There Goes the Economy

Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
So dishonest. They said this because there would not be a logjam and more government spending would occur with the US taking on even more debt. Short term gain for long term pain. I would recommend a college degree for you.
.. combined with higher tax rates on the top end so that we can slow down this insane Trumpian deficit spending.

I recommend nothing for you. You're just a Trumpster.
You’re still looking at more debt. Higher tax rates means fewer hires. “Trumpster”...I would have voted for Tulsi Gabbard, something I said multiple times here. You’re just a liar who needs a college degree. Enjoy the return of corporate inversions.

Higher tax rates do not mean fewer hires. Let's say a company has a profit of one million dollars. They could hire ten employees for a hundred grand each. The tax rate is twenty percent. How much does it cost them to hire those employees? If the tax rate is forty percent, how much does it cost them? Go college boy, tell me the answer.
Profit after tax or before tax. If before tax - At a 20% tax rate that million becomes $800k but at 40% it becomes $600k. By your example it’s two fewer employees they could hire.

Well you got the numbers right, but your last statement indicates you do not understand. The hiring comes from before tax dollars, not after tax dollars. So it would cost them $800,000 to hire the ten employees under the 20% rate, but only $600,000 under the 40% rate.
I asked you if you meant before or after taxes. If before then yes it costs slightly less but you still cannot afford to hire as many and with ACA still I place their benefits will be pricier as well.

The reality, that I have seen from personal experience, is that when the corporate tax rate is high companies are much more willing to invest in their people. Rather it is training, benefits, or something as simple as a gold watch at fifty years of service, companies were much more willing to provide those things when the higher tax rate at least partially incentivized them to make those type of investments. Like I initially said, higher corporate tax rates encourage companies to put money back in to the business, low corporate tax rates encourage them to take it out. If your goal is economic growth, the expansion of the frontier curve, then you want them to put money back in to the business. When corporate tax rates were high, like in the 60's, we routinely saw double digit GDP growth. Since Reagan, we have never EVER seen double digit GDP growth. The answer is simple, corporate taxes are too low.
They were never that high due to loopholes. No businesses like high taxes. In fact that’s why we saw so many corporate inversions.

Honestly, I don't give two shits what businesses like. I know they want to make money. Taxes are a cost of doing business. Taxes are also a means of manipulating behavior. Make taxes fair, make them consistent, and we eliminate the ineffective allocation of resources that our current system perpetuates.
It's been happening. The economy has done well. What do you mean "where is it" when it is going on right now.
Going on right now? GDP is going to be down on the year. He passed a trillion dollar tax cut in 2018 and GDP growth couldn’t even crack 3% which was nearly identical to Obama’s growth in, shoot not sure exactly, either 2014 or 2015.

Where is it? It’s not showing up in any of the data.
Hell, it was only at 2.4% when the virus hit, and that's AFTER the spending explosion, AFTER the deficit explosion, AFTER the debt explosion, AFTER bond yields had crashed by 60%, AFTER the protracted manufacturing recession in 2019, and AFTER the NY Fed had poured $1.5 TRILLION into short term credit markets to grease the system.

You're giving Trump too much credit! :laugh:
Screen Shot 2020-11-07 at 8.35.42 PM.png

Manufacturing recession? What are you smoking?

The only recession in manufacturing, was manufactured by left-wingers freaking out and shutting down the economy in 2020.

AFTER the deficit explosion, AFTER the debt explosion.

Agreed. Name one Democrat that proposed cutting spending? If you can't, then Trump is still a better alternative.

Screenshot_2020-11-07 bond yields - Google Search.png

Yields on bonds have been decreasing for decades. Only a left-winger tries to use a trend that is decades on decades old, and tries to blame Trump who has only been in office for 4 years.

And by the way, Democrats hold the house. The house controls spending. Care to explain why none of your Democrats made any attempt to control spending?

AFTER the NY Fed had poured $1.5 TRILLION into short term credit markets to grease the system.

Stop that. The Fed is not helping.
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Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The stock market loves it!
View attachment 412682
Stock Market is celebrating the likelihood of of the GOP holding the Senate and their gains in the House and the failure of Dems to get a mandate for their insanity.

