There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

It's NOT the guns, it's the fucked up policies of the Left causing this.

Which policies, exactly? The desire to see more limited access to AR-15's in general, or the push for the kind of background check that would NEVER have allowed that kid to get any kind of gun in his hands, let alone an AR-15?

Which policies, exactly? Please be specific......

This one was preventable and that will always be on us.

MOST guns that are used to commit crimes are obtained illegally. Besides that, a lot of these loons don't have any "background" to speak of. So what kind of background checks are going to stop someone who doesn't have a criminal history from obtaining a weapon of their choice?

Doesn't matter.

The AR-15 used by Nicholas Cruz on 02-14-2018 was owned legally by him.

How could THIS mass killing be prevented?

From what I'm hearing, a decent background check into his school record should have prevented the transaction - why did it not?
If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. Don't ever fall for that line from the leftists. :D
"lets ban 30 rd magazines"
4 days later
"we had another mass shooting. Better ban 16 round magazines"

One step at a time

If 30 round magazines are no more effective than 16 round magazines in shooting up a school or movie theater

Why do the killers constantly choose the higher capacity?
Yet these SAME people will turn around and tell me that the cops are racists and kill black people! There is institutionalized governmental racism and evil everywhere! :rolleyes:

Fuck off and leave me and my rights alone is what I say. I want nothing to do with you and all of your "bright" ideas. :yapyapyapf:



If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. Don't ever fall for that line from the leftists. :D
"lets ban 30 rd magazines"
4 days later
"we had another mass shooting. Better ban 16 round magazines"

One step at a time

If 30 round magazines are no more effective than 16 round magazines in shooting up a school or movie theater

Why do the killers constantly choose the higher capacity?
SEE? Thank you RW.
Do you see this circle logic OldLady ChrisL ?
Bomb making wont be that tricky if it became the norm
Do you even realize how stupid this line of argument is?
Do you build bombs for fun and pleasure in your garage? Do you go set them off in the cow pasture on Sundays for recreation?
Just because we know to buy fertilizer, what then? How do you set it off? How much poop do you need to blow up a building the size of the federal building in OK?
I have a feeling if nutcases couldn't go to the sporting goods store and purchase a rifle, they would just grumble and grouse and dream of mayhem rather than committing it. 99% of the time, anyway. Even making AR15's illegal isn't going to solve the problem 100%.
Pogo is right--it isn't simply a matter of outlawing this gun or that, or making it harder to own one. There is a lot more to it, in many different areas: law enforcement, media, figuring out why in hell so many people are going off the rails and supporting solutions that prevent it. Nothing is going to change over night. It's not a magic wand solution. But we have to get started or we'll never get anywhere.
Its not stupid. It if became a norm, materials and knowledge would be more accessible. Hek, we have books that show how to make bombs out of 3 ingredients.
I agree with the last part. Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded. It wont do anything.
To get started, you have to have somewhere to start. Where is that starting position?
Okay, let's start somewhere.
Do you agree that children in our society are bathed in gun violence through media and video games? Graphic depictions of human beings being killed with guns?
Would you oppose strictly limiting those graphic depictions in movies, games and using general societal disapproval to teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
It's human nature to want to blame something or someone when something bad happens. A lot of times after these incidents, the bad guys is dead, so the angry villagers have to turn their attention to the tool that the insane loon used to complete his plan, or other people who had and have nothing to do with it and never would are going to be the "fall guys." Assholes.
Doesn't matter.

The AR-15 used by Nicholas Cruz on 02-14-2018 was owned legally by him.

How could THIS mass killing be prevented?

From what I'm hearing, a decent background check into his school record should have prevented the transaction - why did it not?

You said it and yet it flies right by you.

The required background check is the government's response to gun violence.
It is already against the law for crazy people to own firearms.
The FBI was warned about this person.

It's pretty clear the government and all its wisdom/laws ... Completely Failed.

How long are you going to keep trusting them to do anything correctly?
How much power are you willing to grant an entity that has proven to be a complete and utter failure?

Bomb making wont be that tricky if it became the norm
Do you even realize how stupid this line of argument is?
Do you build bombs for fun and pleasure in your garage? Do you go set them off in the cow pasture on Sundays for recreation?
Just because we know to buy fertilizer, what then? How do you set it off? How much poop do you need to blow up a building the size of the federal building in OK?
I have a feeling if nutcases couldn't go to the sporting goods store and purchase a rifle, they would just grumble and grouse and dream of mayhem rather than committing it. 99% of the time, anyway. Even making AR15's illegal isn't going to solve the problem 100%.
Pogo is right--it isn't simply a matter of outlawing this gun or that, or making it harder to own one. There is a lot more to it, in many different areas: law enforcement, media, figuring out why in hell so many people are going off the rails and supporting solutions that prevent it. Nothing is going to change over night. It's not a magic wand solution. But we have to get started or we'll never get anywhere.
Its not stupid. It if became a norm, materials and knowledge would be more accessible. Hek, we have books that show how to make bombs out of 3 ingredients.
I agree with the last part. Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded. It wont do anything.
To get started, you have to have somewhere to start. Where is that starting position?
Okay, let's start somewhere.
Do you agree that children in our society are bathed in gun violence through media and video games? Graphic depictions of human beings being killed with guns?
Would you oppose strictly limiting those graphic depictions in movies, games and using general societal disapproval to teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
I can't believe leftist dems would think anyone would "trust" them??? That is a laugh and a half. Maybe even two or three really good laughs. :D Trust me, I'm from the government. You don't need your weapons. WE will protect you.

