There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight

Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.

that was a big pile of shit, I will pick the one I want to address.

YOur pretense of outrage over a war, 150 years in the past, is not credible. Stop with the bullshit.
I am outraged about the Civil War! Every American is! 685,000 Americans died because traitors tried to dissolve the union. Those traitors fought AGAINST the United States of America.

And flying their flag celebrates their treason.
...I'm curious...did "medical science" tell Barack Obama and Joe Biden that it was safe to keep schools open during the Swine flu pandemic? That virus killed young people at a far higher rate than Covid why do we need to shut down our schools NOW when we didn't back THEN?
That was then.

This is now.

We (collectively, you and I) now know better.

For the first time, we shut things down tight for a while, to avoid swamping the hospitals.

And this virus is more lethal to the population at-large than its recent predecessors.

Who gives two $hits what's been done in the past?

We're talking about TODAY's children, and what we know works ( masks, distancing, avoiding crowds ) NOW.

Insensitive, unthinking, unimaginative over-reliance upon the past - and its mistakes - will not be allowed to kill the children of TODAY.


Full stop.
I'm talking about TODAY'S children too, Kondor! The fact is...this virus is less dangerous to children then the regular flu is and FAR less dangerous than the Swine Flu! Covid 19 kills the elderly and people with preexisting conditions. So explain why we're shutting down schools NOW and we didn't with a flu strain that DID affect children more than the elderly? You on the left DEMAND that we listen to "science" but when the scientific facts don't match your narrative you immediately fall back on scare tactics!
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.

that was a big pile of shit, I will pick the one I want to address.

YOur pretense of outrage over a war, 150 years in the past, is not credible. Stop with the bullshit.
I am outraged about the Civil War! Every American is! 685,000 Americans died because traitors tried to dissolve the union. Those traitors fought AGAINST the United States of America.

And flying their flag celebrates their treason.
Of course, you're totally wrong about what actually happened. You're ignorant, just like every other leftwinger.
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.
Do you REALLY think it's Trump that's dividing us on race? The guy that passed prison sentencing reform that's freed more Blacks than Obama and Biden ever did? The guy that pardoned Jack Johnson? The guy who's economic policies gave blacks and Hispanics their best unemployment numbers ever?
This whole Black Lives Matter thing is a crock! Defunding the Police is so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. You've got people leaving major urban areas in numbers I haven't seen since the 70's. That isn't on Trump...that's all on liberal politicians and liberal policies.
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
Trump is at the lead and you think the country has never been better than August 2020. Trump has screwed up many things but no US President has screwed up a national crisis as much as Trump has screwed up handling the corona virus.
He played a very risky strategy of trying to power through the virus and not let it shut us down completely.
He gambled, he lost. Many American will lose their lives because of his failed strategy. Many more will have economic set backs that will take years to gain back. He is a failure.
If blaming the pandemic on Trump is all you've got...then you don't really have you? Trump left the shutdowns to local Governors. He had the Federal Government working on providing ventilators, PPE, emergency ICU capacity and testing availability. In ALL of those areas we made great strides. The places that we lost the most people were overwhelmingly controlled by Democrats. So how is THEIR response to the pandemic Trump's fault?
Trump showed his incompetency in dealing with the corona virus.
Other countries jumped into action while Trump continued to say there is nothing to worry about, it is a Democratic strategy to defeat me.
Other countries shut down, mandated masks, had more tests per capita while Trump warned to not over react.
Trump said masks were not for him and his minions followed. It has proven to be the most effective way to combat the virus.
As a result many countries have a lower death rate per capita than the USA.
As a result the US economy is not coming back as fast as many economies in the world.
The US excellence is being lost under Trump. You are blind if you do not see it.

^^^Dimwinger Revisionist History^^^^^^
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.

that was a big pile of shit, I will pick the one I want to address.

YOur pretense of outrage over a war, 150 years in the past, is not credible. Stop with the bullshit.
I am outraged about the Civil War! Every American is! 685,000 Americans died because traitors tried to dissolve the union. Those traitors fought AGAINST the United States of America.

