The horrible assaults, the riots and destruction of property, and the shooting yesterday is just the beginning. The left are intolerant fascists and since they can't have control from the voting booth, they will attempt to take control by force.

We've won the war of ideas. They realize that. They realize that history has proven that socialism always ends in poverty and misery (just ask the latest victim - Venezuela) and as such, they can't make a rational, coherent argument to win by the vote. Stay armed, conservatives. Stay safe. The storm is just getting started.

The “Young Democratic Socialists” Club Calls for Beheading Republicans - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site
the party people who instigate violence are too cowardly to stay and fight.

the DC shooting is a case of mental illness in a nation of 320 million, nothing more than that.
Yeah, we've been telling you that for years, him being a liberal democrat certainly is a mental disorder.
Sure ya do skippy....

He gots a 9 he gunna holds sideways.


He's been selling his EBT dollars so he can pick up a set ......
The Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks

5. Paying people to incite violence and unrest at Trump rallies

  • Re: Hi - WikiLeaks

  • Fw: Happening NOW [Massive Trump protest in Chicago] - WikiLeaks

  • “Engage immigrant rights organizations. DREAMers have been bird dogging Republican presidential candidates on DACA/DAPA, but they’ve learned to respond. There’s an opportunity to bird dog and record questions about Trump’s comments and connect it to the policy.”

  • “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker” (from video below)

  • "I mean honestly, it is not hard to get some of these ass holes to pop off, it’s a matter of showing up, to want to get into the rally, in a Planned Parenthood t-shirt. Or, Trump is a Nazi, you know? You can message to draw them out, and draw them to punch you."

  • This video is the proof, please watch it!

  • "Bird-dogging" is a term coined by high level Clinton staffers who openly talk about it in the video. They boast about inciting violence at Trump rallies, paying for every “protest”, manipulating Americans through the media to think that Trump is dangerous, and tricking people into thinking Trump supporters are violent and bad.

  • They laugh about paying off mentally ill and homeless people for years to incite violence against conservatives. Truly despicable. And they pretended to be Bernie supporters while they were "protesting".

  • They admit to starting the Chicago riot where police were seriously hurt, and admit to shutting down the freeway in Arizona, partnering with Black Lives Matter. We even have proof that Hillary paid people to shut down the Chicago rally.

  • Inciting a riot is illegal under 18 US Code § 2102.

  • They also think 50% of people in Iowa and Wisconsin are racists, as they state in the video.

  • Robby Mook, Clinton Campaign Manager, mentions the Priorities SuperPAC in a leak, which is implicated in the video.

  • Bob Creamer (who was fired) claims in the video that the campaign knew about everything. Bob Creamer visited the White House 340 times and personally met with Obama 45 times.
Good grief, I get it now. When you dress in a dress and pretend to be Supergirl you post under the nom de plume PoliticalChic.
Good grief...Guy Catcher continues to fantasize about me in dresses and other homosexual scenarios. I am so thankful he doesn't know where I live or I would be in real danger from this homosexual psycho.
The Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks

5. Paying people to incite violence and unrest at Trump rallies

  • Re: Hi - WikiLeaks

  • Fw: Happening NOW [Massive Trump protest in Chicago] - WikiLeaks

  • “Engage immigrant rights organizations. DREAMers have been bird dogging Republican presidential candidates on DACA/DAPA, but they’ve learned to respond. There’s an opportunity to bird dog and record questions about Trump’s comments and connect it to the policy.”

  • “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker” (from video below)

  • "I mean honestly, it is not hard to get some of these ass holes to pop off, it’s a matter of showing up, to want to get into the rally, in a Planned Parenthood t-shirt. Or, Trump is a Nazi, you know? You can message to draw them out, and draw them to punch you."

  • This video is the proof, please watch it!

  • "Bird-dogging" is a term coined by high level Clinton staffers who openly talk about it in the video. They boast about inciting violence at Trump rallies, paying for every “protest”, manipulating Americans through the media to think that Trump is dangerous, and tricking people into thinking Trump supporters are violent and bad.

  • They laugh about paying off mentally ill and homeless people for years to incite violence against conservatives. Truly despicable. And they pretended to be Bernie supporters while they were "protesting".

  • They admit to starting the Chicago riot where police were seriously hurt, and admit to shutting down the freeway in Arizona, partnering with Black Lives Matter. We even have proof that Hillary paid people to shut down the Chicago rally.

  • Inciting a riot is illegal under 18 US Code § 2102.

  • They also think 50% of people in Iowa and Wisconsin are racists, as they state in the video.

  • Robby Mook, Clinton Campaign Manager, mentions the Priorities SuperPAC in a leak, which is implicated in the video.

  • Bob Creamer (who was fired) claims in the video that the campaign knew about everything. Bob Creamer visited the White House 340 times and personally met with Obama 45 times.
And that is why they lost. That is why President Trump sits in the White House this morning. The left has lost all decency, all morality, all honesty. They even reject the law.
Good grief, I get it now. When you dress in a dress and pretend to be Supergirl you post under the nom de plume PoliticalChic.
Good grief...Guy Catcher continues to fantasize about me in dresses and other homosexual scenarios. I am so thankful he doesn't know where I live or I would be in real danger from this homosexual psycho.