When a Tuesday Election is so close that you can't figure out who won until Sat, it's not a "mandate."
We know who won on Tuesday though.
No you don't.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

LOL! Really? Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
How is he going to pay for Medicare-for-All, and Social Security, which already has $200 Trillion in unfunded liabilities?
How is going to pay for banning oil and coal?
How is he going to pay for free college?

You people are ridiculous. We can't pay for the programs we have right now... you want to double government spending, and then think you are going to bring fiscal responsibility?
In Normal World, we wait and see what is actually proposed, in terms of spending, spending priorities and taxation. We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge.

My top priority has been achieved - the imminent removal of the dangerous buffoon responsible for the stain we have placed on our history.

Then we'll look at the overall proposals and form our judgements accordingly.

But you're free to go drama queen if you'd like. I don't care.

I don't see that Trump has done anything to "stain our history".

What specific thing has Trump done that was bad?

Which of the extremely bad political views listed, would you claim is not accurate?

We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge?

He's made statements on those. I can read those statements. Are you saying he was just lying when he made position statements on all those, and thus we have insufficient knowledge?

Wouldn't that make Biden the dangerous buffoon that will stain our history, if he's been lying this entire time about all his positions?
20,000 plus lies, lied about covid while killing a quarter million Americans, obstruction of justice, various campaign finance crimes, stealing millions of dollars from vets and charities where the money was supposed to go to children with cancer, violated the Hatch Act and the Logan Act, and collusion with foreign governments.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
So dishonest. They said this because there would not be a logjam and more government spending would occur with the US taking on even more debt. Short term gain for long term pain. I would recommend a college degree for you.
.. combined with higher tax rates on the top end so that we can slow down this insane Trumpian deficit spending.

I recommend nothing for you. You're just a Trumpster.
You’re still looking at more debt. Higher tax rates means fewer hires. “Trumpster”...I would have voted for Tulsi Gabbard, something I said multiple times here. You’re just a liar who needs a college degree. Enjoy the return of corporate inversions.

Higher tax rates do not mean fewer hires. Let's say a company has a profit of one million dollars. They could hire ten employees for a hundred grand each. The tax rate is twenty percent. How much does it cost them to hire those employees? If the tax rate is forty percent, how much does it cost them? Go college boy, tell me the answer.

Unbelievable. Do you really honestly believe that? How can any rational person believe that.

Higher taxes do not mean fewer hires..... are you stupid?

See it's comments like this, that allow me to understand how people like AOC can get elected into office, while spouting stupid crap like she's going to 'spend' a tax deduction, on education and health care.

Say you are a business owner, and you run a store. A McDonald's store costs roughly $2 Million dollars to build. You earn roughly $500 Thousand a year from your store. (that's high, but let's pretend.).

Now that doesn't include you taking out a salary for yourself. So let's say you live on $100,000 a year.

That means you have $400 thousand in profit, beyond what you yourself live on.

You decide you want to open another store. How long will it take for you to save up enough to open another store, and hire 20 people to run it?

5 Years.

Now let's add in that 35% corporate income tax rate. Your income after taxes is $325, minus the $100K you live on is $225. How many years before you can open another store, and hire 20 people to run it?

9 years.

Did taxes reduce your ability to hire people? Yes, stupid, it did. You are an idiot, if you think employers having fewer dollars, can't possible translate into fewer jobs created.

Let's say a company has a profit of one million dollars. They could hire ten employees for a hundred grand each. The tax rate is twenty percent. How much does it cost them to hire those employees? If the tax rate is forty percent, how much does it cost them? Go college boy, tell me the answer.

I don't need to go to college, because I learned enough math in elementary school to know that one million reduced by 20% is $800 thousand, and you can't hire 10 people at one hundred grand, with $800 thousand. Or that one million minus 40% is $600 thousand, and you can't hire 8 people at one hundred grand with $600 thousand.

Let me ask you directly.... if your income was reduced by 20%.... would you be able to buy as much products and services after having your income reduced by 20%, as you do today?

If you admit your own purchases of products and services would be reduced.... please explain which person in this entire country would not reduce their purchases of products and services by having their income reduced?
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

LOL! Really? Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
How is he going to pay for Medicare-for-All, and Social Security, which already has $200 Trillion in unfunded liabilities?
How is going to pay for banning oil and coal?
How is he going to pay for free college?