So... who do you trust? Some corporation that can be bought or sold on a foreign exchange? Your neighbors and their arsenals?

I would much rather put my safety and security into the capable hands of The United States Marine Corps than you and your AR-15, even if you do get word to Bubba and Earl in time to get to the fight.
Turd was a resist/antifa/commie. Like all of them, a menace. View attachment 176830

Mine was post . #

1135 . The SOB does look ike an ANTIFA fk to doesn't he. Stupid fks act like they are fighting Communism but to stupid to figure out they are Communism lol. View attachment 176832
Hes sporting commue branding on his shirt. Antifa are the lower functioning useful idiots. Mentally ill kids used by Obama and soros against us the same way the nazis used them against the jews.
That ...


... is not Nikolas Cruz, ya flamin’ moron. This is...


... don’t you ever get tired of making a complete jackass of yourself?

Bomb making wont be that tricky if it became the norm
Do you even realize how stupid this line of argument is?
Do you build bombs for fun and pleasure in your garage? Do you go set them off in the cow pasture on Sundays for recreation?
Just because we know to buy fertilizer, what then? How do you set it off? How much poop do you need to blow up a building the size of the federal building in OK?
I have a feeling if nutcases couldn't go to the sporting goods store and purchase a rifle, they would just grumble and grouse and dream of mayhem rather than committing it. 99% of the time, anyway. Even making AR15's illegal isn't going to solve the problem 100%.
Pogo is right--it isn't simply a matter of outlawing this gun or that, or making it harder to own one. There is a lot more to it, in many different areas: law enforcement, media, figuring out why in hell so many people are going off the rails and supporting solutions that prevent it. Nothing is going to change over night. It's not a magic wand solution. But we have to get started or we'll never get anywhere.
Its not stupid. It if became a norm, materials and knowledge would be more accessible. Hek, we have books that show how to make bombs out of 3 ingredients.
I agree with the last part. Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded. It wont do anything.
To get started, you have to have somewhere to start. Where is that starting position?
Okay, let's start somewhere.
Do you agree that children in our society are bathed in gun violence through media and video games? Graphic depictions of human beings being killed with guns?
Would you oppose strictly limiting those graphic depictions in movies, games and using general societal disapproval to teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
What about strict limits on movies, television shows and video games that portray human on human gun violence?
I can't believe leftist dems would think anyone would "trust" them??? That is a laugh and a half. Maybe even two or three really good laughs. :D Trust me, I'm from the government. You don't need your weapons. WE will protect you.

So... who do you trust? Some corporation that can be bought or sold on a foreign exchange? Your neighbors and their arsenals?

I would much rather put my safety and security into the capable hands of The United States Marine Corps than you and your AR-15, even if you do get word to Bubba and Earl in time to get to the fight.

That is just one of the wonderful things about America and being free. I can TRUST who I choose to trust, not who someone else tells me I SHOULD trust.

Besides that, when I call 911, it's NOT the Marine Corps who are showing up at the door! It's the racist po po! :doubt:
Doesn't matter.

The AR-15 used by Nicholas Cruz on 02-14-2018 was owned legally by him.

How could THIS mass killing be prevented?

From what I'm hearing, a decent background check into his school record should have prevented the transaction - why did it not?

You said it and yet it flies right by you.

The required background check is the government's response to gun violence.
It is already against the law for crazy people to own firearms.
The FBI was warned about this person.

It's pretty clear the government and all its wisdom/laws ... Completely Failed.

How long are you going to keep trusting them to do anything correctly?
How much power are you willing to grant an entity that has proven to be a complete and utter failure?


Is it not possible to simply change what failed?

The real world is not so black-and-white - background checks should have prevented this one, the 'Vegas shooting could have only been stopped by limiting hardware.

The answer is to do both and do so with teeth.

So, was he ever arrested?_

The girl said Cruz made outlandish statements at school and he wasn't allowed to carry a backpack because he once brought a weapon to school.

"Ever since that day he would bring a plastic bag and we would always see him with the plastic bag instead," she said. "That threw me off, and I was always concerned about that. I even told my parents last year almost every week that I was scared. Like, this kid might do something.”
Parkland high school gunman described as 'strange kid' who killed small animals

I’ve been hearing rumblings of this having been the case. That would explain why he couldn’t enter the campus with a backpack.

