There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Spanish speaking law enforcement has gone to his home to interview family.
MS 13?

Probably just a schizo. It's the commonest syndrome, after all. Lots of schizophrenia in males of that age group, and he had a VERY strange behavior pattern, from stories the kids are telling.

Probably the society does need to stop with the civil liberties for crazies crap and start referring everyone weird and threatening (this kid was both, openly) for testing and hospitalization if diagnosable. Make it cost to be crazy, and people will act a lot saner, whether they are secretly crazy or not. We've always had crazy and we've always had guns; we only recently have had school shootings.
Adopted at birth by a loving older couple, Nikolas Cruz seemed to struggle in recent years. His dad died when he was much younger and the 19-year-old’s mom died just 3 ½ months ago, neighbors, friends and family members said.

The portrait that emerged of the suspected gunman in the mass shooting was of a troubled former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Schoolwho was expelled for disciplinary problems.

Cruz was arrested without any serious incident at a nearby house very shortly after the shootings, which left 17 people dead and several more injured, Sheriff Scott Israel said.

Cruz’s mother, Lynda Cruz, died Nov. 1, after an unspecified illness. She was 68.
Nikolas Cruz: Troubled suspect had been expelled from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Did I say weapons used in war? I said civilian-legal military grade weapons, which includes semi-automatic weapons like the one used today.

So my 22LR version of the AR is military grade? How about my wife's 22 cal Ruger pistol?

I called it and you went right after it! Congratulations dumbass!

You called yourself an idiot?

Pasadena Pawn and Gun, a gun retailer and pawnshop 15 miles south of Baltimore, is pretty much sold out of America’s most wanted gun, the AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle. Since the massacre in Newtown, Conn., in December, the AR-15, the military-style weapon that the police say was used in the shootings, has been selling fast here and across the nation.

It isn't a military weapon.....the 6 shot revolver and bolt action rifle are military weapons...not the AR-15.
Did I say weapons used in war? I said civilian-legal military grade weapons, which includes semi-automatic weapons like the one used today.

So my 22LR version of the AR is military grade? How about my wife's 22 cal Ruger pistol?

I called it and you went right after it! Congratulations dumbass!

You called yourself an idiot?

Pasadena Pawn and Gun, a gun retailer and pawnshop 15 miles south of Baltimore, is pretty much sold out of America’s most wanted gun, the AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle. Since the massacre in Newtown, Conn., in December, the AR-15, the military-style weapon that the police say was used in the shootings, has been selling fast here and across the nation.

It isn't a military weapon.....the 6 shot revolver and bolt action rifle are military weapons...not the AR-15.

Sure do kill a lot of people fast.

Not as fast as a rental truck.......

And making every possible weapon available to murderers is good why?
So? If the asshole today didn’t have a gun, he wouldn’t have been able to kill 17 people.
A knife? A bomb?

YES! He would have.
A knife would not have killed 17 people and bombs are illegal. Great point ya made there. :thup:

Possession of a handgun by anyone under the age of 21 is also illegal.

Great point, uh, never mind!
be a citizen in VT and 16 years old... carte blanche, you can have any currently legal firearm without registration / license / permit etc. etc. carry concealed or open, in your car with a round chambered etc. (just no loaded rifles in cars due to poaching)... We do fairly well with gun related crime / murders per-capita...

O... and that is 16 yo, for a handgun, without the consent of your parents or guardian... Additionally, no minimum age to possess a long gun... AR-15, riot shotgun.. or whatever floats the 'youguns' fancy...

Carrying is not owning.

Here is my source:
Does a customer have to be a certain age to buy firearms or ammunition from a licensee? | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Does a 16 yo kid going into a private dealer, showing ID and handing over their cash, walking out with their 'tec-9' or 'AR' work for you... lol... That is indeed the way it is up here. Sad that you are so ensconced in the Leftist, metro mindset...
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Did I say weapons used in war? I said civilian-legal military grade weapons, which includes semi-automatic weapons like the one used today.

