There Is A Real Problem...

you care that it's melting? why? it's been melting since the world was covered in it. we exist now, and you're concerned it's melting? you want us dead under ice? you're certainly very confused. Not sure why ice is so important in your life. BTW, it isn't melting in the arctic or antarctic.
I care that sea levels may change. Mankind will certainly survive whatever flooding comes but men may die in the millions. Aside from the humanitarian issue, I don't want Floridians to migrate to my state before we can build a wall. On the other hand I may get some beachfront property. Winners and losers.

Do you really think that we could build anything that would effectively hold back the ocean for any period of time that would make it worth the expense of trying to build it? The oceans are rising at a rate of a couple of mm per year. The "retreat from the beach" will be a very slow..very long process and won't likely result in people fleeing the state. More people migrate in the US to escape taxes than they do to escape rising sea levels...
The Oceans have been rising for 20000 years, get used to it because it is not stopping. It is also rising far less fast now than in the past
What does "get used to" sea level rise mean? Do I stick my head in the sand and ignore it until it threatens my house or do I study and plan a remedy or remediation now?

"Report: Decades of Failed Eco-Pocalypse Predictions

Study captures more than 50 years of false claims from environmentalists

The apocalyptic claims of environmentalists have failed repeatedly for decades, but that has not stopped top Democrats from panicking, according to a new study.

…a copy of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 2018 report on the effects of global warming…. The IPCC report "paints a far more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought," according to the New York Times. It has also served as the partial basis of dire predictions from leading liberal politicians. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) has predicted that the world will end in 12 years, and that Miami will no longer exist if her Green New Deal is not passed. Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg has even suggested people who eat hamburgers and use plastic straws are "part of the problem."

Such dire predictions, the new CEI report said, are nothing new. There is a long history of prominent politicians and scientists predicting imminent crises that never quite come to pass.

…stretches back to infamous Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich's prediction that, as of 1967, it was "already too late for the world to avoid a long period of famine," which he expected to come by 1975. Ehrlich would gain notoriety for similarly dire predictions in his 1968 book The Population Bomb, and for subsequently losing a bet on global scarcity to economist Julian Simon.

Air pollution has been another popular topic of alarm. A number of scientists, including a NASA expert and a whole panel convened at Brown University, predicted that "air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century," in the words of a 1970 Boston Globe report. Air pollution has declined steadily for decades.

In the 1980s, scientists projected both epic floods, with the Maldives under water by the 2010s, and epic droughts, with regions going parched starting in the 1990s. None of these predictions came to pass.

More recent scientists are not immune. The CEI report cites Dr. David Viner, a climate researcher at the University of East Anglia, who in 2000 predicted snowfall would soon become "a very rare and exciting event. … Children just aren't going to know what snow is." In 2008, one NASA scientist told Congress to expect all arctic ice to melt by 2018; that same year, Al Gore predicted it would vanish by 2013. As recently as 2014, the French foreign minister claimed the planet had just "500 days" before climate catastrophe."
Five Decades of Wrong Predictions About the Environmental Apocalypse
Didn't you recently complain that I posted a duplicate?

I don't recall you ever responded to my question on this duplicate: "How many predictions about the environment were correct?" [or words to that effect]
This is the level of insanity the Left has induced.

At this stage, you're only interesting as a psychological study in personalty disorders, an example of how fanatical cultists often willingly devolve themselves into pathological liars.

I provide Liberal man-hating Senator Hirono, actually saying "It's a religion, not science"

This isn't a debate, liar. You're faking quotes. All of your own links say so. You gave three links. All three of them say you're faking the quote. All of your own sources say you're lying to everyone's face.

Is Climate Change Activism a Religion?
Hawaiian Senator Mazie Hirono recently stated that people should “believe in climate change as though it’s a religion.” She then very quickly added, “It’s not, it’s science.”

Democratic senator treats climate change like a religion - The Locker Room
Hirono told the audience to “Believe in climate change as though it’s a religion, it’s not, it’s science.”

Democrat Sen. Mazie Hirono: 'Believe in Climate Change as Though It's a Religion'
Believe in climate change as though it's a religion, it's not, it's science

It's kind of funny, just how brazen you are with your dishonesty. I'm guessing that, hanging around with other Trump cultists, you're used to be able to lie with impunity and never get called on it.

which anyone can hear her say at 37 seconds into the vid....

Anyone listening can clearly hear that you're lying about what was said.

and this howling mental patient with the cat avi says I faked it....

