There Goes the Economy

Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Oh stuff it. He'll spend every bit as much as Rump, Obambi and Baby Bush did. Grow up.
There's more to fiscal policy than spending.

Grow up. Educate yourself. Just kidding.

They all work for the same damn people.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
You cannot have real Capitalism with models like this. It all started with Reagan. Until we acknowledge the truth, and the vultures continue controlling the 99%, Capitalism will remain dead.
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Well that's not going to change, get serious. You think the big donors gave that much money to the DNC
to have themselves fleeced? :laughing0301:
Then they are going to continue fleecing you and me if it doesn't change.
A lot of money came from Silicon Valley, connect the dots.
That's not a solution. That's an acceptance to defeat. Democrats don't lie in the mud holding up their fake "Make America Great hats" bowing to their masters. They work towards solutions that will bring the middle class back into the world. Tax cuts going to the wealthy have to be eliminated along with Citizens United. Both are scams.
Bush, Obambi started how many wars" Rump got us out of how many wars?
Rump like Obambi and Baby Bush spent like a drunken sailor.
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The stock market loves it!
View attachment 412682
Rush tells them they're economic/market experts because they're dittoheads.

These are misguided, ignorant fools, who were conned by a buffoon.
Well dumbfuck, you’re ignoring Biden’s miserable economic policy and claiming he’ll be great. Your ignorance of history isn’t surprising. Seems you’re the ignorant one here. As usual.
What makes you thinl you know more about the results of President Elect Biden's economic policy the than the major financial markets and the stock market? Sounds like a dried pea in an empty tin cup to me. Good luck finding a job, as I doubt it will be for your financial/economic theories.
The taunts about the virus stimulus money from you and others that kept the market up was abusive. Si if Biden prints up trillions for what may be a false green energy bonanza with only enriching the corrupted, then it is good. you will be held to task. Biden is a totalitarian tyrant.
Biden himself is the least or our problems. He’s just a politician. It’s what his election represents that is the problem.
The communist democrat party will force the US to forfeit the Cold War. Most dems are now too young and ignorant to even know what that means. Dependency and disintegration will dominate.
There exists no Communist party in the US. You do not know what Communism is. This why Trump lost the election. His lies and yours. They finally caught up to the both of you.

Dumb Eff
cpusa logo
People and Planet Before Profits.

You won't be presenting any intelligent counter arguments. Lol!
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
The ironic thing here is that the interest in "socialism" (define that as you will) that we have been seeing is the result of the fact that we have so badly misapplied capitalism. We can't lose our economic system, but we do have to fix it.

It all began with Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line, which the True Believers took as gospel.
And for forty years after Reagan, Capitalism went away.
We've definitely distorted it, and now the Democratic Socialists have people's ears.

Self inflicted wound.
We may have to start over like we did with Roosevelt, to discover the roaring fifties, sixties, and seventies again. That was really a time of Democratic socialism, combined with the whipped topping of Capitalism. We had a middle class back then.

With today's technology and hyper institutional corruption, there is NO parallel at all!
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The stock market loves it!
View attachment 412682
Rush tells them they're economic/market experts because they're dittoheads.

These are misguided, ignorant fools, who were conned by a buffoon.
Well dumbfuck, you’re ignoring Biden’s miserable economic policy and claiming he’ll be great. Your ignorance of history isn’t surprising. Seems you’re the ignorant one here. As usual.
What makes you thinl you know more about the results of President Elect Biden's economic policy the than the major financial markets and the stock market? Sounds like a dried pea in an empty tin cup to me. Good luck finding a job, as I doubt it will be for your financial/economic theories.
The taunts about the virus stimulus money from you and others that kept the market up was abusive. Si if Biden prints up trillions for what may be a false green energy bonanza with only enriching the corrupted, then it is good. you will be held to task. Biden is a totalitarian tyrant.
Biden himself is the least or our problems. He’s just a politician. It’s what his election represents that is the problem.
The communist democrat party will force the US to forfeit the Cold War. Most dems are now too young and ignorant to even know what that means. Dependency and disintegration will dominate.
There exists no Communist party in the US. You do not know what Communism is. This why Trump lost the election. His lies and yours. They finally caught up to the both of you.

Dumb Eff
cpusa logo
People and Planet Before Profits.

You won't be presenting any intelligent counter arguments. Lol!

Thank me, you now know that there is indeed a United States Communist Party.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Oh stuff it. He'll spend every bit as much as Rump, Obambi and Baby Bush did. Grow up.
There's more to fiscal policy than spending.

Grow up. Educate yourself. Just kidding.

They all work for the same damn people.
And what do you propose we do about it? Lay down, quit, and just die? Get up off your ass and fight for what's right.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

LOL! Really? Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
How is he going to pay for Medicare-for-All, and Social Security, which already has $200 Trillion in unfunded liabilities?
How is going to pay for banning oil and coal?
How is he going to pay for free college?

You people are ridiculous. We can't pay for the programs we have right now... you want to double government spending, and then think you are going to bring fiscal responsibility?
DJIA is down to 28,500 since the election ... falling from the high of 27,000 Tuesday morning ... just awful, those poor poor Rich people ...
Watch what the energy prices do to the people on the ground.

Business just adds these costs (plus margins) to the final retail price ... thus the 30 industries in the DJIA should do better with higher energy prices ... my insurance agent was shocked that I laughed at my quadrupled premiums soon after 9/11 ... I raised rents double that increase ... [ka'ching] ... proper business practices ... few years later premiums went back down but NO WAY was I going to lower rents ... ha ha ha ... Make America Great Again ...
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
The ironic thing here is that the interest in "socialism" (define that as you will) that we have been seeing is the result of the fact that we have so badly misapplied capitalism. We can't lose our economic system, but we do have to fix it.

