There Goes the Economy

Biden doesn’t owe the big banks. They OWN him.
How so?
Lol. You really are funny today.

No politician in the Imperial Capital on the Potomac stays in power for 50 years like sleepy Joe has, and not be OWNED by the big banks.

Hell...Ears was only there a few years and proved by his actions during the Great Recession they totally owned him.
Biden doesn’t owe the big banks. They OWN him.
How so?
Lol. You really are funny today.

No politician in the Imperial Capital on the Potomac stays in power for 50 years like sleepy Joe has, and not be OWNED by the big banks.

Hell...Ears was only there a few years and proved by his actions during the Great Recession they totally owned him.
Oh. So he’s owned by the big banks because you said so.

This theory looks a little flimsy.
Biden doesn’t owe the big banks. They OWN him.
How so?
Lol. You really are funny today.

No politician in the Imperial Capital on the Potomac stays in power for 50 years like sleepy Joe has, and not be OWNED by the big banks.

Hell...Ears was only there a few years and proved by his actions during the Great Recession they totally owned him.
Oh. So he’s owned by the big banks because you said so.

This theory looks a little flimsy.
Get informed then you’ll be smart like me.
Biden doesn’t owe the big banks. They OWN him.
How so?
Lol. You really are funny today.

No politician in the Imperial Capital on the Potomac stays in power for 50 years like sleepy Joe has, and not be OWNED by the big banks.

Hell...Ears was only there a few years and proved by his actions during the Great Recession they totally owned him.
Oh. So he’s owned by the big banks because you said so.

This theory looks a little flimsy.
Hint...I’ll bet you a million dollars Joe nominates a lover of Wall Street treasury Secretary, just as his predecessors did.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
You cannot have real Capitalism with models like this. It all started with Reagan. Until we acknowledge the truth, and the vultures continue controlling the 99%, Capitalism will remain dead.
View attachment 412757
Well that's not going to change, get serious. You think the big donors gave that much money to the DNC
to have themselves fleeced? :laughing0301:
Then they are going to continue fleecing you and me if it doesn't change.
A lot of money came from Silicon Valley, connect the dots.
That's not a solution. That's an acceptance to defeat. Democrats don't lie in the mud holding up their fake "Make America Great hats" bowing to their masters. They work towards solutions that will bring the middle class back into the world. Tax cuts going to the wealthy have to be eliminated along with Citizens United. Both are scams.
Just WOW! You are going to be sorely disappointed with corporations and the rich....just like you were
the last four years. Grow up.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

LOL! Really? Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
How is he going to pay for Medicare-for-All, and Social Security, which already has $200 Trillion in unfunded liabilities?
How is going to pay for banning oil and coal?
How is he going to pay for free college?

You people are ridiculous. We can't pay for the programs we have right now... you want to double government spending, and then think you are going to bring fiscal responsibility?
In Normal World, we wait and see what is actually proposed, in terms of spending, spending priorities and taxation. We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge.

My top priority has been achieved - the imminent removal of the dangerous buffoon responsible for the stain we have placed on our history.

Then we'll look at the overall proposals and form our judgements accordingly.

But you're free to go drama queen if you'd like. I don't care.

I don't see that Trump has done anything to "stain our history".

What specific thing has Trump done that was bad?

Which of the extremely bad political views listed, would you claim is not accurate?

We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge?

He's made statements on those. I can read those statements. Are you saying he was just lying when he made position statements on all those, and thus we have insufficient knowledge?

Wouldn't that make Biden the dangerous buffoon that will stain our history, if he's been lying this entire time about all his positions?
20,000 plus lies, lied about covid while killing a quarter million Americans, obstruction of justice, various campaign finance crimes, stealing millions of dollars from vets and charities where the money was supposed to go to children with cancer, violated the Hatch Act and the Logan Act, and collusion with foreign governments.

Name one single lie about Covid? Name one single person anywhere that was killed by Trump?

Obstruction of justice? Can you even say that after voting for Biden, who had a prosecutor of an evil energy company, fired, because his son was paid millions specifically to gain influence with the Vice-President of the US?

Various campaign finance crimes? Are you talking about the Clinton foundation?

and collusion with foreign governments? The claims you have zero evidence of whatsoever? Or are you talking about Biden and China?