I didn't just say it. All of your own sources say it. Sucks to be you. Remember kook, you can't gaslight normal people. Heck, in this case, you couldn't even gaslight your fellow cultists. Even they won't jump up on this liar-wagon with you, that's how bad it smells.

Learn a lesson from this. You could have just said "Oops, I was wrong, but she still said something dumb". You could have just said nothing. But wait, you couldn't have done that. After all, sociopaths are emotionally incapable of admitting any error, no matter how tiny. So you doubled down on stupid, dug deeper into the liar hole, and now you're humiliated and hellbound. That couldn't have happened to a more disgusting human being.

"which anyone can hear her say at 37 seconds into the vid....
Anyone listening can clearly hear that you're lying about what was said."

Yet you are afraid to put up the vid of her speech....

....why is that?

I'd be happy ya' go:

Now everyone knows what a demented little mollusk you are.

"'s a religion, it's not a science."

Right at 0:37 seconds.
I care that sea levels may change. Mankind will certainly survive whatever flooding comes but men may die in the millions. Aside from the humanitarian issue, I don't want Floridians to migrate to my state before we can build a wall. On the other hand I may get some beachfront property. Winners and losers.

Do you really think that we could build anything that would effectively hold back the ocean for any period of time that would make it worth the expense of trying to build it? The oceans are rising at a rate of a couple of mm per year. The "retreat from the beach" will be a very slow..very long process and won't likely result in people fleeing the state. More people migrate in the US to escape taxes than they do to escape rising sea levels...
The Oceans have been rising for 20000 years, get used to it because it is not stopping. It is also rising far less fast now than in the past
What does "get used to" sea level rise mean? Do I stick my head in the sand and ignore it until it threatens my house or do I study and plan a remedy or remediation now?

"Report: Decades of Failed Eco-Pocalypse Predictions

Study captures more than 50 years of false claims from environmentalists

The apocalyptic claims of environmentalists have failed repeatedly for decades, but that has not stopped top Democrats from panicking, according to a new study.

…a copy of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 2018 report on the effects of global warming…. The IPCC report "paints a far more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought," according to the New York Times. It has also served as the partial basis of dire predictions from leading liberal politicians. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) has predicted that the world will end in 12 years, and that Miami will no longer exist if her Green New Deal is not passed. Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg has even suggested people who eat hamburgers and use plastic straws are "part of the problem."

Such dire predictions, the new CEI report said, are nothing new. There is a long history of prominent politicians and scientists predicting imminent crises that never quite come to pass.

…stretches back to infamous Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich's prediction that, as of 1967, it was "already too late for the world to avoid a long period of famine," which he expected to come by 1975. Ehrlich would gain notoriety for similarly dire predictions in his 1968 book The Population Bomb, and for subsequently losing a bet on global scarcity to economist Julian Simon.

Air pollution has been another popular topic of alarm. A number of scientists, including a NASA expert and a whole panel convened at Brown University, predicted that "air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century," in the words of a 1970 Boston Globe report. Air pollution has declined steadily for decades.

In the 1980s, scientists projected both epic floods, with the Maldives under water by the 2010s, and epic droughts, with regions going parched starting in the 1990s. None of these predictions came to pass.

More recent scientists are not immune. The CEI report cites Dr. David Viner, a climate researcher at the University of East Anglia, who in 2000 predicted snowfall would soon become "a very rare and exciting event. … Children just aren't going to know what snow is." In 2008, one NASA scientist told Congress to expect all arctic ice to melt by 2018; that same year, Al Gore predicted it would vanish by 2013. As recently as 2014, the French foreign minister claimed the planet had just "500 days" before climate catastrophe."
Five Decades of Wrong Predictions About the Environmental Apocalypse
Didn't you recently complain that I posted a duplicate?

I don't recall you ever responded to my question on this duplicate: "How many predictions about the environment were correct?" [or words to that effect]

I care that sea levels may change. Mankind will certainly survive whatever flooding comes but men may die in the millions. Aside from the humanitarian issue, I don't want Floridians to migrate to my state before we can build a wall. On the other hand I may get some beachfront property. Winners and losers.

Do you really think that we could build anything that would effectively hold back the ocean for any period of time that would make it worth the expense of trying to build it? The oceans are rising at a rate of a couple of mm per year. The "retreat from the beach" will be a very slow..very long process and won't likely result in people fleeing the state. More people migrate in the US to escape taxes than they do to escape rising sea levels...
The Oceans have been rising for 20000 years, get used to it because it is not stopping. It is also rising far less fast now than in the past
What does "get used to" sea level rise mean? Do I stick my head in the sand and ignore it until it threatens my house or do I study and plan a remedy or remediation now?

