There is a correlation between 'deaths of despair' among white people and voters for Trump


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Excellent analysis based on data

President-elect Donald Trump won his election by appealing to white, often working class voters, in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

At the same time, premature deaths among white people in the US are on the rise, going in the exact opposite direction to US blacks and Hispanics, and European populations, according to an important study by professors Angus Deaton and Anne Case, who teach economics at Princeton.

There is a correlation between 'deaths of despair' among white people and voters for Trump
Those who have been fucked and left behind, are the ones that voted for change?

You needed someone else to do an analysis on that for you?
Excellent analysis based on data

President-elect Donald Trump won his election by appealing to white, often working class voters, in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

At the same time, premature deaths among white people in the US are on the rise, going in the exact opposite direction to US blacks and Hispanics, and European populations, according to an important study by professors Angus Deaton and Anne Case, who teach economics at Princeton.

There is a correlation between 'deaths of despair' among white people and voters for Trump

How are the populations of Jews and blacks doing Guano? Jewish birth rates are much lower than whites. As for blacks, they are still the most uneducated, have the highest unemployment rate, are still killing each other on the streets, ending up in prison, getting HIV, and having their women kill their children at planned parenthood at rates higher than any other group.
Excellent analysis based on data

President-elect Donald Trump won his election by appealing to white, often working class voters, in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

At the same time, premature deaths among white people in the US are on the rise, going in the exact opposite direction to US blacks and Hispanics, and European populations, according to an important study by professors Angus Deaton and Anne Case, who teach economics at Princeton.

There is a correlation between 'deaths of despair' among white people and voters for Trump

How are the populations of Jews and blacks doing Guano? Jewish birth rates are much lower than whites. As for blacks, they are still the most uneducated, have the highest unemployment rate, are still killing each other on the streets, ending up in prison, getting HIV, and having their women kill their children at planned parenthood at rates higher than any other group.

AND losing ground proportionately to HIspanics, and I suspect Asians.
The best thing about Guno is he epitomizes the hateful liberal. Always angry, always raging, always upset at the world. Watch, he'll post something hateful as a reply.
Excellent analysis based on data

President-elect Donald Trump won his election by appealing to white, often working class voters, in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

At the same time, premature deaths among white people in the US are on the rise, going in the exact opposite direction to US blacks and Hispanics, and European populations, according to an important study by professors Angus Deaton and Anne Case, who teach economics at Princeton.

There is a correlation between 'deaths of despair' among white people and voters for Trump

Wow. You mean he listened to the people who have been getting fucked over by your progressives for all of these years? The ones that YOUR progressive leadership has decimated economically? Wow. What a shocker.
The guy is absolutely obsessed with the death of white people.

He/she/transgender-it self identifies as a black Jew. He hates whites and Christians, or as he calls them, "goyim".
Excellent analysis based on data

President-elect Donald Trump won his election by appealing to white, often working class voters, in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

At the same time, premature deaths among white people in the US are on the rise, going in the exact opposite direction to US blacks and Hispanics, and European populations, according to an important study by professors Angus Deaton and Anne Case, who teach economics at Princeton.

There is a correlation between 'deaths of despair' among white people and voters for Trump
LAKHOTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soon whites will rise up, drive their transgender invaders into the sea and force their blind to get a job!
Excellent analysis based on data

President-elect Donald Trump won his election by appealing to white, often working class voters, in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

At the same time, premature deaths among white people in the US are on the rise, going in the exact opposite direction to US blacks and Hispanics, and European populations, according to an important study by professors Angus Deaton and Anne Case, who teach economics at Princeton.

There is a correlation between 'deaths of despair' among white people and voters for Trump

I hear that self immolation is becoming a thing with your ilk, need a light?
There's a correlation between quano and the supply of fertilizer in the commodities index.

When he dies, the commodity will lose a fraction of it's value briefly until the market absorbs the the influx of supply.
First time I ever heard voting Republican can kill you. You have to wonder how far down this deep end the Libs fell into goes ?
First time I ever heard voting Republican can kill you. You have to wonder how far down this deep end the Libs fell into goes ?

You need to view liberalism as a black hole of ignorance. There is no amount of "light", such as truth, facts, logic or reason that has been able to penetrate it since karl marx documented the academic ambition to rule the world through a collectivist world government.

The pseudo intellectuals of the world are convinced they can achieve what every other sociopathic despot in history has failed to do. Conquer the world and manage the population.

I prefer wars, pandemics and chaos compared to systematic murder at the hands of our "government" as the left envisions it.


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