It all began with Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line, which the True Believers took as gospel.
And for forty years after Reagan, Capitalism went away.
We've definitely distorted it, and now the Democratic Socialists have people's ears.

Self inflicted wound.
We may have to start over like we did with Roosevelt, to discover the roaring fifties, sixties, and seventies again. That was really a time of Democratic socialism, combined with the whipped topping of Capitalism. We had a middle class back then.

With today's technology and hyper institutional corruption, there is NO parallel at all!
Fight, raise hell, protest, etc. If enough people take to the streets against the vultures who control us, it will make a difference.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

LOL! Really? Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
How is he going to pay for Medicare-for-All, and Social Security, which already has $200 Trillion in unfunded liabilities?
How is going to pay for banning oil and coal?
How is he going to pay for free college?

You people are ridiculous. We can't pay for the programs we have right now... you want to double government spending, and then think you are going to bring fiscal responsibility?
In Normal World, we wait and see what is actually proposed, in terms of spending, spending priorities and taxation. We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge.

My top priority has been achieved - the imminent removal of the dangerous buffoon responsible for the stain we have placed on our history.

Then we'll look at the overall proposals and form our judgements accordingly.

But you're free to go drama queen if you'd like. I don't care.
You don't know what Communism is or you wouldn't be accusing the Democrats of Communism.
They're certainly not what they used to be- representatives of the working class.
Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
Where did Trump get the money for the military? Not from taxpayers. He cut their taxes hugely.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

LOL! Really? Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
How is he going to pay for Medicare-for-All, and Social Security, which already has $200 Trillion in unfunded liabilities?
How is going to pay for banning oil and coal?
How is he going to pay for free college?

You people are ridiculous. We can't pay for the programs we have right now... you want to double government spending, and then think you are going to bring fiscal responsibility?
In Normal World, we wait and see what is actually proposed, in terms of spending, spending priorities and taxation. We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge.

My top priority has been achieved - the imminent removal of the dangerous buffoon responsible for the stain we have placed on our history.

Then we'll look at the overall proposals and form our judgements accordingly.

But you're free to go drama queen if you'd like. I don't care.

I don't see that Trump has done anything to "stain our history".

What specific thing has Trump done that was bad?

Which of the extremely bad political views listed, would you claim is not accurate?

We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge?

He's made statements on those. I can read those statements. Are you saying he was just lying when he made position statements on all those, and thus we have insufficient knowledge?

Wouldn't that make Biden the dangerous buffoon that will stain our history, if he's been lying this entire time about all his positions?
DJIA is down to 28,500 since the election ... falling from the high of 27,000 Tuesday morning ... just awful, those poor poor Rich people ...
Watch what the energy prices do to the people on the ground.

Business just adds these costs (plus margins) to the final retail price ... thus the 30 industries in the DJIA should do better with higher energy prices ... my insurance agent was shocked that I laughed at my quadrupled premiums soon after 9/11 ... I raised rents double that increase ... [ka'ching] ... proper business practices ... few years later premiums went back down but NO WAY was I going to lower rents ... ha ha ha ... Make America Great Again ...
Consumers have to pay the higher prices leaving less income to generate demand to increase productivity.
Democrats are so stupid!
Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
Where did Trump get the money for the military? Not from taxpayers. He cut their taxes hugely.

Partially agreed. Cutting taxes, results in economic growth, which results in higher tax revenue. From 2016, to 2020, tax revenue has increased.

However.... I do agree that Trump increased spending beyond our tax revenue.

That's bad. Are you suggesting that Biden is going to cut spending?

No, I wager you think Biden will increase taxes, which will harm the economy.

I disagree with that for two reasons. 1. It will absolutely damage the economy. You are an idiot if you think you can drastically increase taxes, and somehow the economy will not be harmed.

2. Because no matter how much you increase taxes, we can't afford the entitlement programs. No amount of tax increases is going to make $200 Trillion in unfunded liabilities go away.

People will simply stop paying taxes, like in Greece. They just kept increasing taxes, and people just stopped paying them. Then the country imploded.

Not a solution.

You need to cut Entitlements. Biden isn't going to do that. So he's not a better option than Trump on this.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

LOL! Really? Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
How is he going to pay for Medicare-for-All, and Social Security, which already has $200 Trillion in unfunded liabilities?
How is going to pay for banning oil and coal?
How is he going to pay for free college?

You people are ridiculous. We can't pay for the programs we have right now... you want to double government spending, and then think you are going to bring fiscal responsibility?
In Normal World, we wait and see what is actually proposed, in terms of spending, spending priorities and taxation. We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge.

My top priority has been achieved - the imminent removal of the dangerous buffoon responsible for the stain we have placed on our history.

Then we'll look at the overall proposals and form our judgements accordingly.

But you're free to go drama queen if you'd like. I don't care.

I don't see that Trump has done anything to "stain our history".

What specific thing has Trump done that was bad?

Which of the extremely bad political views listed, would you claim is not accurate?

We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge?

He's made statements on those. I can read those statements. Are you saying he was just lying when he made position statements on all those, and thus we have insufficient knowledge?

Wouldn't that make Biden the dangerous buffoon that will stain our history, if he's been lying this entire time about all his positions?
Of course you don't see anything Trump has done to stain our history. You're a Trumpster. As such, you'd summarily dismiss the examples I would provide. So that would be pointless, especially since you'd recognize all of them.

You seem to think that every issue on a candidate's wish list just comes true. It doesn't. It really doesn't. I'm amazed (kind of) that I even had to say that.

We'll see what actually ends up happening. Until then, you're just whining. It's tedious.

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