"Report: Decades of Failed Eco-Pocalypse Predictions

Study captures more than 50 years of false claims from environmentalists

The apocalyptic claims of environmentalists have failed repeatedly for decades, but that has not stopped top Democrats from panicking, according to a new study.

…a copy of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 2018 report on the effects of global warming…. The IPCC report "paints a far more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought," according to the New York Times. It has also served as the partial basis of dire predictions from leading liberal politicians. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) has predicted that the world will end in 12 years, and that Miami will no longer exist if her Green New Deal is not passed. Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg has even suggested people who eat hamburgers and use plastic straws are "part of the problem."

Such dire predictions, the new CEI report said, are nothing new. There is a long history of prominent politicians and scientists predicting imminent crises that never quite come to pass.

…stretches back to infamous Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich's prediction that, as of 1967, it was "already too late for the world to avoid a long period of famine," which he expected to come by 1975. Ehrlich would gain notoriety for similarly dire predictions in his 1968 book The Population Bomb, and for subsequently losing a bet on global scarcity to economist Julian Simon.

Air pollution has been another popular topic of alarm. A number of scientists, including a NASA expert and a whole panel convened at Brown University, predicted that "air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century," in the words of a 1970 Boston Globe report. Air pollution has declined steadily for decades.

In the 1980s, scientists projected both epic floods, with the Maldives under water by the 2010s, and epic droughts, with regions going parched starting in the 1990s. None of these predictions came to pass.

More recent scientists are not immune. The CEI report cites Dr. David Viner, a climate researcher at the University of East Anglia, who in 2000 predicted snowfall would soon become "a very rare and exciting event. … Children just aren't going to know what snow is." In 2008, one NASA scientist told Congress to expect all arctic ice to melt by 2018; that same year, Al Gore predicted it would vanish by 2013. As recently as 2014, the French foreign minister claimed the planet had just "500 days" before climate catastrophe."
Five Decades of Wrong Predictions About the Environmental Apocalypse
Didn't you recently complain that I posted a duplicate?

I don't recall you ever responded to my question on this duplicate: "How many predictions about the environment were correct?" [or words to that effect]
No long range environmental prediction has ever been correct including the prediction in the 70s that an ice age was coming
Do you really think that we could build anything that would effectively hold back the ocean for any period of time that would make it worth the expense of trying to build it? The oceans are rising at a rate of a couple of mm per year. The "retreat from the beach" will be a very slow..very long process and won't likely result in people fleeing the state. More people migrate in the US to escape taxes than they do to escape rising sea levels...
The Oceans have been rising for 20000 years, get used to it because it is not stopping. It is also rising far less fast now than in the past
What does "get used to" sea level rise mean? Do I stick my head in the sand and ignore it until it threatens my house or do I study and plan a remedy or remediation now?

"Report: Decades of Failed Eco-Pocalypse Predictions

Study captures more than 50 years of false claims from environmentalists

The apocalyptic claims of environmentalists have failed repeatedly for decades, but that has not stopped top Democrats from panicking, according to a new study.

…a copy of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 2018 report on the effects of global warming…. The IPCC report "paints a far more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought," according to the New York Times. It has also served as the partial basis of dire predictions from leading liberal politicians. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) has predicted that the world will end in 12 years, and that Miami will no longer exist if her Green New Deal is not passed. Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg has even suggested people who eat hamburgers and use plastic straws are "part of the problem."

Such dire predictions, the new CEI report said, are nothing new. There is a long history of prominent politicians and scientists predicting imminent crises that never quite come to pass.

…stretches back to infamous Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich's prediction that, as of 1967, it was "already too late for the world to avoid a long period of famine," which he expected to come by 1975. Ehrlich would gain notoriety for similarly dire predictions in his 1968 book The Population Bomb, and for subsequently losing a bet on global scarcity to economist Julian Simon.

Air pollution has been another popular topic of alarm. A number of scientists, including a NASA expert and a whole panel convened at Brown University, predicted that "air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century," in the words of a 1970 Boston Globe report. Air pollution has declined steadily for decades.

In the 1980s, scientists projected both epic floods, with the Maldives under water by the 2010s, and epic droughts, with regions going parched starting in the 1990s. None of these predictions came to pass.