And this morning a student here in another school was charged with having brought a gun to school. When it happened a couple of weeks ago, heard he was arrested, but never if charges. Now this morning they have announced he will be charged.
Should have happened then, not just now.
Last edited:
Bomb making wont be that tricky if it became the norm
Do you even realize how stupid this line of argument is?
Do you build bombs for fun and pleasure in your garage? Do you go set them off in the cow pasture on Sundays for recreation?
Just because we know to buy fertilizer, what then? How do you set it off? How much poop do you need to blow up a building the size of the federal building in OK?
I have a feeling if nutcases couldn't go to the sporting goods store and purchase a rifle, they would just grumble and grouse and dream of mayhem rather than committing it. 99% of the time, anyway. Even making AR15's illegal isn't going to solve the problem 100%.
Pogo is right--it isn't simply a matter of outlawing this gun or that, or making it harder to own one. There is a lot more to it, in many different areas: law enforcement, media, figuring out why in hell so many people are going off the rails and supporting solutions that prevent it. Nothing is going to change over night. It's not a magic wand solution. But we have to get started or we'll never get anywhere.
Its not stupid. It if became a norm, materials and knowledge would be more accessible. Hek, we have books that show how to make bombs out of 3 ingredients.
I agree with the last part. Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded. It wont do anything.
To get started, you have to have somewhere to start. Where is that starting position?
Okay, let's start somewhere.
Do you agree that children in our society are bathed in gun violence through media and video games? Graphic depictions of human beings being killed with guns?
Would you oppose strictly limiting those graphic depictions in movies, games and using general societal disapproval to teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
teach children that guns are not for taking human life?
What about strict limits on movies, television shows and video games that portray human on human gun violence?
No. That should fall on the parents. Not all kids are mentally weak enough to be deluded by fantasy.
Not to mention, adults enjoy that stuff too.
Besides, i think the bigger problem is the violence itself. The gun is just a tool used for the bigger scheme of things.
In order to solve a problem you dont understand, you will have to think outside the box. This simple, egregious thinking wont get us anywhere.
Doesn't matter.

The AR-15 used by Nicholas Cruz on 02-14-2018 was owned legally by him.

How could THIS mass killing be prevented?

From what I'm hearing, a decent background check into his school record should have prevented the transaction - why did it not?

You said it and yet it flies right by you.

The required background check is the government's response to gun violence.
It is already against the law for crazy people to own firearms.
The FBI was warned about this person.

It's pretty clear the government and all its wisdom/laws ... Completely Failed.

How long are you going to keep trusting them to do anything correctly?
How much power are you willing to grant an entity that has proven to be a complete and utter failure?


Is it not possible to simply change what failed?

The real world is not so black-and-white - background checks should have prevented this one, the 'Vegas shooting could have only been stopped by limiting hardware.

The answer is to do both and do so with teeth.

"limiting hardware"
How about we limit words too? Or rights to worship? Or any other liberties GUARANTEED to us by our Constitution?
There are problems with every right. Only morons think freedom is free.
Bomb making wont be that tricky if it became the norm
Do you even realize how stupid this line of argument is?
Do you build bombs for fun and pleasure in your garage? Do you go set them off in the cow pasture on Sundays for recreation?
Just because we know to buy fertilizer, what then? How do you set it off? How much poop do you need to blow up a building the size of the federal building in OK?
I have a feeling if nutcases couldn't go to the sporting goods store and purchase a rifle, they would just grumble and grouse and dream of mayhem rather than committing it. 99% of the time, anyway. Even making AR15's illegal isn't going to solve the problem 100%.
Pogo is right--it isn't simply a matter of outlawing this gun or that, or making it harder to own one. There is a lot more to it, in many different areas: law enforcement, media, figuring out why in hell so many people are going off the rails and supporting solutions that prevent it. Nothing is going to change over night. It's not a magic wand solution. But we have to get started or we'll never get anywhere.
Its not stupid. It if became a norm, materials and knowledge would be more accessible. Hek, we have books that show how to make bombs out of 3 ingredients.
I agree with the last part. Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded. It wont do anything.
To get started, you have to have somewhere to start. Where is that starting position?
Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded.
That's not what I said. I said it is only part of the answer. And I didn't say all guns and ammo. Just AR-15 type rifles and high capacity magazines would be a big help. There is no justification for civilian ownership of that type of gun. It has turned our streets, our schools, our movie theaters and churches into a war zone, because it is a gun designed to kill as many humans as possible as quickly as possible.
Doesn't matter.

The AR-15 used by Nicholas Cruz on 02-14-2018 was owned legally by him.

How could THIS mass killing be prevented?

From what I'm hearing, a decent background check into his school record should have prevented the transaction - why did it not?

You said it and yet it flies right by you.

The required background check is the government's response to gun violence.
It is already against the law for crazy people to own firearms.
The FBI was warned about this person.

It's pretty clear the government and all its wisdom/laws ... Completely Failed.

How long are you going to keep trusting them to do anything correctly?
How much power are you willing to grant an entity that has proven to be a complete and utter failure?


Is it not possible to simply change what failed?

The real world is not so black-and-white - background checks should have prevented this one, the 'Vegas shooting could have only been stopped by limiting hardware.

The answer is to do both and do so with teeth.

"limiting hardware"
How about we limit words too? Or rights to worship? Or any other liberties GUARANTEED to us by our Constitution?
There are problems with every right. Only morons think freedom is free.
The price is too high. I want a refund.

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