There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

and yet....assholes like you blame normal gun owners and members of the NRA for shootings they had no part in......


You are a nut. Someone should help you.
Blaming the weapon for an act by a deranged lunatic is pretty stupid.

Derp. Derp. Derpity derp.
And you prove my point again. Thanks.

Idiots always rely on others to make their "points".
You mean like the dozens of shootings each week in Black South Chicago?

I don't have time to answer any more of your Moon Bat stupidity this morning. I am on my way to the shooting range to shoot three of my AR-15s. God bless America. MAGA Baby!

Yes, I know you need reassurance when these things happen, because you live in terror the rest of us might get fed up with your shit.

Those are the goals Democrats are going for; they want it where their street gangs become completely immune to criminal charges and arrest.

we lock up 2 million people in this country, and we still have the worst crime rates in the world. If locking them up was an answer, we'd be there already.
Source: Daily Beast

Florida School Shooting Suspect Nikolas Cruz Was ‘Creepy and Weird,’ Survivors Say

"Cruz always had his hair short and had a penchant for wearing patriotic shirts that “seemed really extreme, like hating on” Islam, Parodie said. The suspected gunman would also deride Muslims as “terrorists and bombers.” ...“I’ve seen him wear a Trump hat,” the student said.

More: https://www.thedailybeast.c...

Oh, we're all familiar with how the traitor Democrat disinformation machine you vermin have kicks in on these things covering up your little boo boos. lol 'the daily beast' as a 'source' ... lol lol lol
Nikolas Cruz's Instagram Profile Contains Trump MAGA Hat |
6 hours ago - Nikolas Cruz, the accused Florida school shooter, wore a Trump-style MAGA hat on one of his Instagram pages. Learn more ... Some people argued on social media that Cruz was actually a registered Democrat based on the voter registration of a Nicolas Cruz in Florida whose birthday is in May 1998.

From your link:

"The posts on the two Instagram pages attributed to Cruz appear fixated on weaponry, not politics, though."
You are confused Moon Bat. That is where the minority Democrat voting druggy welfare assholes live. The ones who elect filthy ass Democrats to take away their guns but yet get guns anyhow and shoot one another.

Here in Florida (as in many states) there are just as many (or more) people that don't live in the Democrat voting big city shitholes and own the majority of firearms in this country that very seldom commit the crimes that are so prevalent every day in the shitholes.

Again, then why do these mass shootings only seem to happen in nice white communities?

You mean like the dozens of shootings each week in Black South Chicago?

I don't have time to answer any more of your Moon Bat stupidity this morning. I am on my way to the shooting range to shoot three of my AR-15s. God bless America. MAGA Baby!
MAGA baby!

Sad, uniquely American day.

Bottom line is that We, The People allowed him to buy that gun and that will always be on us.

Yes....they have strict gun control laws......and it isn't law abiding gun owners doing the shooting in is teenagers who can't buy, own or carry guns who are doing the gun stores, no gun ranges in Chicago...also, Baltimore has even more extreme gun control and has a higher murder rate than even New York City with a tiny, tiny population...

Guy, we don't have meaningful gun laws. Not in Chicago, not in Baltimore.

"Ooooh, I can't find a shooting range in Chicago!"

Um. Yeah. Little clueless, are we?
Criminals love strict gun control laws, it makes their lives much easier

Then why is the murder rate in Europe and Japan one fifth of ours?
Sad, uniquely American day.

Bottom line is that We, The People allowed him to buy that gun and that will always be on us.


We have a historic gun culture
Cowboys shooting it out in the street, boys taught to shoot by their fathers

We have sold out our safety for the love of our guns

There is no going back. Best we can do is make it a little harder for a maniac to buy the best toys available to slaughter children
None of which reduces the role of We, the People in allowing the transaction resulting in that crazy young fucker owning an AR-15 and all the ammo he can carry.

Nor does it reduce in any way the sadness. :(
This is a text-book case of not being able to remove the rights of someone based on what they say or what they might do.

Probably the same logic behind keeping bazookas and nukes out of the hands of the general public. :eusa_eh:

The time to put AR-15's behind a much tougher licensing program is now.
EverCurious, post: 19293285
This ridiculous counter-argument always makes me laugh... Yes, of course, the teachers who choose to carry in order to protect their students would go off willy nilly shooting randomly at innocent children

Check yourself before posting. I didn't suggest teachers would be Willy Nilly shooting children. So your response was based on a lies why is that with you assault weapon cultists.