More recent scientists are not immune. The CEI report cites Dr. David Viner, a climate researcher at the University of East Anglia, who in 2000 predicted snowfall would soon become "a very rare and exciting event. … Children just aren't going to know what snow is." In 2008, one NASA scientist told Congress to expect all arctic ice to melt by 2018; that same year, Al Gore predicted it would vanish by 2013. As recently as 2014, the French foreign minister claimed the planet had just "500 days" before climate catastrophe."
Five Decades of Wrong Predictions About the Environmental Apocalypse
Didn't you recently complain that I posted a duplicate?

I don't recall you ever responded to my question on this duplicate: "How many predictions about the environment were correct?" [or words to that effect]

Sorry, you're wrong again:
Here's How Scarily Accurate NASA's Long-Term Climate Predictions Have Been So Far
28 MAY 2019
There are a handful of major science institutions around the world that keep track of the Earth's temperature. They all clearly show that the world's temperature has risen in the past few decades. One of those institutions is NASA.

NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Science Studies (GISS) is located in New York City. Recently, they did a complete assessment of their temperature data, called GISTEMP, or GISS surface Temperature Analysis.

The GISTEMP is one of our most direct benchmarks for tracking the Earth's temperature. It goes back over 100 years, to the 1880s.

Every year, NASA partners with the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) to update the global temperature. They use temperature data dating back to 1880 from land and sea surface measurements, combined with more modern measurements from over 6,300 weather stations research stations, and ships and weather buoys around the world.

Using all this data, the pair of organizations concluded that 2018 was the fourth-warmest year on record, and that 2016 was the warmest.

In this new study, NASA scientists analyzed the GISTEMP data to see if past predictions of rising temperatures were accurate. They needed to know that any uncertainty within their data was correctly accounted for.

The goal was to make sure that the models they use are robust enough to rely on in the future. The answer: Yes they are. Within 1/20th a degree Celsius. Kudos.​
The Oceans have been rising for 20000 years, get used to it because it is not stopping. It is also rising far less fast now than in the past
What does "get used to" sea level rise mean? Do I stick my head in the sand and ignore it until it threatens my house or do I study and plan a remedy or remediation now?

"Report: Decades of Failed Eco-Pocalypse Predictions

Study captures more than 50 years of false claims from environmentalists

The apocalyptic claims of environmentalists have failed repeatedly for decades, but that has not stopped top Democrats from panicking, according to a new study.

…a copy of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 2018 report on the effects of global warming…. The IPCC report "paints a far more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought," according to the New York Times. It has also served as the partial basis of dire predictions from leading liberal politicians. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) has predicted that the world will end in 12 years, and that Miami will no longer exist if her Green New Deal is not passed. Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg has even suggested people who eat hamburgers and use plastic straws are "part of the problem."

Such dire predictions, the new CEI report said, are nothing new. There is a long history of prominent politicians and scientists predicting imminent crises that never quite come to pass.

…stretches back to infamous Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich's prediction that, as of 1967, it was "already too late for the world to avoid a long period of famine," which he expected to come by 1975. Ehrlich would gain notoriety for similarly dire predictions in his 1968 book The Population Bomb, and for subsequently losing a bet on global scarcity to economist Julian Simon.

Air pollution has been another popular topic of alarm. A number of scientists, including a NASA expert and a whole panel convened at Brown University, predicted that "air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century," in the words of a 1970 Boston Globe report. Air pollution has declined steadily for decades.

In the 1980s, scientists projected both epic floods, with the Maldives under water by the 2010s, and epic droughts, with regions going parched starting in the 1990s. None of these predictions came to pass.

More recent scientists are not immune. The CEI report cites Dr. David Viner, a climate researcher at the University of East Anglia, who in 2000 predicted snowfall would soon become "a very rare and exciting event. … Children just aren't going to know what snow is." In 2008, one NASA scientist told Congress to expect all arctic ice to melt by 2018; that same year, Al Gore predicted it would vanish by 2013. As recently as 2014, the French foreign minister claimed the planet had just "500 days" before climate catastrophe."
Five Decades of Wrong Predictions About the Environmental Apocalypse
Didn't you recently complain that I posted a duplicate?

I don't recall you ever responded to my question on this duplicate: "How many predictions about the environment were correct?" [or words to that effect]

Sorry, you're wrong again:
Here's How Scarily Accurate NASA's Long-Term Climate Predictions Have Been So Far
28 MAY 2019
There are a handful of major science institutions around the world that keep track of the Earth's temperature. They all clearly show that the world's temperature has risen in the past few decades. One of those institutions is NASA.

NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Science Studies (GISS) is located in New York City. Recently, they did a complete assessment of their temperature data, called GISTEMP, or GISS surface Temperature Analysis.

