There goes Donald Trump’s Nobel peace prize (37 dead as US Jerusalem embassy opens)

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As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.

What a stunningly stupid summary of events in Israel. Let us all forget that this was a commitment that begun with Bill Clinton and was kicked down the road repeatedly. Let us forget the deadliest days in the Palestinian-terror campaign was under Obama.

Let us forget that Palestine is a country that criminalizes, jails and kills gays. Let us forget that Palestine is a terror state that routinely targets civilian centers and uses their schools as shields while lobbing missiles at the Jews.

You are a simple minded, obsessed and seething with hatred for a president and will look for and celebrate any opportunity to denigrate his successes. You also share a deep and passionate hatred of America and Trump, which ties you in solidarity with Palestinian bigots.

Keep it up though, I love it. You and your ilk in the media are desensitizing the American public to the constant sky-is-falling predictions of doom and gloom that you so desperately want others to believe about the president, and all but ensuring a 2020 Trump White House.
There was no "commitment". Bill Clinton spent 8 years in the White House and did not move the embassy to Jerusalem. Stop making shit up, Trump lover.

That's rather the point. Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, but Bill Clinton was too chickenshit to act on it.
No one acted on it because they wanted to give the ongoing oeace processes a chance to work first.
There is no ongoing peace process. The Palestinians don't want peace. They want to destroy Israel.
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.
by that logic, Obama deserved his Nobel prize because he didn’t force anyone to riot. Dumbass.

Its an embassy location dummy, its not worth those morons losing their life over.

Who are you to judge the value of their lives?

I would think that the people pissing away their lives over nothing would know their value quite well.

And hopefully they are correct, and no one who's life was worth shit, died.
You both are Liberal idiots both Democrats, and Republicans.

You both are pro-Israel Zionists.
Just one is kind of Zionist (Democrats) and the other are mega-Zionists itching for WW3 (Republicans)

One is Liberals with slight Paleo-Conservative values (Republicans)

One is Liberals with slight Social-Democracy values (Democrats)

True right-wingers, or true progressives are rare in America.

Sure thing Sparky.

While most Americans are Liberals who support Israel's existence.

Republicans are actually more Liberal than Democrats.

That's what the Republican Presidential moves tell us.

1.) More illegals / Mexicans came here under Republicans, be it W Bush, or Reagan.

2.) Republicans are more for Liberalism, in that they want more loose, or less regulations of the free market.

3.) That's Liberalism again, because the free market is unpatriotic, and sells out Liberalism

4.) Gun control = Liberalism of guns.

You are mega-Liberal, mega-Zionists looking to start WW3 with Iran.

You're trapped in that little box that is your mind. Neither "party" is what it used to be. The real truth is that there are not two party's. Just one. There is ONE Political Class furthering the ILLUSION that there are two.

But, this Political Class in the U.S.A that messes up the U.S.A is definitely anti-Zionist?

Which is why they support Israel over, and over again?

Depends on where you want to quit thinking. The rabbit hole is deeper than you think and it ALWAYS involves money.

In America, sure, Zionists think Jews are more profitable, and also hold more political motivations.

That's why I also don't believe the official Nazi stance on some websites of it's 100% Jews.

Poland was 10% Jewish in the 1930's and was an anti-Jewish government.

The U.S.A is 3% Jewish today, and it's a pro-Jewish government.

It's really like Zionist Stockholm Syndrome.

The Zionists couldn't do it without their Gentile Accomplices.
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.

There's probably 30-40% who actually believe stupidity like this.

Of course they are forced to fight for their homes.

Or do you believe they should just hand over their country?

I'll bet you think the same thing about Americans whose land, homes, businesses trump has said he will steal.
Sure thing Sparky.

While most Americans are Liberals who support Israel's existence.

Republicans are actually more Liberal than Democrats.

That's what the Republican Presidential moves tell us.

1.) More illegals / Mexicans came here under Republicans, be it W Bush, or Reagan.

2.) Republicans are more for Liberalism, in that they want more loose, or less regulations of the free market.

