There Goes the Economy

Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The stock market loves it!
View attachment 412682
Stock Market is celebrating the likelihood of of the GOP holding the Senate and their gains in the House and the failure of Dems to get a mandate for their insanity.

When a Tuesday Election is so close that you can't figure out who won until Sat, it's not a "mandate."
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The stock market loves it!
View attachment 412682
Stock Market is celebrating the likelihood of of the GOP holding the Senate and their gains in the House and the failure of Dems to get a mandate for their insanity.

When a Tuesday Election is so close that you can't figure out who won until Sat, it's not a "mandate."
It's been happening. The economy has done well. What do you mean "where is it" when it is going on right now.
Going on right now? GDP is going to be down on the year. He passed a trillion dollar tax cut in 2018 and GDP growth couldn’t even crack 3% which was nearly identical to Obama’s growth in, shoot not sure exactly, either 2014 or 2015.

Where is it? It’s not showing up in any of the data.
Hell, it was only at 2.4% when the virus hit, and that's AFTER the spending explosion, AFTER the deficit explosion, AFTER the debt explosion, AFTER bond yields had crashed by 60%, AFTER the protracted manufacturing recession in 2019, and AFTER the NY Fed had poured $1.5 TRILLION into short term credit markets to grease the system.

You're giving Trump too much credit! :laugh:
Partially agreed. Cutting taxes, results in economic growth, which results in higher tax revenue. From 2016, to 2020, tax revenue has increased.
Tax revenue always increases due to population growth, inflation etc. It’s not a useful metric to determine efficacy.

If tax cuts increase economic growth, where was the economic growth?
The real inflation eats at the wealth of the working class person. Not talked about is the additional taxes the federal, state, local and city governments enact on its citizens. A minimum wage brouhaha of 15 dollars an hour is not so much about a living wage and the federal tax but an indictment of all the other taxes that eat at it that you can not see and not see as much.
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The stock market loves it!
View attachment 412682
Stock Market is celebrating the likelihood of of the GOP holding the Senate and their gains in the House and the failure of Dems to get a mandate for their insanity.

When a Tuesday Election is so close that you can't figure out who won until Sat, it's not a "mandate."
We know who won on Tuesday though.
The real inflation eats at the wealth of the working class person. Not talked about is the additional taxes the federal, state, local and city governments enact on its citizens. A minimum wage brouhaha of 15 dollars an hour is not so much about a living wage and the federal tax but an indictment of all the other taxes that eat at it that you can not see and not see as much.
I mean. I too wish the government ran on fairy dust and unicorn farts but I like having a functioning society.
Stock Market is celebrating the likelihood of of the GOP holding the Senate and their gains in the House and the failure of Dems to get a mandate for their insanity.
Started going up the days before the election and kept going up when it became clear it’s Biden’s America. Woo! Big bucks got Biden boys!
Where do you think he's going to get the money to pay for all the climate change policies he wants to put in place?
Where did Trump get the money for the military? Not from taxpayers. He cut their taxes hugely.

Partially agreed. Cutting taxes, results in economic growth, which results in higher tax revenue. From 2016, to 2020, tax revenue has increased.

However.... I do agree that Trump increased spending beyond our tax revenue.

That's bad. Are you suggesting that Biden is going to cut spending?

No, I wager you think Biden will increase taxes, which will harm the economy.

I disagree with that for two reasons. 1. It will absolutely damage the economy. You are an idiot if you think you can drastically increase taxes, and somehow the economy will not be harmed.

2. Because no matter how much you increase taxes, we can't afford the entitlement programs. No amount of tax increases is going to make $200 Trillion in unfunded liabilities go away.

People will simply stop paying taxes, like in Greece. They just kept increasing taxes, and people just stopped paying them. Then the country imploded.

Not a solution.

You need to cut Entitlements. Biden isn't going to do that. So he's not a better option than Trump on this.