You people are ridiculous. We can't pay for the programs we have right now... you want to double government spending, and then think you are going to bring fiscal responsibility?
In Normal World, we wait and see what is actually proposed, in terms of spending, spending priorities and taxation. We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge.

My top priority has been achieved - the imminent removal of the dangerous buffoon responsible for the stain we have placed on our history.

Then we'll look at the overall proposals and form our judgements accordingly.

But you're free to go drama queen if you'd like. I don't care.

I don't see that Trump has done anything to "stain our history".

What specific thing has Trump done that was bad?

Which of the extremely bad political views listed, would you claim is not accurate?

We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge?

He's made statements on those. I can read those statements. Are you saying he was just lying when he made position statements on all those, and thus we have insufficient knowledge?

Wouldn't that make Biden the dangerous buffoon that will stain our history, if he's been lying this entire time about all his positions?
20,000 plus lies, lied about covid while killing a quarter million Americans, obstruction of justice, various campaign finance crimes, stealing millions of dollars from vets and charities where the money was supposed to go to children with cancer, violated the Hatch Act and the Logan Act, and collusion with foreign governments.

Name one single lie about Covid? Name one single person anywhere that was killed by Trump?

Obstruction of justice? Can you even say that after voting for Biden, who had a prosecutor of an evil energy company, fired, because his son was paid millions specifically to gain influence with the Vice-President of the US?

Various campaign finance crimes? Are you talking about the Clinton foundation?

and collusion with foreign governments? The claims you have zero evidence of whatsoever? Or are you talking about Biden and China?

Sounds to me like you are just so angry that Trump called your toddler left-wingers out for the endless lies they have pushed for decades... that now you just have to make up accusations against him.

But you guys have been making up accusations against everyone on the right. You have lied constantly for 10 years now.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

LOL! Really? Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
How is he going to pay for Medicare-for-All, and Social Security, which already has $200 Trillion in unfunded liabilities?
How is going to pay for banning oil and coal?
How is he going to pay for free college?

You people are ridiculous. We can't pay for the programs we have right now... you want to double government spending, and then think you are going to bring fiscal responsibility?
In Normal World, we wait and see what is actually proposed, in terms of spending, spending priorities and taxation. We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge.

My top priority has been achieved - the imminent removal of the dangerous buffoon responsible for the stain we have placed on our history.

Then we'll look at the overall proposals and form our judgements accordingly.

But you're free to go drama queen if you'd like. I don't care.

I don't see that Trump has done anything to "stain our history".

What specific thing has Trump done that was bad?

Which of the extremely bad political views listed, would you claim is not accurate?

We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge?

He's made statements on those. I can read those statements. Are you saying he was just lying when he made position statements on all those, and thus we have insufficient knowledge?

Wouldn't that make Biden the dangerous buffoon that will stain our history, if he's been lying this entire time about all his positions?
20,000 plus lies, lied about covid while killing a quarter million Americans, obstruction of justice, various campaign finance crimes, stealing millions of dollars from vets and charities where the money was supposed to go to children with cancer, violated the Hatch Act and the Logan Act, and collusion with foreign governments.

Name one single lie about Covid? Name one single person anywhere that was killed by Trump?

Obstruction of justice? Can you even say that after voting for Biden, who had a prosecutor of an evil energy company, fired, because his son was paid millions specifically to gain influence with the Vice-President of the US?

Various campaign finance crimes? Are you talking about the Clinton foundation?

and collusion with foreign governments? The claims you have zero evidence of whatsoever? Or are you talking about Biden and China?

Sounds to me like you are just so angry that Trump called your toddler left-wingers out for the endless lies they have pushed for decades... that now you just have to make up accusations against him.

But you guys have been making up accusations against everyone on the right. You have lied constantly for 10 years now.
He called it a hoax, he said it would be gone by Easter, and he told Bob Woodward it was five times worse than the flu during a time when he said it was under control. He tried to promote a medication that was not approved by the medical community, and that we should try bleach.

Campaign finance crimes that Cohen went to prison for that Trump orchestrated. Trump did not report that money on a financial disclosure which is a federal crime. There were no campaign finance crimes through the Clinton foundation.

Trump was impeached for collusion with Ukraine.