I advise you not to take freshman English at the local JC; you have no way of knowing which one he works at.

Standard Disclaimer: If you DO end up in his class, the way to ace the final is to answer every question with "HATE TRUMP."
What these people have done is a clear violation of Federal Law..............Under the DOJ and FBI while Obama was in office how many of these guys were charged.....................

They had a problem............they couldn't charge them when they were part of it..........They would have had to charge themselves...............

Nobody does time..............except the ones they send to do their dirty work after performing violence at events.

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions

As used in this chapter, the term “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.
The horrible assaults, the riots and destruction of property, and the shooting yesterday is just the beginning. The left are intolerant fascists and since they can't have control from the voting booth, they will attempt to take control by force.

We've won the war of ideas. They realize that. They realize that history has proven that socialism always ends in poverty and misery (just ask the latest victim - Venezuela) and as such, they can't make a rational, coherent argument to win by the vote. Stay armed, conservatives. Stay safe. The storm is just getting started.

The “Young Democratic Socialists” Club Calls for Beheading Republicans - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site
Socialism always involves violence in order to gain power.

Sometimes, sometimes not.
...We've won the war of ideas...
You confuse a temporary ascension of Conservatives to political power, with winning a war of ideas.
History has unequivocally proven that the left-wing ideology is a failed ideology. The latest victim is Venezuela where they literally are forced to get their toilet paper off of the black market. We have indisputably won the war of ideas. At this point, you're just talking to hear your own voice. You want to feel "important". You may go now.

Left-wing ideology founded this nation.
Ah, no. And liberals hate fascist and they don't like us either.

It's not that I hate you per se' Herr Himmler; I hate what you promote and what you and your fellow fascists are trying to do to America.

I also hate that you fascists have coopted the word "liberal" which describes people like me, to call yourselves when you are in fact Stalinist thugs dedicated to crushing liberty.
The Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks

5. Paying people to incite violence and unrest at Trump rallies

  • Re: Hi - WikiLeaks

  • Fw: Happening NOW [Massive Trump protest in Chicago] - WikiLeaks

  • “Engage immigrant rights organizations. DREAMers have been bird dogging Republican presidential candidates on DACA/DAPA, but they’ve learned to respond. There’s an opportunity to bird dog and record questions about Trump’s comments and connect it to the policy.”

  • “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker” (from video below)

  • "I mean honestly, it is not hard to get some of these ass holes to pop off, it’s a matter of showing up, to want to get into the rally, in a Planned Parenthood t-shirt. Or, Trump is a Nazi, you know? You can message to draw them out, and draw them to punch you."

  • This video is the proof, please watch it!

  • "Bird-dogging" is a term coined by high level Clinton staffers who openly talk about it in the video. They boast about inciting violence at Trump rallies, paying for every “protest”, manipulating Americans through the media to think that Trump is dangerous, and tricking people into thinking Trump supporters are violent and bad.

  • They laugh about paying off mentally ill and homeless people for years to incite violence against conservatives. Truly despicable. And they pretended to be Bernie supporters while they were "protesting".

  • They admit to starting the Chicago riot where police were seriously hurt, and admit to shutting down the freeway in Arizona, partnering with Black Lives Matter. We even have proof that Hillary paid people to shut down the Chicago rally.

  • Inciting a riot is illegal under 18 US Code § 2102.

  • They also think 50% of people in Iowa and Wisconsin are racists, as they state in the video.

  • Robby Mook, Clinton Campaign Manager, mentions the Priorities SuperPAC in a leak, which is implicated in the video.

  • Bob Creamer (who was fired) claims in the video that the campaign knew about everything. Bob Creamer visited the White House 340 times and personally met with Obama 45 times.
And that is why they lost. That is why President Trump sits in the White House this morning. The left has lost all decency, all morality, all honesty. They even reject the law.

His fat old orange ass is anywhere but the White House, as per usual. Probably golfing.
True liberals are always a small number. The Founders were. Most, like you, can't handle it.
The thing is - you're not a "true liberal", snowflake. You're a fascist.

Ah, no. But feel free to point out my fascism if you can? Let's have some fun.

Do you support:

  1. Laissez Faire Capitalism
  2. A centrally managed and planned economy

  1. Freedom of religion
  2. Bake the cake Christian

  1. Freedom of speech
  2. Repeal Citizens United

  1. Freedom of self-protection
  2. Strict gun control

Hmm, Herr Himmler?
Ah, no. And liberals hate fascist and they don't like us either.

It's not that I hate you per se' Herr Himmler; I hate what you promote and what you and your fellow fascists are trying to do to America.

I also hate that you fascists have coopted the word "liberal" which describes people like me, to call yourselves when you are in fact Stalinist thugs dedicated to crushing liberty.

Just as I thought. Nothing fascist you can find I've said. Save it next time, dogma bitch.

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