3.) That's Liberalism again, because the free market is unpatriotic, and sells out Liberalism

4.) Gun control = Liberalism of guns.

You are mega-Liberal, mega-Zionists looking to start WW3 with Iran.

You're trapped in that little box that is your mind. Neither "party" is what it used to be. The real truth is that there are not two party's. Just one. There is ONE Political Class furthering the ILLUSION that there are two.

But, this Political Class in the U.S.A that messes up the U.S.A is definitely anti-Zionist?

Which is why they support Israel over, and over again?

Depends on where you want to quit thinking. The rabbit hole is deeper than you think and it ALWAYS involves money.

In America, sure, Zionists think Jews are more profitable, and also hold more political motivations.

That's why I also don't believe the official Nazi stance on some websites of it's 100% Jews.

Poland was 10% Jewish in the 1930's and was an anti-Jewish government.

The U.S.A is 3% Jewish today, and it's a pro-Jewish government.

It's really like Zionist Stockholm Syndrome.

The Zionists couldn't do it without their Gentile Accomplices.

LOL. You should look into who financed the Nazi's. They financed BOTH sides of the same War. Some of America's most notable participants were Prescott Bush, The Carnegie Family, Henry Ford and JP Morgan.....oh yes...and let's not forget Old Je Kennedy. I can give you more....but baby steps kid, baby steps.
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.

There's probably 30-40% who actually believe stupidity like this.

Of course they are forced to fight for their homes.

Or do you believe they should just hand over their country?

I'll bet you think the same thing about Americans whose land, homes, businesses trump has said he will steal.

Remove Hamas and there is peace in the Gaza.
You can speak for yourself but you have no right to speak for me. My ancestors killed off the fucking Indians, they didn't try and kill all the Jews like the Eastern Eurotrash did in the past few centuries.

A.) So, you're saying Jewish lives are more important?

B.) So, you're saying it's more wrong to go far away from Spain, and kill Native who did nothing to them, than for Eastern Europeans to kll Jews causing trouble in their own nations?

No, you sap. I'm saying the sins of the father (or in this case great great.....grandfather) have nothing to do with today's generation unless they embrace the ideals of those prior generations such as systematic genocide or that one race is inherently superior to another based on some physical attribute.

Zionism = Genocide.

Your great, great, grandfather supported genocide on Natives.

You however support genocide on Palestinians.

Nah, he was unknowingly a bio-weapon. Any Pogrom leaders in your tree?

Again, you have no standing to profess my position on anything.

The big difference is this.

It was the Eastern European nations, they went after Jews who were a problem.

It was the Palestinian nation, they (The Jewish Zionists) who went after Palestinians who weren't a problem to them other than standing in the way of their greed, and looting, and shooting.

It was the Colonists , they who went after Native American who weren't a problem to them other than standing in the way of their greed, and looting, and shooting.

No the Jews were the scapegoats on both continents. After Arab Muslims lies started a new wave of Pogroms against the immigrants in Palestine, they weren't going to take it. They formed their own defense league and fought back against both the Arabs as well as the British.

There were no colonist. It was Americans who did it. We are not all British. But, so what? History is full of stories like that. We are truly in the beginning of modern civilization, well we in the West, not too sure about the Eastern EuroSnowFlakes. The UN wasn't established till after WWII.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.

What a stunningly stupid summary of events in Israel. Let us all forget that this was a commitment that begun with Bill Clinton and was kicked down the road repeatedly. Let us forget the deadliest days in the Palestinian-terror campaign was under Obama.

Let us forget that Palestine is a country that criminalizes, jails and kills gays. Let us forget that Palestine is a terror state that routinely targets civilian centers and uses their schools as shields while lobbing missiles at the Jews.

You are a simple minded, obsessed and seething with hatred for a president and will look for and celebrate any opportunity to denigrate his successes. You also share a deep and passionate hatred of America and Trump, which ties you in solidarity with Palestinian bigots.

Keep it up though, I love it. You and your ilk in the media are desensitizing the American public to the constant sky-is-falling predictions of doom and gloom that you so desperately want others to believe about the president, and all but ensuring a 2020 Trump White House.
There was no "commitment". Bill Clinton spent 8 years in the White House and did not move the embassy to Jerusalem. Stop making shit up, Trump lover.