The accusations turned out to be true. So no, there are no lies.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
So dishonest. They said this because there would not be a logjam and more government spending would occur with the US taking on even more debt. Short term gain for long term pain. I would recommend a college degree for you.
.. combined with higher tax rates on the top end so that we can slow down this insane Trumpian deficit spending.

I recommend nothing for you. You're just a Trumpster.
You’re still looking at more debt. Higher tax rates means fewer hires. “Trumpster”...I would have voted for Tulsi Gabbard, something I said multiple times here. You’re just a liar who needs a college degree. Enjoy the return of corporate inversions.

Higher tax rates do not mean fewer hires. Let's say a company has a profit of one million dollars. They could hire ten employees for a hundred grand each. The tax rate is twenty percent. How much does it cost them to hire those employees? If the tax rate is forty percent, how much does it cost them? Go college boy, tell me the answer.
Profit after tax or before tax. If before tax - At a 20% tax rate that million becomes $800k but at 40% it becomes $600k. By your example it’s two fewer employees they could hire.

Well you got the numbers right, but your last statement indicates you do not understand. The hiring comes from before tax dollars, not after tax dollars. So it would cost them $800,000 to hire the ten employees under the 20% rate, but only $600,000 under the 40% rate.
I asked you if you meant before or after taxes. If before then yes it costs slightly less but you still cannot afford to hire as many and with ACA still I place their benefits will be pricier as well.

The reality, that I have seen from personal experience, is that when the corporate tax rate is high companies are much more willing to invest in their people. Rather it is training, benefits, or something as simple as a gold watch at fifty years of service, companies were much more willing to provide those things when the higher tax rate at least partially incentivized them to make those type of investments. Like I initially said, higher corporate tax rates encourage companies to put money back in to the business, low corporate tax rates encourage them to take it out. If your goal is economic growth, the expansion of the frontier curve, then you want them to put money back in to the business. When corporate tax rates were high, like in the 60's, we routinely saw double digit GDP growth. Since Reagan, we have never EVER seen double digit GDP growth. The answer is simple, corporate taxes are too low.
They were never that high due to loopholes. No businesses like high taxes. In fact that’s why we saw so many corporate inversions.

Honestly, I don't give two shits what businesses like. I know they want to make money. Taxes are a cost of doing business. Taxes are also a means of manipulating behavior. Make taxes fair, make them consistent, and we eliminate the ineffective allocation of resources that our current system perpetuates.

Why do you think businesses are fleeing California and Illiinois?

Hint....taxes and cost of doing business
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

LOL! Really? Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
How is he going to pay for Medicare-for-All, and Social Security, which already has $200 Trillion in unfunded liabilities?
How is going to pay for banning oil and coal?
How is he going to pay for free college?

You people are ridiculous. We can't pay for the programs we have right now... you want to double government spending, and then think you are going to bring fiscal responsibility?
In Normal World, we wait and see what is actually proposed, in terms of spending, spending priorities and taxation. We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge.

My top priority has been achieved - the imminent removal of the dangerous buffoon responsible for the stain we have placed on our history.

Then we'll look at the overall proposals and form our judgements accordingly.

But you're free to go drama queen if you'd like. I don't care.

I don't see that Trump has done anything to "stain our history".

What specific thing has Trump done that was bad?

Which of the extremely bad political views listed, would you claim is not accurate?

We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge?

He's made statements on those. I can read those statements. Are you saying he was just lying when he made position statements on all those, and thus we have insufficient knowledge?

Wouldn't that make Biden the dangerous buffoon that will stain our history, if he's been lying this entire time about all his positions?
20,000 plus lies, lied about covid while killing a quarter million Americans, obstruction of justice, various campaign finance crimes, stealing millions of dollars from vets and charities where the money was supposed to go to children with cancer, violated the Hatch Act and the Logan Act, and collusion with foreign governments.

Name one single lie about Covid? Name one single person anywhere that was killed by Trump?

Obstruction of justice? Can you even say that after voting for Biden, who had a prosecutor of an evil energy company, fired, because his son was paid millions specifically to gain influence with the Vice-President of the US?

Various campaign finance crimes? Are you talking about the Clinton foundation?

and collusion with foreign governments? The claims you have zero evidence of whatsoever? Or are you talking about Biden and China?

