liberal" may well be the perfect word in most of the world — the liberals in societies from China to Iran to South Africa to Argentina tend to be supporters of human rights and free markets — but its meaning has clearly been altered in the contemporary United States.

The Jeffersonian philosophy that animates Cato's work has increasingly come to be called "libertarianism" or "market liberalism." It combines an appreciation for entrepreneurship, the market process, and lower taxes with strict respect for civil liberties and skepticism about the benefits of both the welfare state and foreign military adventurism.

This vision brings the wisdom of the American Founders to bear on the problems of today. As did the Founders, it looks to the future with optimism and excitement, eager to discover what great things women and men will do in the coming century. Market liberals appreciate the complexity of a great society, recognizing that socialism and government planning are just too clumsy for the modern world. It is — or used to be — the conventional wisdom that a more complex society needs more government, but the truth is just the opposite. The simpler the society, the less damage government planning does. Planning is cumbersome in an agricultural society, costly in an industrial economy, and impossible in the information age. Today collectivism and planning are outmoded and backward, a drag on social progress.

Libertarians have a cosmopolitan, inclusive vision for society. We applaud the progressive extension of the promises of the Declaration of Independence to more people, especially to women, African-Americans, religious minorities, and gay and lesbian people. Our greatest challenge today is to continue to extend the promise of political freedom and economic opportunity to those who are still denied it, in our own country and around the world.

Americans clearly don't understand political orientation, nor do they understand political dynamics.

A.) Israel is Liberal, and has Nukes, while Iran is Right Wing, and does not have Nukes.

B.) The Founding Fathers had Corporation charters, the Corporations were at the mercy of government to get their charters.

C.) Thus the Founding Father's weren't Capitalists.

D.) Capitalism is actually loosening of regulations, thus they are Liberalism.

E.) Capitalism actually sells out to the Liberal agenda, look at Illegals standing in front of Capitalist Home Depot waiting for work by Contractor Capitalists, and then Home Depot sells out to Liberalism by allowing for Spanish signs to pander to the Illegals.

A + B + C + D + E = Americans are Liberal, Capitalist, Zionists who don't know shit about political orientation, nor political dynamics.

Do the world a favor, kill yourself. You are terminally stupid.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
Why is the Imperial Cheeto responsible for what insane Muzzie jihadists do?
A.) So, you're saying Jewish lives are more important?

B.) So, you're saying it's more wrong to go far away from Spain, and kill Native who did nothing to them, than for Eastern Europeans to kll Jews causing trouble in their own nations?

No, you sap. I'm saying the sins of the father (or in this case great great.....grandfather) have nothing to do with today's generation unless they embrace the ideals of those prior generations such as systematic genocide or that one race is inherently superior to another based on some physical attribute.

Zionism = Genocide.

Your great, great, grandfather supported genocide on Natives.

You however support genocide on Palestinians.

Nah, he was unknowingly a bio-weapon. Any Pogrom leaders in your tree?

Again, you have no standing to profess my position on anything.

The big difference is this.

It was the Eastern European nations, they went after Jews who were a problem.

It was the Palestinian nation, they (The Jewish Zionists) who went after Palestinians who weren't a problem to them other than standing in the way of their greed, and looting, and shooting.

It was the Colonists , they who went after Native American who weren't a problem to them other than standing in the way of their greed, and looting, and shooting.

No the Jews were the scapegoats on both continents. After Arab Muslims lies started a new wave of Pogroms against the immigrants in Palestine, they weren't going to take it. They formed their own defense league and fought back against both the Arabs as well as the British.

There were no colonist. It was Americans who did it. We are not all British. But, so what? History is full of stories like that. We are truly in the beginning of modern civilization, well we in the West, not too sure about the Eastern EuroSnowFlakes. The UN wasn't established till after WWII.

LOL @ you trying to justify Colonists, but not Pogroms.

1.) If Jews are a scapegoat, so have lots of others been scapegoats, including Palestinians by Zionist Jews
, or Native Americans, or Blacks, or Catholics among others in the U.S.A.

2.) America is more like the beginning of the end of modern civilization. due to Liberalism of race, which has been imposed on Europe too mostly by America who enforces Multi-culturalism upon Europe.
the Zionists screech Anti-Semite, Nazi, if you resist, and fight for us.

3.) The start of the Renaissance is the start of Modern Civilization, it was mostly White Catholics like DaVinci, Copernicus, Gallileo, MichelAngelo, Albert Brudzewski, Descartes, Pascal, Joseph Struthius, Pierre Gassendi, Marin Mersseni, Nicholas Steno, or Michal Sedziwoj.

These same White Catholics are the real-Right Wing against Multiculturalism today.

Unlike the Zionist cucks in the U.S.A.
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That's bogus, your Anglosphere doesn't understand political orientation,m or political dynamics.

