There Goes the Economy

Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

LOL! Really? Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
How is he going to pay for Medicare-for-All, and Social Security, which already has $200 Trillion in unfunded liabilities?
How is going to pay for banning oil and coal?
How is he going to pay for free college?

You people are ridiculous. We can't pay for the programs we have right now... you want to double government spending, and then think you are going to bring fiscal responsibility?
In Normal World, we wait and see what is actually proposed, in terms of spending, spending priorities and taxation. We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge.

My top priority has been achieved - the imminent removal of the dangerous buffoon responsible for the stain we have placed on our history.

Then we'll look at the overall proposals and form our judgements accordingly.

But you're free to go drama queen if you'd like. I don't care.

I don't see that Trump has done anything to "stain our history".

What specific thing has Trump done that was bad?

Which of the extremely bad political views listed, would you claim is not accurate?

We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge?

He's made statements on those. I can read those statements. Are you saying he was just lying when he made position statements on all those, and thus we have insufficient knowledge?

Wouldn't that make Biden the dangerous buffoon that will stain our history, if he's been lying this entire time about all his positions?

Mac is just fartin' like the average duck.
Trump, promises made, promises kept! We may never experience such a great President again!
Partially agreed. Cutting taxes, results in economic growth, which results in higher tax revenue. From 2016, to 2020, tax revenue has increased.
Tax revenue always increases due to population growth, inflation etc. It’s not a useful metric to determine efficacy.

If tax cuts increase economic growth, where was the economic growth?
DJIA is down to 28,500 since the election ... falling from the high of 27,000 Tuesday morning ... just awful, those poor poor Rich people ...
Watch what the energy prices do to the people on the ground.

Business just adds these costs (plus margins) to the final retail price ... thus the 30 industries in the DJIA should do better with higher energy prices ... my insurance agent was shocked that I laughed at my quadrupled premiums soon after 9/11 ... I raised rents double that increase ... [ka'ching] ... proper business practices ... few years later premiums went back down but NO WAY was I going to lower rents ... ha ha ha ... Make America Great Again ...

That's the point. You increase prices, with bad government regulation that Biden supports.... and it wrecks people's lives and damages the economy.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

LOL! Really? Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
How is he going to pay for Medicare-for-All, and Social Security, which already has $200 Trillion in unfunded liabilities?
How is going to pay for banning oil and coal?
How is he going to pay for free college?

You people are ridiculous. We can't pay for the programs we have right now... you want to double government spending, and then think you are going to bring fiscal responsibility?
In Normal World, we wait and see what is actually proposed, in terms of spending, spending priorities and taxation. We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge.

My top priority has been achieved - the imminent removal of the dangerous buffoon responsible for the stain we have placed on our history.

Then we'll look at the overall proposals and form our judgements accordingly.

But you're free to go drama queen if you'd like. I don't care.

I don't see that Trump has done anything to "stain our history".

What specific thing has Trump done that was bad?

Which of the extremely bad political views listed, would you claim is not accurate?

We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge?

He's made statements on those. I can read those statements. Are you saying he was just lying when he made position statements on all those, and thus we have insufficient knowledge?

Wouldn't that make Biden the dangerous buffoon that will stain our history, if he's been lying this entire time about all his positions?

Mac is just fartin' like the average duck.
Trump, promises made, promises kept! We may never experience such a great President again!
Yeah, here's hoping.
Partially agreed. Cutting taxes, results in economic growth, which results in higher tax revenue. From 2016, to 2020, tax revenue has increased.
Tax revenue always increases due to population growth, inflation etc. It’s not a useful metric to determine efficacy.

If tax cuts increase economic growth, where was the economic growth?

It's been happening. The economy has done well. What do you mean "where is it" when it is going on right now.

The only reason we haven't seen better results, is because of the states shutting down, because of this ridiculous Covid-19 freak out.

But we know that Apple specifically, openly said the reason they were investing in Ireland, was because of the lower tax rate. They created thousands of jobs there.

When the US lowered their Corporate rate, Apple said they planed to invest $350 Billion in the US, and create 20,000 jobs here.

They would not have done that, if we still had the 35% corporate tax rate we had before.
Let's abolish our useless and alleged right wing wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government can't do anything Right even while wasting billions of the Peoples' tax monies.
At least I know you don't work for NSA.
View attachment 412680
Stephen Colbert is a prissy little Trump hating bitch. It's amazing how Leftists become so unfunny when political hatred overtakes them.
Let's abolish our useless and alleged right wing wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government can't do anything Right even while wasting billions of the Peoples' tax monies.
At least I know you don't work for NSA.
View attachment 412680
Stephen Colbert is a prissy little Trump hating bitch. It's amazing how Leftists become so unfunny when political hatred overtakes them.

Today's leftists are never funny. Especially their comedians that they idolize. In fact, one of their comedians and his fans were so proud when a sewage treatment plant was named after him!
Living proof that they are all unfunny shitnozzles!
And will diminish in time. Beware of air.
Nah baby. Market is blowing up for Biden. Make it rain!
You are part of the ignorance that created this dilemma.
Energy drives the economy. Every ebb and flow has been driven by energy going back to the robust 50’s and 60’s through the hardships from the post-Arab-oil-embargo through the boon of the 80’s and 90’s and then through the hard times generated by an accelerated global economy and its squeeze-down on supply.
W’s removal of the offshore moratorium dropped prices dramatically, then enter Obama. He reinstated the moratorium and the subsequent energy costs drove the economy into the ditch until fracking (which Obama opposed but couldn’t prevent) came along. Trump exacerbated that supply line by removing regulations and we became robust to the level of the 50’s and 60’s again.
Now that communists have won and forced this forfeiture of our Cold War victory, energy will go back up and we will suffer again.