The GISTEMP is one of our most direct benchmarks for tracking the Earth's temperature. It goes back over 100 years, to the 1880s.

Every year, NASA partners with the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) to update the global temperature. They use temperature data dating back to 1880 from land and sea surface measurements, combined with more modern measurements from over 6,300 weather stations research stations, and ships and weather buoys around the world.

Using all this data, the pair of organizations concluded that 2018 was the fourth-warmest year on record, and that 2016 was the warmest.

In this new study, NASA scientists analyzed the GISTEMP data to see if past predictions of rising temperatures were accurate. They needed to know that any uncertainty within their data was correctly accounted for.

The goal was to make sure that the models they use are robust enough to rely on in the future. The answer: Yes they are. Within 1/20th a degree Celsius. Kudos.​
Dude nasa was and is wrong. If they were right the Everglades would be submerged. Not only did this not happen but new canals are being dug to better flood the Everglades to overcome the damming once done to dry the area out

You live in a fantasy world
The storm surge only effects imbessiles who bought and built just above the high tide line. Like u
Your compassion is as deep as your understanding of the world.
Compassion has nothing to do with this, the scientific facts are clear that the oceans have been rising for 20000 years. You have been lied to, and not by me
I agree, rising sea levels are a fact. The question is what do we do about it since it will have a major impact on humanity. Some people, such as yourself, believe it's very man for himself, others believe we should do what we can for ourselves and the world, even if it means giving up plastic straws.
The storm surge only effects imbessiles who bought and built just above the high tide line. Like u
Your compassion is as deep as your understanding of the world.
Compassion has nothing to do with this, the scientific facts are clear that the oceans have been rising for 20000 years. You have been lied to, and not by me
I agree, rising sea levels are a fact. The question is what do we do about it since it will have a major impact on humanity. Some people, such as yourself, believe it's very man for himself, others believe we should do what we can for ourselves and the world, even if it means giving up plastic straws.
Well there is no problem for people that did not build in or near the intertidal zone. The biggest problem in the government that built seawalls to keep the oceans out of areas of new Orleans that are already below sea level. Anyone living below sea level is retarded because nothing will hold back the sea. The comical thing in new Orleans is they have pumps to pump the water back into the ocean as though this will do anything

You have exactly one option as to what to do and that is sell now. If you do not even you know that u r full of shit
What does "get used to" sea level rise mean? Do I stick my head in the sand and ignore it until it threatens my house or do I study and plan a remedy or remediation now?

"Report: Decades of Failed Eco-Pocalypse Predictions

Study captures more than 50 years of false claims from environmentalists

The apocalyptic claims of environmentalists have failed repeatedly for decades, but that has not stopped top Democrats from panicking, according to a new study.

…a copy of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 2018 report on the effects of global warming…. The IPCC report "paints a far more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought," according to the New York Times. It has also served as the partial basis of dire predictions from leading liberal politicians. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) has predicted that the world will end in 12 years, and that Miami will no longer exist if her Green New Deal is not passed. Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg has even suggested people who eat hamburgers and use plastic straws are "part of the problem."

Such dire predictions, the new CEI report said, are nothing new. There is a long history of prominent politicians and scientists predicting imminent crises that never quite come to pass.

…stretches back to infamous Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich's prediction that, as of 1967, it was "already too late for the world to avoid a long period of famine," which he expected to come by 1975. Ehrlich would gain notoriety for similarly dire predictions in his 1968 book The Population Bomb, and for subsequently losing a bet on global scarcity to economist Julian Simon.

Air pollution has been another popular topic of alarm. A number of scientists, including a NASA expert and a whole panel convened at Brown University, predicted that "air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century," in the words of a 1970 Boston Globe report. Air pollution has declined steadily for decades.

In the 1980s, scientists projected both epic floods, with the Maldives under water by the 2010s, and epic droughts, with regions going parched starting in the 1990s. None of these predictions came to pass.

More recent scientists are not immune. The CEI report cites Dr. David Viner, a climate researcher at the University of East Anglia, who in 2000 predicted snowfall would soon become "a very rare and exciting event. … Children just aren't going to know what snow is." In 2008, one NASA scientist told Congress to expect all arctic ice to melt by 2018; that same year, Al Gore predicted it would vanish by 2013. As recently as 2014, the French foreign minister claimed the planet had just "500 days" before climate catastrophe."
Five Decades of Wrong Predictions About the Environmental Apocalypse
Didn't you recently complain that I posted a duplicate?