Liberalism = Loose regulations.

That's the definition, that;'s what it is.

We know it, just Liberals calling themselves as Republicans don't know it.

That's Europe, not here in the USA.

Anglos don't understand politics, that's why in European countries they MOSTLY understand that Right-Wing is traditional values, and pro-culture, be it anti-Abortion, anti-Gay, anti-Immigrant, anti-Refugee etc. etc.

Anglos think that Right-Wing is some kind of tax cut thing.

Cutting taxes = Liberalism.

You Anglos are the Negroes that Europeans didn't want.

Cato say's it best.

Cato's Mission

Today, those who subscribe to the principles of the American Revolution — individual liberty, limited government, the free market, and the rule of law — call themselves by a variety of terms, including conservative, libertarian, classical liberal, and liberal. We see problems with all of those terms. "Conservative" smacks of an unwillingness to change, of a desire to preserve the status quo. Only in America do people seem to refer to free-market capitalism — the most progressive, dynamic, and ever-changing system the world has ever known — as conservative. Additionally, many contemporary American conservatives favor state intervention in some areas, most notably in trade and into our private lives.

"Classical liberal" is a bit closer to the mark, but the word "classical" fails to capture the contemporary vibrancy of the ideas of freedom.

"Liberal" may well be the perfect word in most of the world — the liberals in societies from China to Iran to South Africa to Argentina tend to be supporters of human rights and free markets — but its meaning has clearly been altered in the contemporary United States.

The Jeffersonian philosophy that animates Cato's work has increasingly come to be called "libertarianism" or "market liberalism." It combines an appreciation for entrepreneurship, the market process, and lower taxes with strict respect for civil liberties and skepticism about the benefits of both the welfare state and foreign military adventurism.

This vision brings the wisdom of the American Founders to bear on the problems of today. As did the Founders, it looks to the future with optimism and excitement, eager to discover what great things women and men will do in the coming century. Market liberals appreciate the complexity of a great society, recognizing that socialism and government planning are just too clumsy for the modern world. It is — or used to be — the conventional wisdom that a more complex society needs more government, but the truth is just the opposite. The simpler the society, the less damage government planning does. Planning is cumbersome in an agricultural society, costly in an industrial economy, and impossible in the information age. Today collectivism and planning are outmoded and backward, a drag on social progress.

Libertarians have a cosmopolitan, inclusive vision for society. We applaud the progressive extension of the promises of the Declaration of Independence to more people, especially to women, African-Americans, religious minorities, and gay and lesbian people. Our greatest challenge today is to continue to extend the promise of political freedom and economic opportunity to those who are still denied it, in our own country and around the world.

Americans clearly don't understand political orientation, nor do they understand political dynamics.

A.) Israel is Liberal, and has Nukes, while Iran is Right Wing, and does not have Nukes.

B.) The Founding Fathers had Corporation charters, the Corporations were at the mercy of government to get their charters.

C.) Thus the Founding Father's weren't Capitalists.

D.) Capitalism is actually loosening of regulations, thus they are Liberalism.

E.) Capitalism actually sells out to the Liberal agenda, look at Illegals standing in front of Capitalist Home Depot waiting for work by Contractor Capitalists, and then Home Depot sells out to Liberalism by allowing for Spanish signs to pander to the Illegals.

A + B + C + D + E = Americans are Liberal, Capitalist, Zionists who don't know shit about political orientation, nor political dynamics.

Do the world a favor, kill yourself. You are terminally stupid.

Americans really don't understand politics, it's no wonder why they think out of 2 enemies of Israel, and Iran, they think the one with Nukes (Israel) should be supported in need, rather than the one with no Nukes (Iran)
What if Trump brings peace to the middle east by destroying Iran and bringing the rest of radical Islam to heel? Because you had better believe that this is the plan. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem wasn't some blunder as has been depicted. It is an orchestrated move meant to provoke. The US, Israel and the Saudis obviously have something cooking. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what. If successful, and don't rule that out, just imagine the adulation that will be heaped on Trump. This is only the beginning of this story.
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.

There's probably 30-40% who actually believe stupidity like this.

Of course they are forced to fight for their homes.

Or do you believe they should just hand over their country?

I'll bet you think the same thing about Americans whose land, homes, businesses trump has said he will steal.

Remove Hamas and there is peace in the Gaza.

The left are losing their damn minds. HELLO the US supports Israel since when is that something new? What do the Palestinians care where we put our embassy. Okay if we demolished a Muslim holy site to build our embassy then maybe they would have something rational to bitch about.

The U.S.A support of Israel isn't something new, it's still something stupid, however.
A.) So, you're saying Jewish lives are more important?

B.) So, you're saying it's more wrong to go far away from Spain, and kill Native who did nothing to them, than for Eastern Europeans to kll Jews causing trouble in their own nations?

