There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Doesn't matter.

The AR-15 used by Nicholas Cruz on 02-14-2018 was owned legally by him.

How could THIS mass killing be prevented?

From what I'm hearing, a decent background check into his school record should have prevented the transaction - why did it not?

You said it and yet it flies right by you.

The required background check is the government's response to gun violence.
It is already against the law for crazy people to own firearms.
The FBI was warned about this person.

It's pretty clear the government and all its wisdom/laws ... Completely Failed.

How long are you going to keep trusting them to do anything correctly?
How much power are you willing to grant an entity that has proven to be a complete and utter failure?


Is it not possible to simply change what failed?

The real world is not so black-and-white - background checks should have prevented this one, the 'Vegas shooting could have only been stopped by limiting hardware.

The answer is to do both and do so with teeth.


But why should anyone else have to be punished for what some lunatic does, who probably and more than likely wouldn't be stopped by ANY legal measures considering murder is already illegal and a lot of times carries the ULTIMATE penalty? Limiting things like that just creates a black market for it if there is a demand for it. Everyone should already know this by NUMEROUS historical examples.
Do you even realize how stupid this line of argument is?
Do you build bombs for fun and pleasure in your garage? Do you go set them off in the cow pasture on Sundays for recreation?
Just because we know to buy fertilizer, what then? How do you set it off? How much poop do you need to blow up a building the size of the federal building in OK?
I have a feeling if nutcases couldn't go to the sporting goods store and purchase a rifle, they would just grumble and grouse and dream of mayhem rather than committing it. 99% of the time, anyway. Even making AR15's illegal isn't going to solve the problem 100%.
Pogo is right--it isn't simply a matter of outlawing this gun or that, or making it harder to own one. There is a lot more to it, in many different areas: law enforcement, media, figuring out why in hell so many people are going off the rails and supporting solutions that prevent it. Nothing is going to change over night. It's not a magic wand solution. But we have to get started or we'll never get anywhere.
Its not stupid. It if became a norm, materials and knowledge would be more accessible. Hek, we have books that show how to make bombs out of 3 ingredients.
I agree with the last part. Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded. It wont do anything.
To get started, you have to have somewhere to start. Where is that starting position?
Okay, let's start somewhere.
Do you agree that children in our society are bathed in gun violence through media and video games? Graphic depictions of human beings being killed with guns?
Would you oppose strictly limiting those graphic depictions in movies, games and using general societal disapproval to teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
What about strict limits on movies, television shows and video games that portray human on human gun violence?
No. That should fall on the parents. Not all kids are mentally weak enough to be deluded by fantasy.
Not to mention, adults enjoy that stuff too.
Besides, i think the bigger problem is the violence itself. The gun is just a tool used for the bigger scheme of things.
In order to solve a problem you dont understand, you will have to think outside the box. This simple, egregious thinking wont get us anywhere.
What is your out of the box thinking, since you understand the problem so well?
Doesn't matter.

The AR-15 used by Nicholas Cruz on 02-14-2018 was owned legally by him.

How could THIS mass killing be prevented?

From what I'm hearing, a decent background check into his school record should have prevented the transaction - why did it not?

You said it and yet it flies right by you.

The required background check is the government's response to gun violence.
It is already against the law for crazy people to own firearms.
The FBI was warned about this person.

It's pretty clear the government and all its wisdom/laws ... Completely Failed.

How long are you going to keep trusting them to do anything correctly?
How much power are you willing to grant an entity that has proven to be a complete and utter failure?


Is it not possible to simply change what failed?

The real world is not so black-and-white - background checks should have prevented this one, the 'Vegas shooting could have only been stopped by limiting hardware.

The answer is to do both and do so with teeth.


Wrong on both counts......the shooter passed a federally mandated background check, the Vegas shooter passed background checks for every gun he owned....and the limit on hardware? How does that stop someone who plans the shooting 6months to 2 years in advance....and the Vegas shooter used 2 rifles out of the dozens that he does that get stopped with you limits? The Vegas shooter used 2 rifles, fired over 1,000 rounds of ammo at over 22,000 people, tightly packed into the concert space...

He murdered 58.

The muslim terrorist in Nice, France, used a rental truck and in 5 minutes murdered 86 you want to limit rental trucks too?

