There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight

There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries

Wholly shit if that was O'bummer's message PROGS are really fucked now.

They don't have a chance anyway short of media and "special elections", and Trump headed those off to some extent and they're still battling. Even PROGS I talk too are disgusted with the Demonicrats. Never mind Trump, look what the Demonicrats came up with for POTUS for starts. Dems are toast.

I agree. I have Dem friends who will be voting for Trump as they consider Biden no where near what a POTUS should be. Hell most of them think he's senile.

They also know how great the country was before the Covid bullshit. UE the lowest its been in 50 years. Jobs all across the country and a great economy with Trump at the helm. God knows what will happen if Biden wins. He sure ain't no Trump.

Did you see how many Republicans came out spoke against this moron? Group of Republicans in Arizona are voting for Biden.
Two former US president Obama & Clinton spoke against Trump. Bush and Carter are voting for Biden.

You got that right Biden is no Trump. Your 10 yo boy lie like hell most of the time. One of his press conference last week. He was asked if he regret all the lies he made right in his face. He avoided that question. How many times in press conference when he was fact checked. He ran away like a coward dog. Trump is an embarrassment and laughing stock around the world.
How true and the Trump minions are cult like in their following of a President who prefers the government of Russia more than our Constitutional Democracy. He has been openly envious of Putin and Kim Jong Un. If that does not bother you, you are not a good American.

This moron blasted just about every one including his own people that works directly to him in public. But you never heard a single words blasting Putin. Even presented with evidence that Putin rape our 2016 election. Putin is puppet master.

He was warned again by his own intelligence agencies that Putin is now engage in 2020 election interference. NOT a single word from this weakling president against Putin. Biden warned the Russians that there will be consequences if they interfere in 2020 election. That is a true leader we need. Not this moron pretending to be president.

Go BIDEN this country need you to bring back normalcy or restore decency and respect around the world.

the russians are not significant factors. they don't deserve comment.

a bigger factor, is the violent mobs in the streets.

Since you are a Russian lover, an enemy of US, always up to no good against US. They deserve attention.

Violent mobs in the streets started when Lloyd was murdered by white cops in the street. Against police brutalities. Trump don’t have a clue and doesn’t even know how to address the crisis. But he has the time to play golf and post photo op.
We have 3 crisis the Pandemic Coronavirus, economy and racism. Trump is so incompetent not capable of addressing any of these issues. But he has the time to promote Qanon.
Obozo the failure. Now a total laughingstock. Trump didn’t bend over and bow (then take it in the ass) from dictators like Obozo did. Trump didn’t give all that money to a terrorist regime. His jealousy of Trump is obvious.
There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries

Yes, Obama did not act Presidential and had no class, thank you for pointing out the obvious.
Obama defined for America what a real President looks like.

Donald J Trump does not fit the bill
TROLL comment
As Trump stated after Michelle Obama gave pretty much the same speech Barak Obama is why he is President.

I actually agree with you

The election of Obama brought the racists out in this country. Trump was a primary instigator of those racists telling them Obama was a fraud and not the legitimate President.

Trump built them into a coalition with his taunts against Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks and Gays.
As Trump stated after Michelle Obama gave pretty much the same speech Barak Obama is why he is President.

I actually agree with you

The election of Obama brought the racists out in this country. Trump was a primary instigator of those racists telling them Obama was a fraud and not the legitimate President.

Trump built them into a coalition with his taunts against Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks and Gays.
I see you are going back to the lefts classic excuse racism as the Russian collusion excuse is no longer taken seriously by anyone. Allow me to respond with something you want agree with truth. Trump is President because the Obama years were not the great wondefrul years that Obama and his supporters both in and out of the media like to pretend they were if they were truly as great as the left likes to claim even a candidate as bad as Hillary Clinton would have been able to ride that to the Presidency.
Obozo the failure. Now a total laughingstock. Trump didn’t bend over and bow (then take it in the ass) from dictators like Obozo did. Trump didn’t give all that money to a terrorist regime. His jealousy of Trump is obvious.

Hmmm bending over? That’s very funny. You may want to look at the relationships between Trump and Putin.
Evidence is clear Trump destroyed this country almost on purpose.
There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries

Wholly shit if that was O'bummer's message PROGS are really fucked now.