So my 22LR version of the AR is military grade? How about my wife's 22 cal Ruger pistol?

I called it and you went right after it! Congratulations dumbass!

You called yourself an idiot?

Pasadena Pawn and Gun, a gun retailer and pawnshop 15 miles south of Baltimore, is pretty much sold out of America’s most wanted gun, the AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle. Since the massacre in Newtown, Conn., in December, the AR-15, the military-style weapon that the police say was used in the shootings, has been selling fast here and across the nation.

It isn't a military weapon.....the 6 shot revolver and bolt action rifle are military weapons...not the AR-15.
Did I say weapons used in war? I said civilian-legal military grade weapons, which includes semi-automatic weapons like the one used today.

So my 22LR version of the AR is military grade? How about my wife's 22 cal Ruger pistol?

I called it and you went right after it! Congratulations dumbass!

You called yourself an idiot?

Pasadena Pawn and Gun, a gun retailer and pawnshop 15 miles south of Baltimore, is pretty much sold out of America’s most wanted gun, the AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle. Since the massacre in Newtown, Conn., in December, the AR-15, the military-style weapon that the police say was used in the shootings, has been selling fast here and across the nation.

It isn't a military weapon.....the 6 shot revolver and bolt action rifle are military weapons...not the AR-15.

Sure do kill a lot of people fast.

Not as fast as a rental truck.......

They have trucks in the UK. No school truckings.

***RANT ALERT ****
It's the same story over and over again. Just like Lanza everybody knew the kid was batshit crazy and yet nothing was done. And just as predictable is the liberal response with Sen. Chris Murphy screaming about gun control. How stupid is our society that we keep running back to the same useless solution of gun control rather then attack the real issue of why is our society producing people like this.

When I was a kid the biggest problems the teacher had was stopping us from talking,passing notes and getting us to stop chewing gum in class. Last week local teachers went to training on how to deal with a school shooter because now they have to worry about kids with guns. We need to ask ourselves what the hell happened to our society that it's gone from chewing gum in class to carrying guns in class.

The reason we don't ask is because we know we won't like the answer. Instead we go after quick fixes and feel good legislation like gun control so we don't have to deal with the real problem. If we do face the real problem we may have to admit that maybe a two parent household is better and broken families produce broken children. We may have to admit that violence in our entertainment industry really does lessen our empathy for others. We may have to admit that religion does play a key role in teaching morals and consequences for our actions. We may have to admit that spanking our kids works better than attempting to reason with children who by nature are unreasonable because their brain hasn't finished developing yet. We may have to admit that adults should take part in community rather than sit on their asses and ignore those around them. They may have to go to that Scout meeting,City Council meeting or join the PTA and be involved rather than be spectators and let other people take care of it for them. The problem is all those things are work and responsibility and we have become a society filled with apathy and passing the buck.

If we don't do something of substance now THIS WILL HAPPEN AGAIN!
Looks like I will have to get my thoughts and prayers together and than God we have a second amendment

Seriously couldn't you wait till the blood drys before you start mocking?

No mock
Just tired of it

We didn't do anything after Sandy Hook and Vegas........why should we care now?
Thoughts and prayers.....Thoughts and Prayers

What more could you ask?

Obviously what is needed is a thorough study of what moivates these students that decide to kill their fellow students and try and remedy it aka bullying ...many past shooter have been victims of bullying. Teachers should be trained to be on the lookout for bullying activity and take the appropriate action before it goes too far...bullying should not be tolerated.

Or we could have strong gun control like every sane nation. It has proven to work.
Not here, LOL
Review the cases. The answer is within your grasp.

What "cases"?

Either you're full of shit, or you've got some magic access to information that none of us have.

Which is it?

For you, I recommend Prevagen™.

So you're going to use the deaths of children as an excuse to troll and call me names?

You're quite the classy guy, aren't you?

Look up the reports on each of the incidents. You will find that most of the perps had been noted by school officials or police at one or more times.

I've no time to write you a book. Stop being so childish.

