There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Coral Springs FL School shooting hoax & illuminati icon Ronaldo 6 weeks from Obama Bin Laden's resurrection
As we get closer to Easter Sunday's BIG BANG in Jerusalem, the day when the missing Boeing 777 will resurface, so does the frequency of fake shootings increase: just seven weeks into 2018, it's the eigth episode at US schools.

Coral Springs FL School shooting hoax
Part of completing the disarm agenda before the global kill shot alias mandatory "vax" against the "super virus pandemic" hoax, alias the "just developed first ever universal flu vaccine":
Scripted for the new moon of the unprecedented month of darkness as:
Nikolas de Jesus Cruz captured by Sheriff Israel in Ash Wednesday.
De Jesus Cruz stands for "The Jesus Cross".
Nikolas de Jesus Cruz stands for "The victory of the people from the cross of Christ."

So what does illuminati icon Ronaldo have to do with it?
As the script nears its climax for everyone, from handcuffed Ronaldo and Obama to victorious Hitlery and "vaccinated" human cattle, a reminder of Last Prophet's words from July 2016, hours after the portuguese team arrived in Lisbon as european champion:
Satanic Celebrations: Euro 2016: Portugal football champion at Lisbon airport: Cross of Christ on fire:: original SCRIPT

Students’ Videos Capture Shooting Horror Inside Florida High School
... the deadliest school shooting since the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012.
The gunman, identified by Broward County Sheriff Israel as Nikolas de Jesus Cruz, opened fire with an AR-15 rifle inside and outside the school. Cruz, 19, was taken into police custody after he fled the school on foot.
Students’ Videos Capture Shooting Horror Inside Florida High School
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sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What would you propose they do? Lop off his head?

why so dramatic

have him evaluated could have barred him from ownership
EverCurious, post: 19293285
This ridiculous counter-argument always makes me laugh... Yes, of course, the teachers who choose to carry in order to protect their students would go off willy nilly shooting randomly at innocent children

Check yourself before posting. I didn't suggest teachers would be Willy Nilly shooting children. So your response was based on a lies why is that with you assault weapon cultists.

And are you arguing teachers should carry fully loaded AR-15s during class. What makes you a think you can predict armed teachers will be at the right place at the right time if gun cult member decides to attack.

These assault weapons can kill dozens in seconds before a teacher could get to and unlock his/her weapon, locate a shooter, assess the situation, and then perhaps be outgunned anyway.

Can you explain why you felt the need to lie?
why can we protect our money in banks with armed men but we cant protect our children in schools?!
Source: Daily Beast

Florida School Shooting Suspect Nikolas Cruz Was ‘Creepy and Weird,’ Survivors Say

"Cruz always had his hair short and had a penchant for wearing patriotic shirts that “seemed really extreme, like hating on” Islam, Parodie said. The suspected gunman would also deride Muslims as “terrorists and bombers.” ...“I’ve seen him wear a Trump hat,” the student said.

More: https://www.thedailybeast.c...
It's the same story over and over again. Just like Lanza everybody knew the kid was batshit crazy and yet nothing was done. And just as predictable is the liberal response with Sen. Chris Murphy screaming about gun control. How stupid is our society that we keep running back to the same useless solution of gun control rather then attack the real issue of why is our society producing people like this.

Sen Chris Murphy's solution is not useless, specifically when compared to yours. Limiting easy access to military assault style weapons in any capacity would reduce or prevent the type of mass shootings where these 'glorified' weapons are used.

You seek to 'attack' why our society produces people who get swept up in the gun cult mentality and then use weapons designed only to kill humans rapidly but you won't question why our society values the glorified glut of mass-kill weapons over the value of school kids lives.

Why is that. Are you in the Assault Weapon Cult?
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Nancy Pelosi will tie the tragedy to the Trump middle class tax cuts

Tax cuts that increase the debt as they do, will potentially deliver a proportional increase in school and other mass shootings thanks much to Trump/GOP induced chaos on the system of background checks that has already been in place suffers failures.

02/14/2018 08:24 pm ET
Trump’s Budget Cuts Millions Of Dollars From Gun Background Check System
This would “significantly undermine” efforts to keep firearms out of dangerous hands, gun control advocates say.

By Jennifer Bendery

Trump's Budget Cuts Millions Of Dollars From Gun Background Check System | HuffPost

Those interested in some connection to reality tend to believe strengthening background checks would be preferable to undermining them.
There is a common factor in all the recent mass shooting. The AR 15. There is a psychology about the war weapons. They were created for only one purpose, to kill people. And our crazies have proven they are ideal weapons for that. But the NRA is determined that we all need to have these weapons of war. And is therefore and accessory to these murders.

