There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Turd was a resist/antifa/commie. Like all of them, a menace. View attachment 176830

Mine was post . #

1135 . The SOB does look ike an ANTIFA fk to doesn't he. Stupid fks act like they are fighting Communism but to stupid to figure out they are Communism lol. View attachment 176832
Hes sporting commue branding on his shirt. Antifa are the lower functioning useful idiots. Mentally ill kids used by Obama and soros against us the same way the nazis used them against the jews.
So is this a news story until midnight today or is that too much coverage and infringement on an Amendment2cultist right to worship weapons and watch school kids die?

CC news media. Move on. No news here.

That's odd. When someone points out that any of the teachers having a gun could have saved lives, the leftists all come out and say their objection is that politicing is too soon after the shooting.

Yet here you are, and where are they? OMG, you're not saying they were lying are you? Are you calling leftists liars? Interesting.

And your name should be "FooledbyO"

kaz, post: 19290485
That's odd. When someone points out that any of the teachers having a gun could have saved lives,

That's an opinion. No data to support it. Should there be loaded AR15's in all the halls and classrooms like fire extinguishers or just certain teachers fully weaponized to match what any potential attacker can bring?

Do you have any concept of the chaos police units would encounter with your plan to make schools heavily armed anetuerd in war zones.

All in the name of gun cult members right to worship military assault style weapons.

You win. Kids right to life does not take precedence over your right to play with weapons designed for military combat and killing as many humans as possible.

You should be happy that this story will die almost as fast as the students did and nobody does anything as you wish.

You guys always say that cops won't be able to tell armed good guys from the bad guys...and yet, in actual mass shootings.....Dallas black lives matter killer, the Texas church shooter.....the cops didn't shoot the good guys with the guns, and the good guys didn't shoot the cops...

You guys say this stuff by pulling it out of your ass, but it has no basis in the real world....

The AR-15 is not a military weapon....6 shot revolvers and bolt action rifles are military weapons....try to keep up.
Are there ANY Leftist left standing?

Ok...I've grown tired of defeating Leftist with Truth, Transparency and Logic for tonight.
Destroying their frail arguments with half my brain tied behind my back.

Tune in tomorrow when more Leftist are bowled over handily through the sheer power of Superior Conservative Intelligence.


This story will go away tomorrow...he had allahu ahkbar on his social media, and pictures of left wing way they dig deep into this shooting.....he might have even been a registered democrat.......
Are there ANY Leftist left standing?

Ok...I've grown tired of defeating Leftist with Truth, Transparency and Logic for tonight.
Destroying their frail arguments with half my brain tied behind my back.

Tune in tomorrow when more Leftist are bowled over handily through the sheer power of Superior Conservative Intelligence.


This story will go away tomorrow...he had allahu ahkbar on his social media, and pictures of left wing way they dig deep into this shooting.....he might have even been a registered democrat.......
This was a very happen Valentines Day for you....very productive.
I'm just waiting to hear that he's DACA kid.

If that were to be the case....the news rooms across the country would be busy all night scrubbing all of their video and coverage of this shooting........
For you, I recommend Prevagen™.

So you're going to use the deaths of children as an excuse to troll and call me names?

You're quite the classy guy, aren't you?

Look up the reports on each of the incidents. You will find that most of the perps had been noted by school officials or police at one or more times.

I've no time to write you a book. Stop being so childish.

How many thousands of kids have been "noted" that never shot up a school?
So how many kids are you willing to sacrifice in order to let violent crazies wander free of any hindrances? The many as it takes to convince Americans to disarm.
FAR more kids lives are saved by guns, than kids who are killed by school shooters. Why do you want more dead kids?
I was posing the question to answer back to my question was my understanding of his reply.
Your post is blank!
be a citizen in VT and 16 years old... carte blanche, you can have any currently legal firearm without registration / license / permit etc. etc. carry concealed or open, in your car with a round chambered etc. (just no loaded rifles in cars due to poaching)... We do fairly well with gun related crime / murders per-capita...

O... and that is 16 yo, for a handgun, without the consent of your parents or guardian... Additionally, no minimum age to possess a long gun... AR-15, riot shotgun.. or whatever floats the 'youguns' fancy...

Carrying is not owning.

Here is my source:
Does a customer have to be a certain age to buy firearms or ammunition from a licensee? | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Does a 16 yo kid going into a FFL dealer, showing ID and handing over their cash, walking out with their 'tec-9' or 'AR' work for you... lol... That is indeed the way it is up here. Sad that you are so ensconced in the Leftist, metro mindset...

I am about as far-left as Joe McCarthy, dumbass!

Read the link and then get on the horn to the ATF to raid your illegal dealers and take away their FFL!

I know what the Feds say. And State Constitution is what we recognize and that's always been the case... Perhaps your the first to connect the dots on this disparity... The Feds might give you a big sloppy kiss for ratting on the state of VT to them....

Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess in Vermont | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

You better hope someone gets their act together. One of these days, one of your high schoolers will do something stupid like happened today and your entire state will be a national embarrassment! Imagine the ramifications if the state allowed a student to buy a gun and shoot up a school!
Well that is a possibility for sure and I wouldn't bet against that happening tomorrow or the next day. It shouldn't change anything, the more guns 'on the streets' up here the safer the majority of us feel.