They don't have a chance anyway short of media and "special elections", and Trump headed those off to some extent and they're still battling. Even PROGS I talk too are disgusted with the Demonicrats. Never mind Trump, look what the Demonicrats came up with for POTUS for starts. Dems are toast.

I agree. I have Dem friends who will be voting for Trump as they consider Biden no where near what a POTUS should be. Hell most of them think he's senile.

They also know how great the country was before the Covid bullshit. UE the lowest its been in 50 years. Jobs all across the country and a great economy with Trump at the helm. God knows what will happen if Biden wins. He sure ain't no Trump.

Did you see how many Republicans came out spoke against this moron? Group of Republicans in Arizona are voting for Biden.
Two former US president Obama & Clinton spoke against Trump. Bush and Carter are voting for Biden.

You got that right Biden is no Trump. Your 10 yo boy lie like hell most of the time. One of his press conference last week. He was asked if he regret all the lies he made right in his face. He avoided that question. How many times in press conference when he was fact checked. He ran away like a coward dog. Trump is an embarrassment and laughing stock around the world.
How true and the Trump minions are cult like in their following of a President who prefers the government of Russia more than our Constitutional Democracy. He has been openly envious of Putin and Kim Jong Un. If that does not bother you, you are not a good American.

This moron blasted just about every one including his own people that works directly to him in public. But you never heard a single words blasting Putin. Even presented with evidence that Putin rape our 2016 election. Putin is puppet master.

He was warned again by his own intelligence agencies that Putin is now engage in 2020 election interference. NOT a single word from this weakling president against Putin. Biden warned the Russians that there will be consequences if they interfere in 2020 election. That is a true leader we need. Not this moron pretending to be president.

Go BIDEN this country need you to bring back normalcy or restore decency and respect around the world.

the russians are not significant factors. they don't deserve comment.

a bigger factor, is the violent mobs in the streets.

Since you are a Russian lover, an enemy of US, always up to no good against US. They deserve attention.

Violent mobs in the streets started when Lloyd was murdered by white cops in the street. Against police brutalities. Trump don’t have a clue and doesn’t even know how to address the crisis. But he has the time to play golf and post photo op.
We have 3 crisis the Pandemic Coronavirus, economy and racism. Trump is so incompetent not capable of addressing any of these issues. But he has the time to promote Qanon.
i never saw BAR RAG swing clubs...go figure
at the RNC convention, i'm hoping to hear a Trump monologue about his own superiority and everyone else's stupidity.
There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries
Absolutely correct
Obozo the failure. Now a total laughingstock. Trump didn’t bend over and bow (then take it in the ass) from dictators like Obozo did. Trump didn’t give all that money to a terrorist regime. His jealousy of Trump is obvious.

Hmmm bending over? That’s very funny. You may want to look at the relationships between Trump and Putin.
Evidence is clear Trump destroyed this country almost on purpose.
Poor baby. Missed the fact that all those liars like Brennan and clapper testified under oath there was ZERO evidence of any of your fantasies about Russia. You can go back to bending over for Putin now comrade.
Obozo the failure. Now a total laughingstock. Trump didn’t bend over and bow (then take it in the ass) from dictators like Obozo did. Trump didn’t give all that money to a terrorist regime. His jealousy of Trump is obvious.

And jealousy of Trump? That’s silly. Trump is so fascinated or fixated of Obama that he blamed everything because of his stupidity and failures. He played golf blamed Obama, testing of COVID-19 blamed Obama when it only showed up here in US 2020, empty shelves blamed Obama, Obama left with no ammunition etc etc etc etc..

Here is a link a good example how Trump blamed Obama with his lies. That was May published in June. This doesn’t even count June, July and August.

Obozo the failure. Now a total laughingstock. Trump didn’t bend over and bow (then take it in the ass) from dictators like Obozo did. Trump didn’t give all that money to a terrorist regime. His jealousy of Trump is obvious.

Hmmm bending over? That’s very funny. You may want to look at the relationships between Trump and Putin.
Evidence is clear Trump destroyed this country almost on purpose.
Poor baby. Missed the fact that all those liars like Brennan and clapper testified under oath there was ZERO evidence of any of your fantasies about Russia. You can go back to bending over for Putin now comrade.

Read my post #143. Read do not stare at it. Don’t call me comrade because I’m not a Russian lover. But your traitor president is a Russian lover.
As Trump stated after Michelle Obama gave pretty much the same speech Barak Obama is why he is President.