Sounds to me like you are just so angry that Trump called your toddler left-wingers out for the endless lies they have pushed for decades... that now you just have to make up accusations against him.

But you guys have been making up accusations against everyone on the right. You have lied constantly for 10 years now.
He called it a hoax, he said it would be gone by Easter, and he told Bob Woodward it was five times worse than the flu during a time when he said it was under control. He tried to promote a medication that was not approved by the medical community, and that we should try bleach.

Campaign finance crimes that Cohen went to prison for that Trump orchestrated. Trump did not report that money on a financial disclosure which is a federal crime. There were no campaign finance crimes through the Clinton foundation.

Trump was impeached for collusion with Ukraine.

The accusations turned out to be true. So no, there are no lies.

Huh? The entire steele report was faked. We found that out early on. There was no evidence of collusion whatsoever.

And the Hoax claim, was discredited back in February. Are you honest enough to look up his statements? Of course not. All of you are evil people.

“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” he said. “You know that, right? Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it.” He meandered briefly to the subject of the messy Democratic primary in Iowa, then the Russia investigation before returning to the pandemic. “They tried the impeachment hoax. ... And this is their new hoax.”​
Asked at a news conference the next day to clarify his remarks, Trump made clear he was not referring to the coronavirus itself as a hoax.​
“No, no, no.” he said. ”‘Hoax’ referring to the action that they take to try and pin this on somebody, because we’ve done such a good job. The hoax is on them, not -- I’m not talking about what’s happening here. I’m talking what they’re doing. That’s the hoax.”​

And not only have you spread lies non-stop about Trump's statements, but he was absolutely dead on right about everything.

You did politicize the virus, and you have stood on the graves of those who died, to push your political agenda. Trump only pointed out the disgust trash that you are, and that's why you hate him.

Everything he said, you have proven true with this very thread.
Trump called it another Democrat hoax like the Russian hoax, and lied to the American people by downplaying the virus that it was just one person coming out of China, it would be gone by Easter, and told Woodward it was five times worse than the flu early on. No matter how much you spin it, Trump lied.

As far as Christopher Steele and his report, the FBI confirmed most of it was true. It was not faked, and you cannot provide evidence of that. You are a liar.

235,000 dead people dead is not politicizing anything there hot shot. It's stating a matter of fact. 9 million infected Americans is a matter of fact that needs no politicizing.

Trump again drew a misleading comparison between the coronavirus and the seasonal flu, telling his supporters that "35,000 on average each year die from the flu, that's a lot of people The SOB is a liar. Look how many have died now.
Biden doesn’t owe the big banks. They OWN him.
How so?
Lol. You really are funny today.

No politician in the Imperial Capital on the Potomac stays in power for 50 years like sleepy Joe has, and not be OWNED by the big banks.

Hell...Ears was only there a few years and proved by his actions during the Great Recession they totally owned him.
Oh. So he’s owned by the big banks because you said so.

This theory looks a little flimsy.
Get informed then you’ll be smart like me.
If you were informed, you would have already told us who owns Joe Biden. You didn't.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
You cannot have real Capitalism with models like this. It all started with Reagan. Until we acknowledge the truth, and the vultures continue controlling the 99%, Capitalism will remain dead.
View attachment 412757
Well that's not going to change, get serious. You think the big donors gave that much money to the DNC
to have themselves fleeced? :laughing0301:
Then they are going to continue fleecing you and me if it doesn't change.
A lot of money came from Silicon Valley, connect the dots.
That's not a solution. That's an acceptance to defeat. Democrats don't lie in the mud holding up their fake "Make America Great hats" bowing to their masters. They work towards solutions that will bring the middle class back into the world. Tax cuts going to the wealthy have to be eliminated along with Citizens United. Both are scams.
Just WOW! You are going to be sorely disappointed with corporations and the rich....just like you were
the last four years. Grow up.
You've made no argument. And you've presented no solutions. Wow!
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

LOL! Really? Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
How is he going to pay for Medicare-for-All, and Social Security, which already has $200 Trillion in unfunded liabilities?
How is going to pay for banning oil and coal?
How is he going to pay for free college?

