There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight

Yeah, but only with TDS suffering liberal professors...any legit examination of this will point out that Trump handled the things that HE was supposed to do FAR better than Governors like Cuomo.

Cuomo and the governors never should have had to pick up the slack from Trump's failure to act.

"Hey, I know you Grandma died of Covid, but that's not a Federal problem! The Founding Slave Rapists never would have wanted that!"

Of course, the Founding Slave Rapists had no idea what a virus was.

Nowhere did that say US citizens were kept on the boat, liar. You made that up
A plan took shape: The ship, still floating off the California coast, would dock in Oakland. Americans would be taken to military bases for two weeks of quarantine, and people from other countries would be sent home.

Grand Princess passengers were quarantined on bases. How ... › national › 2020/03/23

Right, so you admit you were wrong. Americans were not prevented from entering the United States as you claimed
You never stop kazzing, a.k.a., lying, huh? He said they were being held on the ship before being let off. Then he posted a links echoing that...

The ship was left to circle outside the Golden Gate for days as authorities pondered how to quarantine more than two thousand passengers.

Here's a more descriptive link ...

The morning of 4 March, the same day the Placer county man died at a hospital, Grand Princess officials told the 60 passengers who traveled with him they’d need to stay in their rooms until they could be screened for symptoms.
Later that day Gavin Newsom, California’s governor, announced a state of emergency and, citing those on board who had shown symptoms said the Grand Princess, would head back to California early for testing.

The ship is then stranded off the coast of California on March 5th as Impeached Trump dithered. No one is let off until March 10th...

Meanwhile, as the Grand Princess idled offshore, Donald Trump publicly expressed reluctance to bring the ship home.
“I like the numbers where they are,” Trump said. “I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.”
The Grand Princess was finally given the green light to return to shore, but it would dock in Oakland, not San Francisco. Officials said Oakland’s outer harbor put it at safer remove from tourists and densely populated areas.
The worst, it seemed, was over. But still to overcome was was the colossal task of moving thousands of passengers, an untold number of whom had been infected, off the boat and onto buses, where they’d be transported to hospitals, hotels or military bases for 14 days of quarantine.
On 10 March, the day the Grand Princess first reached Oakland, passengers received an official document under their cabin doors that read: “Once you arrive at the military installation, you may choose to be tested for Covid-19.”

I can't take you seriously when you keep posting like an eight year old. You on your pappa's computer?
You're just gagging on the DNC talking points

Problem is they are all true...

Trump's management of Covid will be taught in Government Policy Classes under "Don't do that!!"

You attack Trump for the economy for the shutdown while you attack him for not shutting down more. You attack him for telling the States what to do while you attack him for not telling the States what to do.

That you believe the endless contradictory DNC talking points are 'all true' is the rabid partisan brainless hack that you are. Even Democrats laugh at you when they see you coming. The're just f'ing with you at this point. They poke each other and whisper, I'm going to make up some really funking shit, watch Joe completely believe it ...
Right. You said Trump didn't let Americans return to the US, you were wrong. You said Trump forced them to remain on the ship. You were wrong again. You're not providing anything contrary to that
Your point was:

So you're on the record demanding Trump not let US citizens return to the United States? Of course you are. What a dumb ass. He can't lock up Americans in China, dumb ass.

I pointed out that Trump quarantined americans off of US sail, when it came to the Grand Princess. He could have done the same to Americans in China.

I never said they would be permanently exiled, just like the Americans on the cruise ship would also be allowed back after a quarantine period.

So you attack Trump for forcing Americans on a cruise ship to quarantine while attacking him for only asking for a voluntary quarantine for Americans coming back from China. LOL. Of course you do. It's the Democrat party way.

I have a hard time taking Democrats seriously. So let's start with the butt obvious question the most casual observer would notice. What logistically is different from quarantining Americans on a cruise ship and Americans coming back from China? What butt obvious logistical difference is there?
That you believe the endless contradictory DNC talking points are 'all true' is the rabid partisan brainless hack that you are.