Knives, each year murder over 1,500 people....more each and every year than all the mass public shooters have murdered since you want to ban knives too?
Gun violence in the United States is... (CBS poll, December)
A crisis 48%
Very serious 32%
Not serious 19%

A crisis 16%
Very serious 42%
Not serious 41%
Do you even realize how stupid this line of argument is?
Do you build bombs for fun and pleasure in your garage? Do you go set them off in the cow pasture on Sundays for recreation?
Just because we know to buy fertilizer, what then? How do you set it off? How much poop do you need to blow up a building the size of the federal building in OK?
I have a feeling if nutcases couldn't go to the sporting goods store and purchase a rifle, they would just grumble and grouse and dream of mayhem rather than committing it. 99% of the time, anyway. Even making AR15's illegal isn't going to solve the problem 100%.
Pogo is right--it isn't simply a matter of outlawing this gun or that, or making it harder to own one. There is a lot more to it, in many different areas: law enforcement, media, figuring out why in hell so many people are going off the rails and supporting solutions that prevent it. Nothing is going to change over night. It's not a magic wand solution. But we have to get started or we'll never get anywhere.
Its not stupid. It if became a norm, materials and knowledge would be more accessible. Hek, we have books that show how to make bombs out of 3 ingredients.
I agree with the last part. Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded. It wont do anything.
To get started, you have to have somewhere to start. Where is that starting position?
Okay, let's start somewhere.
Do you agree that children in our society are bathed in gun violence through media and video games? Graphic depictions of human beings being killed with guns?
Would you oppose strictly limiting those graphic depictions in movies, games and using general societal disapproval to teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
What about strict limits on movies, television shows and video games that portray human on human gun violence?
No. That should fall on the parents. Not all kids are mentally weak enough to be deluded by fantasy.
Not to mention, adults enjoy that stuff too.
Besides, i think the bigger problem is the violence itself. The gun is just a tool used for the bigger scheme of things.
In order to solve a problem you dont understand, you will have to think outside the box. This simple, egregious thinking wont get us anywhere.

Leftists are just . . . really shallow thinkers apparently. Lol. These people who will defend anime cartoons but think Loony Tunes are too violent! :dunno: In this day and age of computers, there is NO shielding your children from violence. That is an unfortunate fact. It's important to talk to your kids about these things, not to avoid them and try to hide them from your kids.
Bomb making wont be that tricky if it became the norm
Do you even realize how stupid this line of argument is?
Do you build bombs for fun and pleasure in your garage? Do you go set them off in the cow pasture on Sundays for recreation?
Just because we know to buy fertilizer, what then? How do you set it off? How much poop do you need to blow up a building the size of the federal building in OK?
I have a feeling if nutcases couldn't go to the sporting goods store and purchase a rifle, they would just grumble and grouse and dream of mayhem rather than committing it. 99% of the time, anyway. Even making AR15's illegal isn't going to solve the problem 100%.
Pogo is right--it isn't simply a matter of outlawing this gun or that, or making it harder to own one. There is a lot more to it, in many different areas: law enforcement, media, figuring out why in hell so many people are going off the rails and supporting solutions that prevent it. Nothing is going to change over night. It's not a magic wand solution. But we have to get started or we'll never get anywhere.
Its not stupid. It if became a norm, materials and knowledge would be more accessible. Hek, we have books that show how to make bombs out of 3 ingredients.
I agree with the last part. Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded. It wont do anything.
To get started, you have to have somewhere to start. Where is that starting position?
Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded.
That's not what I said. I said it is only part of the answer. And I didn't say all guns and ammo. Just AR-15 type rifles and high capacity magazines would be a big help. There is no justification for civilian ownership of that type of gun. It has turned our streets, our schools, our movie theaters and churches into a war zone, because it is a gun designed to kill as many humans as possible as quickly as possible.
You wont fix a goddamn thing with critical thinking skills of a fucking pre-K student.
Its not stupid. It if became a norm, materials and knowledge would be more accessible. Hek, we have books that show how to make bombs out of 3 ingredients.
I agree with the last part. Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded. It wont do anything.
To get started, you have to have somewhere to start. Where is that starting position?
Okay, let's start somewhere.
Do you agree that children in our society are bathed in gun violence through media and video games? Graphic depictions of human beings being killed with guns?
Would you oppose strictly limiting those graphic depictions in movies, games and using general societal disapproval to teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
What about strict limits on movies, television shows and video games that portray human on human gun violence?
No. That should fall on the parents. Not all kids are mentally weak enough to be deluded by fantasy.
Not to mention, adults enjoy that stuff too.
Besides, i think the bigger problem is the violence itself. The gun is just a tool used for the bigger scheme of things.
In order to solve a problem you dont understand, you will have to think outside the box. This simple, egregious thinking wont get us anywhere.
What is your out of the box thinking, since you understand the problem so well?