I actually agree with you

The election of Obama brought the racists out in this country. Trump was a primary instigator of those racists telling them Obama was a fraud and not the legitimate President.

Trump built them into a coalition with his taunts against Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks and Gays.
As Trump stated after Michelle Obama gave pretty much the same speech Barak Obama is why he is President.

I actually agree with you

The election of Obama brought the racists out in this country. Trump was a primary instigator of those racists telling them Obama was a fraud and not the legitimate President.

Trump built them into a coalition with his taunts against Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks and Gays.
I see you are going back to the lefts classic excuse racism as the Russian collusion excuse is no longer taken seriously by anyone. Allow me to respond with something you want agree with truth. Trump is President because the Obama years were not the great wondefrul years that Obama and his supporters both in and out of the media like to pretend they were if they were truly as great as the left likes to claim even a candidate as bad as Hillary Clinton would have been able to ride that to the Presidency.

Don‘t agree at all

Trumps narrow victory was built on:

1. Comey dropping an investigation on Hillary two weeks before the election
2. Russian assistance in his “Crooked Hillary” campaign
3. Building a coalition of hate against Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks and Gays
4. False promises, lies and misinformation
5. Luck
There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries

'it is what it is.'
I'm especially amused watching the Democrats claim that THEY have the "answers" to the pandemic! Name a Democratic Governor that has handled their State as well as Kristi Noem! Joe Biden seems to think that if everyone is forced to wear a mask everywhere and the schools are kept closed...that will fix things and he's running on that as his BIG message to the country! Biden's an idiot! Forcing someone who lives in an area that isn't a hot spot to wear a mask won't do diddly to stop the pandemic. Forcing schools to stay closed doesn't protect kids! They aren't the ones dying from this pandemic! It's just theatrics. It's the government interfering in our lives because they can...not because it makes sense!
Think I'm wrong? Ask yourself why the Obama Administration didn't close schools back during the Swine flu pandemic? That was a virus that actually DID kill young people! Do you remember Barry and Joe closing down schools and colleges? I don't either! Why? Because they didn't do it! They didn't close down anything. So now we're going to close down our schools because of a virus that DOESN'T kill young people? Really Joe?
Democrats have the answer. Same as most of the world

Until there is a vaccine and cure for COVID, quarantine, social distance and masks are the only way to fight the disease.

Republicans have turned COVID into a political statement where respecting the disease is met with derision. That is why we have the most infections and deaths from the disease

You didn't answer my question, Winger! If the Swine Flu killed younger people at a far greater rate than Covid 19 does...then why didn't the Obama Administration close down schools ten years ago? Joe Biden says we need to make sure our kids are safe. Why now when the risk to them is far less than it was with the Swine Flu?

Because Obama and Biden got to it within 11 days and started the tried and true method of detect, isolate, and track down carriers. While it had a higher percentage chance, it never was allowed to get to the wide spread numbers. This isn't something new. It's the way epidemics have been done since the Black Plague. Had Rump been a world leader during the Black Plague, we wouldn't need a really, really big meteor strike to end all human life on earth.
Shitstain obama thinks this country is a democracy. He believes that destroying our cities is justice.

Well my dear. Look around you. US economy is in near collapse, millions of Americans are out jobs that are not coming back, businesses closures that are not coming back, millions of Americans are scared how to feed their families, over 5 millions are infected and counting, 170,000+ deaths and counting. He doesn’t give a shit except his own interest and ego. Trump doesn’t have a fucking clue what to do.

Trump destroyed this country because of his stupidity and ineptness. That’s a fact.
No, that's a lie created by Democrats and their media propaganda.

I understand truth hurts.. This is the problem when you listened too much of Hannity.
Truth hurt election night 2016 didn't it cotton candy boy? Trump rained on Hillary coronation and you all cried.

That was never never land and won't happen again for the next 300 years.
There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries

Yes, Obama did not act Presidential and had no class, thank you for pointing out the obvious.
Obama defined for America what a real President looks like.

Donald J Trump does not fit the bill
TROLL comment

Truth is trolling, Thank you for the clarification.
Obozo the failure. Now a total laughingstock. Trump didn’t bend over and bow (then take it in the ass) from dictators like Obozo did. Trump didn’t give all that money to a terrorist regime. His jealousy of Trump is obvious.