Actually, Biden's energy plan will result in a savings of one trillion dollars per year by 2035. The only people that have saved money from Trump's deregulation is the energy companies and their shareholders. Those deregulation initiatives have allowed energy company's to externalize costs, transferring those costs to the American people in the form of higher health care expenditures and increased climate calamities like hurricanes and forest fires.

Trump's plan relies on fossil fuels and is counter-intuitive to the direction of the energy sector. Already, the energy sector has been moving away from fossil fuels and turning toward renewables. Coal produced less of our electricity in 2019 than in anytime in the last 42 years. Natural gas is a good transition fossil fuel, but the continued reliance on those fossil fuels will only result in ever spiraling costs. Renewables provide a means of energy production that is seeing continued decreasing costs. The choice is really a nobrainer.
Bullshit. Commie propaganda.
The economy improved because of fossil fuel extraction increase, just as always.
What does Winston translate to in Chinese?

The decrease in the cost of gas during the Trump administration was more about Russia pissing off Saudi Arabia than fracking and domestic production. It was about over production in the midst of a worldwide economic contraction, a lack of storage space. Hell, oil futures went negative several months ago. If you could store oil you got paid to take it. Fracking has dropped off significantly, I know because my royalty checks have dropped to almost nothing.

And our current economic position is completely due to government spending. I mean damn, who knew, actually giving money to the people results in economic activity. The multiplier effect has been clearly demonstrated, from Amazon to Walmart, Domino's to Autozone.

Fossil fuels are in decline, and they will continue to decline. And that will be good for the economy, not bad. I mean wake up and join the rest of us in the 21st century. You seem to be a couple centuries behind.
Let's abolish our useless and alleged right wing wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government can't do anything Right even while wasting billions of the Peoples' tax monies.
At least I know you don't work for NSA.
View attachment 412680
Stephen Colbert is a prissy little Trump hating bitch. It's amazing how Leftists become so unfunny when political hatred overtakes them.

Today's leftists are never funny. Especially their comedians that they idolize. In fact, one of their comedians and his fans were so proud when a sewage treatment plant was named after him!
Living proof that they are all unfunny shitnozzles!
I agree but how did we jump from an image of NSA headquarters in Maryland to Stephen Colbert ?
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
The Goldman Sachs that didn't predict the 2008 crash and doesn't give a shit about the 4 million people still in foreclosure?
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
The Goldman Sachs that didn't predict the 2008 crash and doesn't give a shit about the 4 million people still in foreclosure?

I trust them more than an ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board.
Let's abolish our useless and alleged right wing wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government can't do anything Right even while wasting billions of the Peoples' tax monies.
At least I know you don't work for NSA.
View attachment 412680
Stephen Colbert is a prissy little Trump hating bitch. It's amazing how Leftists become so unfunny when political hatred overtakes them.

Today's leftists are never funny. Especially their comedians that they idolize. In fact, one of their comedians and his fans were so proud when a sewage treatment plant was named after him!
Living proof that they are all unfunny shitnozzles!
I agree but how did we jump from an image of NSA headquarters in Maryland to Stephen Colbert ?
Oh, I just happened to read your sig line about Stephen Colbert.
It's been happening. The economy has done well. What do you mean "where is it" when it is going on right now.
Going on right now? GDP is going to be down on the year. He passed a trillion dollar tax cut in 2018 and GDP growth couldn’t even crack 3% which was nearly identical to Obama’s growth in, shoot not sure exactly, either 2014 or 2015.

Where is it? It’s not showing up in any of the data.
Let's abolish our useless and alleged right wing wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government can't do anything Right even while wasting billions of the Peoples' tax monies.
At least I know you don't work for NSA.
View attachment 412680
Stephen Colbert is a prissy little Trump hating bitch. It's amazing how Leftists become so unfunny when political hatred overtakes them.

Today's leftists are never funny. Especially their comedians that they idolize. In fact, one of their comedians and his fans were so proud when a sewage treatment plant was named after him!
Living proof that they are all unfunny shitnozzles!
I agree but how did we jump from an image of NSA headquarters in Maryland to Stephen Colbert ?

It's the times we live in.
It's been happening. The economy has done well. What do you mean "where is it" when it is going on right now.
Going on right now? GDP is going to be down on the year. He passed a trillion dollar tax cut in 2018 and GDP growth couldn’t even crack 3% which was nearly identical to Obama’s growth in, shoot not sure exactly, either 2014 or 2015.

Where is it? It’s not showing up in any of the data.

Are you stupid? GDP has gone down because of states pushing bad lock down policies, or because of Federal economic policies?

If you can't answer that question correctly, then you are disqualified from talking about this topic.
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

All Trump did was roll back crap the Obama directed to be implemented after Obama left office. Biden will probably reverse that, so, he can tried to figure out how to make it workable, because these aren't standards that the economy under Obama ever operated under, and Obama's economic growth was the weakest of the post war era. If the economy goes to hell, 2022 won't be fun for Democrats.

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