No, you sap. I'm saying the sins of the father (or in this case great great.....grandfather) have nothing to do with today's generation unless they embrace the ideals of those prior generations such as systematic genocide or that one race is inherently superior to another based on some physical attribute.

Zionism = Genocide.

Your great, great, grandfather supported genocide on Natives.

You however support genocide on Palestinians.

Nah, he was unknowingly a bio-weapon. Any Pogrom leaders in your tree?

Again, you have no standing to profess my position on anything.

The big difference is this.

It was the Eastern European nations, they went after Jews who were a problem.

It was the Palestinian nation, they (The Jewish Zionists) who went after Palestinians who weren't a problem to them other than standing in the way of their greed, and looting, and shooting.

It was the Colonists , they who went after Native American who weren't a problem to them other than standing in the way of their greed, and looting, and shooting.
Eastern EuroSnowFlakes.

The guy who founded the term snowflake was of an Eastern European (Ukrainian) background of one Chuck Palahniuk

Most of the best White fighters are either White Catholics, or Eastern Europeans.

Zionist Anglos, and Zionist Jews?
Hardly, any.

Yet, you call us "Snowflakes"?

Zionists are weaklings.
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.

There's probably 30-40% who actually believe stupidity like this.

Of course they are forced to fight for their homes.

Or do you believe they should just hand over their country?

I'll bet you think the same thing about Americans whose land, homes, businesses trump has said he will steal.

Palestinian homes were demolished to build an embassy? :itsok: Palestinians have a country? :auiqs.jpg:

Typical Colonist argument.

Of course Palestinians are a people, but they are oppressed by Zionists without a country.

That's the problem.

They fired over 25,000 rockets at Israel killing women and children and they were not bombed off the face of the earth so how oppressed are they really? If they fired 25,000 rockets into the U.S.A. they would be a sheet of melted nuclear glass.
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.

There's probably 30-40% who actually believe stupidity like this.

Of course they are forced to fight for their homes.

Or do you believe they should just hand over their country?

I'll bet you think the same thing about Americans whose land, homes, businesses trump has said he will steal.

Remove Hamas and there is peace in the Gaza.

The left are losing their damn minds. HELLO the US supports Israel since when is that something new? What do the Palestinians care where we put our embassy. Okay if we demolished a Muslim holy site to build our embassy then maybe they would have something rational to bitch about.

The U.S.A support of Israel isn't something new, it's still something stupid, however.

Meh, the rest of those people in the middle east hate our guts, hence the word ally.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.

This should help speed the process of peace.
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.

There's probably 30-40% who actually believe stupidity like this.

Of course they are forced to fight for their homes.

Or do you believe they should just hand over their country?

I'll bet you think the same thing about Americans whose land, homes, businesses trump has said he will steal.

Palestinian homes were demolished to build an embassy? :itsok: Palestinians have a country? :auiqs.jpg:

Typical Colonist argument.

Of course Palestinians are a people, but they are oppressed by Zionists without a country.

That's the problem.

They fired over 25,000 rockets at Israel killing women and children and they were not bombed off the face of the earth so how oppressed are they really? If they fired 25,000 rockets into the U.S.A. they would be a sheet of melted nuclear glass.

If Israel has a right to defend themselves, so do the Palestinians.

It's not America's responsibility.
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.

There's probably 30-40% who actually believe stupidity like this.

Of course they are forced to fight for their homes.

Or do you believe they should just hand over their country?

I'll bet you think the same thing about Americans whose land, homes, businesses trump has said he will steal.

Remove Hamas and there is peace in the Gaza.

The left are losing their damn minds. HELLO the US supports Israel since when is that something new? What do the Palestinians care where we put our embassy. Okay if we demolished a Muslim holy site to build our embassy then maybe they would have something rational to bitch about.

The U.S.A support of Israel isn't something new, it's still something stupid, however.

Meh, the rest of those people in the middle east hate our guts, hence the word ally.

Israel gets money from the U.S.A, and the Muslim World gets wars, and sanctions.

Yet, no, not at all.

Israel hasn't been anymore of an ally than say Iran individually, or Palestine individually.
You have shown yourself to be a hateful bigot. You are completely ignorant of history, side with incest savages that use their children as shields and do not seek peace.

And hey, moron, they have pontificated this point themselves at length.

"The Palestinian people does not exist. ... In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan ... cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."

PLO leader Zuheir Mohsen tells the truth in 1977 about the invention of "Palestine"

Bottle rockets and rocks vs Israeli bombers and tanks isn't a fair fight my friend.

High time we end the 3 billion dollar welfare payment to Bibi which results in little other than death and destruction.




That makes no sense. There is no connection between US aid to Israel and the conflict with the terrorist gangs who rule the Palestinians. US aid is intended to preserve peace between Israel and the Arab states, which it has largely done, and peace between Israel and the Palestinians can only come after there are deep reforms in the culture of the Palestinians.