Uh, buddy, Trump didn't do anything right, that's the point. A short shutdown nationwide, which is what every other country did, would have gotten this under control. Instead we got partial shutdowns, they lasted too long because they weren't complete, and the economy died horribly.

Your boy Trump fucked this up. He's going to lose, then he'll go to prison.
That you believe the endless contradictory DNC talking points are 'all true' is the rabid partisan brainless hack that you are.

Uh, buddy, Trump didn't do anything right, that's the point. A short shutdown nationwide, which is what every other country did, would have gotten this under control. Instead we got partial shutdowns, they lasted too long because they weren't complete, and the economy died horribly.

Your boy Trump fucked this up. He's going to lose, then he'll go to prison.

Right, and at the same time you're blaming Trump for the economic impact of the partial shutdown. Read your sig. That's what I said, you're a partisan hack. That and you blame him for the riots in blue cities while you attacked him for trying to interfere in those cities to stop the rioting.

You're an endless partisan hack.

Democrats can only get people like you who think politics is a team sport. No one with any intellectual integrity at all would support your constant double standards. I care about America and my liberty. You care about being on the winning team. We're entirely different people
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As bad as it was to elect a Birther to lead us through COVID is that we elected a man who used COVID to politically divide us.

I was never a big fan of Bush 43, but he used 9-11 to unite us. He did not blame Muslims, he did not try to blame Democrats....what he did was stand as a symbol we could rally behind.

Trump used COVID to divide the nation. Turn wearing masks and socially distancing into a political statement. Republicans do not wear masks and mock those who do. Even today, most Republicans say they will not get a COVID vaccine when it is available.

Worst man we could have chosen to lead us

That's two birther Presidents in a row! Obama was the first to accuse himself of being born in Kenya.

Maybe Michelle can run in 2024 when Trump leaves office and make it three in a row, she said Obama was born in Kenya too!

Once again showing the choir that Trump is preaching to

Trump has not only provided weak leadership during COVID but he is rallying his dim witted followers to openly revolt against stopping the spread of the disease.

Democrats blaming Trump for "dividing the nation" is like Hitler blaming the Jews for WWII

Trump has divided the nation into red state, blue state. From Trumps SALT tax policy, to his control over federal funding, refusing to help California with their wildfires, because they're a blue state.
Trump would have helped California if they had only raked their forests
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.
Do you REALLY think it's Trump that's dividing us on race? The guy that passed prison sentencing reform that's freed more Blacks than Obama and Biden ever did? The guy that pardoned Jack Johnson? The guy who's economic policies gave blacks and Hispanics their best unemployment numbers ever?
This whole Black Lives Matter thing is a crock! Defunding the Police is so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. You've got people leaving major urban areas in numbers I haven't seen since the 70's. That isn't on Trump...that's all on liberal politicians and liberal policies.
Why does Trump think every Black or Brown person who comes here are from Shitholes? Why does Trump say there were fine people marching with torches while chanting 'Jews will not replace us!'? Why does Trump say Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hate? Why was Trump and his father convicted by the New York State attorney general?

Because, most black and brown people who come here ARE from shitholes!

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Somalia.....
And the presidential responsible thing to do is to call other nations shitholes.

Trump is blunt. If you travel overseas you're going to see places that can only be described as "shitholes". It may not be PC to call them that but it doesn't change the fact that they ARE!
Have you not heard. The USA is the new shit hole. No one wants to let US citizens in their country because we cnnot control the corona virus. Trump has turned us into a shit hole.
Which countries have controlled the corona virus, moron?
Done better, not eliminated completely
" While countries as different as South Korea, Thailand, Iceland, Slovakia, and Australia acted decisively to bend the curve of infections downward, the U.S. achieved merely a plateau in the spring, "
and many more, MORON

Biden virus deaths are less than a third what they were at their peak in April. Sorry to rain on your parade with actual facts
Most of Europe and Canada have recovered from the TRUMPvirus

The US still has 1000 deaths a day

Actually France and Germany have had significant flare ups. Not sure what your point is. As if that's Trump's fault
My point is that Europe took tough actions at a time Trump was still downplaying the threat of the virus.