Sounds to me like you are just so angry that Trump called your toddler left-wingers out for the endless lies they have pushed for decades... that now you just have to make up accusations against him.

But you guys have been making up accusations against everyone on the right. You have lied constantly for 10 years now.
He called it a hoax, he said it would be gone by Easter, and he told Bob Woodward it was five times worse than the flu during a time when he said it was under control. He tried to promote a medication that was not approved by the medical community, and that we should try bleach.

Campaign finance crimes that Cohen went to prison for that Trump orchestrated. Trump did not report that money on a financial disclosure which is a federal crime. There were no campaign finance crimes through the Clinton foundation.

Trump was impeached for collusion with Ukraine.

The accusations turned out to be true. So no, there are no lies.

Huh? The entire steele report was faked. We found that out early on. There was no evidence of collusion whatsoever.

And the Hoax claim, was discredited back in February. Are you honest enough to look up his statements? Of course not. All of you are evil people.

“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” he said. “You know that, right? Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it.” He meandered briefly to the subject of the messy Democratic primary in Iowa, then the Russia investigation before returning to the pandemic. “They tried the impeachment hoax. ... And this is their new hoax.”​
Asked at a news conference the next day to clarify his remarks, Trump made clear he was not referring to the coronavirus itself as a hoax.​
“No, no, no.” he said. ”‘Hoax’ referring to the action that they take to try and pin this on somebody, because we’ve done such a good job. The hoax is on them, not -- I’m not talking about what’s happening here. I’m talking what they’re doing. That’s the hoax.”​

And not only have you spread lies non-stop about Trump's statements, but he was absolutely dead on right about everything.

You did politicize the virus, and you have stood on the graves of those who died, to push your political agenda. Trump only pointed out the disgust trash that you are, and that's why you hate him.

Everything he said, you have proven true with this very thread.
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

YAY! 5$ a gallon gas, no jobs. I graduate in 18 months I am already searching jobs that are in Europe if that pedophile and his whore VP manage to steal the election America is a banana republic I have ZERO interest in living in or raising my kids in.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
So dishonest. They said this because there would not be a logjam and more government spending would occur with the US taking on even more debt. Short term gain for long term pain. I would recommend a college degree for you.
.. combined with higher tax rates on the top end so that we can slow down this insane Trumpian deficit spending.

I recommend nothing for you. You're just a Trumpster.
You’re still looking at more debt. Higher tax rates means fewer hires. “Trumpster”...I would have voted for Tulsi Gabbard, something I said multiple times here. You’re just a liar who needs a college degree. Enjoy the return of corporate inversions.

Higher tax rates do not mean fewer hires. Let's say a company has a profit of one million dollars. They could hire ten employees for a hundred grand each. The tax rate is twenty percent. How much does it cost them to hire those employees? If the tax rate is forty percent, how much does it cost them? Go college boy, tell me the answer.
Profit after tax or before tax. If before tax - At a 20% tax rate that million becomes $800k but at 40% it becomes $600k. By your example it’s two fewer employees they could hire.

Well you got the numbers right, but your last statement indicates you do not understand. The hiring comes from before tax dollars, not after tax dollars. So it would cost them $800,000 to hire the ten employees under the 20% rate, but only $600,000 under the 40% rate.
I asked you if you meant before or after taxes. If before then yes it costs slightly less but you still cannot afford to hire as many and with ACA still I place their benefits will be pricier as well.

The reality, that I have seen from personal experience, is that when the corporate tax rate is high companies are much more willing to invest in their people. Rather it is training, benefits, or something as simple as a gold watch at fifty years of service, companies were much more willing to provide those things when the higher tax rate at least partially incentivized them to make those type of investments. Like I initially said, higher corporate tax rates encourage companies to put money back in to the business, low corporate tax rates encourage them to take it out. If your goal is economic growth, the expansion of the frontier curve, then you want them to put money back in to the business. When corporate tax rates were high, like in the 60's, we routinely saw double digit GDP growth. Since Reagan, we have never EVER seen double digit GDP growth. The answer is simple, corporate taxes are too low.
They were never that high due to loopholes. No businesses like high taxes. In fact that’s why we saw so many corporate inversions.