And jealousy of Trump? That’s silly. Trump is so fascinated or fixated of Obama that he blamed everything because of his stupidity and failures. He played golf blamed Obama, testing of COVID-19 blamed Obama when it only showed up here in US 2020, empty shelves blamed Obama, Obama left with no ammunition etc etc etc etc..

Here is a link a good example how Trump blamed Obama with his lies. That was May published in June. This doesn’t even count June, July and August.

All he is doing is using the Prog Socialist attack tactics. Remember when Obama and the Prog minions blamed W. Bush for everything? We still do not know the hows of the policies Biden is going to institute and who will pay?
Shitstain obama thinks this country is a democracy. He believes that destroying our cities is justice.

Well my dear. Look around you. US economy is in near collapse, millions of Americans are out jobs that are not coming back, businesses closures that are not coming back, millions of Americans are scared how to feed their families, over 5 millions are infected and counting, 170,000+ deaths and counting. He doesn’t give a shit except his own interest and ego. Trump doesn’t have a fucking clue what to do.

Trump destroyed this country because of his stupidity and ineptness. That’s a fact.
No, that's a lie created by Democrats and their media propaganda.

I understand truth hurts.. This is the problem when you listened too much of Hannity.
Truth hurt election night 2016 didn't it cotton candy boy? Trump rained on Hillary coronation and you all cried.

That was never never land and won't happen again for the next 300 years.
If so this nation will be over by 2050.
I'm especially amused watching the Democrats claim that THEY have the "answers" to the pandemic! Name a Democratic Governor that has handled their State as well as Kristi Noem! Joe Biden seems to think that if everyone is forced to wear a mask everywhere and the schools are kept closed...that will fix things and he's running on that as his BIG message to the country! Biden's an idiot! Forcing someone who lives in an area that isn't a hot spot to wear a mask won't do diddly to stop the pandemic. Forcing schools to stay closed doesn't protect kids! They aren't the ones dying from this pandemic! It's just theatrics. It's the government interfering in our lives because they can...not because it makes sense!
Think I'm wrong? Ask yourself why the Obama Administration didn't close schools back during the Swine flu pandemic? That was a virus that actually DID kill young people! Do you remember Barry and Joe closing down schools and colleges? I don't either! Why? Because they didn't do it! They didn't close down anything. So now we're going to close down our schools because of a virus that DOESN'T kill young people? Really Joe?
Democrats have the answer. Same as most of the world

Until there is a vaccine and cure for COVID, quarantine, social distance and masks are the only way to fight the disease.

Republicans have turned COVID into a political statement where respecting the disease is met with derision. That is why we have the most infections and deaths from the disease

You didn't answer my question, Winger! If the Swine Flu killed younger people at a far greater rate than Covid 19 does...then why didn't the Obama Administration close down schools ten years ago? Joe Biden says we need to make sure our kids are safe. Why now when the risk to them is far less than it was with the Swine Flu?

Because Obama and Biden got to it within 11 days and started the tried and true method of detect, isolate, and track down carriers. While it had a higher percentage chance, it never was allowed to get to the wide spread numbers. This isn't something new. It's the way epidemics have been done since the Black Plague. Had Rump been a world leader during the Black Plague, we wouldn't need a really, really big meteor strike to end all human life on earth.
So why didn't they close schools? Swine flu killed far more young people than Covid 19. Why didn't Obama and Biden close all the schools?
Shitstain obama thinks this country is a democracy. He believes that destroying our cities is justice.

Well my dear. Look around you. US economy is in near collapse, millions of Americans are out jobs that are not coming back, businesses closures that are not coming back, millions of Americans are scared how to feed their families, over 5 millions are infected and counting, 170,000+ deaths and counting. He doesn’t give a shit except his own interest and ego. Trump doesn’t have a fucking clue what to do.

Trump destroyed this country because of his stupidity and ineptness. That’s a fact.
No, that's a lie created by Democrats and their media propaganda.

I understand truth hurts.. This is the problem when you listened too much of Hannity.
Truth hurt election night 2016 didn't it cotton candy boy? Trump rained on Hillary coronation and you all cried.

That was never never land and won't happen again for the next 300 years.
If so this nation will be over by 2050.

We weathered Andrew Johnson. And we'll weather Rump. And we'll weather the next crackpot that sneaks through again. All the fear and hate that is being spread around right now has been done before and it'll be done again. Each time, we seem to find our way.

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