And flying their flag celebrates their treason.
Of course, you're totally wrong about what actually happened. You're ignorant, just like every other leftwinger.
You can't spin your way when you support treason. So shut up.
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.
Do you REALLY think it's Trump that's dividing us on race? The guy that passed prison sentencing reform that's freed more Blacks than Obama and Biden ever did? The guy that pardoned Jack Johnson? The guy who's economic policies gave blacks and Hispanics their best unemployment numbers ever?
This whole Black Lives Matter thing is a crock! Defunding the Police is so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. You've got people leaving major urban areas in numbers I haven't seen since the 70's. That isn't on Trump...that's all on liberal politicians and liberal policies.
Why does Trump think every Black or Brown person who comes here are from Shitholes? Why does Trump say there were fine people marching with torches while chanting 'Jews will not replace us!'? Why does Trump say Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hate? Why was Trump and his father convicted by the New York State attorney general?
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
Trump is at the lead and you think the country has never been better than August 2020. Trump has screwed up many things but no US President has screwed up a national crisis as much as Trump has screwed up handling the corona virus.
He played a very risky strategy of trying to power through the virus and not let it shut us down completely.
He gambled, he lost. Many American will lose their lives because of his failed strategy. Many more will have economic set backs that will take years to gain back. He is a failure.
If blaming the pandemic on Trump is all you've got...then you don't really have you? Trump left the shutdowns to local Governors. He had the Federal Government working on providing ventilators, PPE, emergency ICU capacity and testing availability. In ALL of those areas we made great strides. The places that we lost the most people were overwhelmingly controlled by Democrats. So how is THEIR response to the pandemic Trump's fault?
Trump showed his incompetency in dealing with the corona virus.
Other countries jumped into action while Trump continued to say there is nothing to worry about, it is a Democratic strategy to defeat me.
Other countries shut down, mandated masks, had more tests per capita while Trump warned to not over react.
Trump said masks were not for him and his minions followed. It has proven to be the most effective way to combat the virus.
As a result many countries have a lower death rate per capita than the USA.
As a result the US economy is not coming back as fast as many economies in the world.
The US excellence is being lost under Trump. You are blind if you do not see it.

^^^Dimwinger Revisionist History^^^^^^
You can't spin facts with partisanship. The history is current. It isn't revised.
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.
Do you REALLY think it's Trump that's dividing us on race? The guy that passed prison sentencing reform that's freed more Blacks than Obama and Biden ever did? The guy that pardoned Jack Johnson? The guy who's economic policies gave blacks and Hispanics their best unemployment numbers ever?
This whole Black Lives Matter thing is a crock! Defunding the Police is so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. You've got people leaving major urban areas in numbers I haven't seen since the 70's. That isn't on Trump...that's all on liberal politicians and liberal policies.
Why does Trump think every Black or Brown person who comes here are from Shitholes? Why does Trump say there were fine people marching with torches while chanting 'Jews will not replace us!'? Why does Trump say Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hate? Why was Trump and his father convicted by the New York State attorney general?

Because, most black and brown people who come here ARE from shitholes!

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Somalia.....
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.
Do you REALLY think it's Trump that's dividing us on race? The guy that passed prison sentencing reform that's freed more Blacks than Obama and Biden ever did? The guy that pardoned Jack Johnson? The guy who's economic policies gave blacks and Hispanics their best unemployment numbers ever?
This whole Black Lives Matter thing is a crock! Defunding the Police is so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. You've got people leaving major urban areas in numbers I haven't seen since the 70's. That isn't on Trump...that's all on liberal politicians and liberal policies.
Why does Trump think every Black or Brown person who comes here are from Shitholes? Why does Trump say there were fine people marching with torches while chanting 'Jews will not replace us!'? Why does Trump say Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hate? Why was Trump and his father convicted by the New York State attorney general?

Because, most black and brown people who come here ARE from shitholes!

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Somalia.....
And the presidential responsible thing to do is to call other nations shitholes.
Obozo the failure. Now a total laughingstock. Trump didn’t bend over and bow (then take it in the ass) from dictators like Obozo did. Trump didn’t give all that money to a terrorist regime. His jealousy of Trump is obvious.

And jealousy of Trump? That’s silly. Trump is so fascinated or fixated of Obama that he blamed everything because of his stupidity and failures. He played golf blamed Obama, testing of COVID-19 blamed Obama when it only showed up here in US 2020, empty shelves blamed Obama, Obama left with no ammunition etc etc etc etc..

