I do (of course). Let the chips fall where they may.
And you will bitch about it when blowback comes back your way after provoking it in the first place...........tactics of your side are clearly understood by some. Mr. Alynsky
War is hell. Did you think it - otherwise?
Served 10 years Navy................did you get your money from sponging off the Government or being paid to protest............

Liberal left violence is Normal to your side.........

I think we should pay to play at liberal protests...........pay to get a turn on the water cannons and spray your asses down the road..............would be a hoot.
The one sponging off the government was - you. I was working for a living while you were being paid for, fed from, and housed by, my taxes.

No wonder the military hates you lefty faggots.
Their like or dislike is not part of their job description. Go where we say, when we say, and kill who we say (or die trying and be shipped home in a box). That's the job.
I'm noting that all over the board, the RWNJs are whining about what trump is doing but YOU VOTED FOR IT so shut up.
We don't "whine" my fragile little snowflake. We simply speak the truth and keep and going. The fact that the truth upsets you so much speaks volumes.

Good grief, I get it now. When you dress in a dress and pretend to be Supergirl you post under the nom de plume PoliticalChic.
I do (of course). Let the chips fall where they may.

Careful what ya wish for....
I always am.

Obviously not...
If you had put any thought into your civil war you'd have realized you are vastly outnumbered and outgunned.
True liberals are always a small number. The Founders were. Most, like you, can't handle it.

The founders had guns. Something you leftist abhore.
I have several. Can't fight a war without them. And they are really good at - killing things.
And you will bitch about it when blowback comes back your way after provoking it in the first place...........tactics of your side are clearly understood by some. Mr. Alynsky
War is hell. Did you think it - otherwise?
Served 10 years Navy................did you get your money from sponging off the Government or being paid to protest............

Liberal left violence is Normal to your side.........

I think we should pay to play at liberal protests...........pay to get a turn on the water cannons and spray your asses down the road..............would be a hoot.
The one sponging off the government was - you. I was working for a living while you were being paid for, fed from, and housed by, my taxes.
aka you hate the military.........Color me be shocked...........
Hate them? Ah, no. The robots that eat and shit can be very useful at times, they just haven't won anything since WWII.

Hahahahaha....keep talking halfwit.
I'm sure it'll help with your treatment when you get rounded up.
Careful what ya wish for....
I always am.

Obviously not...
If you had put any thought into your civil war you'd have realized you are vastly outnumbered and outgunned.
True liberals are always a small number. The Founders were. Most, like you, can't handle it.

The founders had guns. Something you leftist abhore.
I have several. Can't fight a war without them. And they are really good at - killing things.

Sure ya do skippy....
...We've won the war of ideas...
You confuse a temporary ascension of Conservatives to political power, with winning a war of ideas.
History has unequivocally proven that the left-wing ideology is a failed ideology. The latest victim is Venezuela where they literally are forced to get their toilet paper off of the black market. We have indisputably won the war of ideas. At this point, you're just talking to hear your own voice. You want to feel "important". You may go now.
I do (of course). Let the chips fall where they may.

Careful what ya wish for....
I always am.

Obviously not...
If you had put any thought into your civil war you'd have realized you are vastly outnumbered and outgunned.
True liberals are always a small number. The Founders were. Most, like you, can't handle it.

The founders had guns. Something you leftist abhore.

democrat hero James Hodgkinson had a couple of guns, despite advocating for confiscation.

OTH, he couldn't shoot for shit..
aka you hate the military.........Color me be shocked...........
Hate them? Ah, no. The robots that eat and shit can be very useful at times, they just haven't won anything since WWII.
WTF? The U.S. military won the Gulf War, won the Afghanistan war, won the Iraq war. How dumb are you? :uhh:

I think this jack-ass confused the U.S. military with the Dumbocrats winning clean, fair elections.
The horrible assaults, the riots and destruction of property, and the shooting yesterday is just the beginning. The left are intolerant fascists and since they can't have control from the voting booth, they will attempt to take control by force.

We've won the war of ideas. They realize that. They realize that history has proven that socialism always ends in poverty and misery (just ask the latest victim - Venezuela) and as such, they can't make a rational, coherent argument to win by the vote. Stay armed, conservatives. Stay safe. The storm is just getting started.

The “Young Democratic Socialists” Club Calls for Beheading Republicans - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site
Socialism always involves violence in order to gain power.
Final scene:
Outside - Dusk...
"He said, there's a storm coming"
"I know" [overly melodramatically]

- - - Sarah Connor drives off in her Jeep towards a mountain range with menacing storm clouds above for effect and overtly obvious metaphor. Cue music.

Da nunt da nunt, da nunt -- da nunt da nunt, da nunt...

I'll be back

Give the devil his due...that was funny. Well done. :laugh:
Sure ya do skippy....

He gots a 9 he gunna holds sideways.


"We're starting anarchy here," says Scott Foval of the left-wing Americans United for Change, which is "contracted directly with the DNC and the [Clinton] campaign." He says on tape that he answers to national Democrats and officials on Team Hillary, and that much of his funding is funneled through another outfit called Democracy Partners. That entity is up to its elbows in ties to the Democratic establishment. It's run by a man named Bob Creamer, who is married to Illinois Democratic
Undercover Video: Dem Operatives Brag About Training Agitators to Provoke Violence at Trump Rallies
Final scene:
Outside - Dusk...
"He said, there's a storm coming"
"I know" [overly melodramatically]

- - - Sarah Connor drives off in her Jeep towards a mountain range with menacing storm clouds above for effect and overtly obvious metaphor. Cue music.

Da nunt da nunt, da nunt -- da nunt da nunt, da nunt...

I'll be back

Give the devil his due...that was funny. Well done. :laugh:

You can call me Lucipher if you like.

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