BTW most kids here grow up in homes where dad's got a shotgun behind the seat, several deer rifles proudly hanging on pegs in the living room etc. etc. Most boys, at least used to, have a .22 by the age of 12 in their personal possession... Not too many accidental discharges by anyone state wide historically...
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Ah, yet another Democratic Party inspired neo-fascist scumbag; Obama's legacy continues to shine like a wet turd in tinfoil.
I'm just waiting to hear that he's DACA kid.

If that were to be the case....the news rooms across the country would be busy all night scrubbing all of their video and coverage of this shooting........

Left is going to use this shooting (just like any other) to push for anti-gun narrative. Before they do, they should remember that they are the ones who radicalized people like this.
So is this a news story until midnight today or is that too much coverage and infringement on an Amendment2cultist right to worship weapons and watch school kids die?

CC news media. Move on. No news here.

That's odd. When someone points out that any of the teachers having a gun could have saved lives, the leftists all come out and say their objection is that politicing is too soon after the shooting.

Yet here you are, and where are they? OMG, you're not saying they were lying are you? Are you calling leftists liars? Interesting.

And your name should be "FooledbyO"

kaz, post: 19290485
That's odd. When someone points out that any of the teachers having a gun could have saved lives,

That's an opinion. No data to support it. Should there be loaded AR15's in all the halls and classrooms like fire extinguishers or just certain teachers fully weaponized to match what any potential attacker can bring?

Do you have any concept of the chaos police units would encounter with your plan to make schools heavily armed anetuerd in war zones.

All in the name of gun cult members right to worship military assault style weapons.

You win. Kids right to life does not take precedence over your right to play with weapons designed for military combat and killing as many humans as possible.

You should be happy that this story will die almost as fast as the students did and nobody does anything as you wish.

This ridiculous counter-argument always makes me laugh... Yes, of course, the teachers who choose to carry in order to protect their students would go off willy nilly shooting randomly at innocent children. [/sarc]

Meanwhile back in the /real/ world, we have reports that two teachers at this school legit took bullets in order to protect their students; do you seriously believe that these teachers (one of whom has reportedly sacrificed his life) would have been so reckless and careless with a gun had they been allowed to have them?

Do you believe that /any/ teacher would be so reckless and careless with a gun? And if so then why the fuck are they being allowed around our damned kids in the first place?

Your argument is bullshit son.
Your post is blank!
Does a 16 yo kid going into a FFL dealer, showing ID and handing over their cash, walking out with their 'tec-9' or 'AR' work for you... lol... That is indeed the way it is up here. Sad that you are so ensconced in the Leftist, metro mindset...

I am about as far-left as Joe McCarthy, dumbass!

Read the link and then get on the horn to the ATF to raid your illegal dealers and take away their FFL!

I know what the Feds say. And State Constitution is what we recognize and that's always been the case... Perhaps your the first to connect the dots on this disparity... The Feds might give you a big sloppy kiss for ratting on the state of VT to them....

Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess in Vermont | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

You better hope someone gets their act together. One of these days, one of your high schoolers will do something stupid like happened today and your entire state will be a national embarrassment! Imagine the ramifications if the state allowed a student to buy a gun and shoot up a school!
Well that is a possibility for sure and I wouldn't bet against that happening tomorrow or the next day. It shouldn't change anything, the more guns 'on the streets' up here the safer the majority of us feel.

BTW most kids here grow up in homes where dad's got a shotgun behind the seat, several deer rifles proudly hanging on pegs in the living room etc. etc. Most boys, at least used to, have a .22 by the age of 12 in their personal possession... Not too many accidental discharges by anyone state wide historically...

Using that kind of thinking is dangerous. Western Kentucky has had two major school shootings in a little over 20 years. That's not exactly the ghetto or 'hood.
Here is a more detailed video of the shooting . this one is a bit longer than the first one i Posted.

Laura Loomer on Twitter

Your post is blank!
Does a 16 yo kid going into a FFL dealer, showing ID and handing over their cash, walking out with their 'tec-9' or 'AR' work for you... lol... That is indeed the way it is up here. Sad that you are so ensconced in the Leftist, metro mindset...

I am about as far-left as Joe McCarthy, dumbass!

Read the link and then get on the horn to the ATF to raid your illegal dealers and take away their FFL!

I know what the Feds say. And State Constitution is what we recognize and that's always been the case... Perhaps your the first to connect the dots on this disparity... The Feds might give you a big sloppy kiss for ratting on the state of VT to them....

Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess in Vermont | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

You better hope someone gets their act together. One of these days, one of your high schoolers will do something stupid like happened today and your entire state will be a national embarrassment! Imagine the ramifications if the state allowed a student to buy a gun and shoot up a school!
Well that is a possibility for sure and I wouldn't bet against that happening tomorrow or the next day. It shouldn't change anything, the more guns 'on the streets' up here the safer the majority of us feel.

BTW most kids here grow up in homes where dad's got a shotgun behind the seat, several deer rifles proudly hanging on pegs in the living room etc. etc. Most boys, at least used to, have a .22 by the age of 12 in their personal possession... Not too many accidental discharges by anyone state wide historically...

Using that kind of thinking is dangerous. Western Kentucky has had two major school shootings in a little over 20 years. That's not exactly the ghetto or 'hood.
Comes down to philosophy... are more guns in good peoples hands deleterious or beneficial to society at large... 16 used to be old enough... I'm willing to consider that the old 16 may have morphed into the new 20... Culture has changed over the past couple decades.... that is for sure.

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