Here is a link a good example how Trump blamed Obama with his lies. That was May published in June. This doesn’t even count June, July and August.

CNN? HAhahahahah! Bullshit to match yours. Trump merely pointed out Obozo’s failings. Many of them. I’ll call you comrade all I want you Russia supporting Putin dick sucker.
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
Trump is at the lead and you think the country has never been better than August 2020. Trump has screwed up many things but no US President has screwed up a national crisis as much as Trump has screwed up handling the corona virus.
He played a very risky strategy of trying to power through the virus and not let it shut us down completely.
He gambled, he lost. Many American will lose their lives because of his failed strategy. Many more will have economic set backs that will take years to gain back. He is a failure.
If blaming the pandemic on Trump is all you've got...then you don't really have you? Trump left the shutdowns to local Governors. He had the Federal Government working on providing ventilators, PPE, emergency ICU capacity and testing availability. In ALL of those areas we made great strides. The places that we lost the most people were overwhelmingly controlled by Democrats. So how is THEIR response to the pandemic Trump's fault?
Ask Floridian, Texans and Arizonans. Politicizing a pandemic is about as stupid as it gets. The virus doesn't care about politics.

But responsibly responding to the virus is something that can work. Nobody blame Trump for the virus. But he should be held to account for his disastrous inept and intellectually bankrupt response. He punted his responsibility. Worst president ever.
What was Trump asked to do that he didn't do? Did he invoke the War Powers Act to produce ventilators? Yes, we produced so many that we're now supplying the rest of the world with them! Did he provide PPE? Yes, we increased production of personal protective equipment so that we didn't run out. Did he increase the number of ICU beds where asked? Yes, he had a hospital ship sent to New York harbor and the largest field hospital ever constructed put together in record time. Did he provide testing supplies? Yes, we're now doing more testing than any other country on the planet. Did he move heaven and earth to provide a vaccine? Yes, a vaccine is being produced in record time.
I'm baffled by what you considered to be "punted" to be quite blunt! Accomplishing all that with OUR Federal Government is rather impressive! Compared to the response that the Obama Administration had to the Swine Flu pandemic? Trump has done FAR more than Barry EVER did!
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.
Do you REALLY think it's Trump that's dividing us on race? The guy that passed prison sentencing reform that's freed more Blacks than Obama and Biden ever did? The guy that pardoned Jack Johnson? The guy who's economic policies gave blacks and Hispanics their best unemployment numbers ever?
This whole Black Lives Matter thing is a crock! Defunding the Police is so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. You've got people leaving major urban areas in numbers I haven't seen since the 70's. That isn't on Trump...that's all on liberal politicians and liberal policies.
Why does Trump think every Black or Brown person who comes here are from Shitholes? Why does Trump say there were fine people marching with torches while chanting 'Jews will not replace us!'? Why does Trump say Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hate? Why was Trump and his father convicted by the New York State attorney general?

Because, most black and brown people who come here ARE from shitholes!

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Somalia.....
And the presidential responsible thing to do is to call other nations shitholes.

Trump is blunt. If you travel overseas you're going to see places that can only be described as "shitholes". It may not be PC to call them that but it doesn't change the fact that they ARE!
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
Trump is at the lead and you think the country has never been better than August 2020. Trump has screwed up many things but no US President has screwed up a national crisis as much as Trump has screwed up handling the corona virus.
He played a very risky strategy of trying to power through the virus and not let it shut us down completely.
He gambled, he lost. Many American will lose their lives because of his failed strategy. Many more will have economic set backs that will take years to gain back. He is a failure.
If blaming the pandemic on Trump is all you've got...then you don't really have you? Trump left the shutdowns to local Governors. He had the Federal Government working on providing ventilators, PPE, emergency ICU capacity and testing availability. In ALL of those areas we made great strides. The places that we lost the most people were overwhelmingly controlled by Democrats. So how is THEIR response to the pandemic Trump's fault?
Ask Floridian, Texans and Arizonans. Politicizing a pandemic is about as stupid as it gets. The virus doesn't care about politics.