And are you arguing teachers should carry fully loaded AR-15s during class. What makes you a think you can predict armed teachers will be at the right place at the right time if gun cult member decides to attack.

These assault weapons can kill dozens in seconds before a teacher could get to and unlock his/her weapon, locate a shooter, assess the situation, and then perhaps be outgunned anyway.

Can you explain why you felt the need to lie?

having certain trained individuals in firearms would up the odds of ending a situation like this earlier
Why do you limit it to mass shootings ? You are a fraud.

Moron....I limit it to mass shootings because it is the topic...of the the thread....and showing that knives murder more people every single year than all mass shooting victims since 1982 shows that you guys don't care about dead only care about guns........
You’re a fucking rightard. You’re comparing killing multiple people with guns with killing individuals with knives. You might as well compare apples with oranges. :cuckoo:

No, shit stain.....what I am doing is showing that it isn't the number of dead that you care about.....since knives actually murder a lot more people than mass public shooters do.........since only care about the gun........and clubs and empty hands murder more people than mass public shooters do each year as well...and you don't care about those methods either.......the body count is higher, but you don't care...
Knives have a purpose outside of killing people.

Meaning what exactly?
Meaning what stupid fuck you bare for asking.

Evidently you buy into the argument that Dumbass Ray made in that knives kill people & why aren't they banned.

If you don't get it, you are too fucking stupid to get anything outside of Trumpworld.
Everyone that owns or wants to buy an assault type rifle needs to undergo extensive mental testing.

What is your mental deficiency that made you want this weapon?
This killer wasn't even a student there anymore ( I heard he was expelled the previous year) how the fuck did he just walk in to a school?

Do they not lock their doors?
Everyone that owns or wants to buy an assault type rifle needs to undergo extensive mental testing.

What is your mental deficiency that made you want this weapon?
A semiautomatic rifle is NOT an assault rifle. Semi auto rifles have been around since the mid 1800s
Banning a weapon is NOT going to stop these things from happening. If someone gets it into his head that he wants to kill a bunch of defenseless kids, NOTHING is going to stop him from carrying out his plan because he is INSANE.

Banning a weapon from WE THE PEOPLE is not going to stop these situations.

Back in the olden days, kids actually were ALLOWED to bring weapons to school and on school property and there were never school shootings. Don't blame the tool. The tool isn't the problem. It is something else that runs MUCH deeper.
Not that it's there fault...I wonder if the NRA has thought about the accumulation of angry and grieving parents each time one of those school shootings happen that may someday "visit" NRA Headquarters at
11250 Waples Mill Rd, Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: (703) 267-1402

Just wondering.....
This has nothing to do with the choices of TOOLS available to get the job done. You can ban the gun, but it wouldn't stop this from happening. It will still happen because it isn't the availability or the appearance of a weapon that makes a person want to kill school kids. Use your BRAIN. Duh. These people will just start making bombs.
None of which reduces the role of We, the People in allowing the transaction resulting in that crazy young fucker owning an AR-15 and all the ammo he can carry.

Nor does it reduce in any way the sadness. :(

As a country, we love our AR-15s
It is the most popular gun in America
Not only does it keep us safe but it is useful for hunting rabbits and coyotes

The gun is also loved by those who want to go on a shooting spree to kill children.
First off you look like the bad ass you always dreamed of being
Secondly, it will accommodate 30 round magazines so you don't have to pause while you are shooting children
None of which reduces the role of We, the People in allowing the transaction resulting in that crazy young fucker owning an AR-15 and all the ammo he can carry.

Nor does it reduce in any way the sadness. :(
We look to Congress to legislate us out of the nightmare, but just like climate change, we can do it ourselves--at least some of it--since the government won't act.
Pogo is right that we need to radically change the culture, the perception of guns, in our society. I believe we also need to outlaw semiautomatic long guns like the AR15. They are not for hunting; they are for killing.

But where is the nationwide organization advocating that change? Why have I never heard of it? Why is it not a household name like the NRA? I'd send them my check. I would do whatever I could to spread the word. We cannot rely on our legislators. They have let us down over and over. So we need to work on what we can by ourselves.

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