I don't recall you ever responded to my question on this duplicate: "How many predictions about the environment were correct?" [or words to that effect]

Sorry, you're wrong again:
Here's How Scarily Accurate NASA's Long-Term Climate Predictions Have Been So Far
28 MAY 2019
There are a handful of major science institutions around the world that keep track of the Earth's temperature. They all clearly show that the world's temperature has risen in the past few decades. One of those institutions is NASA.

NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Science Studies (GISS) is located in New York City. Recently, they did a complete assessment of their temperature data, called GISTEMP, or GISS surface Temperature Analysis.

The GISTEMP is one of our most direct benchmarks for tracking the Earth's temperature. It goes back over 100 years, to the 1880s.

Every year, NASA partners with the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) to update the global temperature. They use temperature data dating back to 1880 from land and sea surface measurements, combined with more modern measurements from over 6,300 weather stations research stations, and ships and weather buoys around the world.

Using all this data, the pair of organizations concluded that 2018 was the fourth-warmest year on record, and that 2016 was the warmest.

In this new study, NASA scientists analyzed the GISTEMP data to see if past predictions of rising temperatures were accurate. They needed to know that any uncertainty within their data was correctly accounted for.

The goal was to make sure that the models they use are robust enough to rely on in the future. The answer: Yes they are. Within 1/20th a degree Celsius. Kudos.​
Dude nasa was and is wrong. If they were right the Everglades would be submerged. Not only did this not happen but new canals are being dug to better flood the Everglades to overcome the damming once done to dry the area out

You live in a fantasy world
One of us lives in a fantasy world. I'd say it's the one who believes they know more than the scientists who actually study the issue.

The reality:

The Florida Everglades is a swampy wilderness the size of Delaware. In some places along the road in southern Florida, it looks like tall saw grass to the horizon, a prairie punctuated with a few twisted cypress trees. The sky is the palest blue.

But beneath the surface a different story is unfolding. Because of climate change and sea level rise, the ocean is starting to seep into the swampland. If the invasion grows worse, it could drastically change the Everglades, and a way of life for millions of residents in South Florida.​
"Report: Decades of Failed Eco-Pocalypse Predictions

Study captures more than 50 years of false claims from environmentalists

The apocalyptic claims of environmentalists have failed repeatedly for decades, but that has not stopped top Democrats from panicking, according to a new study.

…a copy of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 2018 report on the effects of global warming…. The IPCC report "paints a far more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought," according to the New York Times. It has also served as the partial basis of dire predictions from leading liberal politicians. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) has predicted that the world will end in 12 years, and that Miami will no longer exist if her Green New Deal is not passed. Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg has even suggested people who eat hamburgers and use plastic straws are "part of the problem."

Such dire predictions, the new CEI report said, are nothing new. There is a long history of prominent politicians and scientists predicting imminent crises that never quite come to pass.

…stretches back to infamous Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich's prediction that, as of 1967, it was "already too late for the world to avoid a long period of famine," which he expected to come by 1975. Ehrlich would gain notoriety for similarly dire predictions in his 1968 book The Population Bomb, and for subsequently losing a bet on global scarcity to economist Julian Simon.

Air pollution has been another popular topic of alarm. A number of scientists, including a NASA expert and a whole panel convened at Brown University, predicted that "air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century," in the words of a 1970 Boston Globe report. Air pollution has declined steadily for decades.

In the 1980s, scientists projected both epic floods, with the Maldives under water by the 2010s, and epic droughts, with regions going parched starting in the 1990s. None of these predictions came to pass.

More recent scientists are not immune. The CEI report cites Dr. David Viner, a climate researcher at the University of East Anglia, who in 2000 predicted snowfall would soon become "a very rare and exciting event. … Children just aren't going to know what snow is." In 2008, one NASA scientist told Congress to expect all arctic ice to melt by 2018; that same year, Al Gore predicted it would vanish by 2013. As recently as 2014, the French foreign minister claimed the planet had just "500 days" before climate catastrophe."
Five Decades of Wrong Predictions About the Environmental Apocalypse
Didn't you recently complain that I posted a duplicate?

I don't recall you ever responded to my question on this duplicate: "How many predictions about the environment were correct?" [or words to that effect]

Sorry, you're wrong again:
Here's How Scarily Accurate NASA's Long-Term Climate Predictions Have Been So Far
28 MAY 2019
There are a handful of major science institutions around the world that keep track of the Earth's temperature. They all clearly show that the world's temperature has risen in the past few decades. One of those institutions is NASA.

NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Science Studies (GISS) is located in New York City. Recently, they did a complete assessment of their temperature data, called GISTEMP, or GISS surface Temperature Analysis.