But responsibly responding to the virus is something that can work. Nobody blame Trump for the virus. But he should be held to account for his disastrous inept and intellectually bankrupt response. He punted his responsibility. Worst president ever.
What was Trump asked to do that he didn't do? Did he invoke the War Powers Act to produce ventilators? Yes, we produced so many that we're now supplying the rest of the world with them! Did he provide PPE? Yes, we increased production of personal protective equipment so that we didn't run out. Did he increase the number of ICU beds where asked? Yes, he had a hospital ship sent to New York harbor and the largest field hospital ever constructed put together in record time. Did he provide testing supplies? Yes, we're now doing more testing than any other country on the planet. Did he move heaven and earth to provide a vaccine? Yes, a vaccine is being produced in record time.
I'm baffled by what you considered to be "punted" to be quite blunt! Accomplishing all that with OUR Federal Government is rather impressive! Compared to the response that the Obama Administration had to the Swine Flu pandemic? Trump has done FAR more than Barry EVER did!

I also don't understand the comments that, Were now in this mess, because of wasn't Trump who let loose this virus and, he only did what he did, said what he said, based on the advice of DOCTOR FAUCI! The guy Democrats are touting as the expert that everyone should be listening to.
There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries

Wholly shit if that was O'bummer's message PROGS are really fucked now.

They don't have a chance anyway short of media and "special elections", and Trump headed those off to some extent and they're still battling. Even PROGS I talk too are disgusted with the Demonicrats. Never mind Trump, look what the Demonicrats came up with for POTUS for starts. Dems are toast.

I agree. I have Dem friends who will be voting for Trump as they consider Biden no where near what a POTUS should be. Hell most of them think he's senile.

They also know how great the country was before the Covid bullshit. UE the lowest its been in 50 years. Jobs all across the country and a great economy with Trump at the helm. God knows what will happen if Biden wins. He sure ain't no Trump.

Did you see how many Republicans came out spoke against this moron? Group of Republicans in Arizona are voting for Biden.
Two former US president Obama & Clinton spoke against Trump. Bush and Carter are voting for Biden.

You got that right Biden is no Trump. Your 10 yo boy lie like hell most of the time. One of his press conference last week. He was asked if he regret all the lies he made right in his face. He avoided that question. How many times in press conference when he was fact checked. He ran away like a coward dog. Trump is an embarrassment and laughing stock around the world.
How true and the Trump minions are cult like in their following of a President who prefers the government of Russia more than our Constitutional Democracy. He has been openly envious of Putin and Kim Jong Un. If that does not bother you, you are not a good American.

This moron blasted just about every one including his own people that works directly to him in public. But you never heard a single words blasting Putin. Even presented with evidence that Putin rape our 2016 election. Putin is puppet master.

He was warned again by his own intelligence agencies that Putin is now engage in 2020 election interference. NOT a single word from this weakling president against Putin. Biden warned the Russians that there will be consequences if they interfere in 2020 election. That is a true leader we need. Not this moron pretending to be president.

Go BIDEN this country need you to bring back normalcy or restore decency and respect around the world.

the russians are not significant factors. they don't deserve comment.

a bigger factor, is the violent mobs in the streets.

Since you are a Russian lover, an enemy of US, always up to no good against US. They deserve attention.

Violent mobs in the streets started when Lloyd was murdered by white cops in the street. Against police brutalities. Trump don’t have a clue and doesn’t even know how to address the crisis. But he has the time to play golf and post photo op.
We have 3 crisis the Pandemic Coronavirus, economy and racism. Trump is so incompetent not capable of addressing any of these issues. But he has the time to promote Qanon.

1. it is funny to see leftards like yourself red baiting. dismissed.

2. the spark for the mobs, don't care. i do care about the impact of the violent mobs.

3. diseases arise and hit and pass. Trump has done fine.

4. Racism is a crisis. the BLM mobs are certainly motivated by racism and hatred of white people.

5 The mobs are a crisis for the cities and the states. Unless you want Trump to address the fact that you dems are in open insurrection, again?
What are the Trump losers going to do when Trump loses by a land slide. Trump gave many losers a voice. They will have to run back to their rat holes and shut up.

HIs primary base was working class and middle class whites.