I am subbing long term right now because all of the school districts budgets are being cut they cannot hire teachers when they lose one. I have kids in my class now, that after 7 days in class are threats, but what do you propose I do about them? The administrators know also, so I have no need to report them.

Tell me how I deal with kids who haven't cracked yet but are prime candidates?!

That's why I refused a request to substitute some years back. I told my requesting friend - who was in the system - that the first kid to challenge me physically was going right out the window, regardless of what floor we were on.

She nodded knowingly.
Adopted at birth by a loving older couple, Nikolas Cruz seemed to struggle in recent years. His dad died when he was much younger and the 19-year-old’s mom died just 3 ½ months ago, neighbors, friends and family members said.

The portrait that emerged of the suspected gunman in the mass shooting was of a troubled former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Schoolwho was expelled for disciplinary problems.

Cruz was arrested without any serious incident at a nearby house very shortly after the shootings, which left 17 people dead and several more injured, Sheriff Scott Israel said.

Cruz’s mother, Lynda Cruz, died Nov. 1, after an unspecified illness. She was 68.
Nikolas Cruz: Troubled suspect had been expelled from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

Wow, that was sure an adoption that didn't work. A Bad Seed. Now THERE is a validation for abortion by choice.
Damnit, here we go again.
Of course. We’ve done nothing to stop it. Flood a country with guns and you get lots of shooting. Who could have predicted?
Are you fucking stupid is your head? There are probably 400+ million firearms in this country legally what percentage of those firearms are used to kill people? Maybe a percent of a percent of a percent of a percent... tops.
Firearm violence is a non-issue in this country get over it bed wetter...
Meanwhile countries with strong gun control don't have regular school shootings. They also bury few law officers. Think we are up to 5 in the last week. That's about how many most countries bury for firearms deaths in a year.

Once again for those who find Logic and Reason a goal post too far.......

Recapping what we know.........

The Theatre shooter (Holmes)....Leftist
Sandy Hook Shooter....Leftist
Las Vegas Shooter....Leftist
Baseball field shooter (Congressional baseball game)....Leftist
Parkland Shooter (today) Leftist

Any questions ?
So what are you suggesting? Abolishing the 2nd Amendment?
Nope. I am in favor of banning military grade weapons which are currently legal for civilians to purchase.

Then you support people owning AR-15s buy you want revolvers, bolt action rifles, pump action shot guns banned? Since the AR-15 is a civilian rifle never used in war...while 6 shot revolvers, bolt action rifles, lever action rifles, pump action shotguns are actual military weapons....right?
Did I say weapons used in war? I said civilian-legal military grade weapons, which includes semi-automatic weapons like the one used today.

So my 22LR version of the AR is military grade? How about my wife's 22 cal Ruger pistol?

I called it and you went right after it! Congratulations dumbass!

You called yourself an idiot?

Pasadena Pawn and Gun, a gun retailer and pawnshop 15 miles south of Baltimore, is pretty much sold out of America’s most wanted gun, the AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle. Since the massacre in Newtown, Conn., in December, the AR-15, the military-style weapon that the police say was used in the shootings, has been selling fast here and across the nation.

Learn to read, dumbass!

it says style, not grade!

My S&W M&P 15-22 is nowhere near a military M-4, but it looks like it!
Put a couple of these bad boys in the teacher's lounge.
View attachment 176776

Coming soon...

Just saw how much Marco Rubio has gotten in campaign contribution from the NRA. Marco Rubio $3,303,355
Looks like I will have to get my thoughts and prayers together and than God we have a second amendment

Seriously couldn't you wait till the blood drys before you start mocking?

No mock
Just tired of it

We didn't do anything after Sandy Hook and Vegas........why should we care now?
Thoughts and prayers.....Thoughts and Prayers

What more could you ask?

Nothing you guys offered would have done anything anyway....taking guns away from people who don't use them to shoot other people isn't going to stop mass shooters.....but that is all you have...

How many school shootings this year? How many cops dead this week? These things don’t happen where there is strong gun control. Fact
Trump and Congress are ignoring you... lol

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