That's rather the point. Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, but Bill Clinton was too chickenshit to act on it.
No one acted on it because they wanted to give the ongoing oeace processes a chance to work first.

No, they just didn't want to paint a target on themselves by coming down on either side. So they just kicked the can down the road for someone else to deal with. And now someone has, and you can see why they didn't want to put themselves at Ground Zero.

Good luck with that, european mudsucker. We served the nazis and we'll serve your ilk as well.

I don't want Muslims in my nation, or Anglos, or Jews, or anything else.

I also don't want anyone to be killed, killed, and killed, over, and over again.

In both cases the Jews, and Anglos are the #1 problem.

You bring in the Muds, and you kill, kill, and kill more for Zionist Jews.

I give up.

I have no idea what your ideology is. It's not American, though, and therefore, my interest is waning..waning...kaput.
He's a neo-Nazi, literally.

You're a Liberal Zionist.
I'm not liberal, and "Zionist" is a word bigots use to refer to Jews.

Damn and I was getting your welcome basket of Gov. handouts ready.........
A.) So, you're saying Jewish lives are more important?

B.) So, you're saying it's more wrong to go far away from Spain, and kill Native who did nothing to them, than for Eastern Europeans to kll Jews causing trouble in their own nations?

No, you sap. I'm saying the sins of the father (or in this case great great.....grandfather) have nothing to do with today's generation unless they embrace the ideals of those prior generations such as systematic genocide or that one race is inherently superior to another based on some physical attribute.

Zionism = Genocide.

Your great, great, grandfather supported genocide on Natives.

You however support genocide on Palestinians.

Nah, he was unknowingly a bio-weapon. Any Pogrom leaders in your tree?

Again, you have no standing to profess my position on anything.

The big difference is this.

It was the Eastern European nations, they went after Jews who were a problem.

It was the Palestinian nation, they (The Jewish Zionists) who went after Palestinians who weren't a problem to them other than standing in the way of their greed, and looting, and shooting.

It was the Colonists , they who went after Native American who weren't a problem to them other than standing in the way of their greed, and looting, and shooting.

No the Jews were the scapegoats on both continents. After Arab Muslims lies started a new wave of Pogroms against the immigrants in Palestine, they weren't going to take it. They formed their own defense league and fought back against both the Arabs as well as the British.

There were no colonist. It was Americans who did it. We are not all British. But, so what? History is full of stories like that. We are truly in the beginning of modern civilization, well we in the West, not too sure about the Eastern EuroSnowFlakes. The UN wasn't established till after WWII.

And ironically, Arabs are the fastest growing demographic of the Israeli population. I don't know what the far right Likud party is going to do in another 20 years when Liberal Jews and Arabs control the Kinneset.

Or for that matter what American evangelical fanatics are going to do, if that new majority dashes any hope of the second coming.
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.
by that logic, Obama deserved his Nobel prize because he didn’t force anyone to riot. Dumbass.

Its an embassy location dummy, its not worth those morons losing their life over.

Who are you to judge the value of their lives?

I would think that the people pissing away their lives over nothing would know their value quite well.

And hopefully they are correct, and no one who's life was worth shit, died.

Do you even know what an embassy is? :itsok:
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.

There's probably 30-40% who actually believe stupidity like this.

Of course they are forced to fight for their homes.

Or do you believe they should just hand over their country?

I'll bet you think the same thing about Americans whose land, homes, businesses trump has said he will steal.

Palestinian homes were demolished to build an embassy? :itsok: Palestinians have a country? :auiqs.jpg:
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.

There's probably 30-40% who actually believe stupidity like this.

Of course they are forced to fight for their homes.

Or do you believe they should just hand over their country?

I'll bet you think the same thing about Americans whose land, homes, businesses trump has said he will steal.

Remove Hamas and there is peace in the Gaza.