Cutting taxes does not always result in economic growth. Funny as hell, after the Trump tax cuts GDP grew at the paltry rate of 2.3% and Trumpsters want to scream it was because of the tax cuts. I could just as easily argue that Obamacare provided more of a boost to the economy, without it, the Trump taxcuts would have resulted in an economic contraction. If you don't believe me, watch what happens after the ACA is eliminated by the SCOTUS. Of course you morons will scream the resulting economic contraction was because of Biden. I will give you an economic policy that makes sense.
1. Eliminate stock buybacks--they are stock manipulation, they provide no benefit to the economy. A stock buyback is an open admission by a company that they have no acceptable capital investment opportunities. Obviously, if that is the case they are not being taxed enough.
2. Increase the corporate tax rate. A low corporate tax rate encourages companies to take money out of their business. The low corporate tax rate is the reason we have companies with billions of dollars in cash. A higher corporate tax rate will actually expand the number of acceptable capital investment opportunities, companies will be encouraged to put money back in to the business instead of take it out.
3. Tax unearned income higher than earned income. Yes, I said it. It is actually stupid to tax the dude that rents out the shovel less than the dude actually using the shovel. What you get is everyone wanting to rent out shovels and no one willing to dig. Put another way, it is stupid to tax a doctor for his doctoring work more than for his investments. Do we want him to practice medicine or do we want him to invest in the stock market? Under the current system it is apparent we want him to sit at home and invest in the stock market. No wonder no one wants to go to medical school. And it should be obvious who this system benefits.
4. Eliminate the cap on income subject to Social Security taxes. It makes no sense to cap the income subject to Social Security taxes. Social Security is not an investment plan. It is not even an insurance plan. It is a tax, plain and simple. Time we eliminated the regressiveness of that tax.
5. Mint a really pretty five trillion dollar coin and present it to the Federal Reserve. BOOM, five trillion dollars shaved off the US debt instantly. The Federal Reserve can display at the New York office as a lesson to them about screwing with the American people.
6. Eliminate the 30 year Treasury bond, replace it with ten year bonds. Interest rates are low, refinance those long term bonds.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
So dishonest. They said this because there would not be a logjam and more government spending would occur with the US taking on even more debt. Short term gain for long term pain. I would recommend a college degree for you.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
So dishonest. They said this because there would not be a logjam and more government spending would occur with the US taking on even more debt. Short term gain for long term pain. I would recommend a college degree for you.
.. combined with higher tax rates on the top end so that we can slow down this insane Trumpian deficit spending.

I recommend nothing for you. You're just a Trumpster.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
So dishonest. They said this because there would not be a logjam and more government spending would occur with the US taking on even more debt. Short term gain for long term pain. I would recommend a college degree for you.
.. combined with higher tax rates on the top end so that we can slow down this insane Trumpian deficit spending.

I recommend nothing for you. You're just a Trumpster.
You’re still looking at more debt. Higher tax rates means fewer hires. “Trumpster”...I would have voted for Tulsi Gabbard, something I said multiple times here. You’re just a liar who needs a college degree. Enjoy the return of corporate inversions.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
So dishonest. They said this because there would not be a logjam and more government spending would occur with the US taking on even more debt. Short term gain for long term pain. I would recommend a college degree for you.
.. combined with higher tax rates on the top end so that we can slow down this insane Trumpian deficit spending.

I recommend nothing for you. You're just a Trumpster.
You’re still looking at more debt. Higher tax rates means fewer hires. “Trumpster”...I would have voted for Tulsi Gabbard, something I said multiple times here. You’re just a liar who needs a college degree. Enjoy the return of corporate inversions.

Higher tax rates do not mean fewer hires. Let's say a company has a profit of one million dollars. They could hire ten employees for a hundred grand each. The tax rate is twenty percent. How much does it cost them to hire those employees? If the tax rate is forty percent, how much does it cost them? Go college boy, tell me the answer.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
So dishonest. They said this because there would not be a logjam and more government spending would occur with the US taking on even more debt. Short term gain for long term pain. I would recommend a college degree for you.
.. combined with higher tax rates on the top end so that we can slow down this insane Trumpian deficit spending.