They have recovered while we still have a thousand deaths a day
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the travel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?
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Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.
Do you REALLY think it's Trump that's dividing us on race? The guy that passed prison sentencing reform that's freed more Blacks than Obama and Biden ever did? The guy that pardoned Jack Johnson? The guy who's economic policies gave blacks and Hispanics their best unemployment numbers ever?
This whole Black Lives Matter thing is a crock! Defunding the Police is so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. You've got people leaving major urban areas in numbers I haven't seen since the 70's. That isn't on Trump...that's all on liberal politicians and liberal policies.
Why does Trump think every Black or Brown person who comes here are from Shitholes? Why does Trump say there were fine people marching with torches while chanting 'Jews will not replace us!'? Why does Trump say Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hate? Why was Trump and his father convicted by the New York State attorney general?

Because, most black and brown people who come here ARE from shitholes!

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Somalia.....
And the presidential responsible thing to do is to call other nations shitholes.

Trump is blunt. If you travel overseas you're going to see places that can only be described as "shitholes". It may not be PC to call them that but it doesn't change the fact that they ARE!
Have you not heard. The USA is the new shit hole. No one wants to let US citizens in their country because we cnnot control the corona virus. Trump has turned us into a shit hole.
Which countries have controlled the corona virus, moron?
Done better, not eliminated completely
" While countries as different as South Korea, Thailand, Iceland, Slovakia, and Australia acted decisively to bend the curve of infections downward, the U.S. achieved merely a plateau in the spring, "
and many more, MORON

Biden virus deaths are less than a third what they were at their peak in April. Sorry to rain on your parade with actual facts
Most of Europe and Canada have recovered from the TRUMPvirus

The US still has 1000 deaths a day

Actually France and Germany have had significant flare ups. Not sure what your point is. As if that's Trump's fault
My point is that Europe took tough actions at a time Trump was still downplaying the threat of the virus.

They have recovered while we still have a thousand deaths a day

You seriously don't understand viruses. You don't just shut down and it goes away. It goes down, then comes back when you open up. That's a cycle that appears nationally and globally. But you don't care, it's about blaming Trump because you're a Democrat hack like the rest of them. You want people to die, the more the better, just to get the steering wheel back. That's all that matters. When you develop some intellectual integrity and want to get real instead of acting like a selfish eight year old having a tantrum, let me know
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the ravel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?

That's just stupid. Why not bring in more infections? Because duh, dumb ass. Use your brain
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the ravel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?

That's just stupid. Why not bring in more infections? Because duh, dumb ass. Use your brain
How much worse could it have been given Trump did little to stop the spread once it got here’s?
But you don't care, it's about blaming Trump because you're a Democrat hack like the rest of them

I blame Trump because we have the most infections and deaths in the world.

Europe handled it, Canada handled it
Trump denies responsibility
There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries

Yes, Obama did not act Presidential and had no class, thank you for pointing out the obvious.

But it's ok for him to lie and call people names?

It's ok for him to lie and attack people with lies?

He personally attacks. He doesn't comment on anyone's experience or the job they've done. He just calls people childish names.

He does it with everyone who doesn't kiss his butt. The list of names and vulgar things he said about Hilary in 2016 and since are just pathetic. Same with the things he says about Obama, Michelle, Joe and Jill Biden.

Then there are the sick people on this site who insist that Michelle is a man and put up the sickest photoshopped photos of her with a bulge in her crotch.

