There has never been more massive gaslighting than what The Swamp is doing over voter fraud

When the legislators in Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan are deciding the matter of
decertifying their support for Corrupt Joe Biden don't think the sorts of things two or three hard core idiot
scum bags are mocking here won't weigh in their decisions.

It's a slap in America's face.

Legislators don't decide elections. Judges don't decide elections. The people do. And the people have spoken.
Trump lost. Biden won. There have been NO court cases concerning fraud that have been heard. They have all been
dismissed. Republican legislators holding kangaroo courts with no meaning in their states..means nothing.
The election is certified. Move on.
What you mean is the Dim fraud decides elections. You keep insisting that we are supposed to swallow your lies.
Case closed:


This is why you morons have proven exactly 0 instances of fraud in court, briptard.
It hasn't been contested in court, you fucking moron.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Really? I thought gaslighting was the practice of hanging an electric neon “OPEN” light in the window of a place of business and calling the cops to trespass mentally ill people off the property and revoke their gun rights.
Well, there is NONE. All lower court cases dismissed. Two SC cases dismissed. No need to scream or cover your ears.
It's over. Biden won. Deal with it.
Nope. Biden's a loser and a thief. He isn't helping with that crooked cop shit from the Democrat police unions. No sir. Not a whit.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.
Ummmmm.....they were talking about YOU.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
You're a Biden voting douchebag, so you will be ignored. Why should anyone accept the judgement of political hacks?
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.
Ummmmm.....they were talking about YOU.
You're a Biden voting imbecile.
The big question is whether Trump's sore-loserism will become the new normal. To be fair, it started with Democrats who refused to accept Trump's win. But of course, Trumpsters are no better than Democrats, so their plan is to play the same game. Wash-rinse-repeat.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.
The thread premise is a lie.

The 2020 General Election was fair, honest, and perfectly lawful.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.
The thread premise is a lie.

The 2020 General Election was fair, honest, and perfectly lawful.
Move to North Korea you scum. Trump is about to invoke a 2018 law dealing with foreign influence in our elections and Sidney Powell will be the head prosecutor putting teeth in the law.
Well that should end well. lol

Well, there is NONE. All lower court cases dismissed. Two SC cases dismissed. No need to scream or cover your ears.
It's over. Biden won. Deal with it.
The evidence wasn't even looked at, moron.

And there was a good reason for that. The judges didn't think the "evidence" was credible. In some cases, Guliani's team didn't even present a fraud case.
Therefore, they were dismissed. If any one of them had merit, it would have been presented in front of a judge, in a court of law, with witnesses under oath.

Biden won. Trump lost. Deal with it.
2020 Sky Screamer.
Hurt feelings
No Evidence

Oh here’s a FACT for ya.
The LA Lakers in fact won the 2020 NBA Championship in front of very few fans, yet they Still Won. So your picture of a Biden crowd versus a trump super spreader publicity stunt is rendered FAKE.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

PA Lawmakers: Numbers Don’t Add Up,
Certification of Presidential Results Premature and In Error
PA Lawmakers: Numbers Don’t Add Up
Certification of Presidential Results Premature and In Error
* Difference of 202,377 more votes cast than voters voting together with 31,547 over & under votes in Presidential Race:
*alarming discrepancy of 170,830 votes
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.
you need a nap, fucktard.

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