The AR-15 is the primary weapon that pushes the ordinary gun owner, hunter type citizen to a full fledged whacko gun cult member.
Every time one of these shootings take place you assclowns immediately start screaming Islam with zero proof and all these rumors from crank Web sites start spreading saying the same thing and at the end of the day, most of the time you end up being wrong. Once again, you tards are engaging in the same bullshit without any proof. You never learn.
Looks like you were wrong again.
Source: Daily Beast

Florida School Shooting Suspect Nikolas Cruz Was ‘Creepy and Weird,’ Survivors Say

"Cruz always had his hair short and had a penchant for wearing patriotic shirts that “seemed really extreme, like hating on” Islam, Parodie said. The suspected gunman would also deride Muslims as “terrorists and bombers.” ...“I’ve seen him wear a Trump hat,” the student said.

More: https://www.thedailybeast.c...

Oh, we're all familiar with how the traitor Democrat disinformation machine you vermin have kicks in on these things covering up your little boo boos. lol 'the daily beast' as a 'source' ... lol lol lol
why can we protect our money in banks with armed men but we cant protect our children in schools?!
This is what I’ve been asking for years. And the truth is that people on the whole are more worried about protecting their wealth, than they are the children.
You only see the bleeding hearts gushing in an attempt to get guns taken away; without a single motion toward protecting the children.
The fact is that leftists gizz in their pants every time something like this happens, because they hope that “this will finally be the shooting, that disarms our opposition”. The problem is they are too stupid to realize that most people see their posturing for what it really is. An attempt to subdue their opponents...
I'm just waiting to hear that he's DACA kid.

If that were to be the case....the news rooms across the country would be busy all night scrubbing all of their video and coverage of this shooting........

Left is going to use this shooting (just like any other) to push for anti-gun narrative. Before they do, they should remember that they are the ones who radicalized people like this.

When all the smoke clears, I'm betting that the shooter is once again found to have ties with and or alliances with the democratic party, Obama supporter, or his parents are. These people never turn out to be moral, upstanding, conservatives. As to other countries, what they don't have is American Common Core Public Schools turning out violent kids looking to come back to "get even" with all of their dysfunctional teachers and classmates who put this need to murder in their minds.

WHEN will schools finally be held accountable for not protecting these kids by locking the doors, having metal detectors and having teachers and guards throughout the school who are well-armed and well-trained with firearms? The problem is obviously NOT THE GUNS, but our unfamiliarity with them anymore by a liberal culture trying to remove them from people's lives. WE have created a generation of defenseless people who know nothing but how to hide in terror under a desk.

Just reported, he had an mother who adopted him, no mention of a father in the home yet......

Is there a father in the picture?
Picaro, post: 19293231
Ah, yet another Democratic Party inspired neo-fascist scumbag; Obama's legacy continues to shine like a wet turd in tinfoil.

Ok racist, blaming Obama with no basis in reality.

Ah yes, they're usual worn out 'Yur Uh Rayciss!!!' gimmick the racist neo-fascist Democrats are always reduced to, as if anybody is still afraid of being called names by the scum. lol what a hoot.
I'm just waiting to hear that he's DACA kid.

If that were to be the case....the news rooms across the country would be busy all night scrubbing all of their video and coverage of this shooting........

Left is going to use this shooting (just like any other) to push for anti-gun narrative. Before they do, they should remember that they are the ones who radicalized people like this.

When all the smoke clears, I'm betting that the shooter is once again found to have ties with and or alliances with the democratic party, Obama supporter, or his parents are. These people never turn out to be moral, upstanding, conservatives. As to other countries, what they don't have is American Common Core Public Schools turning out violent kids looking to come back to "get even" with all of their dysfunctional teachers and classmates who put this need to murder in their minds.

WHEN will schools finally be held accountable for not protecting these kids by locking the doors, having metal detectors and having teachers and guards throughout the school who are well-armed and well-trained with firearms? The problem is obviously NOT THE GUNS, but our unfamiliarity with them anymore by a liberal culture trying to remove them from people's lives. WE have created a generation of defenseless people who know nothing but how to hide in terror under a desk.

Just reported, he had an mother who adopted him, no mention of a father in the home yet......

Is there a father in the picture?

Probably not; I think somebody reported he had died or something.
Just reported, he had an mother who adopted him, no mention of a father in the home yet......

Is there a father in the picture?

No, but there was a gun in the picture..

But Im sure you'll throw everything else at the wall.

You mean we will look at the actual problem....not just at mean that?
I am going to speculate this is Islamic terrorism. Parkland Florida has a large Muslim population.

Majority of mass shooters in America are white. So chances, it is a white male.

Also the fact they aren't releasing the name is further proof he is white.

Nicolas de Jesus Cruz.

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