Peace can only come after the eradication of a primitive, backwards religion.
The Third World Is the Enemy of Our Species

The Neanderthal didn't die out; they were killed off. Just sayin'.
The Neanderthal were killed off by a volcanic eruption; almost did the human race in, too.
Except for the ones who were rolling in the hay with our ancestors.

Why Am I Neanderthal?
Jerusalem is a disputed territory by doing so we recognize that Israel has the right to occupyJerusalem. That's why the whole world is telling not to do...but since we are Israel's bitch , we did it and we open hall on ourselves.
how do we do that exactly? yell at the crowd of palestinians daily or something? I mean it's fking people in a building. that are american.
Just dont be surprised when you see Americans are killed all over the world and American interest is ambushed. We are thr only that backs Israel's crimes and get surprised when we get fucked.
they do today, why would it be different? how many americans are held in North Korea? do you know?
Why do we have to get hurt to protect a rogue like Israel? Why do we give them billions and not take care of our own? Why are always the only that protect their crimes?
why did we lose tens of thousands in WW2? You want their deaths to mean nothing?
Apples and oranges. Now we backing an evil force and the world is watching.
how do we do that exactly? yell at the crowd of palestinians daily or something? I mean it's fking people in a building. that are american.
Just dont be surprised when you see Americans are killed all over the world and American interest is ambushed. We are thr only that backs Israel's crimes and get surprised when we get fucked.
they do today, why would it be different? how many americans are held in North Korea? do you know?
Why do we have to get hurt to protect a rogue like Israel? Why do we give them billions and not take care of our own? Why are always the only that protect their crimes?
why did we lose tens of thousands in WW2? You want their deaths to mean nothing?
didn't we sacrifice our men to save Jews?
So did muslims on 2 occasions by the way and so did other xicilisations. The Israelis now are massacering the Palestinians and your are helping them in that.
by that logic, Obama deserved his Nobel prize because he didn’t force anyone to riot. Dumbass.

Its an embassy location dummy, its not worth those morons losing their life over.
You just made a fool of yourself. Moving thr embassy has many ramifications...the US is going against 1.7 billion muslims on not a Palestinian matter is a Muslim one.
how is our moving the address of our embassy hurting Palestinians?
Jerusalem is a disputed territory by doing so we recognize that Israel has the right to occupyJerusalem. That's why the whole world is telling not to do...but since we are Israel's bitch , we did it and we open hall on ourselves.

No, by doing so, we recognize that Jerusalem is disputed territory and make ourselves finally ACTUALLY neutral. Or did you not know that we already maintain a diplomatic building in Jerusalem for the purposes of dealing with the Palestinians?

Oh, but that doesn't fit with your anti-Semitic, "abuse the Jews or you're their bitch" narrative, does it?
So the Israelis are killing the Palestinians and you gonna use the anti semitic card?
I'm done.
Its an embassy location dummy, its not worth those morons losing their life over.
You just made a fool of yourself. Moving thr embassy has many ramifications...the US is going against 1.7 billion muslims on not a Palestinian matter is a Muslim one.
how is our moving the address of our embassy hurting Palestinians?
Jerusalem is a disputed territory by doing so we recognize that Israel has the right to occupyJerusalem. That's why the whole world is telling not to do...but since we are Israel's bitch , we did it and we open hall on ourselves.

No, by doing so, we recognize that Jerusalem is disputed territory and make ourselves finally ACTUALLY neutral. Or did you not know that we already maintain a diplomatic building in Jerusalem for the purposes of dealing with the Palestinians?

Oh, but that doesn't fit with your anti-Semitic, "abuse the Jews or you're their bitch" narrative, does it?
In fact, the western part of the city where the US embassy is located is not disputed territory, not even by the PLO, which is what makes opposition to the move so bizarre.
Sweet heart thr whole of Israel as we know is disputed...there Jews, muslims and others in all of that region....the Zionists and took most of it, kicked millions out of their homes and brought millions in.
One thing j can assure you things will change the US won't be there forever empowering them and the Muslim world won't stand watching forever will be so ugly, uglier than what we see now.
Trump alone is responsible for the deaths of the first 37 people. His rejection of the Realpolitik is once again an example of his inability to consider the consequences of his decisions, or his desire to create chaos at all cost.

His base will love him, and the rest of the world will wonder how much more damage and death will follow him in his wake. Will terrorism follow this ill fated action, and will Trump's culpability for a dozen or more Benghazi's follow?

[Did anyone else quiver in the boots/slippers who heard the incantation by the preacher? IMO, Politics at its worst!]
This is what happens when ideologues blindly follow their ideology, moving the US embassy to Jerusalem is an example of that.

Relocating the embassy was a mistake – reckless and irresponsible, in addition to undermining any chance for peace.
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