There Goes the Economy

Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

I've been thinking of buying another horse anyway.
View attachment 412674
I may go electric.
How will you generate the electricity?
Fusion (an energy with a future) eventually.
Democrats will disallow that pipe-dream. They want dependency.
Building that emerging technology can help lower energy costs to the individual and the public sector.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The stock market loves it!
View attachment 412682
Rush tells them they're economic/market experts because they're dittoheads.

These are misguided, ignorant fools, who were conned by a buffoon.
Well dumbfuck, you’re ignoring Biden’s miserable economic policy and claiming he’ll be great. Your ignorance of history isn’t surprising. Seems you’re the ignorant one here. As usual.
What makes you thinl you know more about the results of President Elect Biden's economic policy the than the major financial markets and the stock market? Sounds like a dried pea in an empty tin cup to me. Good luck finding a job, as I doubt it will be for your financial/economic theories.
Rush tells the Trumpsters that they're super smart on the economy 'n stuff.

They are clueless.
Your obsession with Rush is disturbing. Seems you have a man crush. Of course you’re ignorant so that goes right over your head. Now put in your stupid funny or thanks and run away in defeat as usual.
Poor Trumpster.
No, I’m not poor loser. Think I’ll go talk to my 6 month old. He has a larger vocabulary and is smarter than you. And every other leftard here.
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

I've been thinking of buying another horse anyway.
View attachment 412674
I may go electric.
How will you generate the electricity?
Fusion (an energy with a future) eventually.
Democrats will disallow that pipe-dream. They want dependency.
Building that emerging technology can help lower energy costs to the individual and the public sector.
They have been promising that for many decades. It is not here yet. Or if it is here, there needs to be profit from it. Free energy does not make anyone rich. And does not keep millions employed. We had Thomas Edison....And Nikolai Tesla. Which one got rich. And the other who was a genius died a pauper.
And will diminish in time. Beware of air.
Nah baby. Market is blowing up for Biden. Make it rain!
You are part of the ignorance that created this dilemma.
Energy drives the economy. Every ebb and flow has been driven by energy going back to the robust 50’s and 60’s through the hardships from the post-Arab-oil-embargo through the boon of the 80’s and 90’s and then through the hard times generated by an accelerated global economy and its squeeze-down on supply.
W’s removal of the offshore moratorium dropped prices dramatically, then enter Obama. He reinstated the moratorium and the subsequent energy costs drove the economy into the ditch until fracking (which Obama opposed but couldn’t prevent) came along. Trump exacerbated that supply line by removing regulations and we became robust to the level of the 50’s and 60’s again.
Now that communists have won and forced this forfeiture of our Cold War victory, energy will go back up and we will suffer again.
Dude. We aren’t a petrol state. There’s a lot more to our economy than that.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
The ironic thing here is that the interest in "socialism" (define that as you will) that we have been seeing is the result of the fact that we have so badly misapplied capitalism. We can't lose our economic system, but we do have to fix it.

It all began with Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line, which the True Believers took as gospel.
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And will diminish in time. Beware of air.
Nah baby. Market is blowing up for Biden. Make it rain!
You are part of the ignorance that created this dilemma.
Energy drives the economy. Every ebb and flow has been driven by energy going back to the robust 50’s and 60’s through the hardships from the post-Arab-oil-embargo through the boon of the 80’s and 90’s and then through the hard times generated by an accelerated global economy and its squeeze-down on supply.
W’s removal of the offshore moratorium dropped prices dramatically, then enter Obama. He reinstated the moratorium and the subsequent energy costs drove the economy into the ditch until fracking (which Obama opposed but couldn’t prevent) came along. Trump exacerbated that supply line by removing regulations and we became robust to the level of the 50’s and 60’s again.
Now that communists have won and forced this forfeiture of our Cold War victory, energy will go back up and we will suffer again.

Actually, Biden's energy plan will result in a savings of one trillion dollars per year by 2035. The only people that have saved money from Trump's deregulation is the energy companies and their shareholders. Those deregulation initiatives have allowed energy company's to externalize costs, transferring those costs to the American people in the form of higher health care expenditures and increased climate calamities like hurricanes and forest fires.

Trump's plan relies on fossil fuels and is counter-intuitive to the direction of the energy sector. Already, the energy sector has been moving away from fossil fuels and turning toward renewables. Coal produced less of our electricity in 2019 than in anytime in the last 42 years. Natural gas is a good transition fossil fuel, but the continued reliance on those fossil fuels will only result in ever spiraling costs. Renewables provide a means of energy production that is seeing continued decreasing costs. The choice is really a nobrainer.
Gas will be 3.50 within the year.
Biden MADA 2020.
Make America Depressed Again
Average prices during Obama was $2.97, and the ten year economic stimulus rolled over to Trump.
So much cope
And will diminish in time. Beware of air.
Nah baby. Market is blowing up for Biden. Make it rain!
You are part of the ignorance that created this dilemma.
Energy drives the economy. Every ebb and flow has been driven by energy going back to the robust 50’s and 60’s through the hardships from the post-Arab-oil-embargo through the boon of the 80’s and 90’s and then through the hard times generated by an accelerated global economy and its squeeze-down on supply.
W’s removal of the offshore moratorium dropped prices dramatically, then enter Obama. He reinstated the moratorium and the subsequent energy costs drove the economy into the ditch until fracking (which Obama opposed but couldn’t prevent) came along. Trump exacerbated that supply line by removing regulations and we became robust to the level of the 50’s and 60’s again.
Now that communists have won and forced this forfeiture of our Cold War victory, energy will go back up and we will suffer again.