The GISTEMP is one of our most direct benchmarks for tracking the Earth's temperature. It goes back over 100 years, to the 1880s.

Every year, NASA partners with the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) to update the global temperature. They use temperature data dating back to 1880 from land and sea surface measurements, combined with more modern measurements from over 6,300 weather stations research stations, and ships and weather buoys around the world.

Using all this data, the pair of organizations concluded that 2018 was the fourth-warmest year on record, and that 2016 was the warmest.

In this new study, NASA scientists analyzed the GISTEMP data to see if past predictions of rising temperatures were accurate. They needed to know that any uncertainty within their data was correctly accounted for.

The goal was to make sure that the models they use are robust enough to rely on in the future. The answer: Yes they are. Within 1/20th a degree Celsius. Kudos.​
Dude nasa was and is wrong. If they were right the Everglades would be submerged. Not only did this not happen but new canals are being dug to better flood the Everglades to overcome the damming once done to dry the area out

You live in a fantasy world
One of us lives in a fantasy world. I'd say it's the one who believes they know more than the scientists who actually study the issue.

The reality:

The Florida Everglades is a swampy wilderness the size of Delaware. In some places along the road in southern Florida, it looks like tall saw grass to the horizon, a prairie punctuated with a few twisted cypress trees. The sky is the palest blue.

But beneath the surface a different story is unfolding. Because of climate change and sea level rise, the ocean is starting to seep into the swampland. If the invasion grows worse, it could drastically change the Everglades, and a way of life for millions of residents in South Florida.​
The scientist say that the sea is rising, I agree. You are the one who does not believe this because you are not moving

Now go whack off
Compassion has nothing to do with this, the scientific facts are clear that the oceans have been rising for 20000 years. You have been lied to, and not by me
I agree, rising sea levels are a fact. The question is what do we do about it since it will have a major impact on humanity. Some people, such as yourself, believe it's very man for himself, others believe we should do what we can for ourselves and the world, even if it means giving up plastic straws.
Well there is no problem for people that did not build in or near the intertidal zone. The biggest problem in the government that built seawalls to keep the oceans out of areas of new Orleans that are already below sea level. Anyone living below sea level is retarded because nothing will hold back the sea. The comical thing in new Orleans is they have pumps to pump the water back into the ocean as though this will do anything

You have exactly one option as to what to do and that is sell now. If you do not even you know that u r full of shit
Again I'm impressed by your compassion if not by your understanding of the issues. Screw em is again your mantra: sell and flee. Who exactly would buy under those circumstances? Great plan you got there since we certainly shouldn't try to fix thing like they do in the Netherlands.
The scientist say that the sea is rising, I agree. You are the one who does not believe this because you are not moving
Again you display your ignorance. My house is 160' ASL. I may end up with beachfront property if I live long enough.
Liars burn in Hell, skook. You're going to burn for backing up PC's open lie. That is, unless you repent. Publicly.

It is the unforgiven who will burn in hell. Interesting that an atheist should threaten anyone with hell.
Actually, I may have been too conservative. Florida alone is more than 65,000 sq miles and the average elevation in Florida is 6 feet,some places are as little as 3 feet above sea level.

I've been on the east coast of Florida ... there's a 20 foot berm protecting the 1A1, the highway along all the beaches ... the ocean isn't getting past it with just a two foot rise ... the Everglades Parkway west of Miami is 20 foot high, no two foot rise gets past that ...

I understand how coastal erosion effects the extensive salt marshes that are found in that area ... but most of that has been paved, and houses built and sewer systems and the like ... AND ten foot sea walls in place ... AND three or four generations to get anything done ... c'mon, this is all hurricane country, sea level rise is the least of their worries ...
Hardly. Most of the damage from a hurricane is from the storm surge. Any rise in sea level will make that surge even more potent. Florida can deal with hurricanes, sea level rise is their existential threat.

Climate has a lot to do with temperature, ocean temperature. Living with El Nino, you should understand. A small change in ocean temperature or a change in ocean circulation can have a large impact on climate.
Sea surface currents are driven by the wind and are directed by the continental margins ... neither of which are changing ... "change in ocean circulation" is just scary without any basis in fact ... I don't know why you threw that in here, but it's pure and unprocessed hyperbole ...
"change in ocean circulation" is scary but it does have a basis in fact:
The global conveyor belt is a strong, but easily disrupted process. Research suggests that the conveyor belt may be affected by climate change. If global warming results in increased rainfall in the North Atlantic, and the melting of glaciers and sea ice, the influx of warm freshwater onto the sea surface could block the formation of sea ice, disrupting the sinking of cold, salty water. This sequence of events could slow or even stop the conveyor belt, which could result in potentially drastic temperature changes in Europe.​
Plenty of room in the rockies kiddypoo
Thanks for the invite. Does that include the 100 million of my closest American friends who live along the US coasts?