Honestly, I don't give two shits what businesses like. I know they want to make money. Taxes are a cost of doing business. Taxes are also a means of manipulating behavior. Make taxes fair, make them consistent, and we eliminate the ineffective allocation of resources that our current system perpetuates.

Why do you think businesses are fleeing California and Illiinois?

Hint....taxes and cost of doing business
Winston is smarter than Elon Musk and Joe Rogan....LOL
It's been happening. The economy has done well. What do you mean "where is it" when it is going on right now.
Going on right now? GDP is going to be down on the year. He passed a trillion dollar tax cut in 2018 and GDP growth couldn’t even crack 3% which was nearly identical to Obama’s growth in, shoot not sure exactly, either 2014 or 2015.

Where is it? It’s not showing up in any of the data.
Hell, it was only at 2.4% when the virus hit...
And that's more than 26% better than the 1.9% for 2016 that Obama/Biden handed off to Trump...
AFTER the protracted manufacturing recession in 2019
Fake News. While Manufacturing had fallen to 99.20 by the end of 2016 when Obama/Biden handed off to Trump, By 2019 Manufacturing clocked in at 103.26


Year End Numbers

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Total Manufacturing Production for the United States [PRMNTO01USA661N], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; Total Manufacturing Production for the United States, November 7, 2020.​
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Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
So dishonest. They said this because there would not be a logjam and more government spending would occur with the US taking on even more debt. Short term gain for long term pain. I would recommend a college degree for you.
.. combined with higher tax rates on the top end so that we can slow down this insane Trumpian deficit spending.

I recommend nothing for you. You're just a Trumpster.
You’re still looking at more debt. Higher tax rates means fewer hires. “Trumpster”...I would have voted for Tulsi Gabbard, something I said multiple times here. You’re just a liar who needs a college degree. Enjoy the return of corporate inversions.

Higher tax rates do not mean fewer hires. Let's say a company has a profit of one million dollars. They could hire ten employees for a hundred grand each. The tax rate is twenty percent. How much does it cost them to hire those employees? If the tax rate is forty percent, how much does it cost them? Go college boy, tell me the answer.
Profit after tax or before tax. If before tax - At a 20% tax rate that million becomes $800k but at 40% it becomes $600k. By your example it’s two fewer employees they could hire.

Well you got the numbers right, but your last statement indicates you do not understand. The hiring comes from before tax dollars, not after tax dollars. So it would cost them $800,000 to hire the ten employees under the 20% rate, but only $600,000 under the 40% rate.
I asked you if you meant before or after taxes. If before then yes it costs slightly less but you still cannot afford to hire as many and with ACA still I place their benefits will be pricier as well.

The reality, that I have seen from personal experience, is that when the corporate tax rate is high companies are much more willing to invest in their people. Rather it is training, benefits, or something as simple as a gold watch at fifty years of service, companies were much more willing to provide those things when the higher tax rate at least partially incentivized them to make those type of investments. Like I initially said, higher corporate tax rates encourage companies to put money back in to the business, low corporate tax rates encourage them to take it out. If your goal is economic growth, the expansion of the frontier curve, then you want them to put money back in to the business. When corporate tax rates were high, like in the 60's, we routinely saw double digit GDP growth. Since Reagan, we have never EVER seen double digit GDP growth. The answer is simple, corporate taxes are too low.
They were never that high due to loopholes. No businesses like high taxes. In fact that’s why we saw so many corporate inversions.

Honestly, I don't give two shits what businesses like. I know they want to make money. Taxes are a cost of doing business. Taxes are also a means of manipulating behavior. Make taxes fair, make them consistent, and we eliminate the ineffective allocation of resources that our current system perpetuates.

Why do you think businesses are fleeing California and Illiinois?

Hint....taxes and cost of doing business
Winston is smarter than Elon Musk and Joe Rogan....LOL

He's one of those eggheads you read a few posts then pounce and ridicule with one
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

What do you mean didn’t take long? Biden administration doesn’t even start till January 20, 2021.

Where have you been? Trump already crashed the economy, millions and millions of Americans are out of jobs, thousands of businesses closures that are not coming back, a record breaking evictions, massive layoffs and furlough lost of health coverage, food on the table, max credit cards, 230+k deaths and counting, Americans are scared.
Excuses..... not my fault .... it’s all chinese fault.