I recommend nothing for you. You're just a Trumpster.
You’re still looking at more debt. Higher tax rates means fewer hires. “Trumpster”...I would have voted for Tulsi Gabbard, something I said multiple times here. You’re just a liar who needs a college degree. Enjoy the return of corporate inversions.

Higher tax rates do not mean fewer hires. Let's say a company has a profit of one million dollars. They could hire ten employees for a hundred grand each. The tax rate is twenty percent. How much does it cost them to hire those employees? If the tax rate is forty percent, how much does it cost them? Go college boy, tell me the answer.
Profit after tax or before tax. If before tax - At a 20% tax rate that million becomes $800k but at 40% it becomes $600k. By your example it’s two fewer employees they could hire.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
So dishonest. They said this because there would not be a logjam and more government spending would occur with the US taking on even more debt. Short term gain for long term pain. I would recommend a college degree for you.
.. combined with higher tax rates on the top end so that we can slow down this insane Trumpian deficit spending.

I recommend nothing for you. You're just a Trumpster.
You’re still looking at more debt. Higher tax rates means fewer hires. “Trumpster”...I would have voted for Tulsi Gabbard, something I said multiple times here. You’re just a liar who needs a college degree. Enjoy the return of corporate inversions.

Higher tax rates do not mean fewer hires. Let's say a company has a profit of one million dollars. They could hire ten employees for a hundred grand each. The tax rate is twenty percent. How much does it cost them to hire those employees? If the tax rate is forty percent, how much does it cost them? Go college boy, tell me the answer.
Profit after tax or before tax. If before tax - At a 20% tax rate that million becomes $800k but at 40% it becomes $600k. By your example it’s two fewer employees they could hire.

Well you got the numbers right, but your last statement indicates you do not understand. The hiring comes from before tax dollars, not after tax dollars. So it would cost them $800,000 to hire the ten employees under the 20% rate, but only $600,000 under the 40% rate.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
So dishonest. They said this because there would not be a logjam and more government spending would occur with the US taking on even more debt. Short term gain for long term pain. I would recommend a college degree for you.
.. combined with higher tax rates on the top end so that we can slow down this insane Trumpian deficit spending.

I recommend nothing for you. You're just a Trumpster.
You’re still looking at more debt. Higher tax rates means fewer hires. “Trumpster”...I would have voted for Tulsi Gabbard, something I said multiple times here. You’re just a liar who needs a college degree. Enjoy the return of corporate inversions.

Higher tax rates do not mean fewer hires. Let's say a company has a profit of one million dollars. They could hire ten employees for a hundred grand each. The tax rate is twenty percent. How much does it cost them to hire those employees? If the tax rate is forty percent, how much does it cost them? Go college boy, tell me the answer.
Profit after tax or before tax. If before tax - At a 20% tax rate that million becomes $800k but at 40% it becomes $600k. By your example it’s two fewer employees they could hire.

Well you got the numbers right, but your last statement indicates you do not understand. The hiring comes from before tax dollars, not after tax dollars. So it would cost them $800,000 to hire the ten employees under the 20% rate, but only $600,000 under the 40% rate.
I asked you if you meant before or after taxes. If before then yes it costs slightly less but you still cannot afford to hire as many and with ACA still I place their benefits will be pricier as well.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
So dishonest. They said this because there would not be a logjam and more government spending would occur with the US taking on even more debt. Short term gain for long term pain. I would recommend a college degree for you.
.. combined with higher tax rates on the top end so that we can slow down this insane Trumpian deficit spending.

I recommend nothing for you. You're just a Trumpster.
You’re still looking at more debt. Higher tax rates means fewer hires. “Trumpster”...I would have voted for Tulsi Gabbard, something I said multiple times here. You’re just a liar who needs a college degree. Enjoy the return of corporate inversions.