The left are losing their damn minds. HELLO the US supports Israel since when is that something new? What do the Palestinians care where we put our embassy. Okay if we demolished a Muslim holy site to build our embassy then maybe they would have something rational to bitch about.
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.
by that logic, Obama deserved his Nobel prize because he didn’t force anyone to riot. Dumbass.

Its an embassy location dummy, its not worth those morons losing their life over.

Who are you to judge the value of their lives?

I would think that the people pissing away their lives over nothing would know their value quite well.

And hopefully they are correct, and no one who's life
was worth shit, died.

Do you even know what an embassy is? :itsok:

Sure, it's an office building.

Do you have any idea how utterly worthless those Palestinians lives could be?

You are being completely unfair. YOu have no reason to doubt their cost benefit analysis of this.

Their choice to piss their lives away, over an office building, might be the completely logical and rational call.
I'm not liberal, and "Zionist" is a word bigots use to refer to Jews.

Liberals are for less government regulations.

You are indeed a Liberal.

Zionism was invented by a Jew named Theodor Herzl.
Modern liberals are for more government regulation. The 18th Century liberal is extinct.

That's bogus, your Anglosphere doesn't understand political orientation,m or political dynamics.

Liberalism = Loose regulations.

That's the definition, that;'s what it is.

We know it, just Liberals calling themselves as Republicans don't know it.

That's Europe, not here in the USA.

Anglos don't understand politics, that's why in European countries they MOSTLY understand that Right-Wing is traditional values, and pro-culture, be it anti-Abortion, anti-Gay, anti-Immigrant, anti-Refugee etc. etc.

Anglos think that Right-Wing is some kind of tax cut thing.

Cutting taxes = Liberalism.

You Anglos are the Negroes that Europeans didn't want.

Cato say's it best.

Cato's Mission

Today, those who subscribe to the principles of the American Revolution — individual liberty, limited government, the free market, and the rule of law — call themselves by a variety of terms, including conservative, libertarian, classical liberal, and liberal. We see problems with all of those terms. "Conservative" smacks of an unwillingness to change, of a desire to preserve the status quo. Only in America do people seem to refer to free-market capitalism — the most progressive, dynamic, and ever-changing system the world has ever known — as conservative. Additionally, many contemporary American conservatives favor state intervention in some areas, most notably in trade and into our private lives.

"Classical liberal" is a bit closer to the mark, but the word "classical" fails to capture the contemporary vibrancy of the ideas of freedom.

"Liberal" may well be the perfect word in most of the world — the liberals in societies from China to Iran to South Africa to Argentina tend to be supporters of human rights and free markets — but its meaning has clearly been altered in the contemporary United States.

The Jeffersonian philosophy that animates Cato's work has increasingly come to be called "libertarianism" or "market liberalism." It combines an appreciation for entrepreneurship, the market process, and lower taxes with strict respect for civil liberties and skepticism about the benefits of both the welfare state and foreign military adventurism.

This vision brings the wisdom of the American Founders to bear on the problems of today. As did the Founders, it looks to the future with optimism and excitement, eager to discover what great things women and men will do in the coming century. Market liberals appreciate the complexity of a great society, recognizing that socialism and government planning are just too clumsy for the modern world. It is — or used to be — the conventional wisdom that a more complex society needs more government, but the truth is just the opposite. The simpler the society, the less damage government planning does. Planning is cumbersome in an agricultural society, costly in an industrial economy, and impossible in the information age. Today collectivism and planning are outmoded and backward, a drag on social progress.

Libertarians have a cosmopolitan, inclusive vision for society. We applaud the progressive extension of the promises of the Declaration of Independence to more people, especially to women, African-Americans, religious minorities, and gay and lesbian people. Our greatest challenge today is to continue to extend the promise of political freedom and economic opportunity to those who are still denied it, in our own country and around the world.
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.

There's probably 30-40% who actually believe stupidity like this.

Of course they are forced to fight for their homes.

Or do you believe they should just hand over their country?

I'll bet you think the same thing about Americans whose land, homes, businesses trump has said he will steal.

Remove Hamas and there is peace in the Gaza.