Glad we FIRED that incompetent unfit moron president.

It will be a miracle if we can recover next year 2021.

With or without Biden energy plan whether you and I like it or not that’s the direction of the world is going. Coal industry are lucky if they survive in next 2 years most has filed for bankruptcies. EV and solar energy is the future.
If a car manufacturer will stick in making gasoline powered vehicles it will not survive in next 10 years but most or all are adopting to EV.
And will diminish in time. Beware of air.
Nah baby. Market is blowing up for Biden. Make it rain!
You are part of the ignorance that created this dilemma.
Energy drives the economy. Every ebb and flow has been driven by energy going back to the robust 50’s and 60’s through the hardships from the post-Arab-oil-embargo through the boon of the 80’s and 90’s and then through the hard times generated by an accelerated global economy and its squeeze-down on supply.
W’s removal of the offshore moratorium dropped prices dramatically, then enter Obama. He reinstated the moratorium and the subsequent energy costs drove the economy into the ditch until fracking (which Obama opposed but couldn’t prevent) came along. Trump exacerbated that supply line by removing regulations and we became robust to the level of the 50’s and 60’s again.
Now that communists have won and forced this forfeiture of our Cold War victory, energy will go back up and we will suffer again.

Actually, Biden's energy plan will result in a savings of one trillion dollars per year by 2035. The only people that have saved money from Trump's deregulation is the energy companies and their shareholders. Those deregulation initiatives have allowed energy company's to externalize costs, transferring those costs to the American people in the form of higher health care expenditures and increased climate calamities like hurricanes and forest fires.

Trump's plan relies on fossil fuels and is counter-intuitive to the direction of the energy sector. Already, the energy sector has been moving away from fossil fuels and turning toward renewables. Coal produced less of our electricity in 2019 than in anytime in the last 42 years. Natural gas is a good transition fossil fuel, but the continued reliance on those fossil fuels will only result in ever spiraling costs. Renewables provide a means of energy production that is seeing continued decreasing costs. The choice is really a nobrainer.
Bullshit. Commie propaganda.
The economy improved because of fossil fuel extraction increase, just as always.
What does Winston translate to in Chinese?

The decrease in the cost of gas during the Trump administration was more about Russia pissing off Saudi Arabia than fracking and domestic production. It was about over production in the midst of a worldwide economic contraction, a lack of storage space. Hell, oil futures went negative several months ago. If you could store oil you got paid to take it. Fracking has dropped off significantly, I know because my royalty checks have dropped to almost nothing.

And our current economic position is completely due to government spending. I mean damn, who knew, actually giving money to the people results in economic activity. The multiplier effect has been clearly demonstrated, from Amazon to Walmart, Domino's to Autozone.

Fossil fuels are in decline, and they will continue to decline. And that will be good for the economy, not bad. I mean wake up and join the rest of us in the 21st century. You seem to be a couple centuries behind.
The decrease in cost began under and in spite of Obama.
Russia? You idiots never quit on your bullshit.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Oh stuff it. He'll spend every bit as much as Rump, Obambi and Baby Bush did. Grow up.
There's more to fiscal policy than spending.

Grow up. Educate yourself. Just kidding.

They all work for the same damn people.
And what do you propose we do about it? Lay down, quit, and just die? Get up off your ass and fight for what's right.

Stop deflecting. Your ignorance was revealed, man up and thank me for helping you see through said ignorance.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
The ironic thing here is that the interest in "socialism" (define that as you will) that we have been seeing is the result of the fact that we have so badly misapplied capitalism. We can't lose our economic system, but we do have to fix it.

It all began with Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line, which the True Believers took as gospel.
And for forty years after Reagan, Capitalism went away.
We've definitely distorted it, and now the Democratic Socialists have people's ears.

Self inflicted wound.
We may have to start over like we did with Roosevelt, to discover the roaring fifties, sixties, and seventies again. That was really a time of Democratic socialism, combined with the whipped topping of Capitalism. We had a middle class back then.

With today's technology and hyper institutional corruption, there is NO parallel at all!
Fight, raise hell, protest, etc. If enough people take to the streets against the vultures who control us, it will make a difference.

Son you don't have it in to "fight, raise hell, or protest". You do realize that Biden is one of those "vultures" don't you?

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