Higher tax rates do not mean fewer hires. Let's say a company has a profit of one million dollars. They could hire ten employees for a hundred grand each. The tax rate is twenty percent. How much does it cost them to hire those employees? If the tax rate is forty percent, how much does it cost them? Go college boy, tell me the answer.
Profit after tax or before tax. If before tax - At a 20% tax rate that million becomes $800k but at 40% it becomes $600k. By your example it’s two fewer employees they could hire.

Well you got the numbers right, but your last statement indicates you do not understand. The hiring comes from before tax dollars, not after tax dollars. So it would cost them $800,000 to hire the ten employees under the 20% rate, but only $600,000 under the 40% rate.
I asked you if you meant before or after taxes. If before then yes it costs slightly less but you still cannot afford to hire as many and with ACA still I place their benefits will be pricier as well.

The reality, that I have seen from personal experience, is that when the corporate tax rate is high companies are much more willing to invest in their people. Rather it is training, benefits, or something as simple as a gold watch at fifty years of service, companies were much more willing to provide those things when the higher tax rate at least partially incentivized them to make those type of investments. Like I initially said, higher corporate tax rates encourage companies to put money back in to the business, low corporate tax rates encourage them to take it out. If your goal is economic growth, the expansion of the frontier curve, then you want them to put money back in to the business. When corporate tax rates were high, like in the 60's, we routinely saw double digit GDP growth. Since Reagan, we have never EVER seen double digit GDP growth. The answer is simple, corporate taxes are too low.
Congratulations, Mr. President-elect.

I'm confident you won't be the hyper-Keynesian you are replacing, and that you'll bring sanity to our fiscal policies.

Among other things.

Everyone knows you're a partisan fraud.

Give it up, what you know about, markets, economics, etc would fit in a thimble

Creepy Joe is as clueless as you are and will rely on people as clueless as you

Now hit the funny and Jack off....lil ole Mac
Let's see.

Should I believe Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions, or some nasty, miserable, ignorant Trumpster on an internet message board?

Hmm. This is a tough call!
So dishonest. They said this because there would not be a logjam and more government spending would occur with the US taking on even more debt. Short term gain for long term pain. I would recommend a college degree for you.
.. combined with higher tax rates on the top end so that we can slow down this insane Trumpian deficit spending.

I recommend nothing for you. You're just a Trumpster.
You’re still looking at more debt. Higher tax rates means fewer hires. “Trumpster”...I would have voted for Tulsi Gabbard, something I said multiple times here. You’re just a liar who needs a college degree. Enjoy the return of corporate inversions.

Higher tax rates do not mean fewer hires. Let's say a company has a profit of one million dollars. They could hire ten employees for a hundred grand each. The tax rate is twenty percent. How much does it cost them to hire those employees? If the tax rate is forty percent, how much does it cost them? Go college boy, tell me the answer.
Profit after tax or before tax. If before tax - At a 20% tax rate that million becomes $800k but at 40% it becomes $600k. By your example it’s two fewer employees they could hire.

Well you got the numbers right, but your last statement indicates you do not understand. The hiring comes from before tax dollars, not after tax dollars. So it would cost them $800,000 to hire the ten employees under the 20% rate, but only $600,000 under the 40% rate.
I asked you if you meant before or after taxes. If before then yes it costs slightly less but you still cannot afford to hire as many and with ACA still I place their benefits will be pricier as well.

The reality, that I have seen from personal experience, is that when the corporate tax rate is high companies are much more willing to invest in their people. Rather it is training, benefits, or something as simple as a gold watch at fifty years of service, companies were much more willing to provide those things when the higher tax rate at least partially incentivized them to make those type of investments. Like I initially said, higher corporate tax rates encourage companies to put money back in to the business, low corporate tax rates encourage them to take it out. If your goal is economic growth, the expansion of the frontier curve, then you want them to put money back in to the business. When corporate tax rates were high, like in the 60's, we routinely saw double digit GDP growth. Since Reagan, we have never EVER seen double digit GDP growth. The answer is simple, corporate taxes are too low.
They were never that high due to loopholes. No businesses like high taxes. In fact that’s why we saw so many corporate inversions.

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