Here are just a few of the names and things he's called Kamala Harris in just the last week or so:

Screen Shot 2020-08-22 at 7.03.04 AM.png

You people scream and cry when people say truths about trump and is job performance but say absolutely zero about the childish and sick things he says about everyone else.

You people are nothing but thin skinned cry baby hypocrites.
There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries

Yes, Obama did not act Presidential and had no class, thank you for pointing out the obvious.
Obama defined for America what a real President looks like.

Donald J Trump does not fit the bill
To be Presidential is to rise above the fray, like Clinton, Reagan, BushI and Bush II, Fird, Carter, Johnson and on down the line. That Obama can’t act Presidential shows his lack of discipline, just like the current President.
The current President has never taken the responsibility of his office seriously. He does not deserve the courtesies afforded to Presidents who did

I completely appreciate your opinion, however your opinion does not excuse the behavior of Obama. Nor does your opinion create fact. I thought Obama was a poor and dividing President and Bush II said nothing. Carter was no great shakes and Ford said nothing.

You can play all the childish games and make all the childish excuses, however it does not make up for Obama's lack of class in this area.
Obama has been quiet for too long. The excesses if our current President should not have been tolerated for so long. If not now....When?

The traditional “courtesies” no longer apply. Especially with a president who has made the office a mockery

When has trump shown any of those traditional courtesies to the American people or to past presidents or to anyone?

The last thing trump has been is traditional or courteous.

It's ok for trump to call people names, to personally attack people but when Obama tells the truth about trump, his supporters go full on bat crap crazy.
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the travel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?

With a 98.6 survival rate....
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Yeah, but only with TDS suffering liberal professors...any legit examination of this will point out that Trump handled the things that HE was supposed to do FAR better than Governors like Cuomo.

Cuomo and the governors never should have had to pick up the slack from Trump's failure to act.

"Hey, I know you Grandma died of Covid, but that's not a Federal problem! The Founding Slave Rapists never would have wanted that!"

Of course, the Founding Slave Rapists had no idea what a virus was.

Did Cuomo put an infected person in with your parents?
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the ravel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?

That's just stupid. Why not bring in more infections? Because duh, dumb ass. Use your brain
How much worse could it have been given Trump did little to stop the spread once it got here’s?

Everyone who comes here and brings it starts a new chain of infections. Stop being a dumb ass.

So you want to shut down the economy to stop people from spreading the Biden virus ...

... but ...

... You're fine with more people coming in from the outside with the Biden virus because so what difference does it make ...

That's actually your argument.

It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome. Seek medical help
But you don't care, it's about blaming Trump because you're a Democrat hack like the rest of them

I blame Trump because we have the most infections and deaths in the world.

Europe handled it, Canada handled it
Trump denies responsibility

Dumb ass rightwinger believes totalitarian governments like China. Of course he does. His balls are in a jar on Nancy's mantle.

And we don't have the most deaths in the world on the measure that matters, per capita. We're not in the top 10.

Trump Derangement Syndrome. Yes, it is a debilitating disease
Right, and at the same time you're blaming Trump for the economic impact of the partial shutdown. Read your sig. That's what I said, you're a partisan hack. That and you blame him for the riots in blue cities while you attacked him for trying to interfere in those cities to stop the rioting.

Again, the problem isn't just that he's not acting, it's when he does, he fucks things up EVEN WORSE.

Let's take the riots. A smart president would have calmed the situation down by promising reforms and working across party lines to find solutions...

Not Trumpy. He really thinks his way to get re-elected is to scare white people into thinking those BLM people are going to GET YOU ALL!!! So lets send in the storm troops to make it worse.

Democrats can only get people like you who think politics is a team sport. No one with any intellectual integrity at all would support your constant double standards. I care about America and my liberty. You care about being on the winning team. We're entirely different people

Yeah, whenever you guys talk about "liberty" it means the force of government protecting the privileges of the Haves from the "Have nots". Real liberty would mean anarchy... I don't much care for anarchy.

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