There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight

There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries
obama as talking about his owner failure as a president
There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries
Trump goes low, Obama goes lower..

No class Obama
I never expected that my successor would embrace my vision or continue my policies. I did hope, for the sake of our country, that Donald Trump might show some interest in taking the job seriously; that he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some reverence for the democracy that had been placed in his care," Obama said.
"But he never did. For close to four years now, he's shown no interest in putting in the work; no interest in finding common ground; no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends; no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.
"Donald Trump hasn't grown into the job because he can't."

No better assessment of the Trump Presidency has ever been made

Now back to felching your lifesize Obama poster.
Shitstain obama thinks this country is a democracy. He believes that destroying our cities is justice.

Well my dear. Look around you. US economy is in near collapse, millions of Americans are out jobs that are not coming back, businesses closures that are not coming back, millions of Americans are scared how to feed their families, over 5 millions are infected and counting, 170,000+ deaths and counting. He doesn’t give a shit except his own interest and ego. Trump doesn’t have a fucking clue what to do.

Trump destroyed this country because of his stupidity and ineptness. That’s a fact.
No, that's a lie created by Democrats and their media propaganda.

I understand truth hurts.. This is the problem when you listened too much of Hannity.
Truth hurt election night 2016 didn't it cotton candy boy? Trump rained on Hillary coronation and you all cried.

That was never never land and won't happen again for the next 300 years.
If so this nation will be over by 2050.

We weathered Andrew Johnson. And we'll weather Rump. And we'll weather the next crackpot that sneaks through again. All the fear and hate that is being spread around right now has been done before and it'll be done again. Each time, we seem to find our way.
All the fear and hate that is going around right now is done by the people you side with.
I'm especially amused watching the Democrats claim that THEY have the "answers" to the pandemic! Name a Democratic Governor that has handled their State as well as Kristi Noem! Joe Biden seems to think that if everyone is forced to wear a mask everywhere and the schools are kept closed...that will fix things and he's running on that as his BIG message to the country! Biden's an idiot! Forcing someone who lives in an area that isn't a hot spot to wear a mask won't do diddly to stop the pandemic. Forcing schools to stay closed doesn't protect kids! They aren't the ones dying from this pandemic! It's just theatrics. It's the government interfering in our lives because they can...not because it makes sense!
Think I'm wrong? Ask yourself why the Obama Administration didn't close schools back during the Swine flu pandemic? That was a virus that actually DID kill young people! Do you remember Barry and Joe closing down schools and colleges? I don't either! Why? Because they didn't do it! They didn't close down anything. So now we're going to close down our schools because of a virus that DOESN'T kill young people? Really Joe?
Democrats have the answer. Same as most of the world

Until there is a vaccine and cure for COVID, quarantine, social distance and masks are the only way to fight the disease.

Republicans have turned COVID into a political statement where respecting the disease is met with derision. That is why we have the most infections and deaths from the disease

You didn't answer my question, Winger! If the Swine Flu killed younger people at a far greater rate than Covid 19 does...then why didn't the Obama Administration close down schools ten years ago? Joe Biden says we need to make sure our kids are safe. Why now when the risk to them is far less than it was with the Swine Flu?

Because Obama and Biden got to it within 11 days and started the tried and true method of detect, isolate, and track down carriers. While it had a higher percentage chance, it never was allowed to get to the wide spread numbers. This isn't something new. It's the way epidemics have been done since the Black Plague. Had Rump been a world leader during the Black Plague, we wouldn't need a really, really big meteor strike to end all human life on earth.
So why didn't they close schools? Swine flu killed far more young people than Covid 19. Why didn't Obama and Biden close all the schools?
brain dead crooks
First Michelle, and now Barack shredded what is left of the Trump Presidency.

In a scathing assessment, they provided America with a clear view of what Trump had done to the office.

Did ever consider asking yourself why neither of them spent their speech time praising Fingers or touting his accomplishments?
First Michelle, and now Barack shredded what is left of the Trump Presidency.

In a scathing assessment, they provided America with a clear view of what Trump had done to the office.

Did ever consider asking yourself why neither of them spent their speech time praising Fingers or touting his accomplishments?
that's true they went on the attack. If obama had done good things they would have went that direction
Michelle Obama, former First Lady, did a far better job in tearing Rump a New One than her husband did.

But Obumble did a better job than Michelle in ramming-home the message: "Get out and vote no matter what it takes."

Between the two of them, Minorities have gotten the message, as have White Liberals from coast to coast.

Between the two of them, they made an open-and-shut case against the ignorant, arrogant, incompetent Orange Baboon-God.

The only remaining question is: Will enough of the Center vote (D) on November 3rd to tip the scales?

Given the disgusting and corrupt nature of the present Administration, it seems highly likely that that answer is "Yes".

The morning of November 4th will tell the tale.
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There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries
Trump goes low, Obama goes lower..

No class Obama
All the way down on Michelle...after she she teabags him.
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
Trump is at the lead and you think the country has never been better than August 2020. Trump has screwed up many things but no US President has screwed up a national crisis as much as Trump has screwed up handling the corona virus.
He played a very risky strategy of trying to power through the virus and not let it shut us down completely.
He gambled, he lost. Many American will lose their lives because of his failed strategy. Many more will have economic set backs that will take years to gain back. He is a failure.
Michelle Obama, former First Lady, did a far better job in tearing Rump a New One than her husband did.