You people are ridiculous. We can't pay for the programs we have right now... you want to double government spending, and then think you are going to bring fiscal responsibility?
In Normal World, we wait and see what is actually proposed, in terms of spending, spending priorities and taxation. We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge.

My top priority has been achieved - the imminent removal of the dangerous buffoon responsible for the stain we have placed on our history.

Then we'll look at the overall proposals and form our judgements accordingly.

But you're free to go drama queen if you'd like. I don't care.

I don't see that Trump has done anything to "stain our history".

What specific thing has Trump done that was bad?

Which of the extremely bad political views listed, would you claim is not accurate?

We don't make ignorant assumptions based on insufficient knowledge?

He's made statements on those. I can read those statements. Are you saying he was just lying when he made position statements on all those, and thus we have insufficient knowledge?

Wouldn't that make Biden the dangerous buffoon that will stain our history, if he's been lying this entire time about all his positions?
20,000 plus lies, lied about covid while killing a quarter million Americans, obstruction of justice, various campaign finance crimes, stealing millions of dollars from vets and charities where the money was supposed to go to children with cancer, violated the Hatch Act and the Logan Act, and collusion with foreign governments.

Name one single lie about Covid? Name one single person anywhere that was killed by Trump?

Obstruction of justice? Can you even say that after voting for Biden, who had a prosecutor of an evil energy company, fired, because his son was paid millions specifically to gain influence with the Vice-President of the US?

Various campaign finance crimes? Are you talking about the Clinton foundation?

and collusion with foreign governments? The claims you have zero evidence of whatsoever? Or are you talking about Biden and China?

Sounds to me like you are just so angry that Trump called your toddler left-wingers out for the endless lies they have pushed for decades... that now you just have to make up accusations against him.

But you guys have been making up accusations against everyone on the right. You have lied constantly for 10 years now.
'Play it down': Trump admits to concealing the true threat of coronavirus in new Woodward book Trump lied.

The problem is going to go away. He lied. It will be like a miracle. He lied.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
You cannot have real Capitalism with models like this. It all started with Reagan. Until we acknowledge the truth, and the vultures continue controlling the 99%, Capitalism will remain dead.
View attachment 412757
Well that's not going to change, get serious. You think the big donors gave that much money to the DNC
to have themselves fleeced? :laughing0301:
Then they are going to continue fleecing you and me if it doesn't change.
A lot of money came from Silicon Valley, connect the dots.
That's not a solution. That's an acceptance to defeat. Democrats don't lie in the mud holding up their fake "Make America Great hats" bowing to their masters. They work towards solutions that will bring the middle class back into the world. Tax cuts going to the wealthy have to be eliminated along with Citizens United. Both are scams.
Just WOW! You are going to be sorely disappointed with corporations and the rich....just like you were
the last four years. Grow up.
You've made no argument. And you've presented no solutions. Wow!

Nothing is going to change, more taxes on the middle class, and the rich get richer.
You just don't understand
You don't know what Communism is or you wouldn't be accusing the Democrats of Communism.
They're certainly not what they used to be- representatives of the working class.
Like I said, you don't know what Communism is.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
You cannot have real Capitalism with models like this. It all started with Reagan. Until we acknowledge the truth, and the vultures continue controlling the 99%, Capitalism will remain dead.
View attachment 412757
Well that's not going to change, get serious. You think the big donors gave that much money to the DNC
to have themselves fleeced? :laughing0301:
Then they are going to continue fleecing you and me if it doesn't change.
A lot of money came from Silicon Valley, connect the dots.
That's not a solution. That's an acceptance to defeat. Democrats don't lie in the mud holding up their fake "Make America Great hats" bowing to their masters. They work towards solutions that will bring the middle class back into the world. Tax cuts going to the wealthy have to be eliminated along with Citizens United. Both are scams.
Just WOW! You are going to be sorely disappointed with corporations and the rich....just like you were
the last four years. Grow up.
You've made no argument. And you've presented no solutions. Wow!