Are you really afraid of sea level rise of 3mm per year?
Sorry, you're wrong again:
Here's How Scarily Accurate NASA's Long-Term Climate Predictions Have Been So Far
28 MAY 2019
There are a handful of major science institutions around the world that keep track of the Earth's temperature. They all clearly show that the world's temperature has risen in the past few decades. One of those institutions is NASA.

NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Science Studies (GISS) is located in New York City. Recently, they did a complete assessment of their temperature data, called GISTEMP, or GISS surface Temperature Analysis.

The GISTEMP is one of our most direct benchmarks for tracking the Earth's temperature. It goes back over 100 years, to the 1880s.

Every year, NASA partners with the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) to update the global temperature. They use temperature data dating back to 1880 from land and sea surface measurements, combined with more modern measurements from over 6,300 weather stations research stations, and ships and weather buoys around the world.

Using all this data, the pair of organizations concluded that 2018 was the fourth-warmest year on record, and that 2016 was the warmest.

In this new study, NASA scientists analyzed the GISTEMP data to see if past predictions of rising temperatures were accurate. They needed to know that any uncertainty within their data was correctly accounted for.

The goal was to make sure that the models they use are robust enough to rely on in the future. The answer: Yes they are. Within 1/20th a degree Celsius. Kudos.​

Sadly, it looks like you are unaware that GISTEMP is literally fraud central. It's projections are only correct in so far as they keep changing and updating the record in order to keep up with their failures. Here...have a look at the blatant fraud committed by those who bring us GISTEMP.




Referring to GISTEMP for temperature trends is analogous to referring to Phillip Morris for data on the safety of cigarettes..
Hardly. Most of the damage from a hurricane is from the storm surge. Any rise in sea level will make that surge even more potent. Florida can deal with hurricanes, sea level rise is their existential threat.

Utter nonsense ... this is how easily the Alarmists' "logic" can be turned upside-down ... you've claimed 2 feet extra water is more dangerous than 10 feet extra water ... we expect our 7-year-old children to know that "ten" is more than "two" ... yet here your arguments require the opposite to be true ... and this is the basis of the upcoming "crisis" ... be still my trembling heart ...

"change in ocean circulation" is scary but it does have a basis in fact:
The global conveyor belt is a strong, but easily disrupted process. Research suggests that the conveyor belt may be affected by climate change. If global warming results in increased rainfall in the North Atlantic, and the melting of glaciers and sea ice, the influx of warm freshwater onto the sea surface could block the formation of sea ice, disrupting the sinking of cold, salty water. This sequence of events could slow or even stop the conveyor belt, which could result in potentially drastic temperature changes in Europe.​

The one sentence deserves to be repeated:

Research suggests that the conveyor belt may be affected by climate change.
[emphasis mine]

You, on the other hand, claim this effect is absolutely true in every respect ... a claim your own citation doesn't endorse in any sense of the word "may" ... this is Orwellian New Speak at it's worst ...

I familiar with the research and possible effects ... the Hysterics have taken a glacial lake outburst event as their model ... several cubic miles of water entering the ocean in a few hours, perhaps a day ... and research suggests that ocean currents may have been briefly interrupted ... there's no glacial lakes in existence right now that are large enough to do this ... and there's some conservation of energy issues with melting several cubic miles of ice in a few minutes ... a 2ºC increase in average global temperatures over 100 years won't do this ... freshwater continuously sheens over the top of the ocean, a slight increase does nothing to change the large scale sea surface circulation ... I give you a volume of water 100 miles wide, 100 feet deep and 1,000 miles long moving at 5 mph ... how many atomic bomb's worth of energy does it take to slow this down to 4 mph ...

Your "facts" appear to be idle speculation ... and your sense of "higher" and "lower" seem to be questionable ... and you are not dealing with your joules properly ...
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Are you really afraid of sea level rise of 3mm per year?
I have children and a dynasty to preserve.

A dynasty huh? Delusions of grandeur to go along with your hysterical handwaving over the non existent climate emergency? Ever look up the meaning of dynasty?

If you live in an area of florida which is experiencing problems with the 3mm per year sea level increase, it isn't the rising seas that are the is the sinking land.

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