We aren't going anywhere. And more and more, we are done being blamed for shit that we have nothing to do with. and paying the price of shit we are not responsible for.

this is only the beginning.
No, it is the end for the Trump base following a snake oil salesman like Trump. Middle America older whites need help. I feel a Biden Presidency will provide help not a con.
Trump is the last stand for privileged old white men that have felt entitled over all others. It is time they give up their privilege and realize the new world.
I know what I am talking about. I am an old white guy.
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.
Do you REALLY think it's Trump that's dividing us on race? The guy that passed prison sentencing reform that's freed more Blacks than Obama and Biden ever did? The guy that pardoned Jack Johnson? The guy who's economic policies gave blacks and Hispanics their best unemployment numbers ever?
This whole Black Lives Matter thing is a crock! Defunding the Police is so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. You've got people leaving major urban areas in numbers I haven't seen since the 70's. That isn't on Trump...that's all on liberal politicians and liberal policies.
Why does Trump think every Black or Brown person who comes here are from Shitholes? Why does Trump say there were fine people marching with torches while chanting 'Jews will not replace us!'? Why does Trump say Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hate? Why was Trump and his father convicted by the New York State attorney general?

Because, most black and brown people who come here ARE from shitholes!

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Somalia.....
And the presidential responsible thing to do is to call other nations shitholes.

Trump is blunt. If you travel overseas you're going to see places that can only be described as "shitholes". It may not be PC to call them that but it doesn't change the fact that they ARE!
Have you not heard. The USA is the new shit hole. No one wants to let US citizens in their country because we cnnot control the corona virus. Trump has turned us into a shit hole.
There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries
Everything he said is more true about Biden that about Trump.
Only to treasonous Trump supporters like you who will go down hard with him. You will be an embarrassment to our country in the history books forever. A group of morally bankrupt individuals who elected a morally bankrupt President.
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
Trump is at the lead and you think the country has never been better than August 2020. Trump has screwed up many things but no US President has screwed up a national crisis as much as Trump has screwed up handling the corona virus.
He played a very risky strategy of trying to power through the virus and not let it shut us down completely.
He gambled, he lost. Many American will lose their lives because of his failed strategy. Many more will have economic set backs that will take years to gain back. He is a failure.
If blaming the pandemic on Trump is all you've got...then you don't really have you? Trump left the shutdowns to local Governors. He had the Federal Government working on providing ventilators, PPE, emergency ICU capacity and testing availability. In ALL of those areas we made great strides. The places that we lost the most people were overwhelmingly controlled by Democrats. So how is THEIR response to the pandemic Trump's fault?
Ask Floridian, Texans and Arizonans. Politicizing a pandemic is about as stupid as it gets. The virus doesn't care about politics.

But responsibly responding to the virus is something that can work. Nobody blame Trump for the virus. But he should be held to account for his disastrous inept and intellectually bankrupt response. He punted his responsibility. Worst president ever.
What was Trump asked to do that he didn't do? Did he invoke the War Powers Act to produce ventilators? Yes, we produced so many that we're now supplying the rest of the world with them! Did he provide PPE? Yes, we increased production of personal protective equipment so that we didn't run out. Did he increase the number of ICU beds where asked? Yes, he had a hospital ship sent to New York harbor and the largest field hospital ever constructed put together in record time. Did he provide testing supplies? Yes, we're now doing more testing than any other country on the planet. Did he move heaven and earth to provide a vaccine? Yes, a vaccine is being produced in record time.
I'm baffled by what you considered to be "punted" to be quite blunt! Accomplishing all that with OUR Federal Government is rather impressive! Compared to the response that the Obama Administration had to the Swine Flu pandemic? Trump has done FAR more than Barry EVER did!

I also don't understand the comments that, Were now in this mess, because of wasn't Trump who let loose this virus and, he only did what he did, said what he said, based on the advice of DOCTOR FAUCI! The guy Democrats are touting as the expert that everyone should be listening to.
Trump did not follow Fauci's advice, you idiot.
“There has never been a previous President rip a current President…”

And justifiably so.

There’s never be a president as corrupt and incompetent as Trump before – true, Buchanan was utterly incompetent, Nixon comprehensively corrupt – but Trump excels at both, someone dangerously unfit to be president.

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