The FBI was warned about this kid back in September.......he had all the signs.....lack of a father, single mother raising him till she died 2 months ago......obvious social media examples showing fascination with mass murder.....the kids who knew him predicted this....there needs to be new techniques for dealing with these known threats...
Just as the few nuts in the Muslim religion should not "tarnish" the whole religion, neither should a few nuts who abuse their second amendment right affect me or any other law abiding citizen who would NEVER murder people. As long as the United States government brandishes weapons, then so shall we the people because WE are the bosses here. :)

It’s not every day you get to witness someone taking a stand both for Muslims and the right for them to arm themselves to the teeth.

(Refreshing, this place never disappoints)
Doesn't matter.

The AR-15 used by Nicholas Cruz on 02-14-2018 was owned legally by him.

How could THIS mass killing be prevented?

From what I'm hearing, a decent background check into his school record should have prevented the transaction - why did it not?

You said it and yet it flies right by you.

The required background check is the government's response to gun violence.
It is already against the law for crazy people to own firearms.
The FBI was warned about this person.

It's pretty clear the government and all its wisdom/laws ... Completely Failed.

How long are you going to keep trusting them to do anything correctly?
How much power are you willing to grant an entity that has proven to be a complete and utter failure?


Is it not possible to simply change what failed?

The real world is not so black-and-white - background checks should have prevented this one, the 'Vegas shooting could have only been stopped by limiting hardware.

The answer is to do both and do so with teeth.

"limiting hardware"
How about we limit words too? Or rights to worship? Or any other liberties GUARANTEED to us by our Constitution?
There are problems with every right. Only morons think freedom is free.
The price is too high. I want a refund.
I will give you some money to move away. How about that?
Is it not possible to simply change what failed?

The real world is not so black-and-white - background checks should have prevented this one, the 'Vegas shooting could have only been stopped by limiting hardware.

The answer is to do both and do so with teeth.


You want the federal government to be granted more power to fuck things up?
You want to give the federal government a mouth full of ignorant and incompetent teeth?

Doesn't matter.

The AR-15 used by Nicholas Cruz on 02-14-2018 was owned legally by him.

How could THIS mass killing be prevented?

From what I'm hearing, a decent background check into his school record should have prevented the transaction - why did it not?

You said it and yet it flies right by you.

The required background check is the government's response to gun violence.
It is already against the law for crazy people to own firearms.
The FBI was warned about this person.

It's pretty clear the government and all its wisdom/laws ... Completely Failed.

How long are you going to keep trusting them to do anything correctly?
How much power are you willing to grant an entity that has proven to be a complete and utter failure?


Is it not possible to simply change what failed?

The real world is not so black-and-white - background checks should have prevented this one, the 'Vegas shooting could have only been stopped by limiting hardware.

The answer is to do both and do so with teeth.


Wrong on both counts......the shooter passed a federally mandated background check, the Vegas shooter passed background checks for every gun he owned....and the limit on hardware? How does that stop someone who plans the shooting 6months to 2 years in advance....and the Vegas shooter used 2 rifles out of the dozens that he does that get stopped with you limits? The Vegas shooter used 2 rifles, fired over 1,000 rounds of ammo at over 22,000 people, tightly packed into the concert space...

He murdered 58.

The muslim terrorist in Nice, France, used a rental truck and in 5 minutes murdered 86 you want to limit rental trucks too?

Knives, each year murder over 1,500 people....more each and every year than all the mass public shooters have murdered since you want to ban knives too?

Of course they don't! It isn't because they are so "caring." It is totally agenda driven drivel. There is a certain part of the population that is crazy. It's like saying laws against murder will stop a serial killer from killing people. Not to mention, making an ordinary person into a CRIMINAL for owning a piece of hardware.
His having been caught with a weapon on campus before also explains why the kids also worried he would one day might do something.

Okay, let's start somewhere.
Do you agree that children in our society are bathed in gun violence through media and video games? Graphic depictions of human beings being killed with guns?
Would you oppose strictly limiting those graphic depictions in movies, games and using general societal disapproval to teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
What about strict limits on movies, television shows and video games that portray human on human gun violence?
No. That should fall on the parents. Not all kids are mentally weak enough to be deluded by fantasy.
Not to mention, adults enjoy that stuff too.
Besides, i think the bigger problem is the violence itself. The gun is just a tool used for the bigger scheme of things.
In order to solve a problem you dont understand, you will have to think outside the box. This simple, egregious thinking wont get us anywhere.
What is your out of the box thinking, since you understand the problem so well?

