There has been 27 school shootings this year.

Anyone who thinks we can stop all of this with a law or banning guns is a FOOL.

Someone determined to do this.........WILL FIND A WAY...........Simple solutions for the Teachers are needed to give them a fighting chance. Not many mass school shootings have happened in the last 50 years............That gets lost in this HYSTERIA.

KISS.............Keep it simple Stupid........Any solution needs to follow that principle.

There has been 27 school shootings this year.​

  • If you kept buying a GM car and the engine kept breaking down, would you blame General Motors or the highway? You'd obviously think there was something wrong with how General Motors was building them, yet when we keep having students bring guns to their public school to shoot the teacher and other kids, instead of asking what is wrong with all these schools, we ask: WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT GUN?
  • 27 school shootings amounts to a school shooting about 1 every 5 days which clearly is not the case. OP totally lies.
  • Every school shooter has been a democrat or come from a leftwing family.
  • Every school where a shooting occurred has advertised itself a 100% gun free zone.

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