But Obumble did a better job than Michelle in ramming-home the message: "Get out and vote no matter what it takes."

Between the two of them, Minorities have gotten the message, as have White Liberals from coast to coast.

Between the two of them, they made an open-and-shut case against the ignorant, arrogant, incompetent Orange Baboon-God.

The only remaining question is: Will enough of the Center vote (D) on November 3rd to tip the scales?

Shouldn't we be voting FOR something rather than just against Trump? What is Biden proposing to do for the country? I'm not interested in vague promises...I'm talking about concrete plans. What are his answers to growing the economy and creating new jobs? Higher taxes? The Green New Deal? Keeping schools shut down indefinitely? How is any of THAT going to help the economy?
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.

trump has had the least class of any president, ever. He has no respect for tradition and precedent. We have seen this time and again. And he's got a big mouth while not saying anything worth hearing. He is rude, mean, uncaring, and incompetent to hold office.

There is help for those afflicted with TDS

Saying that I have "TDS," which probably was invented by rush limbaugh, is an admission that you cannot defend trump. You apparently have nothing to say.
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
Trump is at the lead and you think the country has never been better than August 2020. Trump has screwed up many things but no US President has screwed up a national crisis as much as Trump has screwed up handling the corona virus.
He played a very risky strategy of trying to power through the virus and not let it shut us down completely.
He gambled, he lost. Many American will lose their lives because of his failed strategy. Many more will have economic set backs that will take years to gain back. He is a failure.
If blaming the pandemic on Trump is all you've got...then you don't really have you? Trump left the shutdowns to local Governors. He had the Federal Government working on providing ventilators, PPE, emergency ICU capacity and testing availability. In ALL of those areas we made great strides. The places that we lost the most people were overwhelmingly controlled by Democrats. So how is THEIR response to the pandemic Trump's fault?
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.

trump has had the least class of any president, ever. He has no respect for tradition and precedent. We have seen this time and again. And he's got a big mouth while not saying anything worth hearing. He is rude, mean, uncaring, and incompetent to hold office.

There is help for those afflicted with TDS

Saying that I have "TDS," which probably was invented by rush limbaugh, is an admission that you cannot defend trump. You apparently have nothing to say.
Defend Biden, Lysistrata. I know what Trump is proposing to do to grow the economy. His plan makes sense. What is Biden's plan?
...Trump knows he's more capable than anyone else...
The only place-and-time that Rump is "more capable" is when he is playing on his own turf, completely controlling subordinates and partners.

Outside that narrow niche Zone-of-Control he does not function well and has failed to grow into the job nor learned the requisite practicalities of the job.

Governing a three-branch collaborative Federal government is not an autocratic real-estate robber-baron venture.

Governing the United States requires a master chess-player... your boy has been playing checkers Chutes and Ladders... and that's as good as it's gonna get.

At a bare-bones minimum, the Republic requires a sane, rational, functioning adult, with at least a modicum of communications skill and empathy and grace.

Michelle was right... your Orange Baboon-God is in wwwaaaaaayyyyy-the-hell "over his head" and has been unable to fix that in 3-1/2 years in office.

Hell, he's never even tried, and, frankly, I seriously doubt that he even has it in him to recognize his deficiencies, never mind work towards remedying them.

Bottom line: your boy is not fit for the high public office and sacred trust that he holds... he has to go... and that is likely to happen November 3/January 20.
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...Trump knows he's more capable than anyone else...
The only place-and-time that Rump is "more capable" is when he is playing on his own turf, completely controlling subordinates and partners.

Outside that narrow niche Zone-of-Control he does not function well and has failed to grow into the job nor learned the requisite practicalities of the job.

Governing a three-branch collaborative Federal government is not an autocratic real-estate robber-baron venture.

Governing the United States requires a master chess-player... you boy has been playing checkers Chutes and Ladders... and that's as good as it's gonna get.

Michelle was right... your Orange Baboon-God is in wwwaaaaaayyyyy-the-hell "in over his head" and has been unable to fix that in 3-1/2 years in office.

Bottom line: your boy is not fit for the high public office and sacred trust that he holds... he has to go... and that is likely to happen November 3/January 20.
It's laughable that Michelle Obama claims Trump is in over his head as President! Have we EVER had a President who was so ill prepared to be President as Barack Obama? Absolutely zero executive experience. Never created a job in his entire life. Didn't study economics in college. Didn't study business in college. Compared to Barry...Donald Trump is over qualified for the job!
...Shouldn't we be voting FOR something rather than just against Trump?...
Indeed. Unless the status quo constitutes an existential threat to American representative democracy, in which case, it's OK to vote AGAINST something.

And that, old sod, is where the state-of-affairs presently stands.

...What is Biden proposing to do for the country?...
Quite a bit, actually, but, as with all politicians, only 10-20% of it will ever get done.

You know... like disarming DPRK and Iran, building a wall and making Mexico pay for it, cleansing the country of Illegal Aliens, etc., etc., etc.

...Keeping schools shut down indefinitely?...
Nope... just until medical science tells us that it's safe for our children and grandchildren to return.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe will listen to the doctors and scientists, not degrade and publicly humiliate them, like your Orange Baboon-God does.

Nor will he endanger the lives of millions of American school children by pushing the kids into crowded classrooms just to prop up the goddamned economy.
how about, in 2024, Obama runs against Trump, and the winner gets a 3rd term?!

let's fucking do it!

let's do it, my friends. this is a civil war. the deplorable base will become the deplorable nation!

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