The FBI was warned about this kid back in September.......he had all the signs.....lack of a father, single mother raising him till she died 2 months ago......obvious social media examples showing fascination with mass murder.....the kids who knew him predicted this....there needs to be new techniques for dealing with these known threats...
Bomb making wont be that tricky if it became the norm
Do you even realize how stupid this line of argument is?
Do you build bombs for fun and pleasure in your garage? Do you go set them off in the cow pasture on Sundays for recreation?
Just because we know to buy fertilizer, what then? How do you set it off? How much poop do you need to blow up a building the size of the federal building in OK?
I have a feeling if nutcases couldn't go to the sporting goods store and purchase a rifle, they would just grumble and grouse and dream of mayhem rather than committing it. 99% of the time, anyway. Even making AR15's illegal isn't going to solve the problem 100%.
Pogo is right--it isn't simply a matter of outlawing this gun or that, or making it harder to own one. There is a lot more to it, in many different areas: law enforcement, media, figuring out why in hell so many people are going off the rails and supporting solutions that prevent it. Nothing is going to change over night. It's not a magic wand solution. But we have to get started or we'll never get anywhere.
Its not stupid. It if became a norm, materials and knowledge would be more accessible. Hek, we have books that show how to make bombs out of 3 ingredients.
I agree with the last part. Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded. It wont do anything.
To get started, you have to have somewhere to start. Where is that starting position?
Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded.
That's not what I said. I said it is only part of the answer. And I didn't say all guns and ammo. Just AR-15 type rifles and high capacity magazines would be a big help. There is no justification for civilian ownership of that type of gun. It has turned our streets, our schools, our movie theaters and churches into a war zone, because it is a gun designed to kill as many humans as possible as quickly as possible.
You wont fix a goddamn thing with critical thinking skills of a fucking pre-K student.
The Constitution doesn't say what type of weapons are allowed. Speech which can be harmful to others is legally, constitutionally, banned. Why can't certain types of "arms" be banned as well?
Really, TN, I expected plenty of name calling today, but not from you.
Its not stupid. It if became a norm, materials and knowledge would be more accessible. Hek, we have books that show how to make bombs out of 3 ingredients.
I agree with the last part. Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded. It wont do anything.
To get started, you have to have somewhere to start. Where is that starting position?
Okay, let's start somewhere.
Do you agree that children in our society are bathed in gun violence through media and video games? Graphic depictions of human beings being killed with guns?
Would you oppose strictly limiting those graphic depictions in movies, games and using general societal disapproval to teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
What about strict limits on movies, television shows and video games that portray human on human gun violence?
No. That should fall on the parents. Not all kids are mentally weak enough to be deluded by fantasy.
Not to mention, adults enjoy that stuff too.
Besides, i think the bigger problem is the violence itself. The gun is just a tool used for the bigger scheme of things.
In order to solve a problem you dont understand, you will have to think outside the box. This simple, egregious thinking wont get us anywhere.
What is your out of the box thinking, since you understand the problem so well?
I dont or i would have a solution. I seem to be the one of the few HONEST people that will admit they dont fully understand it. Punishing 99.99986% of the population for the actions of a few is immoral. It also doesnt work. It is also totalitarian. It also goes against what our country was founded on. It also goes against the Constitution. It also goes against logic.
The law abiding will be punished while its just another day for the criminals.
Who here actually believes that if you make something illegal, that a murderer is going to be afraid to obtain it because it is illegal? :D
Nice strawman, but the actual argument isn’t to outlaw those weapons because people will be afraid to use them — it’s because it will make them less accessible.

With 300,000,000 + firearms (estimated) in citizen hands? Too funny.

It would make them more expensive, but certainly not less accessible.
Where did I say anything about banning all guns??

You didn't.

Neither did I.
Every time one of these shootings take place you assclowns immediately start screaming Islam with zero proof and all these rumors from crank Web sites start spreading saying the same thing and at the end of the day, most of the time you end up being wrong. Once again, you tards are engaging in the same bullshit without any proof. You never learn.
Looks like you were wrong again.

Was I? Let me guess, you found some “evidence” on some crank website like infowars or 4Chan right? :114:
If the next loon uses a Glock, then the leftists would want to ban those too. It will NEVER end until they have banned all weapons. Then they probably will ban knives and other things. We will all have to just use a spork until someone loses an eye! :45:

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