The left are losing their damn minds. HELLO the US supports Israel since when is that something new? What do the Palestinians care where we put our embassy. Okay if we demolished a Muslim holy site to build our embassy then maybe they would have something rational to bitch about.
They don't, Hamas (Iran) does.
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.
by that logic, Obama deserved his Nobel prize because he didn’t force anyone to riot. Dumbass.

Its an embassy location dummy, its not worth those morons losing their life over.

Who are you to judge the value of their lives?

I would think that the people pissing away their lives over nothing would know their value quite well.

And hopefully they are correct, and no one who's life
was worth shit, died.

Do you even know what an embassy is? :itsok:

Sure, it's an office building.

Do you have any idea how utterly worthless those Palestinians lives could be?

You are being completely unfair. YOu have no reason to doubt their cost benefit analysis of this.

Their choice to piss their lives away, over an office building, might be the completely logical and rational call.

LMAO cost benefit analysis, okay crazy person :cuckoo:
No, you sap. I'm saying the sins of the father (or in this case great great.....grandfather) have nothing to do with today's generation unless they embrace the ideals of those prior generations such as systematic genocide or that one race is inherently superior to another based on some physical attribute.

Zionism = Genocide.

Your great, great, grandfather supported genocide on Natives.

You however support genocide on Palestinians.

Nah, he was unknowingly a bio-weapon. Any Pogrom leaders in your tree?

Again, you have no standing to profess my position on anything.

The big difference is this.

It was the Eastern European nations, they went after Jews who were a problem.

It was the Palestinian nation, they (The Jewish Zionists) who went after Palestinians who weren't a problem to them other than standing in the way of their greed, and looting, and shooting.

It was the Colonists , they who went after Native American who weren't a problem to them other than standing in the way of their greed, and looting, and shooting.

No the Jews were the scapegoats on both continents. After Arab Muslims lies started a new wave of Pogroms against the immigrants in Palestine, they weren't going to take it. They formed their own defense league and fought back against both the Arabs as well as the British.

There were no colonist. It was Americans who did it. We are not all British. But, so what? History is full of stories like that. We are truly in the beginning of modern civilization, well we in the West, not too sure about the Eastern EuroSnowFlakes. The UN wasn't established till after WWII.

And ironically, Arabs are the fastest growing demographic of the Israeli population. I don't know what the far right Likud party is going to do in another 20 years when Liberal Jews and Arabs control the Kinneset.

Or for that matter what American evangelical fanatics are going to do, if that new majority dashes any hope of the second coming.

Poor C.......He'll come when He is ready and you can do nothing about it. Impotency.....your calling card.
No, you sap. I'm saying the sins of the father (or in this case great great.....grandfather) have nothing to do with today's generation unless they embrace the ideals of those prior generations such as systematic genocide or that one race is inherently superior to another based on some physical attribute.

Zionism = Genocide.

Your great, great, grandfather supported genocide on Natives.

You however support genocide on Palestinians.

Nah, he was unknowingly a bio-weapon. Any Pogrom leaders in your tree?

Again, you have no standing to profess my position on anything.

The big difference is this.

It was the Eastern European nations, they went after Jews who were a problem.

It was the Palestinian nation, they (The Jewish Zionists) who went after Palestinians who weren't a problem to them other than standing in the way of their greed, and looting, and shooting.

It was the Colonists , they who went after Native American who weren't a problem to them other than standing in the way of their greed, and looting, and shooting.

No the Jews were the scapegoats on both continents. After Arab Muslims lies started a new wave of Pogroms against the immigrants in Palestine, they weren't going to take it. They formed their own defense league and fought back against both the Arabs as well as the British.

There were no colonist. It was Americans who did it. We are not all British. But, so what? History is full of stories like that. We are truly in the beginning of modern civilization, well we in the West, not too sure about the Eastern EuroSnowFlakes. The UN wasn't established till after WWII.

And ironically, Arabs are the fastest growing demographic of the Israeli population. I don't know what the far right Likud party is going to do in another 20 years when Liberal Jews and Arabs control the Kinneset.

Or for that matter what American evangelical fanatics are going to do, if that new majority dashes any hope of the second coming.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.
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