Nothing is going to change, more taxes on the middle class, and the rich get richer.
You just don't understand
With Trump it would have gotten worse. You have no argument, nor solutions.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
You cannot have real Capitalism with models like this. It all started with Reagan. Until we acknowledge the truth, and the vultures continue controlling the 99%, Capitalism will remain dead.
View attachment 412757
Well that's not going to change, get serious. You think the big donors gave that much money to the DNC
to have themselves fleeced? :laughing0301:
Then they are going to continue fleecing you and me if it doesn't change.
A lot of money came from Silicon Valley, connect the dots.
That's not a solution. That's an acceptance to defeat. Democrats don't lie in the mud holding up their fake "Make America Great hats" bowing to their masters. They work towards solutions that will bring the middle class back into the world. Tax cuts going to the wealthy have to be eliminated along with Citizens United. Both are scams.
Just WOW! You are going to be sorely disappointed with corporations and the rich....just like you were
the last four years. Grow up.
You've made no argument. And you've presented no solutions. Wow!

Nothing is going to change, more taxes on the middle class, and the rich get richer.
You just don't understand
With Trump it would have gotten worse. You have no argument, nor solutions.
Nobody listens to my solutions, just like they don't listen to YOUR solutions.
With Trump? We're talking about Biden now. It's his turn to be the rat.
Bush, Obambi started how many wars" Rump got us out of how many wars?
Rump like Obambi and Baby Bush spent like a drunken sailor.
Obama had to spend to get us out of Bush's failed economy. There was no other solution.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
You cannot have real Capitalism with models like this. It all started with Reagan. Until we acknowledge the truth, and the vultures continue controlling the 99%, Capitalism will remain dead.
View attachment 412757
Well that's not going to change, get serious. You think the big donors gave that much money to the DNC
to have themselves fleeced? :laughing0301:
Then they are going to continue fleecing you and me if it doesn't change.
A lot of money came from Silicon Valley, connect the dots.
That's not a solution. That's an acceptance to defeat. Democrats don't lie in the mud holding up their fake "Make America Great hats" bowing to their masters. They work towards solutions that will bring the middle class back into the world. Tax cuts going to the wealthy have to be eliminated along with Citizens United. Both are scams.
Just WOW! You are going to be sorely disappointed with corporations and the rich....just like you were
the last four years. Grow up.
You've made no argument. And you've presented no solutions. Wow!

Nothing is going to change, more taxes on the middle class, and the rich get richer.
You just don't understand
With Trump it would have gotten worse. You have no argument, nor solutions.
Nobody listens to my solutions, just like they don't listen to YOUR solutions.
With Trump? We're talking about Biden now. It's his turn to be the rat.
Hopefully he won't explode the debt with tax cuts going to the wealthy that we have to pay for.
Bush, Obambi started how many wars" Rump got us out of how many wars?
Rump like Obambi and Baby Bush spent like a drunken sailor.
Obama had to spend to get us out of Bush's failed economy. There was no other solution.
Yeah, Solyndra and cash for clunkers were a good solution, huh? :auiqs.jpg:
What the hell happened with the shovel ready jobs?

Show some honesty, Obama was just another run of the mill politician
paying back his donors....the rich get richer, and the middle class foots the bill.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
You cannot have real Capitalism with models like this. It all started with Reagan. Until we acknowledge the truth, and the vultures continue controlling the 99%, Capitalism will remain dead.
View attachment 412757
Well that's not going to change, get serious. You think the big donors gave that much money to the DNC
to have themselves fleeced? :laughing0301:
Then they are going to continue fleecing you and me if it doesn't change.
A lot of money came from Silicon Valley, connect the dots.
That's not a solution. That's an acceptance to defeat. Democrats don't lie in the mud holding up their fake "Make America Great hats" bowing to their masters. They work towards solutions that will bring the middle class back into the world. Tax cuts going to the wealthy have to be eliminated along with Citizens United. Both are scams.
Just WOW! You are going to be sorely disappointed with corporations and the rich....just like you were
the last four years. Grow up.
You've made no argument. And you've presented no solutions. Wow!

Nothing is going to change, more taxes on the middle class, and the rich get richer.
You just don't understand
With Trump it would have gotten worse. You have no argument, nor solutions.
Nobody listens to my solutions, just like they don't listen to YOUR solutions.
With Trump? We're talking about Biden now. It's his turn to be the rat.
Hopefully he won't explode the debt with tax cuts going to the wealthy that we have to pay for.
Hope is for Church on Sundays, his policies say something entirely different than what you're "hoping" for.

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