Actually, Biden's energy plan will result in a savings of one trillion dollars per year by 2035. The only people that have saved money from Trump's deregulation is the energy companies and their shareholders. Those deregulation initiatives have allowed energy company's to externalize costs, transferring those costs to the American people in the form of higher health care expenditures and increased climate calamities like hurricanes and forest fires.

Trump's plan relies on fossil fuels and is counter-intuitive to the direction of the energy sector. Already, the energy sector has been moving away from fossil fuels and turning toward renewables. Coal produced less of our electricity in 2019 than in anytime in the last 42 years. Natural gas is a good transition fossil fuel, but the continued reliance on those fossil fuels will only result in ever spiraling costs. Renewables provide a means of energy production that is seeing continued decreasing costs. The choice is really a nobrainer.
That's actually the problem. Those with no brains insist on doing the opposite.
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

I've been thinking of buying another horse anyway.
View attachment 412674
I may go electric.
How will you generate the electricity?
Fusion (an energy with a future) eventually.
Democrats will disallow that pipe-dream. They want dependency.
Building that emerging technology can help lower energy costs to the individual and the public sector.
They have been promising that for many decades. It is not here yet. Or if it is here, there needs to be profit from it. Free energy does not make anyone rich. And does not keep millions employed. We had Thomas Edison....And Nikolai Tesla. Which one got rich. And the other who was a genius died a pauper.
It is one reason why we have Government and not just oligarchy. Lowering the Cost of Government helps with any private profit motive.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
The ironic thing here is that the interest in "socialism" (define that as you will) that we have been seeing is the result of the fact that we have so badly misapplied capitalism. We can't lose our economic system, but we do have to fix it.

It all began with Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line, which the True Believers took as gospel.
And for forty years after Reagan, Capitalism went away.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
You cannot have real Capitalism with models like this. It all started with Reagan. Until we acknowledge the truth, and the vultures continue controlling the 99%, Capitalism will remain dead.
The good thing I see is less jobs, higher prices for everything and best of all failed projects like California‘ s high speed rail that will be sitting on the government credit card.

would be fun to watch if this administration got the same treatment as the last.
Some on the left thank goodness there is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.
Do always just type nonsense? Or do you do it just to show everyone how uneducated you are?
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
The ironic thing here is that the interest in "socialism" (define that as you will) that we have been seeing is the result of the fact that we have so badly misapplied capitalism. We can't lose our economic system, but we do have to fix it.

It all began with Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line, which the True Believers took as gospel.
And for forty years after Reagan, Capitalism went away.
We've definitely distorted it, and now the Democratic Socialists have people's ears.

Self inflicted wound.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one can know what's going to happen with the economy.

There are far too many variables, far too many unknowns, far too many potential black swans, far too many potential unexpected positives.

Making assumptions based on abject ignorance is certainly a person's right, but that's all it is. Noise. Partisan mental masturbation.
We are in modern economic times. Policies which help automatically stabilize our economy should be preferred to help reduce normal market chaos.
Well, the first things we need to look at are the deficit and whether we want the Fed to remain as important to the economy as the consumer.

We're in Capitalism 2.0 now, and we don't know for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But we can't keep this hyper-Keynesian version of Capitalism going forever. The question is what to do about it.
We subscribe to Capitalism. Let's abolish our alleged and expensive public policies known as wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government is Bad, isn't that Right, right wingers. Otherwise, we need the market based metrics provided by Capitalism regarding the capital worth of those public policies as discretionary spending.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
You cannot have real Capitalism with models like this. It all started with Reagan. Until we acknowledge the truth, and the vultures continue controlling the 99%, Capitalism will remain dead.
View attachment 412757
I just hope it isn't too late. Not kidding.
And will diminish in time. Beware of air.
Nah baby. Market is blowing up for Biden. Make it rain!
You are part of the ignorance that created this dilemma.
Energy drives the economy. Every ebb and flow has been driven by energy going back to the robust 50’s and 60’s through the hardships from the post-Arab-oil-embargo through the boon of the 80’s and 90’s and then through the hard times generated by an accelerated global economy and its squeeze-down on supply.
W’s removal of the offshore moratorium dropped prices dramatically, then enter Obama. He reinstated the moratorium and the subsequent energy costs drove the economy into the ditch until fracking (which Obama opposed but couldn’t prevent) came along. Trump exacerbated that supply line by removing regulations and we became robust to the level of the 50’s and 60’s again.
Now that communists have won and forced this forfeiture of our Cold War victory, energy will go back up and we will suffer again.
Dude. We aren’t a petrol state. There’s a lot more to our economy than that.
You guys must still be riding horse and buggies. It takes fuel to deliver products from A to B. And under the Green New deal, that manufacturing industries will be moving across seas to prevent polluting our air. And turning public buildings into green environmental friendly buildings is going to have homeowners paying $3,000 to $4,000 per month on property taxes and transfer everything to solar power. And guess how much your landlord is going to charge you for rent after his property taxes goes up that high and putting a new energy system in the home? And guess how much food prices is going to go up.

Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”


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