There is a huge difference between ICE, and Nazi’s. In case you hadn’t heard.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
One of my passions is History. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve read a book, or watched a documentary and grumbled that they had it wrong. Usually it is because they are putting modern social norms into a historical setting, but enough of that.

One of the asinine arguments that the Germans made after the war was that they had no choice regarding the Jews because the world refused to accept them as Refugees. The argument was that nobody else wanted them either. Refugees

America, and England both refused the Jews entrance. Now, this was not because of roving bands of criminals threatening the families. The Jews were trying to leave because of Government policy towards an ethnic group. This does NOT relieve the Germans responsibility for the Murder of millions of Jews. Far from it. But it does set the stage for the story of Anne Frank.

It is a heartbreaking story, of a girl who is trying to live in her own country, not somebody else’s. Anne Frank is one of those works that has affected generations, as many other books and stories should. But it is not the story of an illegal immigrant hiding in an attic.

ICE isn’t rounding up the Illegals and throwing them into Gas Chambers for death. Immigration isn’t accepting bids for a Microwave that seats twelve. The Jews did not have Judicial Reviews before they were marched to their deaths. Yet, some jackass is claiming this is exactly what is happening.

Zimmerman Sets Cast For Re-Imagined THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK in LA

People claim that White People appropriate cultural affectations of others. Some are even insulted by this as if people celebrating Cinco de Mayo is somehow akin to a crime against Humanity. That is asinine. Yet, no White would be taken seriously if they said their ancestors had worked as slaves in this nation. It would probably be true, Indentured Servants and Slavery is historically a part of every culture.

However, claiming that ICE is the Gestapo is insane. Especially when you consider how badly the Jews were treated even after the war by the “liberating” powers. I read an interview with one of the American pilots who joined the Israeli Air Force as Israel declared independence. The reason he decided it was needed was because he flew a relief flight into a refugee camp of Jewish Survivors of the Nazi’s. The Jews were still starving. He said he decided to do it when he saw a Jewish Mother wetting the lips of her child with Urine, because there was NO WATER. To argue that the Immigrants are facing similar situations is incredible. They are not remotely similar. They are light years away from being similar.

Anne Frank was an indictment of the Germans, the Nazi’s, and the free world who ignored this problem. But it is one that has historically been inflicted on the Jews through history. The Crusaders as they marched for years on Jerusalem, would torture and kill Jews along the way in search of their perfect faith. Again, historical fact.

The immigration problem is a serious one. But to claim it is anything like what the Jews endured during the Second World War is insulting, and does not increase compassion for your cause, it drives us further apart. Oh, and if you are wondering, a wall, a fence, etc. Is actually something I have called for many times over the years. Also I have called for Ellis Island type of receiving stations, and much looser limits on immigration. The Ellis Island type of facilities would screen for criminals, and disease that could present a public health hazard. You know, like Ellis Island did for a very long time.

Make it reasonably possible to get in, and then show no consideration for those who flaunt the system. That is the problem we have right now, the ability to get in legally is incredibly difficult. So taking your chances breaking the law, why not? You aren’t going to make it otherwise.

But in no way is our immigration policy akin to the Nazi Final Solution in any way, shape, or form. It is a claim made by idiots who have no god damned idea what History actually is. No idea what actually happened. No ability to imagine the true horrors of the Holocaust. When ICE starts accepting bids for death chambers, talk to me again. But until then, stop the lying hysteria.
There's a huge difference between the real Nazis and pretty much everything.

That doesn't stop wingers from dragging them into damn near every conversation nowadays.

It's always fun to trivialize, dilute and essentially mock the suffering of millions for shallow perceived political advantage, I reckon.
I am truly and wholly offended by those who say Trump is putting illegals in concentration camps and I’m not Jewish so I can’t imagine what actual Jewish people think about it (especially if they or their relatives/ancestors were Holocaust survivors). The anti-Trumpers seem to be trying to wish something that was responsible for the death of millions into existence and they don’t see a problem with that?

I don’t understand how you can hate a person so much that you lie to yourself and others in hopes of spreading that hate. Is it so toxic that they must find an outlet for it to keep from exploding... Is that why these people believe things that aren’t true and give credibility to these kind of asinine comparisons?
Why in the world do we need to defend ICE when rogue federal cops used tanks and poison gas to kill 80 men women and children at Waco? Why do we have to defend ICE when a federal agency shipped 3,000 weapons to Mexican drug cartels and why do we have to defend ICE when evidence indicates that the once venerable FBI was involved in a political coup?

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